Knight Rider

1982 โ€ข NBC
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1 Knight of Phoenix, Pt 1
Michael Long, an ex-Vietnam veteran and undercover cop, is seriously injured while trying to arrest a circle of industrial saboteurs. His partner, Lonnie, has been murdered, and Michael has been left for dead. But his life is saved by the immediate and exclusive medical attention that the dying millionaire/inventor Wilton Knight has provided. Wilton has hired the country's best plastic surgeon to reconstruct a face for Michael - but not his own. Wilton arranges for a new identity - Michael Knight - to carry on his fight for justice after Wilton dies. Meanwhile, in the Knight Enterprises laboratories, scientists are working around the clock to prepare a sensitive, computerized, and indestructible car for the new Michael. The car is called the Knight-2000 and its speaking computer, K.I.T.T., is in tune with a sensor that has been implanted into Michael Knight's brain. Three months later, fully recovered and a "new man," Michael now seeks revenge for Lonnie's death, and justice for the corporations hit by the saboteurs. He catches up with Tanya, the gang's leader, in the wealthy Silicon Valley. Tanya has already infiltrated a large microchip company, Cal Tron, with a scheme to steal the company's top-secret plans for a breakthrough microchip. Michael Knight sets out to stop her permanently and place her in the hands of the law.
2 Knight of the Phoenix, Pt 2
Michael Long, an ex-Vietnam veteran and undercover cop, is seriously injured while trying to arrest a circle of industrial saboteurs. His partner, Lonnie, has been murdered, and Michael has been left for dead. But his life is saved by the immediate and exclusive medical attention that the dying millionaire/inventor Wilton Knight has provided. Wilton has hired the country's best plastic surgeon to reconstruct a face for Michael - but not his own. Wilton arranges for a new identity - Michael Knight - to carry on his fight for justice after Wilton dies. Meanwhile, in the Knight Enterprises laboratories, scientists are working around the clock to prepare a sensitive, computerized, and indestructible car for the new Michael. The car is called the Knight-2000 and its speaking computer, K.I.T.T., is in tune with a sensor that has been implanted into Michael Knight's brain. Three months later, fully recovered and a "new man," Michael now seeks revenge for Lonnie's death, and justice for the corporations hit by the saboteurs. He catches up with Tanya, the gang's leader, in the wealthy Silicon Valley. Tanya has already infiltrated a large microchip company, Cal Tron, with a scheme to steal the company's top-secret plans for a breakthrough microchip. Michael Knight sets out to stop her permanently and place her in the hands of the law.
3 Deadly Maneuvers
While speeding toward headquarters for a meeting with Devon, Michael encounters a beautiful young Army officer whose car has broken down, and offers her a ride to the base. Lt. Robin Ladd, daughter of a top Colonel, has just returned from duty in Germany and is planning a surprise visit to her father's command post. On arrival, she learns her father has been found dead, and no one can offer her a believable explanation. Immediately suspicious, she suspects foul play, and convinces Michael to help her unearth the clues that would explain Colonel Ladd's death. Together, they launch a plan to secretly investigate the medical records, the Colonel's files, and the mysterious behavior of her father's associates. With Robin's knowledge of the military set-up, and with the help and protection of Michael's computer car, they uncover a plot to steal nuclear weapons that Colonel Ladd has tried unsuccessfully to subvert. Unfortunately, Michael and Robin have been watched by the other officers involved, and almost lose their lives in a spectacular crossfire in which K.I.T.T. comes to the rescue hurling the military's own ammunition.
4 Good Day at Whiterock
With Devon's permission to take a few days off, Michael heads for the small town of White Rock to do some mountain climbing. Taking a burger and fries break at a local general store, run by beautiful Sherry Benson and her younger brother Davey, Michael encounters Monk and the Scorpions, a vicious bike gang who are terrorizing the town. Matters get out of hand when Michael tries to break up a fight and protect Sherry from their advances. Unfortunately, the local sheriff is afraid of antagonizing the hoodlums, and arrests Michael instead. While in jail, Michael learns that the Scorpions have invaded the town in order to ready themselves for a gang war with another bike outfit, scheduled to show up the following day. With K.I.T.T.'s help Michael breaks out of jail, and rushes to their campground, intending to take the law into his own hands. After a series of spectacular stunts that overpower the bewildered bikers, Michael finally enlists the aid of the reluctant sheriff to run the gangs out of town.
