Following a teenage Leonardo da Vinci and set against the breath-taking backdrop of 15th century Florence, this series is far from a typical period drama. Bursting with mystery, adventure, comedy, and even a slowly unfolding love triangle, the show charts the exploits of history's most dynamic group of teens. There's streetwise Mac - better known to us as Machiavelli; Lisa, a girl who will one day be the subject of the most famous painting in the world but who, for now, just wants to paint. Lorenzo is a rich kid beyond modern money's imagining, and at the heart of the group and the show itself, working as an apprentice for the irascible Maestro Verrocchio, is a young Leonardo da Vinci. With fast-paced, stylish action sequences, modern music, language and outfits, this vibrant reimaging of renaissance Italy opens up an exciting and aspirational world for today's young viewers.