Kin is an Irish television crime drama series, co-created by Peter McKenna and Ciaran Donnelly, that first broadcast on 9 September 2021, on RTÉ. The series, which revolves around a fictional Dublin family embroiled in gangland war, stars Aidan Gillen and Ciarán Hinds as rival gang leaders, Frank Kinsella and Eamon Cunningham.
The series was first announced in November 2020, with co-creator Peter McKenna set as showrunner and Diarmuid Goggins as director of the first four episodes. Tessa Hoffe was later announced as director of episodes five to eight. In February 2022, the series premiered in the United States and Canada on AMC+, with Sundance Now premiering the series in the UK. A second series was announced on 10 February 2022, with production beginning in July.