Honey I Shrunk The Kids

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1 Honey, It's Quarkzilla
Everyone in Casa Szalinski has a full-plate of activities, except poor Quark, whose dish is empty; no one remembered to feed the dog. At Jentech, Wayne’s boss has riffled his desk and found preliminary notes for a process to accelerate plant growth. The ever-eager Mr. Jennings promptly sells Jennogro to several foreign investors, promising them instant colossal crops and prodigious profits. Wayne has five days to make the product or be fired. Two days later, the Szalinski Super-Growth Garden yields titanic tomatoes, stupendous strawberries and really big carrots. The bad news is the mutation strain turns harmless fruits into man-eating monsters.
2 Honey, She's Like a Fish Out of Water
Amy wrangles an invitation to Veronica’s big birthday swim party at Marv’s Fishland Fun Park, a dilapidated water park on the brink of foreclosure. Veronica wants to show off her aquatic skills as school diving champ. Amy, who swims like a rock, begs Wayne to let her use his Swim Fish cream, an experimental formula designed to awaken cellular memories of past evolutionary stages. Wayne says no. Desperate because she doesn’t want to look bad or drown in front of her friends, Amy secretly whips up a batch of the untested cream. At the party, she swims like a dolphin. Not wanting to be out-done, Veronica slathers on the cream and challenges Amy to a swim-off.
3 Honey, It's Doomsday
Wayne inadvertently discovers an asteroid half the size of Manhattan heading straight for Earth. According to calculations of its velocity, trajectory and size, collision with our planet is inevitable and only three days away. Panic ensues. An emergency strategy meeting is called and Mr. Jennings’ older, meaner, military brother, General Bull Lytton Jennings, arrives prepared to launch a gazillion surplus nuclear missiles and blast the asteroid away. Wayne, however, ascertains there’s life -- civilized life -- on the impending asteroid. In an effort to avert the mutual catastrophe, Wayne beams himself into space, and it’s up to Team Szalinski to save two worlds at once.
4 Honey, Let's Trick-or-Treat
Wayne thinks his new invention is the cat’s meow in spooky Halloween entertainment -- the Szalinski Scan-O-Caster (pat. pending) scans text, converts the narrative into tangible holograms and projects the stories as 4-D images. Diane vetoes the idea of making scary stories come to life, but when Wayne locks up the device it accidentally goes off and records the entire Big Book of Urban Myths. Before you can say “giant alligators in the sewer,” the city of Matheson is besieged by terrible things that usually only happen to a friend of a friend.
5 Honey, I'm Rooting for the Home Team
Nick is undoubtedly the worst player on Mr. Rosetti’s Pizza’s baseball team. He can’t catch, he can’t hit; he’s the anti-athlete. Nick realizes the only way he’ll ever improve his game is with a lot of help. He compiles a wish-list of gadgets, concealing their real purpose from his dad. Outfitted with his batch of pat. pending Szalinski gizmos -- a super powerful Palm Vac hidden in his glove, a pair of Hot Foot turbo charged penny-loafers and crosshaired Sun Scope glasses -- Nick is invincible.
6 Honey, We're Young at Heart
In a selfless effort to help the aging Mr. and Mrs. McGann, Wayne and Diane offer to transfer some of their youthful energy to the old couple through the Szalinski Zip Enhancer (pat. pending). The experiment, however, works a little too well. Wayne and Diane actually speed up their aging process, while Mr. and Mrs. McGann get younger by the minute. As Wayne and Diane grow older and more senile, Amy and Nick chase after the increasingly-youthful McGanns in a race against the clock to save their parents. They finally catch the evasive kid-sized couple and bring them home just in time to reverse the process.
7 Honey, We're Past Tense
The Szalinskis and their neighbors the McKennas team up for a weekend camping trip, and Wayne can’t wait to try out the Szalinski Bivouac in a Box, a.k.a. BIVIAB (pat. pending). When a big storm hits the campground, both families pile into the BIVIAB for the night. After a fierce lightning storm, they awaken the next morning to a beautiful day -- thousands of years in the past. Apparently the electrical fluctuations utilized the BIVIAB’s structural configuration as a grounding pole, transporting the tent and its occupants through a time wrinkle. There, the families encounter a clan of cave people menaced by a ravenous tyrannosaur.
