Guess With Jess Complete Collection

2009 • Absolute Studios & Nelvana
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Season 1 episodes (52)

1 Guess With Jess - How do we make a boat?
Jess and Horace want to play Boat Racing on the pond - but first they need work out how to make a boat! Some things are too heavy, some are too light, having tried lots of options and worked out that they need something light and boat shaped, they make Mimi's paper hats into boats for their boat race. Perfect!
2 How can we all keep warm?
It's Willow's apple picking party today, but some of the friends just are too chilly to go. Jess tries to work out how to keep them all warm, should they cover themselves in mud just like frogs do? Should they wrap themselves up in straw? Or might running around be the trick to getting them all toasty warm?
3 What's happened to Chloe the Caterpillar?
Jess wants to introduce Willow to his new friend, Chloe the caterpillar. But where's Chloe gone? He searches for her in all the places she might be, where he's visited her before, where there might be juicey leaves she'd like to eat but it's not until a butterfly breaks out of a little Chloe-shaped-sack that Jess realises that Chloe's just changed!
4 When will my coloured stripes come back?
Jess is playing puddle jumping, dodging the rain to have fun on a gloomy day when suddenly, just as the rain's stopping, the sun comes out and at the same time he sees a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He's desperate to show his friends, and it's not until he works out you need sunshine and rain at the same time to make a rainbow that he can show his friends the beautiful coloured shape in the sky.
5 Who did I hear in the big hollow log?
Jess is searching for Horace by the pond but he's nowhere to be found. When he calls into a hollow log and his voice echo's back, Jess thinks it's the voice of a new friend and sets about trying to work out where the friend is. By using comparisons and clever thinking, Jess works out that it's not someone else - it's his voice bouncing off the log. It's an echo.
6 What can we do with Mimi's rubbish?
Jess is off to play painting and gluing with his pink rabbit friend Mimi. He's very excited. But when he arrives Mimi's hutch is overflowing with rubbish and there's no space for their art project. Jess works out how to get the rubbish out of the hutch using recyclling re-using and re-pairing.
7 Who wants to live in Baa's Meadow?
Baa's feeling lonely as his buddy Billie the mouse has gone off for the day. Jess goes hunting for someone to come to the meadow to live with Baa. He find a fish to live in the trough, but there's no pond weed for him to live, he tries Sammy snail but he carries his own home on his back so he doesn't need a new home, finally they realise that there are ants already living with Baa in the meadow.
8 Why are the ants visiting Mimi?
Mimi's painting a lovely picture at her hutch, with Jess along for a visit. Suddenly she's collapses in fits of tickly giggles, there are ants everywhere.. Mimi can't paint, tho, whilst she's being tickled and Jess works out they are here for her honey sandwiches!
9 Why do Spiders build Webs?
The friends are having a tidying up day. Frightened Baa doesn't like spiders or their webs but Jess helps him to stop being scared by working out that Spiders build webs to catch their supper, and Baa feels re-assured and happy. Spiders are rather nice, rather clean and rather clever.
10 How can we bring the Outside Inside?
Poor Willow has a sore hoof and has to stay inside until it's better. She's really missing her orchard so Jess and Mimi are determined to bring something of the outside to Willow to cheer her up. A tree is too big and it's too late in the year for apples. Jess works out that they can make beautiful tree and leaf rubbings into a wonderful tree collage for the stable to remind Willow of her orchard.
11 What's my favourite thing about Spring?
Mimi has promised Jess a special surprise if he can work out what he likes best about the Spring! He finds out that there's blossom on the trees, fresh new grass, bright young flowers in the Springtime. But he decides his very favorite thing is the newly hatched very cute little baby birds which his friend Little Bird has been singing about all along.
12 How can I hide without being found?
Willow is the best hide-and-seek finder! Jess is determined to work out a way of hiding without Willow finding him! A trip to the pond where he discovers that both Horace and Sammy Snail are camouflaged leads him to work out that he too can do the same to hide from Willow at last!
