The show is fun to watch although the plot is terrible most of the time in this fraction of the first season. Not sure why it's cut off but the videos aren't available past the magma mole episode on Amazon either so maybe it's the company producing it. If you like 80's cartoons you'll love this. The audio quality is oddly low during the episodes some times particularly the first episode. Maybe I got used to it. But the opening song sounds great and is worth the cost of admission.
John Montgomery
I love this show, but buyers beware. The first season is NOT what you're purchasing. It's only the first eleven episodes. Shame on you google for outright lying. If you're going to call it the first season, make sure you have the complete season. To be honest I wish I could get my money back until the actual complete season is included.
10 people found this review helpful
Phoneguy 83
I've been wanting this on DVD forever. But when I saw it for the price on Google play, it had to be mine. For being from 85 the quality is pretty good. Season 2 comes around, I am getting that one too.
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