Johnny Test

2005 • Cartoon Network
992 reviews
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Season 2 episodes (13)

1 Hoist the Johnny Roger / Johnny's Turbo Toy Force
Johnny and Dukey are playing pirate but they're not finding any treasure. So Johnny borrows the Turbo Tea House Time Machine to travel back in time to get pirate training from Blackbeard. But they end up on Nobeard's ship instead with a bunch of nerdy pirates. Nobeard is Blackbeard's sensitive brother, who really prefers working with animals, and he's treated very badly by Blackbeard. So it's up to Johnny, Dukey and the sisters to help Nobeard and his crew stand up to the mean, piratey Blackbeard and get his treasure back so he can open a pet shop. / Mr. Whack-O, owner of the Whatck-O toy company, is fed up with kids and just wants some peace and quiet, so he sends Robo-Pals to all of the children of Porkbelly. At first the kids are excited but very quickly they learn that the Robo-Pals are really Robo-Guards sent to imprison them. So now it's up to Johnny, Dukey and the girls and ultimately the Turbo Toy Force to figure out a way to get rid of the Robo-Dorks and save the kids of Porkbelly.
2 JTV / Johnny vs. Bling Bling 2
Johnny, Dukey, Susan and Mary are bored because there's nothing to watch on TV. They decide to start their own TV channel so they can make super cool shows and bring joy and entertainment across the totally bland airwaves. They take over the government owned Emergency Broadcast Channel but have to agree to give Mr. Black and Mr. White their own cooking show. The channel becomes a hit but when a self piloting plane goes out of control, the General tries to use EBN to send out an emergency message but finds that all of the equipment is gone. Johnny, Dukey, the girls, and Black and White are in big trouble. Until they agree to give the General his own cooking show. / Johnny thinks he is the greatest Sacred Sword 4 player ever. So does Sissy. So Sissy challenges Johnny to a video game showdown. Meanwhile Bling Bling is intent on getting a date with Susan and when all of his romantic attempts fail, he uses his bio/neural tranformation laser to turn himself into a cute 2 year old toddler who Susan and Mary have to babysit. Johnny is preparing for his showdown with Sissy when he realizes that the toddler is actually Bling Bling and tries to get rid of him. Bling Bling comes back and turns Johnny and Dukey into 2 year olds and now it's a full on toddler/puppy battle after they take a nap. Johnny and Dukey win, get changed back to normal just in time for Johnny to beat Sissy at Sacred Sword 4!
3 Johnnyland / Johnny's Got a Brand New Dad
The Tests spend a day at the amusement park but Johnny and Dukey only get to go on one ride because the line was so long. They don't want to wait a whole year to go again, so they decide to build their own amusement park right at home, with the help of Susan and Mary's construction drones of course. Johnny, Dukey and all fo the kids of Porkbelly are having the time of their lives, but the noise is preventing the girls from getting work done. They try to get the drones to tear it down but the drones are having too much fun. So Susan and Mary decide to build the ultimate ride that will scare Johnny away from amusement parks forever. But before Johnny gets to ride it, Mom and Dad accidently end up on the Bungee of Doom ride. Uh oh! / Dad keeps saying no to Johnny and the girls - No, you can't unicycle on the roof! No, you can't have candy! No, you can't climb in the alligator pit! No, you can't have plutonium! So Johnny convinces the girls to make a perfect paternal facsimile. They combine DNA of extreme sports dudes, add a little Speed McCool for spice and toughness and a clown nose and feet for funniness. All seems to be going great - the girls have all the plutonium they want, they can eat anything and even play on the roof. But it turns out new Dad is a little too extreme and Johnny realizes playing on the roof might actually be dangerous and it turns out the plutonium is unstable. They actually start to miss ol' says-no-to-everything Dad. But now new Dad's DNA is all wacky and he can't be stopped, until Old Dad saves the day.
