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Lost Girl

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Episodet e Sezoni 2 (22)

1 Something Wicked This Fae Comes
In the season opener, a nomadic Fae sideshow comes to town looking to take advantage of the chaos that the bombing of the Light Fae headquarters has wrought. Unbeknownst to the general Light Fae populace, The Ash is in a coma, and his bond with the land is weakening – which makes this the perfect time for the travelling circus freaks to steal the most precious thing the Light Fae possess.
2 I Fought The Fae (and The Fae Won)
The hunt for The new Ash is on. Literally. A traditional Stag Hunt is held, whereby the candidate who successfully tracks and kills The Stag becomes The next Ash. Bo barely takes a passing interest in this ceremony until a surprise visitor with a vested interest in the hunt appears in her front room.
3 Scream A Little Dream
As Bo struggles to accept the new terms of her and Dyson’s relationship, she investigates an apartment building full of residents who appear to have lost their minds. Kenzi’s choice to employ a Brownie to help around the house threatens to backfire on her. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4 Mirror, Mirror
In a move of sisterly solidarity, Kenzi drunkenly invokes the Russian hag Baba Yaga to curse Dyson for his behaviour towards Bo. In the sober light of day, however, Kenzi and Bo seek to remove the curse. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 Brotherfae Of The Wolves
Bo and Dyson team up to track down a stolen Mongolian Death Worm on behalf of Dyson’s old wolf pack mate. When things get complicated, Dyson finds himself reliving his medieval days – tormented by the hard choices he once had to make, and fighting in the present not to repeat past mistakes. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 It's Better To Burn Out Than Fae Away
The Morrigan enlists Bo’s help to find a tortured graffiti artist under her employ. The young painter has killed a Dark Fae, and his urban murals are exposing Fae secrets all over town – with The Morrigan on the hook for his actions. In exchange for her help with the case, The Morrigan offers Bo information on breaking The Ash’s hold on the Lauren. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 Fae Gone Wild
Bo is happy for the distraction provided by an assembly of strippers that helps break an accused cop-killer out of the police station. While Bo goes undercover at a strip joint to follow the trail of one of the apparent accomplices, Dyson and Hale simultaneously track the murderer. Both investigations meet in the middle at The Hand of Glory – a disembodied hand with remarkable powers. Coming off The Morrigan's shocking revelation about Lauren, Bo and the doctor have a difficult conversation. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 Death Didn't Become Him
Trick’s dear friend seeks his assistance when his ballet dancer husband goes missing – or rather, his ballet dancer husband’s corpse. Bo and Dyson track the dead ballet dancer to a bizarre figure, enlisting Lauren for her scientific expertise along the way.
9 Original Skin
A night out at the Dal goes awry when an insane trickster spikes the beer with a substance that transfers Bo out of her body – resulting in a ripple effect that finds our regulars inhabiting the skin of their friends, lovers and rivals. Suppressed – and not so suppressed – feelings bubble to the surface, and the brief stays in one another’s bodies gives each surprising insights into the other. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10 Raging Fae
Bo joins the brutal world of underground fighting to help a human competitor juiced up on Fae “steroids” that are sending him on blackout rages – and putting his son in harm's way. Meanwhile, the sister of the first boy she ever killed shows up and confronts Bo over her deadly past. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11 Can't See The Fae-rest...