8 Honey, I'm Wrestling With a Problem ... and the Chief
Amy is thrilled when her favorite pro-wrestlers -- Marshall and Chester -- head to Matheson for their Interstate Title bout against the rookie tag team of Judge and Jury, the Executioner Brothers. Unfortunately, family dinner with the Szalinskis proves too rough for the athletes, and Wayne and Police Chief Jake McKenna agree to sub for the injured grapplers. Even though it's their first professional match, the guys are confident: Jake wrestled some in high school, and Wayne has the support of the Szalinski RoboWrestler (pat. pending), a neck-to-ankle, remote-controlled suit. mishaps.
9 Honey, the Bunny Bit It
When Copernicus the rabbit dies, Nick enlists the aid of his pal Joel McKenna to help reanimate the Science Club mascot. On the plus side, the Szalinski Jr. Resurrect-O-Mat does put the bounce back in Nick's deceased furry friend. On the minus side, Copernicus didn't come back the same sweet bunny -- Beezle is actually a life-form from another dimension that was sucked into the dead pet. Wayne's attempt to send Beezle home backfires when Nick is also pulled into the dimension portal. Team Szalinski rallies to rescue Nick, and Diane and Amy's skills at VR game-playing come in handy battling gremlins in the slime pits of despair. Science triumphs, and Nick says a proper good-bye to Copernicus
10 Honey, I've Joined the Big Top
Trying to out-manuver the school bully while on his way home, Nick crashes his bike and wakes up in a tent on the grounds of Circus Minimus, a low-rent little big-top passing through Matheson. Sensing a pigeon ripe for the plucking, Luther the ring master offers Nick a ride home. Once inside Casa Szalinski, Luther and his associates promptly steal as many inventions as they can handle, and, for good measure, they kidnap Nick. Wayne’s pat. pending products could transform Circus Minimus into the genuinely greatest show on Earth, however, as with most Szalinski devices, there are a few bugs. Luther threatens to harm Nick unless he can adjust the flawed contraptions.
11 Honey, I'm the Sorcerer's Apprentice
The newspaper reports that Jentech Industries is closing. Mr. Jennings admits he mishandled the company's finances and begs Wayne to pursue the arcane arts, specifically alchemy, to save their jobs and the economy of Matheson. Using an ancient map, Wayne locates the Keeper of the Quintessence Stone and persuades the Druid to surrender the magical rock, which possesses, among others, the power to transform base metal into gold. Unfortunately, the Q Stone can backfire; if used by the wrong people, it can transform their biggest flaws into terrible manifestations. Mr. Jennings is a wrong sort of person, and his try at securing the Midas touch is a rocky one.
12 Honey, I'm King of the Rocket Guys
A marauding band of off-road bikers invades Matheson, and Diane is the first victim in their mini-crime wave of purse-snatchings and muggings. Police Chief McKenna assembles the town's leading citizens to discuss the problem, but Wayne can't attend the meeting. He's too busy working ... on his secret crime- fighting super hero suit! While Wayne struggles to thwart crime and correct the flaws in his Captain Rocket rig, Mr. Jennings hires an anti-gang crusader to clean up the town. Powell Weltmeister turns out to be the brains behind Matheson's crime spree and declares war on that bucket-headed busybody who keeps ruining his plans.
13 Honey, the Future's Coming Back on Me
Wayne's economical and ecologically-sound entry for the Matheson Auto Show is fabricated entirely from old pizza boxes and beer cans, plus it's powered by burps. Despite its low M.P.B. (miles-per-belch) and sulfurous exhaust odor, the Szalinski Eructa has potential to be a green, mean, commuting machine. Mr. Jennings, however, has other plans for the Szalinski Burp de Ville -- plans which have a disastrous effect on the future and are ultimately blamed on Wayne. Aleztra, a junk-food eating cyborg, travels back from 2023 to eliminate Wayne. Fortunately, a member of the underground Szalinski-Nista is sent from the future to protect him.
14 Honey, It's a Miracle
Desperate to ace a history test, Amy gives herself a boost of computer-enhanced magnified mental power via the upgraded Szalinski Neuron Nudger. Amy breezes through the exam and soon discovers she has meta-electro supremacy and can tap not only her own cerebral strength, but also the basic forces of nature. Before you can say abuse of power, she establishes herself as Princess Amy, supreme ruler of the Szalinski household and Matheson. Local omnipotence proves boring, so Princess Amy declares herself Mistress of the Universe and Wayne her cosmic slave. It takes a lot of scientific tweaking and a little tough love to reestablish Team Szalinski’s balance of forces.
15 Honey, You'll Always be a Princess to Me
Diane suffers a premature mid-life crisis when a newsboy calls her “ma’am.” To distract her from hunting for wrinkles, Wayne prescribes a field-trip to the Natural History Museum to see the mummy of a Celtic princess. According to legend, the princess stole a Druid spell for rejuvenation and eternal life, but was punished by the Elders who took away her youth. The entire myth, including the text of the spells, is etched on tablets in the exhibit. Inspired, Diane photographs the tablets and then employs the Szalinski Rosetta Glossalianator Translation Program (pat. pending) to translate the spell.