13 Why do Bees make honey?
Mimi's munching some honey sandwiches at the Hutch when Jess comes to visit. She shows him the lovely pots of honey she has and he wonders why bees need to make it. He thinks maybe Jess wonders if it might be used as glue but when Horace singing him a groovy song about HOW honey is made, Jess has an idea that it might be used as food during the winter when there's no pollen..
14 When will the Owl go Hooooo!?
Jess is excited to tell the children at home all about the Owl he heard Hoo Hoo'ing in the night and he wants to let us hear it. He tries everything he can think of to get the Owl to hoot until he works out that it was nightime when he last heard the owl, so it he waits til it's night again we might just all get to hear the lovely sound of the Owl.
15 Where's my puddle gone?
Jess wants the puppies to come Puddle Jumping with him. There were lots of puddles the day before but when they get to the spot, the puddle's GONE! Jess goes searching - has someone taken it? Borrowed it? No, he works out that the water's gone back up in to the clouds.
16 Why has my shadow gone away?
Jess has s new friend - Horace tells him it's his shadow. Jess is keen to introduce him to all his friends, but he keeps running away! Jess works out that the sun has to be shining for the shadow to come back and that all the friends have their Own shadows to play games with too.
17 Guess With Jess - When will the water come back?
Jess is concerned that all the water on the farm is frozen and sets about working out when it will come back. He works out that once the sun is out the ice melts and learns all about freezing and melting.
18 How can we paint the lilly pad green?
Mimi is trying to prepare for a visit from Horace and wants the hutch to feel like home for her froggy friend. Jess promises to paint the special seat Mimi has made for Horace green for her, but first he has to work out how to make green from different colours.
19 Where's my feather gone?
Jess thinks that Little Bird has dropped a feather as a gift for him to keep and play with so he's very worried when it goes missing. He searches for it and finally he finds it, right in Little Bird's nest, keeping her warm.
20 Where have all the stars gone?
Jess is having a sleepover and wants to wish on a star with the puppies like Willow has told them to. But they all fall asleep. When he wakes in the morning to find the stars are gone he has to work out why and when they'll be back
21 How can we make Music for Mimi?
Mimi has lost the handle to her music box and can't hear her music. Jess works out how to make instruments and get all the friends involved in making a little orchestra and performing a fantastic song to cheer mimi up.
22 How can we find Sammy Snail?
Jess helps Mimi to find her little friend Sammy Snail who's gone missing. They check all the places she's seen him before and work out that if they follow the silvery train it leads right to him.
23 Why won't my kite fly?
Jess is given his very first kite by Mimi. It's very special indeed. He can't wait to fly it! But first he has to work out HOW!
24 How did a dandelion seed get into Mimi's garden?
Mimi is shocked to find a dandelion plant in her lovely pink and purple garden. She didn't plant it there herself, so how on earth did the dandelion get there? Jess is determined to find out and in the process they work out how some seeds are transported by birds, some in the coats of animals and some in the wind. Jess says goodbye and asks the children to see how many different types of seeds and flowers they can spot.
25 What's the grumbly rumbly noise?
Jess sets out to re-assure his frightened friends by working out what the noise is in the sky that's so loud.
26 When will the snow come?
Jess is hoping that soon it will snow so that they can make snow kittens and play in the snow like they did last year. First though he has to work out what the weather would have to be like for the snow to come..
27 What do we need to grow beans?
Jess and the friends want to grow something for their kind friend Mimi who's always growing special things for them. They start with a bean and work out how important sunlight and water are too, by trial and error.
28 Why is Hedgehog curled up?
Jess is very worried about Hedgehog. He keeps curling up into a ball and Jess thinks he must need help and wants to find out how he can make his little friend feel better. Jess thinks he may need help building a little house, or that he's cold or needs a drink. But it's only when his farmyard buddies who are busy playing 'Scarey Steps' come and shout 'Scarey!' that Jess realises little HH curles up when he's frightened. Jess says goodbye and asks the children to see if they can spot a hedgehog out and about, but of course, remember to be gentle.