4 Saturday Night's Alright for Johnny / Johnny Mint Chip
Johnny and Dukey have the perfect Saturday planned - TV, food that's bad for you, then a videogame marathon and finally the Ultimate Wrestlers Versus Battle Robots Smackdown 5 on TV. Isn't life grand! Until Missy, with dog Sissy in tow, show up to ruin their day. Everything goes wrong and before they know it, Saturday is over. Johnny doesn't want to wait 7 days for another Saturday, so he borrows Susan and Mary's Saturday Repeater Machine. They keep starting the day over and over until they wind up having a great, one might even say romantic, day - with Sissy and Missy. They're planning to do it again until Dad tells Johnny that now that he and Sissy are an item, he'll have to spend every waking moment with her. He and Dukey smash the Saturday Repeater Machine to bits. / Johnny and Dukey are freaking out because they're out of Mega Mint Chip Ice Cream and Mom and Dad won't buy anymore. They decide to make their own but it doesn't turn out so well. They go to Susan and Mary for help but their ice cream is just as disgusting. So they plan to go on a tour of the Icy Ice Cream Company, where Susan and Mary are going to sneak into the ice cream lab and Johnny and Dukey can get lots of free samples. While the girls break into the lab and test their healthy recipes on the monkey testers (who also think their recipes are disgusting), Johnny and Dukey sneak onto the factory floor to eat ice cream. Dukey falls into one of the vats, so the kids have to eat all of the ice cream before he is frozen forever. Talk about a brain freeze!
5 The Revenge of Johnny X / The Enchanted Land of Johnnia
An alien pod is destroying Porkbelly and stealing lots of cool stuff. The Super Secret Government Agency is called in but Mr.Black and Mr. White can't stop it either. The pod arrives at the Test house and kidnaps Susan, so Mary gives Johnny and Dukey super powers. Johnny X and Super Pooch are on a mission to rescue Susan. Meanwhile, inside the pod, things aren't so bad. It seems that the "alien pod" is actually a palace that Bling Bling has stocked with the best, most expensive stuff in the world just for his love, Susan Test. Johnny X and Super Pooch arrive at the pod only to discover it's Bling Bling, and they try using their powers against him, but Bling Bling outsmarts them. They team up with Mr. Black and Mr. White and finally are able to defeat Bling Bling and rescue Susan. But wait, Susan doesn't really want to be rescued. She's having a great time in the Mondo Video Arcade, the Maui Wave Simulator and the Plutonium Hut. Black and White tell Bling Bling he has to return everything he stole, but not before they and the kids test it all out. / Johnny and Dukey are bored. It's raining and they have nothing to do. So they go visit Susan and Mary in the lab and when the girls aren't looking, sneak into their new invention, a cross dimensional travel chamber marked - KEEP OUT! DANGER! That's like laying out the red carpet for Johnny. They end up in a sunny, sandy, duney desert where they are confronted by a two-headed witch, Battle T-Rex's and armored Ape Guards. Uh oh. Just as they're about to get creamed, they meet a bunch of squirrels who ask for their help in getting their land back from the witch. It turns out that Johnny and Dukey are the "Chosen Ones". With the aid of a magical elixir, some really cool kung fu moves and the rebel army led by Trumphion, Johnny and Dukey attempt to fulfill their destiny. Just as it appears they're going to lose, Susan and Mary reveal that they never really were in another world, just their new holodeck - a virtual-hyper-mind-orb guaranteed to relieve boredom!
6 in Black and White / Johnny the Kid
The General tells Mr. Black and Mr. White that the biggest threat to Porkbelly is Susan, Mary and Johnny Test, so he orders them to spy on the kids and make sure they don't do anymore dangerous experiments. Black and White are really cramping their style, so the girls invent the Microbe-Mobile. The plan is Johnny and Dukey get in, get shrunk down and go inside Mr. Black then Mr. White to erase the memory of the General telling them to spy on them. All seems to be going according to plan in Mr. Black when the MM malfunctions, causing Mr. Black to act weird and preventing Johnny and Dukey from getting out. The only way to fix the problem is to jump start the MM with elecrical pulses from Black's brain. But Black has a bad head cold, so they have to get to his brain and stay away from the nasty virus which would be deadly to the microscopic Johnny and Dukey. They finally get out safely and tell Black and White not to spy on them anymore. They would, but an order is an order. So the Test kids take the MM into the General's brain and all of a sudden, he orders Black and White to take a vacation. Yeah! / It's time for the annual Test family vacation. Johnny wants to surf the pipeline in Hawaii or live with the lions in Africa. But this year it's Susan and Mary's turn to choose and they choose the Dusty Western Dude Ranch. A whole week without TV, videogames or PodPlayers. Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! The girls picked it because Gil is there and Bling Bling shows up because Susan is there. Johnny and Dukey are to make the best of things and are having fun in the pool when Wild Whippin' Willie and his pig pack of bikers shows up kicking everyone out of the pool and so Johnny and the rest of the kids decide to take back their vacation! With the help of the horses and goats and their own ingenuity, they defeat Whippin' Willie and have a great time for the rest of their vacation.