5 Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular
Lawrence Blake, a greedy land developer, has his eye on the racetrack property owned by Sammy Phillips and his stunt show. Blake plots to put Sammy out of business and then buy up the property at a discounted rate, so he hires hit man Bill Gordon to eliminate Sammy. The plot backfires, and although Sammy is injured he insists the show go on. Sammy's daughter, Lisa, hires Michael to drive stunts in Sammy's place. With the aid of K.I.T.T.'s computers and hi-tech equipment, Michael performs some death-defying spectacles that dazzle the crowds, but set him up as Blake's next victim.
6 Just My Bill
Senator Maggie Flynn is fiercely opposed to the passage of the Kern River Power Bill, which she feels is against the interests of her constituency. Unfortunately, her opposition has made her some very powerful enemies, who reason that the only way to stop her is to kill her. Devon fears for Maggie's life, and because she is a board member of the Foundation, arranges for her protection - assigning Michael to be her constant bodyguard. Narrowly avoiding death from several bungled assassination attempts, Maggie finally allows herself to be taken to a mountain retreat for safety. But her stalkers have surrounded the house and she's trapped - until Michael, in a stunning display of the Knight-2000 capabilities, makes an astonishing rescue.
7 Not A Drop to Drink
Herbert Bremen, the plaintiff in a lawsuit over the ranchers' rights to the water on their properties, is a bad loser, and has decided to put the ranchers out of business any way he can. Devon assigns Michael to protect the ranchers against Bremen's escalating legal - and illegal - activities. Unfortunately, Bremen's violent schemes to deprive their cattle of much-needed water have increased the rancher's frustration to the point of violence. Led by the willful and courageous Morgan family, the ranchers attempt retribution, but are stopped in their tracks each time. Michael and the Knight-2000 come to the rescue in a daring display of the car's dazzling capabilities.
8 No Big Thing
While heading out to the desert on a holiday trip, Devon is arrested for passing through a hidden stop sign. Protesting, he is carted to jail, where he witnesses the accidental death of a fellow cellmate. In order to cover up the murder, the sheriff decides to send Devon to the county's isolated work house, where he won't be able to reveal what he knows. Responding to his urgent call for help, Michael and the Knight-2000 employ all their tactical strategy to track him down and expose the sheriff's criminal behavior.
9 Trust Doesn't Rust
K.A.R.R. - the Knight Automated Roving Robot - was created by Wilton Knight years ago and was rejected as a prototype because its program of self-preservation was too threatening. It should have been destroyed, but instead was simply locked away. Now, Tony and Rev, two petty thieves who accidentally discovered K.A.R.R.'s warehouse and reactivated its circuits, have taken control of the machine. Using K.A.R.R.' s computer analyses, they set out to rob a nearby museum jewel exhibit, kidnapping Bonnie in order to maintain the car's circuitry. Devon and Michael quickly realize that without K.I.T.T.'s altruistic programming, K.A.R.R. is devoid of a conscience, and, in the hands of people who misuse it, could become an out-of-control menace to humanity. The only one who can stop K.A.R.R. is K.I.T.T. - and the result is a spectacular car chase in which the two computers match wits and technical capabilities.
10 Inside Out
A hood named Dugan is on his way to a rendezvous with his gang and their leader, Colonel Kincaid. But while en route, he is ambushed and captured by Michael, who assumes his identity and reports for duty in his place. With the help of a girl named Linda, who is being blackmailed into staying with the gang, Michael determines that Kincaid is planning to break open a federal penitentiary and sends K.I.T.T. ahead to advise Devon. But at the last minute, Kincaid pulls a switch, and the job is changed; instead they are going to rob a truck bearing a supply of gold bullion. It's too late to advise Devon of the change, so Michael and Linda are forced to go along with the gang for better or worse. But with their ingenuity and K.I.T.T.'s assistance, they subvert the robbery, capture the gang, and deliver them to the penitentiary.
