Men at Work

2012 • TBS
140 opinii
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Sezon 1 – odcinki (10)

1 Pilot
Gibbs, Neal and Tyler band together to help recently dumped Milo get back in the game. Neal attempts "dirty talk" at the whim of his steady girlfriend, Amy. And Gibbs crosses the line with Tyler's maid. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 Heterotextual Male
After a successful first date, Milo asks his friends for some tips on how to follow up with Jessica. Though they insist he shouldn't call her, Neal, Gibbs and Tyler all agree that texting is the right move and give him some pointers on crafting the perfect message. Meanwhile, Tyler and Gibbs giddily prepare to interview sex therapist Sasha Ryan for Full Steam. They are surprised that she's nothing like what they expected, and Sasha turns her photo session with Gibbs into a hands-on lesson in what she does best. Anxious to keep things moving with Jessica, Milo turns to Tyler for advice on how to respond to her suggestive texts. While Tyler suggests taking his time, Neal leaves Milo thinking that he should reply immediately. But when she doesn't respond to his message as expected, Gibbs discovers a typo in the text that might have given Jessica the wrong impression. Meanwhile, after sexually enlightening Gibbs, Sasha overwhelms the brashly confident Tyler with her extraordinary erotic talents, too. Though his friends suggest he learn from the experience and just let it go, Milo insists on going to Jessica's office to apologize in person. However, after interrupting her during a meeting only to be told that she assumed his text was a mistake, Milo learns that Jessica has already decided they don't have a future. Finally, Neal struggles to explain why he threw away a hat that Amy gave him as a gift. And Gibbs and Tyler's disappointment at learning that their sexual experiences with Sasha were one-time affairs is made even worse after she blogs about them. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 Devil's Threesome
Over drinks at their favorite bar, Milo and Gibbs are both regaling a beautiful woman named Keri with their stories about working at the magazine when she suggests going back to her place. Milo and Gibbs each assume that they are the one she's invited, but are stunned to learn that Keri wants them both. So after Gibbs lays down some ground rules for their conduct, Milo agrees to join him and Keri in bed. Gibbs, however, ends up devastated by his inability to perform during their "Devil's Threesome." Meanwhile, in order to have some alone time, Neal convinces his girlfriend Amy to take Tyler to an art show commemorating women's suffrage. At the office the next day, Neal and Tyler quickly realize what happened with Keri and press their friends for details. While Gibbs doesn't want them to know, Milo tells him he's sure his performance problem was just a one-time thing. So to regain his confidence, Gibbs insists that they have another threesome with Keri. Meanwhile, as a result of his evening out with Amy, Tyler decides that he and the guys should take a lesson from the women he met and spend more time getting in touch with their feelings. When Neal starts feeling left out and wants some time with Amy, Tyler reluctantly takes a back seat. But when he unleashes his new sensitive side on another unsuspecting woman, even Tyler is horrified by the words he hears coming out of his mouth. In the wake of their second threesome, Gibbs couldn't be happier with his return to form. However, when a recounting of events reveals that there may have been far too much contact between the two of them, both Gibbs and Milo agree to never talk about the evening again. Finally, after Neal and Amy advise him to approach his newfound sensitivity with care, Tyler's efforts to convince the guys to open up and share their feelings fall flat. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4 Milo Full Of Grace
In anticipation of a visit by Full Steam Magazine's owner and Amy's dad P.J. Jordan, Neal resolves to win him over with a new strategy that will increase ad revenue by 30%. After things at the office get off to a rocky start, Neal nervously makes his pitch during their lunch meeting. While P.J. reveals that all he expects is that the magazine break even, he's intrigued when Neal proposes budget cuts that will help Full Steam turn a profit. Meanwhile, Tyler and Gibbs coach Milo on improving his first feature for the magazine, an investigative piece on drug trafficking. When Neal ends the magazine's policy of providing free coffee and bagels, Gibbs' caffeine craving sends him to a nearby office's well-stocked break room for relief. And after a woman named Nora complains about a guy she dated who is now refusing to call her, Gibbs pretends that he works there and gives her some relationship advice in order to continue helping himself to her office's free coffee. Meanwhile, encouraged by Gibbs to go deeper with his story, Milo attends a drug rehab meeting. But after he tries to replicate the experience of a drug courier by ingesting several flour-filled balloons, Milo must see a doctor for an ultrasound, and ends up landing in jail. Though Neal is proud of the budget cuts he's made, an inspired P.J. says that they are just the beginning, and announces that to save money on paper costs, he is reducing the magazine's size by cutting its investigative features -- starting with the one Milo is working on. As he worries about what all the cost cutting will mean for Full Steam, Tyler discovers that Gibbs has found a way to get around the coffee ban. But when he's pressured to disclose the location of the coffeemaker he's been using to feed his habit, Gibbs loses his privileges after Nora recognizes Tyler as the man she's been complaining about. As Gibbs and Tyler are forced to find another convenient break room, Neal stands his ground against P.J.'s draconian cuts. And though Milo's debut investigative article is published after all, his dismay over the small print size is compounded by the jailhouse mug shot that is used as his contributor picture. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 Toilet Of Eden