When rich young humans start turning up dead, Bo agrees to go undercover to help Dyson find the Fae responsible. As she makes her way through the “Gossip Girl” world, Bo learns a deadly kind of class warfare is afoot. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12 Masks
When Lachlan finally frees the imprisoned Lauren, he reveals it was the former Ash who ordered that Nadia be put under the spell that has kept her in a coma for five years – and that he did it in order to keep Lauren working for him as she searched for a cure. Since the shaman who placed the curse is Dark Fae, Lachlan enlists Bo to track him down in the Congo, but orders that she never tell Lauren about her mission. When Bo arrives in the Congo via a magical Fae method of travel, the dying Tshombe tells her that he will lift the curse on Nadia if she brings him a healing mask that was stolen years before. As Kenzi plans a surprise birthday party for Bo, Ciara’s plan to buy an ostentatious mansion makes Dyson uncomfortable. When Bo travels back from Africa to investigate the Tshombe’s story, Trick tells her that the mask is in the possession of a greedy Preta living in Madagascar. Bringing Dyson with her for backup, Bo travels to the island to confront the Preta, who is cursed with an insatiable greed that drives him to steal valuable objects that then turn into a dangerous sand if he ever touches them again. Although the Preta initially agrees to trade the mask for a bracelet that used to belong to Trick’s wife, his underhanded tricks lead to a fight. And while Bo manages to retrieve the mask, she is upset when the bracelet Trick gave her is destroyed in the process. Meanwhile, Kenzi reconnects with a childhood crush named Nate when she hires him to play guitar at Bo’s birthday party. After Bo brings the healing mask to Tshombe, he gives her the power to remove the nail representing Nadia’s curse from a piece of wood. But when Bo continues removing nails in order to lift more curses, the shaman convinces her that she shouldn’t pass judgment on who deserves to be freed – but can’t stop her from using a handful of enchanted sand she stole from the Preta to destroy his box of nails, thereby preventing him from casting any future spells. Arriving back home, Bo is stunned by her surprise birthday party, but also sad that she has ended up alone in a sea of happy couples. To show her gratitude for Nadia’s mysterious recovery, Lauren recommits herself to the Ash, thereby fulfilling Lachlan’s nefarious plan to keep her under his control. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13 Barometz.trick.pressure
Stunned to discover that Lauren has recommitted herself to the Ash because of his alleged role in bringing Nadia out of her coma, Bo decides to confront Lachlan about his lies. While seeking his help, Bo finds Trick preparing to use a rare Blood Moon to place himself in a trance that will allow him to divine the future. And because he needs her to make a deal with a shape-shifter named Teague for a powerful talisman called the Kingmoor Ring, Trick insists that Bo shelve her vengeful plan. Trick enlists Dyson and Hale to help him secure the Barometz, a powerful hallucinogen that will send him into the trance. As Bo uses her powers to get the shape-shifting Teague to relinquish the ring, Trick takes Dyson and Hale to see his drug-addicted ex-girlfriend, Wai Lin, for the Barometz. Before she will comply, Wai Lin demands answers to four questions that reveal some startling truths about Trick’s past, including his failure to save his wife’s life during the Great Fae War. After instructing Dyson and Hale on how to use the Kingmoor Ring to keep him from falling permanently under the drug’s spell, Trick launches into the trance. As Nate asks Kenzi to join him on the road, Dyson helps Bo secretly plan to confront the Ash. Transported by the Barometz to Ireland, Trick is met by his dead wife, who says that the dangers in his future can be avoided if he uses his blood to un-write the laws he made to end the Great Fae War. As Dyson and Hale stand ready to save him, Trick discovers that he has been deceived by the Garuda, an ancient race that the Fae presumed was extinct. Meanwhile, inside the Ash’s throne room, Bo finds three decapitated Lachlan heads. And in the wake of a pitched battle during which Bo must summon the Dark Fae powers bottled up inside her, Lachlan reveals himself to be the Naga, a Fae whose sworn enemy is the Garuda. Finally, as Lachlan tells Bo that she is the only one who can lead the Fae in a war to defeat the Garuda, bringing Trick out of his trance gravely wounds him, Dyson and Hale. As Kenzi announces that she’s taking off with Nate, Bo prepares for her role as the Fae savior. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
14 Midnight Lamp
