Marvel's Avengers Assemble

2013 • Disney XD
1,75 հզր կարծիք
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Կարելի է ավելացնել
Դիտել վեբ դիտարկիչում կամ աջակցվող սարքերում Իմանալ ավելին

Եթերաշրջան 1 սերիաներ (26)

1 The Avengers Protocol: Pt. 1
Iron Man re-unites the team.
2 The Avengers Protocol: Pt. 2
Red Skull steals Tony Stark's armor.
3 Ghost of a Chance
Rookie Falcon stands alone to stop an Earth invasion.
4 The Serpent of Doom
Thor believes he must sacrifice himself to save the world.
5 Blood Feud
Captain America leads the team into a battle against a former WWII ally.
6 Super Adaptoid
The Avengers are out-gunned by the Super-Adaptoid.
7 Hyperion
An all-powerful super-being arrives as the savior of Earth.
8 Molecule Kid
Hawkeye and Black Widow take on a covert SHIELD mission.
9 Depth Charge
When Attuma attacks, Hulk is forced to prove he is the strongest there is.
10 Doomstroyer
Doctor Doom takes command of the Asgardian Destroyer armor.
11 Hulked Out Heroes
The Avengers learn what it's like to walk in Hulk's shoes.
12 Avengers: Impossible!
Impossible Man, makes Falcon the star of his action movie.
13 In Deep
Iron Man and Captain America disguise themselves as villains to infiltrate Red Skull's Cabal.
14 Hulk's Day Out
When Hulk crash-lands on Earth with amnesia, he only remembers that the planet is doomed!
15 Planet Doom
Thor returns from Asgard to find Earth under rule of Doctor Doom, who changed the past to ensure the Avengers never formed.
16 Bring on the Bad Guys
The Avengers start to see how tough the Cabal really is and just how much strength they'll need to find in each other to take them down!
17 Savages
When Tony becomes too reliant on his tech, Cap challenges him to go without it for one full day.
18 Mojo World
Hulk and Hawkeye suddenly find themselves stuck in a death match at the hands of the intergalactic broadcasting master, Mojo.
19 The Ambassador
The Avengers put their lives at risk to protect none other than Doctor Doom!
20 All-Father's Day
Odin comes to the Avengers Tower demanding his son cease his "fun" on Earth and return to Asgard.
21 By The Numbers
The Avengers and the Cabal have a huge confrontation that leaves the team forever changed.
22 Guardians and Space Knights
Galactus attacks Earth and Iron Man is able to lead him to another planet, but they find out it's under the Guardians of the Galaxy's protection!
23 One Little Thing
Falcon's mom is coming to visit and she has no idea he's an Avenger!
24 Crime and Circuses
When the Circus of Crime rolls into town, Hawkeye's dark past begins to surface and puts the Avengers in danger.
25 Exodus
Tony's confidence is shaken after he inadvertently puts Falcon in harm's way.
26 The Final Showdown
With the Tesseract now in the hands of the Cosmic Skull, Tony realizes teaming up with the rest of the Cabal might be their only chance for victory.

Այս սերիալի մասին

When an ancient and mysterious threat rises to destroy Wakanda, Black Panther must cast away old alliances, old rules, and old friends and chart a new course forward for himself and for the people of Wakanda. With his sister Shuri by his side, Black Panther will decide what kind of king, what kind of Avenger, and what kind of man he will be.

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