7 101 Johnnies / Johnny Zombie Tea Party
Dad is fed up with Johnny not taking any responsibility and not doing his chores. So he tells him to mow the lawn nicely and have it done by the time he gets home from his errands - in one hour! And before he leaves he tells Susan and Mary, who are cleaning the garage, to have it finished by the time he gets home and no duplication experiments! As soon as Dad leaves, Johnny figures out that Susan and Mary cleaning the garage are really robots and the real girls are spying on Gil. He insists they make a Johnny Robot who can mow the lawn now or he's going to tell Dad. They do but Johnny and Dukey realize that they even with a robot, there isn't enough time to finish the lawn before Dad gets home. So Johnny duplicates the Johnny Robot and forgets to turn the switch off. Before they know it, there are 100 Johnny Robots and they're not following commands - that's what happens when you make a copy of a copy. Now they have to catch all 100 robots and have the lawn finished before Dad gets home. / Johnny's school assignment is to write a 500 word report on the Founding fathers of Porkbelly. So Johnny takes his sisters' Replenish Ray (which is supposed to bring dead crops back to life) and goes to the Porkbelly cemetary. He figures that instead of reading books about them, it's better to ask the founding fathers what happened. The ray works - sort of - they come back as zombies and tell Johnny they'll answer his questions if he gives them some tea. He takes them home to serve tea but they're completely preoccupied with our modern day conveniences. Things get out of control when the zombies decide to explore modern Porkbelly and the townspeople go crazy. They think the zombies want to eat their flesh, but all they really want is some comfortable shoes and pens without feathers. The army is called in to catch the zombies but Johnny knows the only ones they'll listen to is their moms. So he and Dukey go back to the cemetary and bring back the Founding Father's mothers. Uh oh.
8 Johnny's Pet Day / Phat Johnny
It's Pet Day at school and Dukey is excited, until he learns that Johnny is planning on taking Repto-slicer with him instead. Dukey can't understand why Johnny wouldn't take his best pal and besides, he can do so many cool things. Johnny tells Dukey that he's too amazing and that if anyone finds out what he can do, the government would take him away to do dangerous tests on and even worse, Hollywood producers would make him the star of a reality series. Johnny says no and leaves for school with Repto-slicer, who he puts in his locker. Dukey decides that if he gets rid of Repto-slicer, then Johnny won't have a choice but to take him to class. So he goes to school to try to get rid of him and someone hears him talking. Alert the media! Now reality show producers from everywhere are trying to get to Dukey and all he wants to do is go home with Johnny. They have to figure out how to escape and set Repto-slicer free to scare away the producers, but the producers scare Repto and he runs back to the locker. Finally, Johnny pretends to be the talking dog while Dukey silps out. And Repto ends up with his own reality show. / Johnny wants the new Smash Badger 3 video game but it costs $40 and he only has $3. He's mean to the overweight clerk at the store and to the little girl asking for donations for a cat shelter. Dukey warns him about karma but Johnny ignores him. Johnny asks his sisters for the money and when they say no, he asks Bling Bling. Bling Bling agrees to give him the money if he tests out his new muscle bar. Now Johnny has muscles and the money. He's about to buy the game when the muscle bar malfunctions. Johnny's fat, his money gets shredded and everyone is making fun of him. Can you say karma? Now Phat Johnny is fat and he doesn't have the video game, so he once again asks his sisters for help. They decide to turn Phat Johnny into a singing sensation so he'll make tons of money and be able to afford tons of video games. Things don't turn out the way Johnnny hoped and he realizes that this karma thing may be real. He gives all his money to the cat shelter and asks for forgiveness. A little monkey growth hormone and Johnny is no longer Phat Johnny.
9 The Good, The Bad and The Johnny / Rock-a-bye Johnny
Johnny wrecks Bumper's skates and gets punched all the way into Susan and Mary's Lab. Dukey and Johnny try to invent something that will make Johnny stronger and braver than Bumper, but trash the lab in the process. As compensation for the damage the girls make Johnny a guinea pig for an experiment, while Dukey gets shipped off to watch Speed McCool movies. The girls extract Johnny's bad juju booger. Johnny becomes a very good boy which makes him not want to do any bad things and even makes him kiss Sissy. Johnny and Dukey beg the girls to turn Johnny back to his caring yet mischevious self. They refuse. Meawhile in the lab, the bad juju booger generates into a new Bad Johnny. Bad Johnny gets even with Bumper and throws mud at Mary and Susan. The girls realize that there are now two Johnnies, - 100% Good Johnny and 100% Bad Johnny. Dukey and the girls attempt to stop Bad Johnny before he trashes Prk Belly, while good Johnny gets in the way with all his hugging. With Dukey's help the girls trap bad Johnny and morph him together with Good Johnny. The girls are happy to have their not so huggy brother back. / Johnny is exhausted because he is staying up all night pillow boxing with Dukey and not getting enough sleep. So he asks his sisters to build him a sleep ray that will put him to sleep 1 million times faster. They do but he uses it on his parents when they yell at him and they start sleepwalking and then sleep scootering in traffic. The girls try to adjust the ray to wake them up - if they can catch them. In the meantime, Susan and Mary turn purple, then get big heads then turn into brothers, Johnny's legs are put to sleep, he ends up in a baseball field in his underwear and turns into a giant - all while trying to save their parents. Just as Giant Johnny is about to save Mom, Dad, Dukey, Susan and Mary from the top of a building, they fall and then Johnny wakes up in his own bed. It turns out the whole thing was a dream!