As Bo tries to decide if she will help him fight the Garuda, Lachlan sends her on a mission to retrieve Sadie, a popular action film star and an Afreet, a malevolent Fae whose great wisdom could be an asset in the upcoming war between the Light and the Dark. To complete her mission, Bo is sent to see Ryan Lambert, the handsome Fae who Lachlan sent to her recent birthday party. Armed with a “magic lamp” resembling a music box that she can use to trap Sadie, Bo finds the film star at a Hollywood nightclub, but is unhappy to discover that Ryan is also there with more instructions about using the box. Bo doesn’t want to resort to the only other method to enslave an Afreet – branding her with her mark – so she agrees to follow Ryan’s lead. Once Sadie kills a human, there’s no time to lose. But after the music box malfunctions, Bo, Ryan and Sadie are trapped inside. Although he doesn’t have an immediate plan to free them, Ryan uses his powers to keep Sadie at bay while he devises one. However, just as he finds a possible escape hatch and helps Bo get a message to Dyson, Sadie pushes Ryan down an elevator shaft. Meanwhile, Dyson learns that sacrificing his love for Bo in order to save her has left him unable to love anyone, including Ciara. And in an effort to keep Bo safe, Trick offers to keep an eye on her for Lachlan. When Sadie threatens to destroy the box and everything inside, Bo plays to her ego and gets her to hold off. While Hale manages to reactivate the music box long enough to learn what’s going on, Bo realizes that her only option is to brand Sadie. After seducing Sadie by biting her neck, Bo gains the upper hand and frees them from the magic lamp. Offering Lachlan a chance to question her, Bo insists that Sadie be released once he’s done. Ryan surprises everyone by surviving his fall, and Bo offers to be Lachlan’s partner in the upcoming battle. Finally, after he seduces her, Bo discovers that Ryan is a Dark Fae. And when Dyson admits why he can’t return her love, Ciara bolts in anger. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
15 Table For Fae
When Cole Masters turns up dead at a youth hostel looking at least fifty years older than his actual twenty-two years, Trick suspects Fae involvement and asks Bo to investigate. Following her interviews at the hostel, Bo wants to question Cole’s missing girlfriend, Delphine. As Kenzi and Nate return from their road trip to find them in bed, Bo and Ryan arrange a lavish dinner to get better acquainted. But as Kenzi balks at Ryan’s controlling manner, the dinner is interrupted when Bo returns to the hostel to see Delphine. Meanwhile, a testy run-in over his arrest of the son of a prominent supporter of the mayor lands Dyson in trouble with his boss. Following a tip from Delphine, Bo and Ryan head for the rejuvenation clinic where Cole went to make some money prior to his death. Posing as a couple looking to avail themselves of its services, they are met by Hessa, a Fae who becomes suspicious after recognizing Ryan and asks them to come back later. After lambasting her sister Lana for letting Cole escape, Hessa prepares for Bo and Ryan’s return. Sneaking back in for another look, Bo sees the sisters draining the youth out of backpackers in need of cash. But when she confronts them, Bo is captured. Wanting to make up for his bad behavior, Ryan sets up Nate with an agent who can help his musical career. But when Kenzi discovers that Ryan’s friend is the Morrigan, she warns Nate against getting involved. And after preventing Nate from signing a contract, she asks the Morrigan to steer clear. Meanwhile, despite warnings that he could be dragged down, too, Hale insists on standing by Dyson. Though Lana questions using their techniques on a Fae, the domineering Hessa orders her to start siphoning off Bo’s youth so it can be sold to their aging Fae customers. As Bo begins to visibly age, Ryan bursts in and orders the sisters to restore what they took from Bo and three prematurely aged human victims. And when Bo encourages her to step out from her domineering older sister’s shadow, Lana returns her and the other subjects back to normal. Finally, as Bo questions their romance after Ryan wants to let the sisters go, Kenzi lands in the Morrigan’s debt in exchange for the powerful Fae leaving Nate alone. And as Ryan tries to win back Bo, Dyson is vindicated when the mayoral backer’s son confesses to his crimes. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
16 School's Out
When Beverly Garner collapses in class, the suspicion of Fae involvement sends Dyson and Bo undercover at the high school. As Bo uses her looks to gain the students’ confidence by pretending to be a substitute teacher, and Dyson lands in the guidance counseling office, Kenzi poses as a student to see what she can learn. But Kenzi fails to be accepted by the school’s cool crowd and Dyson discovers that his teenage charges only want to discuss their love lives, while Bo’s unorthodox classroom tactics come under fire from Vice Principal Dickerson. And as she does her best to keep Kenzi from learning that she’s still seeing Ryan, Bo struggles with her feelings for Lauren when she and Nadia return from their vacation. Looking for information about the student body, Kenzi turns to a geeky chess-playing student named Earl. When blood tests on the victims lead Lauren to conclude that the girls have been infected by a Fae drug, Bo learns that the school is home to some Akvans, a dumb, slowly