11 The Final Verdict
Cheryl Burns has been arrested on circumstantial evidence when her boss is found dead in the office on the morning following a late night of working together. Cheryl's only alibi is a man she met at a bar that same night, after she left her boss's office, and she appeals to Michael to find him. With only a first name and vague description to go by, Michael and K.I.T.T. set out to locate "Marty", and convince him to testify on Cheryl's behalf. But when Marty is finally found, it's clear he's also involved in a serious problem -- corporate embezzlement. Michael must first sort through Marty's problems -- including an intimidating boss who has forced Marty to juggle the books to cover up his own dishonesty, and two very determined investigators who are convinced Marty is guilty -- before Michael can unravel Cheryl's mystery.
12 A Plush Ride
The security agents hired to protect the high-risk political leaders are sharpening their skills at Marc Redmond's Vanguard School. Michael goes in undercover as an agent trainee, to penetrate the operation and determine which of the participants is the potential killer. When one of the agents - who happens to be a beautiful young woman - feeds him some misinformation, designed to throw him off the track, Michael almost closes the case prematurely. But at the last minute, he learns that all the would-be agents are involved in the plot. Jeopardizing his own safety, Michael harnesses all of K.I.T.T.'s powers to go after them, and in a spectacular chase finally diverts the assassination attempt.
13 Forget Me Not
Beautiful socialite Marie Elena Casafranca hires the Knight Foundation to protect her father - President of the San Mirada republic - from political assassins during a "good will" tour of the U.S. The lead suspect is Rudolpho Del Fuego, a jealous advisor to the country's former dictator. Del Fuego and his American partner, Henry Burns, plan the final details of the assassination, at a chic Malibu party, where they assume they are safe from eavesdroppers. However, Micki, an unsuspecting guest, unwittingly overhears them and becomes their first victim. Michael rescues Micki from a near fatal fall, only to discover the result is a severe case of amnesia. Michael and K.I.T.T. race against time to restore Micki's memory, learn the details of the plot, and capture the assassins before they can get to Casafranca.
14 Hearts of Stone
Devon sends Michael to Texas with instructions to locate and disarm a group of ruthless killers, who have illegally acquired storehouses of powerful assault rifles. To gain their trust Michael poses as a potential buyer and comes dangerously close to losing his own life over a phony $240,000 transaction and a woman he can't trust.
15 Give Me Liberty...Or Give Me Death
The Alternative 2000 race is about to begin, and Devon asks Michael to join as a driver in order to flush out the saboteur. Intrigued by the idea of racing K.I.T.T. against vehicles powered by fuels as diverse as moonshine and solar energy, Michael agrees, and is soon pursued by an aggressive young photojournalist, Liberty Cox. Liberty's attentions turn out to be both helpful and harmful -- while providing Michael with insight and information about the drivers, she also manages to get caught eavesdropping on a conversation between the race director and the head of the cable television company covering the event. Liberty learns that the shortage accidents were staged for the benefit of exciting television coverage, but before she can alert Michael, she is kidnapped. In a dazzling display of K.I.T.T.'s special infrared tracking scope and Turbo boost, Michael rescues Liberty, captures the saboteurs, and wins the race!
16 The Topaz Connection
At his untimely death, Philip Royce was working on a story he kept safely stored in his computer. Since he was the sole possessor of the access code, when he died, the story was assured of being laid to rest as well. Michael, whose foundation has been called in to assist in the story's research, and Lauren, Royce's daughter, decide to solve the case themselves. Lauren is kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination where she's gagged, tied up and drugged -- before being miraculously rescued by Michael and the Knight 2000.
17 A Nice Indecent Little Town
Michael suspects Ron Austin is getting his bills from the town's printing press, but when he seeks police assistance in the matter, he is arrested and jailed. While incarcerated, he strikes up a deal with an overzealous newspaper reporter Jobina Bruce: they team up, he gets the counterfeiter, and she gets her story. Rescued by the Knight 2000, Michael continues his quest for Austin. Thanks to Jobina and the Knight 2000's unending capabilities, he catches up with his quarry and brings him to justice.
