Johnny Test

30 件のレビュー

Season 1 エピソード(13)

1 Johnny to the Center of the Earth / Johnny X
Things mysteriously disappear underground and Johnny and Dukey think it's mole people. / When Susan and Mary give Gil a special bubble love gum to make him love them it turns him into a rampaging monkey boy instead.
2 Johnny vs. Bling Bling Boy / Johnny Impossible
Susan and Mary create the Alchemy 5000, a device that turns objects to gold. / Johnny's awful at baseball and Sissy Bumper make fun of him, so he goes to his sisters for help.
3 Deep Sea Johnny / Johnny and the Amazing Turbo Action Backpack
It's family day at the beach. The girls are trying to attract Gil; Johnny and Dukey bribe the girls to give them gils so they can breath underwater. / It turns out that the entire school social heirarchy is based on what backpack you carry, and Johnny's at the bottom of the pack.
4 Party Monster / Johnny Test: Extreme Crime Stopper
After much begging and pleading, the girls finally get permission to have their first dance party with boys. / A group of extreme teens is causing havoc in Porkbelly and it gets personal for Johnny and Dukey when they hijack all of the Extreme Cheesy Cheese Cruchies and Red Gush
5 Johnny and the Ice Pigs / Johnny's House of Horrors
The Ice Pigs hockey team are big losers, so Johnny asks his sisters for help. / Mom has a big client coming over for dinner and Dad's freaking out while trying to make everything perfect.
6 Johnny's Super Smarty Pants / Take Your Johnny to Work Day
Johnny can't figure out how to spell "go" at the spelling bee, so insists his sisters make him smart. / Johnny doesn't think it's fair that Susan and Mary get to skip a day of school and go to work with Mom, so he and Dukey sneak into the Aeronautic Robotic Propulsion Lab and meet up with the girls.
7 Johnny the Mega Robotics / Johnny Gets Mooned
After Johnny agrees to test out their new Fuller Lip Lozenge, Susan and Mary use their Static Animator to bring his Mega Roboticle toy to life. / Mr. Black and Mr. White lose an alien spaceship, so they beg Susan and Mary to give them the one they just built.
8 Johnny Hollywood / Johnny's Turbo Time Rewinder
Johnny and Dukey use the Ultra Reality Video Helmet to go into the latest Speed McCool movie - The Quickest and The Monkiest. / Susan and Mary split Dad's bowling ball in half with their new MP3 Player/Photon Laser, and then use the device to rewind time and make sure that Johnny gets blamed.
9 The Return of Johnny X / Sonic Johnny
Susan and Mary are presenting their Electro-Chromatic Blanket at the Science Expo when Bling Bling Boy shows up with his own invention - the Repto-Slicer - a genetic reptilian pet. / Johnny is completely embarrased by his extremely slo-mo scooter so he asks his sisters to make him a fast one.
10 The Dog Days of Johnny / Johnny's Pink Plague
Dukey destroys one too many of Susan and Mary's things and Johnny won't do anything about it, so they invent a neural obedience collar to control Dukey's every move. / After Mary gets a giant zit on her face, they use a purplish cream to make it go away.
11 Johnny's Extreme Game Controller / Li'l Johnny
Johnny can totally shred skateboarding video games, but he has a much harder time doing the real thing on Sissy Blakely's half-pipe and comes close to breaking every bone in his body. / Johnny is ordered to put away all his toys in his room but gets a better idea and uses the Turbo Action Backpack to shrink all his toys super tiny so the room looks clean.
12 Johnny vs. Brain Freezer / Johnny's Big Snow Job
The coffee cart guy at the Mega-Institute wants to be a genius too, so he concocts a frozen blended beverage that freezes all the students brains and claims himself The Brain Freezer! / Johnny is behind on his homework again so there is only one thing to do.
13 Johnny Dodgeball / Johnny and the Attack of the Monster Truck
Johnny's getting whupped by Sissy in Dodgeball, so in exchange for testing a Dance-a-tron (automatic thin-exoskeletal-dance machine) the girls give Johnny a bionic arm. / Johnny & Dukey love MONSTER TRUCKS! But the Monster Truck Rally Jam 3 is jeapordized when Bling-Bling creates a real living and breathing Monster Truck “The Road Ripper” to impress Susan.


Take one part spiky hair, two parts genius sisters, a dash of talking dog, mix thoroughly and the result is an action-packed animated series about a boy willing to try anything in the name of science. Join Johnny and his dog Dukey in their high-action escapades


30 件のレビュー