maturing form of Fae. After a cheerleader collapses with the same symptoms as Beverly, Bo identifies a coach who’s been giving steroids to girls trying out for athletic scholarships. But because she doubts that the overdoses are connected to the steroids, Bo begins to suspect that Dickerson is doping Earl and the rest of the school’s competitive academic team to make them smarter. Meanwhile, as Lauren struggles to tell Nadia about her feelings for Bo, Ryan’s offer to take her to the school’s prom makes it hard for Bo to keep their romance a secret. Once Kenzi starts exhibiting the same symptoms as the other girls, Dyson suspects she was infected by a kiss from Earl. After Earl admits to having kissed the other girls, too, Dyson finds evidence that the young Akvan is being drugged by his father, Jed. When confronted with the evidence, Jed admits that he and the other Akvan parents have been using the eggs of a Simurgh to increase their kids’ intelligence in the hope of changing the course of their species’ future. Finally, as Earl helps his dad see the error of his ways, and Bo finds it hard to persuade Ryan of their relationship’s futility, Nadia sets in motion her own insidious plans for Lauren. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
17 The Girl Who Fae'd With Fire
As Kenzi helps Bo prepare for the impending battle with the Garuda, Hale investigates the death of Marisol Carmody, the head of one of the three most powerful Fae clans. But because Hale is also Fae royalty, his father has the case reassigned to Dyson to protect appearances. Increasingly annoyed by his family, Hale begs Kenzi to accompany him to the Inverell, the once-a-century meeting of Fae nobility. Even though Kenzi is happily dating Nate, she agrees to let Hale introduce her to his father and sister as his girlfriend – only to be stunned by Sturgess and Val’s disdain for humans. After Lachlan tells her that solving Marisol’s murder could win them crucial financial support as they prepare for war, Bo joins Dyson’s investigation. And when the snobby Lord Dabner bursts into flames just as Marisol did, Dyson, Bo and Trick suspect that a magma-dwelling Cherufe is targeting the heads of the royal families and worry that Hale’s father may be next. When Kenzi tries to back out of attending the Inverell because Nate is uncomfortable with the idea, Hale tells her that he hopes to convince the Fae royal families to modernize and start treating humans as equals by pretending to be dating her – and he starts to realize how much he likes having her at his side. When Bo tells Sturgess that he is in danger, he admits that the Cherufe is seeking revenge on the three families because they reneged on their end of a deal after the creature helped them destroy the fourth-most-powerful Fae clan thousands of years ago. At the Inverell, Dyson finally gives into Val’s flirting, only to find himself at odds with his best friend and partner when Hale catches them having sex. When the Cherufe corners Kenzi away from the other party guests, Bo comes to her rescue and freezes the fiery Fae. Although many of the guests at the Inverell refuse to heed Bo’s warning that the Cherufe’s attacks are just a prelude to the upcoming battle with the Garuda, Sturgess agrees to finance her fight. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18 Fae-nted Love
As Bo inadvertently mixes her blood with Ryan’s after secretly returning to him for sexual healing, Kenzi’s former suitor Tryst seeks help after his grandmother falls under the spell of the Order of Dougallerian Solidarity. With Kenzi at her side, Bo arrives at the cult’s storefront church where a small crowd of devotees is in the thrall of Brother Douglas. Though Kenzi tries covering for her, Bo is caught red-handed sneaking into Brother Douglas’s office. Bo is splashed with some of the water that he uses to control his subjects, and falls under his spell, too. Meanwhile, as their partnership unravels in the wake of Dyson’s one-night stand with Hale’s sister, Dyson is sent by Lachlan to question Acher, a powerful under-Fae suspected of driving Fae to commit suicide. Worried that she’s lost Bo forever, Kenzi turns to Trick, who suspects that Bo’s memory has been erased by a water Fae known as an Addonc. Because Bo doesn’t even remember she’s a succubus, Trick worries about the damage she could do. However, when Ryan comes across her first and realizes that she doesn’t remember anything, he takes advantage of the situation to ask Bo to marry him. But when Bo’s memory begins coming back and she balks at going through with the wedding, Ryan uses a stun gun to take her prisoner. Meanwhile, as Kenzi and Trick grill Brother Douglas, Acher looks to get inside Dyson’s head and spark another suicide. Arriving at Brother Douglas’s storefront church, Trick and Kenzi search for the antidote to his spell. And after finding evidence that Ryan and Bo have flown to Niagara Falls, they head there, too. Though they are too late to stop the wedding, which Fae law says must last at least one thousand years, Trick realizes that the union isn’t complete until Bo is wearing the wedding ring. So, as Kenzi charges in to fight Ryan for the ring, Trick gives Bo a drink of the antidote to break the spell. Finally, after Bo enlists Ryan to help punish Brother Douglas for the problems he brought about, Dyson returns to see the Ash after struggling against Acher’s powerful mental suggestions. And though Lachlan admits to using Acher as a test of his fitness for the coming war, Dyson isn’t so sure if he’s willing to join the fight. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