16 Honey, There's a Pox on Our House
Mr. Jennings needs to find a mate so he can wed and produce heirs to share his vast wealth. Unfortunately, Wayne’s efforts to help Jennings choose a life- partner by altering his alpha brain-waves using the Szalinski Electric Chair of Love (pat. pending), are interrupted when both Amy and Nick come down with the chicken pox. Wayne rushes home to nurse his ailing children, while Diane, who has never had chicken pox, retreats to the Stilton Hotel to avoid contagion and prepare for her big court case.
17 Honey, I'm Going to Teach You a Lesson
Amy's high school science teacher abruptly takes early "retirement," so Wayne volunteers to substitute until a replacement is hired. Enthusiastic about sharing his love of science with eager young minds, Wayne quickly runs afoul of the class troublemakers. When his second day isn't any better, Wayne invents something to help -- Szalinski Charisma Spray. Just one spritz and he's a great teacher, brimming with self-confidence and irresistible to everyone but Amy, who would prefer to see her dad back at Jentech. To achieve her goal, Amy modifies the Charisma Spray formula from alluring to obnoxious.
18 Honey, It's a Blunderful Life
On his way home from a botched demonstration in Bradbury, Wayne’s Szalinski Terra-Teller (pat. pending) malfunctions and he is lost in the woods in a blizzard. Wayne sets off on foot for help since he can’t rely on his inventions. Tromping through the snow, he smacks into a tree, and when he wakes he’s stuck in Dreamworld. Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams Realized and Unrealized, invites Wayne to defend himself as a man of science or remain a permanent guest. Mishaps and misadventures from the past are introduced as evidence against Wayne’s competence as a scientist.
19 Honey, It's the Ghostest With the Mostest
Wayne accidentally summons up the ghost of his dearly-departed Uncle Cosmo, an eccentric inventor who loved science and wore pie plates on his head. Fortunately, ghostly Uncle Cosmo is only visible to Wayne. Unfortunately, Uncle Cosmo has decided he was called back to serve as the Szalinskis' guardian angel. Turns out nephew Waynie could use some help since his new boss at Jentech has hired the Infomercial King Trace Cagney as Wayne's new supervisor. When Cagney's latest gadget -- a hot dog hurler -- fails, he gets Wayne fired for sabotage.
20 Honey, It's Your Party
Saturday night at the Szalinski’s is overbooked: Wayne and Diane are celebrating the anniversary of their first date with a Hawaiian-themed spa night, Amy has the girls over for a karaoke fest, and Nick's planned an evening of contacting aliens with his pals. The Szalinski Junior Alien Life-Form Communication Kit actually works, and Nick succeeds in accidentally beaming Amy's rendition of "Think" to another galaxy where it's intercepted by three alien teens: Re'Box, De'Tox and Tube'Sox. The alien guys crash Amy's party and before you can say "leaping life-forms," the Szalinskis find themselves in the middle of a potentially catastrophic interplanetary romantic incident.
21 Honey, I'm Not Just Clowning Around
After muffing his chances for the last five years, Wayne makes it to the finals in the Inventors' Achievement of the Year competition with his newest invention. The Szalinski 3-I-D-er creates a holographic representation of another person around the body of the user. Rival scientist Klounberg doesn't make the cut with his device for siphoning helium from the sun to provide a cheap source for blowing up balloons. Klounberg, who wants to be King of the Carnivals, absconds with the 3-I-D-er and, masquerading as Wayne, attends the Inventors' competition in Wayne's place.
22 Honey, I'll Be Right Witch You
Wayne is assigned to demonstrate new scientific products and inventions at the Jentech West Paranormal Expo's Science or Sorcery showroom. When later asked his opinions on the subject, Wayne dismisses magic as nothing more than silly mumbo-jumbo. His remarks insult a trio of witches -- Hazel, Glenda and Samantha -- who decide Matheson isn't big enough for the two philosophies. The witches put hexes on Diane, Amy and Nick in hopes of driving the Szalinskis out of town. When that doesn't work, they broaden the scope of their spell casting to include most of the community. They even try a little voo-doo on Wayne.

Om den här serien

Disney's Honey, I Shrunk The Kids follows the adventures of brilliant but befuddled scientist Wayne Szalinski, whose often-misguided projects wreak havoc on his family and friends.

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