La Femme Nikita

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The Complete Second Season (серий: 22)

1 Hard Landing
With Michael's help, Nikita survives Section One's assassination attempt on her, but Section One believes that she is dead. While working as a waitress, Nikita is kidnapped by the Freedom League and taken to the terrorist group's headquarters. Masquerading as a terrorist, Nikita saves Michael's life, and Michael and Nikita consummate their love. Nikita's brief period of freedom reveals to her that there is only one place she can live--Section One.
2 Spec Ops
Nikita's deception could be uncovered when she must retrain with Jurgen, a special operations agent ordered to evaluate her physical, psychological and emotional states. Section One's capture of a high-ranking member of the Freedom League further imperils Nikita. Jurgen realizes Nikita is not telling the truth, but he does not report her to Madeline and Operations.
3 Third Person
Nikita continues her retraining sessions with Jurgen, and Michael is not happy about it. Jurgen believes that Michael wants to kill him, and the two men fight. Nikita and Jurgen have affection for each other. Operations returns Nikita to full status.
4 Approaching Zero
Nikita visits Jurgen at his spacious country house. Nikita and Jurgen are about to make love when both are summoned for an assignment. Jurgen is blackmailing Section One. Jurgen volunteers for a suicide mission and dies. Operations promotes Nikita to class two operative--a position with more autonomy and responsibility.
5 New Regime
A disgruntled operative, Kronen, shoots Operations and nearly kills him. Egran Petrosian, Operations' temporary replacement, wants Nikita--not Madeline--as his second-in-command. Nikita accepts the promotion, but neither Nikita nor Michael trusts Petrosian. Section One must destroy a nerve gas factory. Nikita proves that Petrosian manipulated Kronen into shooting Operations.
6 Mandatory Refusal
Michael's mission to kill Dorian Enquist, a fringe member of the terrorist community, goes awry, and Enquist holds Madeline hostage. Operations decides to trade Michael's life for Madeline's, and Nikita realizes that the only way to save Michael is to rescue Madeline.
7 Half Life
Michael helps a college friend, Rene Dion, who heads a terrorist group, L'heure Sanguine, of which Michael was once a member. Rene took care of Michael's sister after Section One orchestrated Michael's arrest and phony "death," and now Michael repays the favor by helping Rene escape from Section One. Section One kills every member of L'heure Sanguine except Rene, who points a gun at Michael. Nikita shoots Rene and saves Michael.
8 Darkness Visible
Section One must stop Radovan Luca, whose contacts to the international arms community aid a rebel force inside the Balkans. While on a mission to eliminate the Balkan terrorist, Nikita and Michael help two children, whose parents were abducted by the rebel soldiers, flee the country. Birkoff discovers that his operative girlfriend is stealing money from terrorist accounts monitored by the Section.
9 Open Heart
A surgeon paid by Red Cell implants a powerful time bomb in the abdomen of a human, and Section One must find the carrier and identify the target. Nikita intentionally gets arrested for smuggling hashish to make contact with Jenna Vogler, an incarcerated Red Cell foot soldier and the only person who can identify the human time bomb. Walter flirts with an operative who is about to be placed in abeyance, but Birkoff changes her status.
10 First Mission
Faced with too many missions and too few team leaders, Operations and Michael appoint Nikita as a team leader. Assigned to capture Phillip Stark, who has been buying spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors in Eastern Europe, Nikita chooses her own team. Vizcano, a young female operative on the team, jeopardizes the mission by disobeying orders, but Nikita refuses to punish her. Nikita's team captures Stark, but only after he kills Vizcano. Nikita is enraged when the Section spares Stark's life.
11 Psychic Pilgrim
Nikita and Michael pose as a happily married couple in order to obtain information about First Flag, an infamous terrorist group, from its leader's attorney, Roland Armel. Nikita pretends to be a psychic and astonishes Armel with the information she reveals about his son, Phillipe, whom Armel believes is dead. After his capture, Armel is allowed to see Phillipe, who has been living at Section One, via video monitor before being executed.
12 Soul Sacrifice
Terry, a veteran operative who is pregnant, escapes from Section One in order to save her baby, but Nikita and Michael return her to Section One, not reporting the incident to Operations, to save Terry's life. Terry makes a deal with Bates, a rogue govenrment agent, to betray Section One in exchange for his help in protecting her unborn child. But when Bates shoots Michael and plans to kill Nikita, Terry shoots Bates dead. Michael tells Nikita that Terry will be allowed to deliver her baby, and then she'll be killed. Meanwhile, Walter must prove that he is still qualified for Section One.
13 Not Was
Section One steals secret files belonging to Orlando Perez, a high-level enemy operative from Red Cell, but Red Cell captures Michael gets captured and interrogated. An intravenous drug administered by Red Cell causes Michael to lose his memory, but not his instinct for self-preservation. Despite Nikita's efforts to hide Michael's condition, Madeline and Operations detect the presence of the drug in Michael's blood, but Walter has an antidote to restore Michael to his normal state.
