Set against Election Day 1972, Joan (Jessica Marais) finally learns the truth about the baby swap, but is faced with the awful prospect she may never be reunited with her daughter when the other mother, Greta (Lianne Mackessy), doesn’t believe it. Despite being warned by Andrew (Dan Hamill) to keep a cool head, a desperate Joan visits Greta at her home. Instead of convincing her to relinquish her baby, Greta’s husband Peter calls the police. Meanwhile, Andrew with help from Martha (Miranda Tapsell) and Rita (Darcie Irwin-Simpson) find the evidence they need to prove the baby swap. Matron (Mandy McElhinney) is finally faced with her mistake, and despite their close relationship, Father Ross (Matt Day) proves less reliable than Matron had hoped. As this unfolds, Debbie (Sophia Forrest) and Bowditch (Andrew Ryan) frantically search for Ed (Travis Jeffery), bundled away by Elena’s (Danielle Catanzariti) brother Marco (Jerome Velinsky), so they can get him back to the hospital in time to marry Elena before she gives birth.