19 Truth And Consequences
As Nate surprises Kenzi with a key to his apartment, Lachlan tells Bo that the Glaive – the Fae’s chief legal scholar – is forming an alliance with the Garuda. To keep it from influencing their march to war, Lachlan asks Bo to neutralize her. But while Bo is left with the impression that the charismatic Glaive’s intentions are strictly honorable, Trick warns that she can be very persuasive and advises Bo to keep an eye on her. And as Trick enlists Hale to spy on the Ash, Nadia suddenly and unexpectedly attacks Lauren. Caught using a drug to fight the Glaive’s formidable telepathic powers, Bo is taken hostage and threatened with torture unless she reveals what she knows about Lachlan’s war plans. Fighting back, Bo stabs the Glaive. But when she arrives at his throne room bearing the body and Lachlan says that he doubted she could go through with the execution, Bo reveals her deception and revives the Glaive. Meanwhile, not wanting to be caught in the middle of their power struggle, Hale arranges for Lachlan to learn that Trick is the Blood King. And after Trick warns her to take Nate and move far away from the war that is about to engulf Bo and the rest of the Fae, Kenzi is assaulted by Nadia. Returning home to find Kenzi recovering from the attack, Bo vows to track down Nadia. Noting that things are heating up fast, she seconds Trick’s advice that Kenzi leave town with Nate. Meanwhile, after claiming to remember very little about the string of assaults she committed, Nadia turns on Lauren. And when Bo arrives demanding answers, Nadia explodes again. In the fight that follows, Bo realizes that Nadia has been taken over by the Garuda. And when Nadia demands that someone stop her before she does any more damage, Bo kills her as Lauren looks on in horror. Finally, after telling Nate that she doesn’t love him, Kenzi sends him away and returns to Bo’s side. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
20 Lachlan's Gambit
After Hale is injured in a fight with three Berserkers, Trick and Bo realize that the Garuda has been spying on them – first through Nadia and now with the help of Alastor, a mole-like creature who’s indebted to Trick. As Lauren struggles to deal with her grief in the wake of Nadia’s death, both Ciara and Dyson return to join the war effort. With Lachlan beginning to lose control as the war draws closer, Dyson reveals that the Wolf Spirit told him that he, and not Bo, would be the one to defeat the Garuda. And though no one is sure whether to believe Dyson’s account of the prophecy, they decide to attack the Garuda in his lair in the morning. Afraid of what the next day will bring, Ciara and Dyson spend a passionate night together, while a conflicted Lauren turns to Bo for comfort. Before the battle begins, Trick tells Hale that he must make sure that Bo survives, no matter what the cost. When Bo, Hale, Kenzi, Ciara and Dyson track the Garuda to his lair, the birdlike monster turns the friends against each other by igniting long-simmering tensions. Although Kenzi tries to take advantage of the distraction to bludgeon the Garuda, her attack has almost no effect. And after Bo nearly sacrifices herself to save her human friend, Ciara is killed, protecting both of them from the Garuda. When the Garuda suddenly disappears, Bo realizes that he is on his way to the unprotected throne room where Lachlan is pushing Trick into taking desperate measures to win the war. In order to make sure that Bo gets to Trick in time, Dyson takes on an army of the Garuda’s minions on his own, while Hale unwittingly allows Kenzi to slip away. Just before Bo and Hale burst into the throne room, however, the Garuda cuts off Lachlan’s final head – but is quickly dragged away by Alastor, an action that finally repays his debt to Trick. Because Lachlan’s venom is the only thing that will kill the Garuda, Bo believes the war is lost. But when Lauren reveals that the Ash asked her to extract some of his venom before sacrificing himself, they realize that the Garuda is now at his weakest precisely because he thinks he is invincible. Finally, Kenzi arrives having rescued Dyson, and Bo vows to fulfill her role as Champion. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
21 Into The Dark