10 Downhill Johnny / Johnny Meets the Pork-Ness Monster
Johnny and Dukey want to win a radio station prize, - a trip to Mt. Porkbelly to ski the awesome run "Behemoth". On Susan and Mary's advice they call in using 30 different phones to up their odds. They win, but the family can't go unless Susan and Mary agree to come along as well. In exchange for Johnny inviting Gil along to further the sisters' Gil-clone experiments, Susan and Mary agree to go on the trip. On the ski hills Susan and Mary are preoccupied trying to extract a Gil hair, while Johnny gets barred from the "Behemoth" ski run for being an unaccompanied kid. Johnny tries unsuccessfully to get past the ski patrol by coercing Dad to ski the run with him and by taking a short cut through a bear's den. Johnny and Dukey rouse a crowd of kids who have also been barred, into pummeling the ski captain with snowballs. They manage to get on the ski run. Overjoyed they ski with Gil, past Susan and Mary who have a rope trap set for Gil. / There's a heat wave in Porkbelly and the kids are desperate to swim. They go to Lake Porkbelly only to find out that there's a monster living in the lake and it's not safe to swim. So they set out to prove that the whole Lake Pork-Ness Monster thing is a fake. It turns out that Flink Tourisberg has set the whole thing up to make money by giving tours of the lake and directing everybody to the gift shop. The kids decide to put an end to the charade and when Johnny and Dukey take over the controls of the monster, things get out of control. The army is called in and they're in danger of being destroyed.
11 00-Johnny / Johnny of the Jungle
Mr. Mittens, a genetically altered cat, is terrorizing the animals of Porkbelly and turning them all into cats. It won't be long before he and his cat army turn humans into cats too. This sounds like a job for Mr. Black and Mr. White. And Johnny, Dukey, Susan and Mary. Black and White agree to make Johnny and Dukey agents and give them cool outfits if they help stop Mr. Mittens. It turns out Mr. Mittens was created by Tim Burnout, who stole Susan and Mary's DN-Animal formula. Mittens, who wasn't a nice cat to begin with, stole Tim's cat zipper and his butler and has now set out to take over Porkbelly and then the world. With a little ingenuity and family trust, the kids save the day and are made permanent members of the SSGA. / Johnny's class is going on an overnight field trip to Porkbelly's Wild Animal Kingdom but each kid has to bring a parent and Johnny's parents can't go. So Johnny makes Dukey pretend to be his Dad and accompany him on the trip. They figure they can be back in the morning before Dad wakes up. When Dukey gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the Park Ranger thinks he's a wild dog and puts him back in the African Wild Dog exhibit. Johnny goes to save him but it turns out Dukey is having a very nice, civilized conversation with the wild dogs. It turns out they don't like being locked up and want to go home to Africa. So do the wildebeasts and the rhinos. So, led by Johnny and Dukey, they break out, head to the docks and load the animals on a ferry heading to Africa. Mission accomplished! Now, they just have to get back to camp, board the bus and get home before Dad wakes up. Uh oh!
