About this show

Lowdown shines a torch on the life of a man whose job it is to feed the public's insatiable appetite for celebrity gossip. Based on events from his former career as a journalist, Adam Zwar stars as Alex Burchill, the columnist of Lowdown which appears in Australia's biggest-selling tabloid newspaper - the Sunday Sun. Each week Alex interviews celebrities for his column, and each week those celebrities ruin his life. Sometimes the celebrity gets drunk and punches Alex out. Sometimes the celebrity gets him arrested. Usually the celebrity sleeps with his girlfriend, Rita. It may not sound like much of a life, but it invariably leads to great copy and the readers love it. In fact the ailing Sunday Sun with diminishing circulation, relies on Adam to pull a scandalous story out of his hat every week to save them from dying or worse, merging with the Sunday Argus, whose journalists wear cufflinks and are more interested in their share portfolios than getting a good yarn.