29 How Can We Make The Most Beautiful Garden Ever?
Poor Mimi! Her normally beautiful garden is all messy and full of swirly piles of earth. She's really upset and Jess promises to her help her make it the most beautiful garden ever! Raking away the swirls doesn't work, they just come back! Jess and Mimi realise that worms are making the swirly piles of earth. Mimi wants to move them away but they go back underground before she can catch them. When it rains the worms come back and Jess and Mimi gather up the worms in a bucket and take them to live in the orchard by a patch of scrappy flowers. The garden still isn't looking at it's best though! After the worms have gone Mimi's flowers go all droopy. Willow explains that worms make help make the soil rich and good for plants, and that's what makes the flowers bloom. Jess remembers that the worms had come out when it rained. They water the ground to bring the worms up to the surface again. The worms agree to come back to Mimi's garden and soon her garden is beautiful again. Yippety Yay!
30 Why Are There Little Hills In The Orchard?
Jess and the pups have been looking after the orchard while Willow's been on holiday but the day she's due back the orchard is full of little piles of earth. What's making them? That's the Big Question. Jess wonders if someone put them there. He asks Mimi, who's making a pile of earth while she digs a hole. She tells him she's going to plant an apple tree. Maybe someone's been planting new apple trees in the orchard thinks Jess. But when he looks carefully there are no holes or newly planted trees. Horace the hoppy frog suggests that maybe it's an invisible digger who's digging underground. Billie the little mouse arrives and tells Jess that the little piles of earth are called molehills. Jess works out that the piles of earth are in a line. Maybe someone is digging a tunnel underground so they can travel right across the orchard. They keep very quiet and a tiny mole pops out above ground. That's who's been making piles of earth in the orchard. They've answered the question. Hooray!
31 Why Are There So Many Ladybirds?
One winter morning Jess finds lots of ladybird in his barn. Why are they there? That's the Big Question! Mimi tells him that she has lots of ladybirds in her garden in the summer. They're always hungry and brilliant for the plants because they eat all the greenfly. Maybe they're looking for greenfly in his barn? Jess doesn't think so. There are no greenfly in the barn. He goes to ask Baa and Billie for help. They're saying goodbye to Little Bird who's flying away to a warmer country for the winter. Jess thinks maybe the ladybirds are gathering to fly away too and rushes back to his barn to say goodbye. But when he gets there he finds that the ladybirds are now all huddled together and fast asleep. What's going on? Jess goes to ask Willow and finds a hedgehog sleeping under some leaves near the stable. Willow explains that some animals find it hard to find food in the winter, especially if they can't store it, so they eat as much as they can and then go to sleep during the winter.
32 How Can I Stop Little Bird Eating The Seeds?
Mimi's really upset with Little Bird who keeps eating all her lettuce seeds. Jess wonders how they can stop her. They try putting out extra food for her but Little Bird just eats everything! Jess wonders if covering the seeds with something so that Little Bird can't reach them would work. Mimi says it's a good idea but the sun won't reach the seeds either, which means they won't grow. The only thing that seems to stop t Little Bird is when she sees Jess and is frightened away. But Jess can't stand still in the vegetable patch forever! Willow sees him and tells him he's being a scarecrow. A scarecrow? Yes, something that scares away the birds. Mimi has a brilliant idea to make the perfect scarecrow. A Jess scarecrow. Little Bird stops eating the lettuce seeds and eats from the lovely bird table they put out for her instead. Hooray!
33 How Can I Go Up and Down on the See-Saw?
Baa and Billie have built a fantastic new see-saw in the meadow. Jess can't wait to have a go. But when he tries to make it go up and down with him on one end and Baa and Billie on the other he just gets stuck in the air and can't get the see saw down. "How can I go up and down on the see saw?" he asks? -desperate to have all the "up and down" fun he see the puppies having when they jump on the see-saw. Jess asks Horace the hoppy frog what he knows about "up and down", he talks to Willow about scales and weighing things until finally he works it out, if he finds someone roughly the same weight as him, balanced just like the puppies were - he'll do it! He works out that Mimi - of all his friends- weighs about the same as him and just as he worked out they jump on the see saw and go up and down, up and down and have a fantastic time! Yippety Yay!