12 Johnny vs. Smash Badger 3 / Johnny Bee Good
Mom and Dad try a new experiment - treat the kids like they're more grown up. So they give the girls the animal plasma they've been asking for and Johnny gets the new Smash Badger 3 video game. They tell them to behave while they enjoy the new hot tub. Johnny is guiding Smash through all of the levels, but when he gets to the last level, Dr. Swampbrain beats him. They try to find the cheat codes but the game is too new and there aren't any. To the lab! While trying to use the girls' super hacking computer to get cheat codes, they accidentally plug in the girls' new Wet Dry Matter Converter to the game box and Smash comes to life. Uh oh. Now the kids have to make sure Mom and Dad stay in the hot tub while they try to capture Smash and clean up the mess he'd made. They succeed in getting Smash back into the game but then Dr. Swampbrain comes to life and is determined to destroy Level Porkbelly. Now the kids have to keep Mom and Dad in the hot tub while they save Porkbelly from the evil Dr. Swampbrain. They do and the mayor gives them the key to the city. Mom and Dad are too shriveled to notice. / Johnny and Dukey have their candy bars stolen by a swarm of bees. Soon all of Porkbelly is devoid of candy as the bees led by the evil Beekeeper scoop up all the candy, pies, cakes and anything sweet. They only leave behind nutritious organic Bunch of Honey bars, which nobody wants. Mr. Black and Mr. White beg Susan and Mary to help bring back the candy. Johnny and Dukey get the girls working on high-tech ways to trap the bees and the Beekeeper. All antibee plans fail miserably. Finally the girls dress Johnny up as a flying Queen Bee. He flies right into the swarm and lures away the bees. The Beekeeper is unmasked as Doc Beeble, purveyor of Bunch of Honey Bars, which in fact turn out to be quite tasty.
13 Johnny X Strikes Back / Johnny vs. Super Soaking Cyborgs
Johnny's report card isn't so good. The teacher says he needs to learn to be more helpful to others without asking anything in return. So he decides to break into the girls' lab and get his Johnny X powers back so he can "help" others. Johnny X saves Bumper's cat Cuddles and gives Bling Bling one of Susan's sneakers. In the meantime, a group of villains have gotten out of prison and have formed the Super Duper Johnny Stopping Evil Force 5 to stop the world's most annoying boy who reined all of their lives. They kidnap Johnny and now it's up to Susan, Mary and Dukey w/ the help of Bumper, Gil and Bling Bling to save him. So the girls give everyone mutant powers and the Johnny Saving 6 set out to defeat the SDJSEF5. / Johnny and Dukey are in the middle of a neighbourhood water fight that they're losing, so they ask Susan and Mary to make them Blutto-Water-Blasters. They agree if Johnny tells them how they can get Gil to notice them. He tells them that the best way is to make Gil jealous, so they make three really good looking boyborgs (Will, Phil and Bill). It works, Gil invites them to a pool party but the boyborgs get really jealous. They are determined to take out Gil, so the girls "kidnap" Gil to protect him, while Johnny and Dukey try to stop the boyborgs. Apparently, the only way to stop them is a direct water shot to the ear or nose to short them out. Now, it's an all out water war in Porkbelly.

About this show

Imagine having a lollipop that gives you the strength of a hundred men, or a rocket-powered backpack that can send you to the Moon, or genetically altering your dog to make him talk. Johnny Test can do all of that...and more! Johnny Test chronicles the adventures of a fearless 11-year-old boy, his genetically engineered super dog Dukey and his 13-year-old super genius scientist twin sisters, Susan and Mary, who use Johnny as their guinea pig for their out-of-this-world scientific experiments. When it comes to adventures, Johnny and his souped-up super mutt are a team obsessed with pushing the limits - speed limits, time limits, physical limits, you name it. Johnny is the ultimate test pilot where no mission is too insane, no challenge is too great, no villain is too menacing - and no sister-created concoction is too wild. As long as his dog Dukey can come along, Johnny gives it a go!

Ratings and reviews

992 reviews
Wesley Little
July 24, 2013
This show has one of the least entertaining art styles I have ever witnessed. Neither characters in the show, nor the episodes themselves are memorable. While the key to being a good artist is humbleness, I belive that my artistic talents thuroughly surpass those of this shows creator. If you're intrested in animated shows worth watching, look into Disney's "gravity falls" or just wait an hour or two and watch adventure time. If your a REAL connoisseur look up "the treasures of kerub" INCREDIBLE ANIMATION
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Genesis Pena-Lozada
October 15, 2013
Not buying this but I remember when I was bored being a little little kid I would just watch cause I didn't care. But looking back it now my gosh really a talking dog like I never seen that before. They sounds are cheap like in a baby show and really just its not funny. Johnny isn't a good person to look up too crying for a game? Gosh I see why there not doing anything with it these days.
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Emily Ferraz
March 5, 2014
I used to like this show as a preteen but now I hate it. Here the reasons why I hate Johnny Test. I used to think Johnny Test is a funny show until season 3. This show is lacking of sense of humor. The only episode from season 3 that I think is funny is the shoe episode about Bing Bing Boy stealing Susan's and Mary's shoes because Susan and Mary wanted to look perfect for Gil. The rest of the season 3 episodes are pain boring. The characters are annoying. They like to scream and yelled a lot of times
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