Leave It To Beaver

2012 • CBS
149 umsagnir
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Þáttaröð 6 þættir (39)

1 Wally's Dinner Date
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When Wally invites his girlfriend to dinner at the White Fox, he doesn't realize it's the most expensive place in town. To make matters worse - he forgets his wallet.
2 Beaver's Football Award
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Beaver insists on attending the Father and Sons banquet in regular clothes because he thinks that's how the other boys will be dressed. Ward comes to the rescue when Beaver arrives and finds that he's the only one without a sport coat and tie.
3 Wally's License
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Wally passes his driving test and takes off in the family car, while the rest of the Cleavers sit home worrying.
4 The Late Edition
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Hoping to make enough money to go halfsies on a new surfboard, Beaver rushes to get a paper route, but someone beats him to it. When Beaver finds out the new paperboy is actually a papergirl, he rethinks his scheme to get her fired.
5 Double Date
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Beaver reluctantly agrees to go on a double date with his brother, but his girl backs out.
6 Eddie, The Businessman
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Wally and his friend Eddie Haskell hire out for weekend jobs at the Mayfield Dairy Company where ice cream is made - and goes missing.
7 Tell It To Ella
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On advice from his friends, Beaver writes to a newspaper advice columnist complaining that his parents are too strict.
8 Bachelor At Large
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When Eddie moves out on his own, Ward and June worry that Wally may want to follow suit. However, when Wally sees the messy state in which Eddie is living, he tries to convince his friend to move back home.
9 Beaver Joins A Record Club
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In the mistaken belief that it won't cost him more than 87 cents a week, Beaver signs up for a record club without reading the contract.
10 Wally's Car Accident
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Wally borrows Ward's new car while Ward and June are away for the weekend and breaks a headlight. He hurries to get the damage fixed before his parents return but resolves to tell his father the whole story.
11 Beaver, The Sheepdog
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Upset when a classmate tells him he looks like a sheepdog, Beaver tries several different kinds of pomade to tame his unruly hair.
12 Beaver, The Hero
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Beaver's ego gets the better of him after he scores the winning touchdown at a football game and becomes the center of attention.
13 Beaver's Autobiography
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Betsy, a new classmate, agrees to write Beaver's autobiography assignment for him - but little does he know that Betsy also overheard him call her a "gooney creep."
14 The Party Spoiler
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When Wally throws a party and doesn't invite Beaver, Beaver plans to spoil the party with tricks and jokes from the "Magic Shop."
15 The Mustache
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When his girlfriend falls for a new, mature student, Wally grows a mustache in order to show her he's not as juvenile as she thinks. Ward explains that it's best for Wally to just be himself.
16 Wally Buys A Car
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Wally gets his father's permission to buy a car - but not the smooth number he wants. Ward's selection is a raunchy-looking four-wheeled monstrosity that runs like a watch.
17 The Parking Attendants
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Wally and Eddie take a job parking cars at a wedding reception, but end up working for nothing when Eddie mistakenly parks one of the cars in a restricted zone.
18 More Blessed To Give
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Beaver wins a 14-carat gold necklace at a carnival and decides to give it to his school crush, whose parents decide that the gift is too expensive and send it back, creating a misunderstanding about the locket's origins.
19 Beaver's Good Deed
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After Ward lectures him about showing consideration for others, Beaver befriends a tramp who proceeds to make himself at home in the Cleaver house.
20 The Credit Card
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Eddie uses his new credit card to buy a battery for Wally's car when the boys are stranded in another town, but when Wally pays him back, Eddie spends the money on a new vest, not the credit card bill.
21 Beaver, The Caddy
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Beaver caddies at the same golf club where Ward is a member and witnesses a golfer "fix" his score to win a bet.
22 Beaver On TV
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Beaver is mystified and embarrassed when the television program on which he was a panelist does not appear as scheduled.
23 Box Office Attraction
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Wally develops a crush on the girl who works at the box office, but she is not as wholesome as she appears, and they realize they have little in common.
24 Lumpy's Scholarship
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Lumpy is awarded an athletic scholarship to the state university, but it is revoked due to low grades in an academic subject. Ward intercedes on his behalf.
25 The Silent Treatment
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When June insists that Beaver go to the store, instead of helping Wally and Eddie install a car radio, Beaver decides to give his mother the silent treatment. But when Beaver is stung by a bee, she's the first one he turns to in his moment of need.
26 Uncle Billy's Visit
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Ward's Uncle Billy arrives to stay for the weekend. He gives them some pocket money, which Beaver uses to see a movie. Beaver's caught trying to let his friend in through the side door, and is upset when "fun" Uncle Billy sides with the theater manager.
27 Beaver's Prep School
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Aunt Martha offers to send Beaver to a prep school attended by several generations of June's family. Excited by the activities and opportunities, Beaver gladly accepts, until he realizes that he'll have to leave friends and family behind.
28 Wally And The Fraternity
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Wally expresses an interest in joining a fraternity on campus, and Ward offers to write a letter to Alpha Kappa on behalf of Wally and Eddie. Wally worries when an older State student informs him that Alpha Kappa is one of the worst houses on campus.
29 Eddie's Sweater
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Eddie's girlfriend is knitting him a sweater for his birthday, and Wally volunteers to model. Rumors start flying and Eddie becomes convinced that his girl is two-timing him with his best friend.
30 The Book Report
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Gilbert convinces Beaver to do his book report on The Three Musketeers by watching the movie, and eventually Beaver gives in without realizing that the movie has very little to do with the plot of the book.
31 The Poor Loser
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Ward gives his spare baseball ticket to Wally after Beaver announces he's already made plans. When Beaver's plans fall through, he asks his father to get an extra ticket, but the game is sold out.
32 Don Juan Beaver
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Beaver is invited to his graduation dance by a girl named Peggy McIntosh. After he accepts her invitation, he meets Melinda Neilson, a prettier girl who also invites him to the dance. In choosing between them, Beaver ends up dancing alone in his room.
33 Summer In Alaska
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Eddie announces he'll be spending his summer aboard a fishing boat in Alaska and encourages Lumpy and Wally to join him. Their parents refuse, and Eddie has second thoughts himself when he finds out he'll spend the summer chopping chum.
34 Beaver's Graduation
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After Gilbert convinces Beaver to ditch the rest of the year's homework, Beaver fails to find his diploma in the teacher's office and thinks he isn't going to graduate.
35 Wally's Practical Joke
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Lumpy puts cherry bombs in Eddie and Wally's cars, and Eddie wants to pay him back. The joke doesn't come off as planned, and Wally and Eddie spend the day fixing the damage to Lumpy's car.
36 The All-Night Party
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Wally has to impress his date's father before he's allowed to take her to an all-night party. As they're leaving in the morning, a stray drunk knocks her into a fountain, and her father assumes the damage was done at the party.
37 Beaver Sees America
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Beaver's excitement over a bus trip across the U.S. is dampened by the news that his friend Gilbert will be staying behind with Mary Margaret - Beaver's latest crush. Ward suggests to Gilbert's father that the bus trip would be good for Gilbert too.
38 The Clothing Drive
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Eager to win the Good Citizen Award and have his picture in the paper, Beaver accidentally takes three of his father's good suits for the school clothing drive.
39 Family Scrapbook
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June uncovers a long-forgotten scrapbook and calls Ward and the boys in to see. The family reminisces over events from previous episodes.

Nánar um þennan þátt

From creators Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher come the comedic tales of young Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver and his priceless experiences on Pine Street. Join Beaver and others as they learn the meaning of childhood, and the value of family through it all.

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