34 What Can I Do with my Nature Collection?
JESS shows Mimi his lovely Nature Collection. She really likes it and wonders what he's going to do with it. Now that's a good question! Jess thinks he'll display it but with the pups racing around it'd soon get damaged. He asks Horace if he could use it to make musical instruments, some things make a great sound but others aren't so good. It's time to go on a picnic with Mimi and his friends. Jess brings his Nature Collection along and when all his friends want to play a game Jess has a great idea. He's found the perfect thing to do with his Nature Collection! They can use them to make a funny obstacle course race. Brilliant!
35 How Can I Make My Peach Soft?
JESS and the pups give Baa a peach to eat, thinking it will make a change from grass. But the peach is too hard. How can I make my peach soft? Asks Jess. That's the Big Question! He asks Mimi and watches her kneading clay. She explains she's making the clay soft. Jess tries throwing the peach in the air to soften it but all it does is bruise. Horace tells them that the water in his pond keeps his skin soft so Jess and the pups try to soften the peach in water. But it's still hard. They visit Willow who offers the pups some of her lovely ripe cherries. She explains that the cherries went soft and changed colour when they ripened. Jess realises it's the same for the peach. He waits for it to ripen and then gives it to Baa. It's delicious! And now Jess knows how to make a peach soft. Yippety yay!
36 How Can We Help Billy Stay Warm?
Jess, Mimi, Baa and Billie are playing a game, kicking a fir cone into a bucket. But it's so cold that poor shivering Billie can't kick properly. They need to find a way Billie can stay warm enough. Baa's never cold because of his wool. They find a clump of Baa's wool on the ground but it just falls off Billie when Jess puts it on her, and Mimi tells them that glueing it on's a bad idea. What happens when it's summer and Billie wants to be cool? Maybe wrapping her in it, like a blanket, is the answer? It definitely keeps her warm - only problem is, she can't move! They realise that Baa wears a scarf as well. Perhaps they need a scarf for Billie? Mimi knits a tiny scarf for Billie, after twisting the clump of wool into yarn. It's perfect! Billie's toasty warm for their game of Flying Fircones. Yippety Yay!
37 How Can We Hide To Watch Butterflies?
JESS, JOEY and JINX go to the Whispering Woods in the hope of seeing some butterflies, but the puppies are so lively and noisy that they frighten them away. JESS wonders "how can we hide to watch butterflies?" That's the Big Question! JESS decides to make somewhere to hide out of natural materials. The puppies and Jess try to build a hide out of stones but they're too heavy and all fall down. Jess thinks that something lighter might work well but when they try to build a hide out of straw it's TOO light and flies away in the wind. JESS is stuck - there must be some other material on Greendale Farm they could use. But all that's around them are trees. Jess works out that trees are made out of wood and there are lots of old wooden apple crates in Willow's Stable which will do the job perfectly. JESS, JOEY and JINX build a butterfly hide out of wooden apple crates and soon see lots and lots of beautiful butterflies. Yippety yay!
38 How Can I Go Faster than Joey and Jinx?
It's a snowy day on Greendale Farm so Jess and his friends have a race down Cherry Hill. Jess wants to win the race but he can't run as fast in the snow. "How can I go faster than Joey and Jinx?" Thinks Jess. That's the Big Question. First, Jess tries rolling down the hill like the puppies but he's not a good roller so that doesn't work. Horace shows Jess how he slides down his slide in the pond. Jess tries again at Cherry Hill but can't get going. Helped by Billie and Baa he remembers everything that Horace did - pushing off, going Wheeeee! and lifting his legs up - but nothing works; he ends up sitting in the snow and not sliding at all. He needs something that will move on its own like Mimi's trolley! Jess tries sliding down the hill on the trolley but the wheels get stuck in the snow. Jess decides to take the wheels off and see if the trolley moves faster. Jess whizzes down the hill on the trolley top much faster than the rolling puppies. Yippety Yay!