As the group grieves for Lachlan and Ciara, Trick reveals that he is Bo’s grandfather. Frustrated by the Garuda’s recent victory, Bo turns to the Nain Rouge, who advises her to recruit a powerful Dark Fae to her cause. Bo reluctantly decides to try to form an allegiance with Vex, but soon learns that the Dark Fae hit man is being held captive by the Morrigan. Told that she must bring the Morrigan a mysterious artifact called Briefcase #229 if she wants Vex to be released, Bo breaks into the Ash’s archives only to find herself imprisoned there by Awhero, the lonely spirit of a woman who tried to steal from the Ash long ago. And just when it seems that Bo is doomed to spend eternity as Awhero’s sole companion, Lauren rescues her. Guilt ridden over Ciara’s death, Dyson begs the Norn to return his love for Bo and give him strength for the upcoming battle. Although she initially refuses, the Norn gives in to his request when Kenzi threatens to destroy her sacred oak tree with a chainsaw. But when Kenzi tries to leave, she is unexpectedly splashed by a mysterious substance. Meanwhile, after Bo brings the Morrigan the briefcase, Vex is released into her custody. Although Bo is expecting him to be grateful, Vex tells her that he had arranged to be imprisoned in order to stay safe from the Red Caps, a gang of violent Fae hooligans led by a vicious man named Duncan. And when the Red Caps capture Vex, Duncan tells Bo that in order to buy his freedom she must bring him Briefcase #229. In order to steal the briefcase back, Bo seduces the Morrigan and leaves her handcuffed to her bed. But when the Red Caps release Vex in exchange for the briefcase only to threaten to kill both him and Bo, it is the Morrigan who arrives to save them. After the fight, however, Bo is upset to discover that Briefcase #229 contains nothing more than a powerful aphrodisiac and criticizes the Dark Fae’s selfishness. Eager to prove he isn’t a coward, Vex incapacitates the Morrigan and agrees to join the fight against the Garuda. Finally, Bo and Lauren share an emotionally charged moment, while Dyson resolves not to reveal that his love for Bo has been returned until after the battle. © 2011 BO Series 2 Inc. All Rights Reserved.
22 Flesh And Blood
Realizing that the Garuda has resurfaced, Trick warns Bo that her ability to control others has a dark side, and he gives her a vial of her grandmother Isabeau’s life essence to drink if she begins to feel the evil within taking over. Just as Bo is processing the news, Trick is captured by the Garuda’s minions. While Kenzi races to discover where the Garuda has taken him, Bo convinces everyone to be injected with her blood in order to eliminate the interpersonal strife the Garuda feeds on – even as she makes Kenzi promise to kill her if her new power over her friends turns her dark. However, Vex sneakily avoids being injected with her blood. And both Dyson and Lauren struggle with their growing feelings for Bo. After Kenzi reveals that the Garuda is hiding in an abandoned mental hospital, Hale’s sister Val arrives to help storm the facility and rescue Trick. Armed with the single vial of Naga venom that Lauren managed to stabilize after Lachlan’s death, Bo leads her friends into battle. But when Vex and Kenzi are wounded, Bo and Dyson leave the others behind to care for them and continue searching for Trick on their own. Forced to revisit his memories of the last Fae war by the Garuda, Trick is horrified to learn that Isabeau was killed on his orders due to a betrayal by Alastor, and that his decision to end the war by rewriting the laws with his blood has made it impossible for a true peace to arise between the Light and the Dark Fae. And just as the Garuda tries to convince Trick to sacrifice himself to finally secure peace, Bo and Dyson burst into the throne room and derail his plan. While Hale heals Kenzi’s wound with his siren whistle, Lauren realizes that Vex did not accept Bo’s blood and forcibly injects him with it to complete the group’s bond to her. Now more powerful than ever, Bo takes on the Garuda – but the fight stalls when the creature enters Trick’s body. Recalling the Nain Rouge’s prophecy that she would kill Trick, Bo injects her possessed grandfather with the Naga venom and finally kills the Garuda. Unwilling to let Trick die, however, she revives him with Isabeau’s life essence rather than using it to control her own inner darkness. The team celebrates its victory over the Garuda, but Kenzi grows worried about a mysterious rash on her arm, and Bo begins to succumb to her dark side.

Rreth kësaj shfaqjeje

While her adoptive parents raised her to be the girl next door, just one deadly sexual encounter is all it takes to convince Bo (Anna Silk) that she is anything but. After "draining" her boyfriend to death during sex, Bo begins a life on the run, eventually landing in a town where she finds that she is not alone. Upon discovering that she's a Succubus, a sexually powerful form of the mythic creatures known as the Fae, Bo teams up with a wily female con artist named Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) to form a detective agency that allows her to help those in need while searching for the truth about who she is. As she begins to understand her relationship with the Fae and the fragile truce between its two warring clans, Bo fights to maintain her neutrality as she heads on a collision course with her dark and disturbing past - and uncertain future.

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