14 Double Date
A psychotic murderer and sadistic wife-beater who was thought to have been killed by Section One, David Fanning comes to work for Section because he knows its next target, Nikolai Kusko, the former head of the Romanian Secret Police. After the team succeeds in killing Kusko, Fanning murders some of the Section One operatives working on the mission. He orders Michael to find Fanning's wife, Lisa, and takes Nikita hostage in the meantime. Michael gives Lisa an isotopic lotion with which to kill her husband.
15 Fuzzy Logic
An unknown terrorist group performs small bombings while preparing for a major act of mass destruction. In order to expose the terrorist group, Section One must figure out the computer code the group is using. Section kidnaps a teenage computer genius, who still lives with his mother, to break the advanced code. Meanwhile, a neighbor gets Nikita involved with drug dealers.
16 Old Habits
After seeing a bus depot filled with people get blown up by the terrorist group Bright Star, Nikita vows to stop its activities. Gregory Formitz, a medical school dropout who supplies the group with forged passports, visas and press credentials, agrees to help Section One locate Bright Star. Nikita discovers that Formitz is a modern-day Jack the Ripper--and Section One knows. Formitz confides to Nikita the identity of his next victim, and Nikita tries to protect the young prostitute. Meanwhile, Walter becomes engaged to Belinda, an operative whom Section One intends to eliminate.
17 Inside Out
Section One uncovers a possible Red Cell munitions outpost in Glasgow, Scotland, and sends a team of operatives to overtake and neutralize the facility. Instead, Mowen, the operative who enters the Red Cell installation, returns to Section One bringing a deadly virus back with him. One by one, operatives become infected and die. Nikita and Michael feverishly work to find Dr. Bisseroff, the only man who might have an antidote. Meanwhile, Gail ceases her relationship with Birkoff because she's dating another operative, Janklow.
18 Off Profile
Operations assigns sexy but arrogant mission profiler Andrea Karsov to Michael's team in order for her to obtain necessary field experience. Section One sends Michael's team to capture Hans Korda, a geneticist connected with a group responsible for stealing genetic codes used to manufacture viruses that attack specific ethnic groups. After the successful mission, Michael and Andrea begin a romance and eventually have sex. Nikita rescues Michael when Andrea tries to kill him, and Section One eliminates Andrea. Meanwhile, even though Walter remains furious at Operations for Belinda's death, he lies to a Section investigator in order to hide a mistake made by Operations.
19 Last Night
Nikita searches for Julia, a 9-year-old girl whom Nikita encountered during a mission to capture free-lance demolitions expert Joachin Beeka, who has been hired by a terrorist group. Nikita and Michael locate Brutus, the leader of the terrorist group, but Brutus turns out to be a computer programmed to destroy Section One. When Madeline, Walter and Birkoff cannot discern who built Brutus, Madeline grabs a gun and destroys it. Later, Operations and Madeline share a romantic evening.
20 In Between
With his massive financial resources, Abel Goellner destabilizes Third World countries friendly to the West and places hostile governments in control. Posing as money brokers, Michael and Nikita meet with Goellner and his confidante, Karel Giraldi. Nikita discovers that Giraldi is actually a Section One first-tier operative who has been waiting to be called in for the last nine years. Operations orders Nikita and Michael to kill Giraldi, but Madeline tells Nikita to bring him back alive. Walter informs a confused Nikita that Giraldi is Madeline's husband. Madeline kisses Giraldi before killing him. Nikita's former neighbor Carla returns.
21 Adrian's Garden
Только весь сезон
Former neighbor Carla and her boyfriend Steven kidnap Nikita and take her to a cottage in the country owned by Adrian, the founder of Section One and the only person to successfully leave it. To save the world, Adrian plans to destroy Section One and, needing Nikita's help, threatens to harm Michael if Nikita does not cooperate. Adrian tells Nikita that Operations is power-hungry and kills people who do not support him. Nikita begins to trust Adrian and finally agrees to help her. (Part One of a two-part episode)
22 End Game
Under Adrian's direction, Nikita risks her own life to retrieve incriminating files from restricted areas within Section One for Adrian's quest to destroy it. Operations and Madeline suspect that Nikita may be guilty of security breaches at the Section and assign Michael the task of uncovering the truth. Michael's team captures Adrian and Nikita, but Operations reveals that Nikita's involvement with Adrian was orchestrated by him--and that Nikita was aware of the plan. Nikita decides to remain an operative with Section One. Later, Nikita spies on Michael when he goes home and sees him hugging his son--and wife. (Part Two of a two-part episode)

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Condemned to death for a vicious crime she didn't commit, Nikita (series star Peta Wilson) is given a second chance - to live as a secret government assassin whose life is controlled by a mysterious agent and his colleagues. Transformed from a prison inmate into a sexy, sophisticated government operative, Nikita is the perfect weapon.

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