39 What Shall We have For Our Harvest Breakfast?
It's Harvest time and Jess and his friends are having a special harvest breakfast. But all there is to eat is grass! Jess wonders, What shall we have for our harvest breakfast? That's the Big Question! Baa likes juicy things to eat. Jess remembers that he saw some juicy blackberries on his way to Buttercup Meadow. He and Baa go and pick some. They taste delicious, but it's still not quite perfect. Billie wants something crunchy. Jess remembers seeing some crunchy hazelnuts on the way to the blackberries. He and Billie go and collect some hazelnuts. Juicy and crunchy is fantastic, but it's still not perfect. "What about something chewy" suggests Willow. Jess remembers that he and Billie found some chewy oats on their way to the hazelnut tree. So he and Willow fetch some oats. It's tasty but it's still a bit dry, until Jess adds the final touch - some milk. Perfect! They've made delicious juicy-crunchy-chewy-mushy muesli! And what's more, Jess has answered his Big Question. Yippety Yay!
40 What Hat Should Mimi Wear?
Jess and Mimi are decorating hats. Mimi can't decide which of her two hats to wear the one decorated with flowers or the one decorated with berries? It's a Big Question to answer! Baa and Billie are having fun making shadow shapes on the barn door so they go and ask them for advice. Jess suggests that he and Baa model the hats for Mimi. They look great but Mimi still doesn't know what they'd look like on her. JESS remembers the shadows that Baa was making earlier and suggests that she could wear a hat and look at her shadow to see what it looks like. Mimi tries it but she still can't see herself properly. It's just an outline. Undeterred, Jess suggests that they go and ask Horace for help. At the pond they meet the puppies who tell them about their new puppy friends who live in the pond. Jess realises that the puppies are looking at themselves reflected in the water. He realises that MIMI too may be able to see herself in the water. And of course she can!
41 What's happened to my Little Tree?
Jess shows us his little tree a beautiful flowering shrub in full bloom. He tells us that his little tree didn't always look like this...there was a time when the tree's leaves turned yellow! What's happening to my little tree? That's the Big Question! Jess asks Mimi for help, but she's in bed with a bad cold. She's drinking lots of fluids to help make her better. Jess gives his little tree some more water to help make it better but when he goes to check on his tree the next day the leaves have turned brown and crinkly! Baa and Billie come along - Billie is tucked in the brim of Baa's woolly hat, it's too cold for her to come out. Jess wonders if his little tree is cold and needs warming up. So he wraps a potato sack round the little tree. But the next day things are even worse the leaves are falling off.! And it's happening all over Greendale Farm!
42 How can we all keep Cool?
It's the day of Mimi's dance in Jess's barn but its too hot to move, let alone dance. Jess wonders how they can all keep cool! That's the BIG QUESTION. Jess asks his friends for ideas. Horace keeps cool by swimming under water, but that's no good for Jess and everyone else who can't swim. The puppies keep cool by panting, but that just makes Jess even hotter and out of breath. And Willow keeps cool by standing very still. That won't work for a dance, they can't all keep still! Mimi comes past holding a little fan which makes a lovely cool breeze. Jess realises that what they need is a giant fan that could make a cool breeze in the barn. He and Mimi make a huge fan which Horace works as part of his one-man band. Everyone has a great time dancing and keeping cool. Jess has answered the Question. Yippety Yay!
