The series is set in modern day Malibu, California. The show centers on MILEY STEWART's (Miley Cyrus) life as an 9th grade student. Nobody except her dad, brother, close relatives, and good family friends know that she is the famous pop superstar, HANNAH MONTANA. She lives in a house by the beach with her father ROBBY (Billy Ray Cyrus) and 17-year-old brother JACKSON (Jason Earles). The Stewarts are Nashville, Tennessee transplants. Miley's mother died four years ago, leaving singer-songwriter Robby a widower and the sole caretaker of their children. He gave up his previous career as a famous country singer and is now the disguised manager of Hannah Montana. Miley's two best friends are LILLY TRUSCOTT/LOLA LUFNAGLE/LOLA LUFONDA (Emily Osment) and OLIVER OKEN (Mitchel Musso) who live nearby and attend school with her. Each episode deals with adolescent life issues, personal conflicts or problems that are easily solved, with lessons learned by the show's end.