18 Chariot of Gold
Someone is killing the great minds of the Helios intellectual society and its leader is determined to get to the bottom of it after the third member, a distinguished archaeologist, is hospitalized and dies from an inexplicable disorder. Suspecting that it's an inside job, Helios leader Graham Deauville has Devon inspect the group's premises while Bonnie is inducted into the organization. Michael does a little checking on his own and fears for Bonnie's safety upon discovering that she's actually failed the Helios entrance exams. He tries to get her out of the place but he's too late -- the Helios scientists have already given her some mind-control drugs, and she orders him at gun point to take her back. Believing nuclear holocaust to be inevitable, Deauville's group has been building an underground city with the dig site as their cover -- until Litton got wind of their plan and threatened to go to the authorities. hey had no choice but to eliminate him, and now intend to do the same with Michael. They also want K.I.T.T., whom they reprogram to commit a robbery. Their multi-million dollar dreams fails to come to fruition when Michael, together with his trusty -- albeit temporarily reprogrammed Knight 2000 -- foils the robbery attempt.
19 White Bird
Attorney Gilbert Cole asks his assistant, Stefanie Mason, to return a briefcase to a client. As she waits at the meeting place, she is arrested by federal agents who charge her with compliance in transferring mob-connected funds. When Michael sees the headlines, he immediately requests the Foundation's permission to help Stefanie, whom he recognizes as his former fiancรฉe. With Devon's aid, Michael learns that Stefanie has been seriously implicated in the affair, as her employer has had a long association with underground mobster Anthony Solan. Michael bails Stefanie out of jail, and takes her to safety at the Foundation's mountain retreat. A series of clever maneuvers flushes the criminals out of their hiding, and after a dazzling display of K.I.T.T's capabilities, they are all forced to surrender. All the while, Stefanie and Michael struggle with their reawakened feelings for each other, knowing they must continue on their separate paths.
20 Knight Moves
Hired to track down a stolen shipment of highly sensitive electronic components, Michael learns that the truckers have been plagued by similar robberies in recent months. The members of the Alliance of Independent Truckers get more bad news when their supplier refuses to deal with them because of their failure to meet deadlines. Their last ray of hope is a Denver businessman (who is actually Devon), who promises them a long-term, lucrative contract providing they can deliver their goods to Denver on time. They agree to a test run, but when their supplier hears of their plans, he intends to stop the shipment by any means necessary. The outlaws are set for attack, but don't count on having to deal with the wondrous powers of K.I.T.T., and surrender after their truck is demolished.
21 Nobody Does It Better
Elliot Stevens, President of Delton Micronics, hires Michael to finds out who is leaking his corporate secrets to a competitor. Clues soon lead Michael to an unlikely suspect, Julian Groves, who is having clandestine meetings with Connie Chasen, an ambitious business woman posing as a tennis instructor at a local club. While on his trail, Michael crosses paths with Flannery Roe, another private investigator, who is chasing the same suspect. Flannery has been by Julian's wife, who suspects him of having an affair, but who knows nothing of his corporate deceptions. The situation becomes more serious when Michael and Flannery find Connie Chasen dead in Julian's hotel room.
22 Short Notice
Michael picks up a hitchhiker named Nicole whose daughter has been kidnapped by her ex-husband, Harold Turner, the former head of the Stompers motorcycle gang. While Michael is negotiating with Turner, Nicole snatches her daughter from her ex's backyard. At gunpoint, Turner tries to force Michael to take him to Nicole. With help, Michael makes a daring escape, and sets out to return Nicole and her daughter home. Although murderous bikers attempt to bar the way, they are no match for K.I.T.T. and Michael.

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Knight Rider is a fantastic thrill-ride about a young man (international superstar David Hasselhoff) who fights crime with K.I.T.T., his super-advanced car. K.I.T.T. has the ability to think and talk, often chiding others with his hilarious witticisms. Great action, great fun, great car.

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