43 What's the funny little creature in the pond?
Jess is looking after Horace's underwater friends in the pond whilst Horace is away. He sees a funny creature with a round head, a long tail and a little mark on his nose. What's the funny little creature in the pond? Hey! That's the Big Question! The creature has vanished so Jess describes it to Mimi who draws a picture of it. Mimi, Joey and Jinx think it must be a fish and name him Freddie, but Jess is not so sure. Time passes and Jess doesn't see Freddie again for ages. When he does spot him he's grown two back legs! Jess decides he needs a closer look using Billie's magnifying glass. They search for Freddie all round the pond. Baa thinks he's found him, but it turns out to be a newt, with four legs and spots on its back. At that moment a small frog jumps out onto a lily pad. It has the white mark on its nose just like Freddie but this is a frog!
44 How can we keep dry for Horace's concert?
Horace has planned a big musical show but before it can start it begins raining and everyone runs for shelter. How can we keep dry? Asks JESS - that's the Big Question. Jess, Baa and Billie find shelter under some vine leaves. They're keeping dry but they're too far away from the pond to watch the show. Jess thinks that maybe they could wear a hat to keep dry, Baa's hat is soft and lets the water in though so that's no good but it gives Jess another idea. They can use the big basket in his barn as a giant hat to keep them all dry. It's made of wood and is hard. It's bound to keep them dry. But the woven basket lets the water in too. What are they going to do? Mimi walks by with her umbrella. She's lovely and dry. They all try to crowd under it but it's not big enough. We need to build a BIG umbrella says Jess. And they can use the vine leaves that kept them dry earlier. Perfect.
45 How can I cheer up Kevin?
Horace has planned a big musical show but before it can start it begins raining and everyone runs for shelter. How can we keep dry? Asks JESS - that's the Big Question. Jess, Baa and Billie find shelter under some vine leaves. They're keeping dry but they're too far away from the pond to watch the show. Jess thinks that maybe they could wear a hat to keep dry, Baa's hat is soft and lets the water in though so that's no good but it gives Jess another idea. They can use the big basket in his barn as a giant hat to keep them all dry. It's made of wood and is hard. It's bound to keep them dry. But the woven basket lets the water in too. What are they going to do? Mimi walks by with her umbrella. She's lovely and dry. They all try to crowd under it but it's not big enough. We need to build a BIG umbrella says Jess. And they can use the vine leaves that kept them dry earlier. Perfect.
46 How Can We Decorate the Christmas Tree?
It's Christmas Eve on Greendale Farm. Jess is very very excited. Every year Mimi decorates the special tree in the woods and the friends all gather around to sing and play and open presents. But when Jess, Mimi and Willow arrive to leave presents at the tree they're shocked to see that the wind has blown all the decorations away! How dreadful! - How will they celebrate Christmas with no decorations? And Mimi can't help as she and Willow have promised to deliver presents outside the farm. Jess promises to work it out. How can we decorate the Christmas Tree? That's the Big Question!. He searches the farm for decorations but cannot find them. Then he realises he's found some lovely natural things that they can use to MAKE decorations. Yippety Yay! Of course! So everyone pulls together and gathers fircones and teasels, straw and bulrushes. As they sing the wonderful Christmas Song they paint and sprinkle and snip and dangle their very own home made beautiful twinley Christmas Decorations.
47 How can I make the trolley go faster?
Jess and his friends are playing a game trying to use wind power to push the trolley through the hay bale arch. None of them can blow hard enough so it always slows down before it gets to the arch. Jess asks the Big Question - how can I make the trolley go faster. They try different ideas - blowing, making a bigger wind by blowing as a group, making an even bigger wind by flapping potato sacks but nothing is strong enough. Jess is asking Mimi for some help when a big gust of wind catches her potato sack blanket, making it billow out just like a ship's sail, which gives Jess a great idea! Maybe if he ties the sacks to the trolley, like a sail, the trolley will move in the wind. Success! Jess has answered another Big Question - he can move the trolley through the hay bale arch by tying a sail to it! And now they can all have fun riding in the trolley too! Yippety yay!
48 How can we mend Baa's trough?
There's a hole in the bottom of Baa's trough so none of the thirsty friends can have a drink. How can we mend the trough, wonders Jess. Hey, that's the Big Question. Jess decides to ask Horace for help but Horace has a problem of his own. He's trying to make a lovely new musical sound but the square shaped piece of bark he's got doesn't make a very good noise when he clangs it with a stick. Jess borrows the bark to cover the hole in the trough but it's the wrong shape. He decides to ask Mimi for help with making a different shape to cover the hole. Mimi's making a mosaic, but she can't find anything the right shape to fit the square-shaped hole she has. Jess gives her the bit of bark and it fits perfectly! She sings Jess a shapes song explaining all about different shapes around us. Jess finds a squashed clay pot which is circle shaped. It's the perfect shape to mend the hole and because it's clay the water won't leak out again!
49 What's that green hairy stuff?
Jess and the puppies find some strange green hairy stuff growing under the water barrel. The puppies are scared of it and Jess promises them that he'll find out what it is at once. Hey, that's the big question! Jess thinks the green hairy stuff might be grass. He goes to ask Baa, who's a grass expert. Baa, Billie and Jess compare the green hairy stuff and ordinary grass using Billie's magnifying glass. It isn't grass but it is a plant. Mimi knows all about plants so they go to ask her about the green hairy stuff. She shows them the green hairy tops of carrots but they aren't like Jess's green hairy stuff either. Mimi's sure she's seen this green hairy stuff in other places around the farm. Jess thinks they should look around and see where it grows. There's green hairy stuff growing all over the farm in cool, damp places. Horace knows all about damp cool places. Perhaps he can help!
50 How can I find my friends?
Jess's friends have planned a special surprise but he can't find any of them to find out what it is! How can he find his friends? Hey, that's the Big Question! He finds a trail of Willow's hoof prints but they stop at a puddle. Then they follow a trail of wool from Baa but that stops too. They find a walking haystack but it turns out to be Mimi. Jess is baffled. He can't find anyone else! Mimi helps him realise that he followed clues which led him to her but before Jess can ask her anything else she rushes off. Hmm, thinks Jess, maybe if we follow the clues we found earlier they might lead us to our friends and the special surprise. Jess, Joey and Jinx follow the clues and finds all of their friends waiting for them at a special. Follow the Clues surprise picnic! Jess found his friends by following the clues AND he's answered the Big Question! Yippety Yay!
51 Why are acorns buried under the tree?
Jess and the puppies find a pile of acorns buried under a tree. The puppies want to play with them, but Jess thinks they should find out why the acorns are buried there first. That's the Big Question! Baa and Billie don't know, Billie says she'd eat acorns rather than bury them! Jess goes off to see Mimi who's planting her conker to grow a chestnut tree. Jess wonders if someone planted the acorns to grown into an oak but Mimi doesn't think so. They'd need to be buried somewhere with more space to grow. Jess tries Willow who is storing apples for the winter. She explains that she'll eat the apples when food is scarce in the winter months. Jess wonders if someone is storing the acorns. He and the puppies go back to the tree and wait. Soon a Squirrel pops out from the tree and buries another acorn. Jess and the pups are glad they didn't play with the acorns. Squirrel's storing them for Winter. They've answered the question, yippety yay!
52 How can I sound like Brown Bird?
Brown Bird sings a lovely song before leaving for winter migration. Jess would love to sound like Brown Bird, then they could listen to her song all year round. But how can he sound like her? That's the Big Question. Billie and Baa suggest Jess sings but his singing voice doesn't sound like Brown Bird at all. Mimi tries to mimic Brown Bird by whistling but that's not the right sound either. Maybe if Jess makes a hooty sound by blowing through his paws? That's still not the right sound. Jess tells his friends that it's more of a whistley sound a bit like the wind whistling through the reeds at Horace's pond. So they go to the pond. Horace shows Jess how to blow through the reeds, and it sounds just like Brown Bird. They've found the Answer. Yippety yay!

About this show

Follow Jess and his farmyard friends as they explore the world around them and learn that finding answers can be fun!

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