Just as Milo has finished ridding his apartment of everything that belonged to his ex-girlfriend Lisa, a plumbing accident forces him to temporarily move in with Tyler. Having never had a roommate, Tyler is happy to have him stay for as long as necessary. He does have one rule, however: under no conditions can Milo enter his private bathroom. Meanwhile, as he's photographing at a new hotel for the magazine, one of Gibbs' pictures inadvertently catches Neal's girlfriend Amy arm-in-arm with another man. And while Tyler and Milo agree that they shouldn't tell Neal until they know more, they aren't sure that Gibbs can keep a secret. After noticing a host of things that are broken in Tyler's apartment, Milo calls in the building's superintendant Pavel to fix them. Though Milo has kept his promise and avoided his friend's bathroom, Pavel insists he take a look. And after seeing his friend's spectacular toilet, it isn't long before Milo is using it whenever Tyler is out. Wracked with guilt, he tries to confess, but can't bring himself to spoil Tyler's excitement over having him as a roommate -- especially now that he wants to make their new living arrangement permanent. Meanwhile, when Gibbs tries to come clean about Amy's suspicious behavior, Neal misunderstands what he's talking about and says that it's no big deal. Yet when he realizes his mistake, Neal is left reeling by the thought that his girlfriend might be cheating on him. Determined to learn the truth, Neal heads to the hotel to ask about the man Amy was seen with. When he spots him with another woman, he calls Gibbs for some tips on handling himself in a fight. However, when Amy drops by the office and Gibbs accuses her of cheating on Neal, she reveals that the man at the hotel is the piano player she is hiring for a surprise party for her boyfriend. Asked why they were walking arm-in-arm, Amy reveals that he's blind. And although Neal ends up losing his fight with the blind pianist, Amy is still impressed by his passion for her. After Tyler catches him using his bathroom, Milo has no choice but to pack up and leave as soon as possible. But when Tyler realizes how lonely the place is without him, he asks Milo to move back in and even installs a matching toilet in the guest bathroom. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 Crazy For Milo
Following his breakup with Lisa, Milo is accused of losing his ability to tell when someone is flirting with him -- aka his "play-dar." Though he disagrees, the suggestion still hits a nerve. So when he sees an attractive woman named Abbie drop an apple while shopping at a local deli, he strikes up a conversation. One flirty comment leads to another and they end up spending the night together at his place. At the office the following morning, Tyler is anxious to test a lie detector phone app he's writing about. When Milo shows up late claiming that he overslept, the app detects a lie. And though the guys congratulate him on managing to have a one-night stand, when Milo returns home, he finds Abbie there waiting for him. Meanwhile, Neal reveals that he and Amy are using role-playing to spice up their sex lives. While Milo doesn't know what to make of Abbie staying at his house, her sexy come-ons soon put his mind at ease. Upon hearing the details of the zany day they spent together, Milo's friends tell him that he needs to figure out if she's just quirky or certifiably insane. But despite Milo's best efforts, Abbie keeps using her sexiness to deflect his questions. Meanwhile, things around the office get testy when the lie detector app forces Gibbs to admit that he hasn't always liked Tyler. And when Neal says that he is the only one playing a character in the bedroom, Gibbs concludes that the role-playing is Amy's way of having sex with anyone but him. When Milo can't decide whether to flee or propose marriage, Gibbs and Tyler agree to meet Abbie and quickly conclude that she's a lot of fun, especially when she starts to take off her shirt. Pressed by Milo about her past, Abbie says she's an escaped mental patient. And while Gibbs immediately thinks she's joking, Tyler's lie detector app reveals that she's telling the truth. But after Milo gives her cab fare so she can return home, Abbie ends up with a neighbor she met in the elevator. Finally, after the growing tension between them finally boils over, Gibbs and Tyler make up. And when Neal confronts her about the role-playing, Amy says that she only kept doing it because he seemed to like it. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 Plan B
Having decided that he'll never meet the girl of his dreams by trolling the local nightclubs, Milo announces that he's open to the idea of being set up -- though not by just anybody. Worried that they would always be trying to sleep with anyone they recommended, he quickly dismisses offers of help from both Tyler and Gibbs. After noting that Neal is more than a little lucky to be involved in any relationship, Milo asks him if Amy would help find him a date. However, once the guys get a look at Neal's friend Hannah, whom he says would be perfect for Milo, they are all clamoring to go out with her. Meanwhile, Gibbs and Tyler pretend to be gay in order to get a couples' discount at a hot new gym. After getting Milo to be his slave at work for a day, Neal finally agrees to set him up with Hannah. But when Neal chastises him the next day for not sharing more details about the date, Milo begins to suspect that his friend has a thing for Hannah. And though Neal says he is devoted to Amy, he interrupts Milo's second date by claiming that there is an emergency at work that requires their immediate attention. Meanwhile, as they try to keep up their money-saving ruse, Tyler and Gibbs quickly find that they don't make the best gay couple. After admitting that he concocted the work emergency in order to break up their date, Neal returns to his apartment to find Hannah waiting for him in the hallway. Having concluded that Neal wants to have an affair, Hannah says she's interested and gives him a key to her hotel room. But when push comes to shove, Neal is unwilling to do anything that would jeopardize his relationship with Amy. Finally, after agreeing that they can't keep up their fake relationship any longer, Tyler and Gibbs admit they aren't gay and announce that they are quitting the gym. But when the gym manager tells them that they needn't be romantically involved to get the couples' discount, they decide to stick around. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 Wake And Bake
Complaining that they are stuck in a rut, Milo tries to convince his friend to go out for a night of adventure to break up their routine. After Gibbs begs off because of a date with a hot model, Tyler says that he also has a date with his friend Katelyn, who has repeatedly stood him up in the past. And while Tyler is sure that this will be the time that Katelyn actually shows up, he's forced to back down after she calls to cancel. So when Katelyn accidentally pocket dials him and Tyler overhears her making plans to go to a bar, Milo suggests tracking her down to confront her. But when he and Milo arrive at O'Malley's prepared to make a scene, they are stunned to find Katelyn is there at a wake for her late grandmother. Meanwhile, after Gibbs' date falls apart, Neal invites him to join some friends as they camp out in front of a store to await the release of a new video game. And though Gibbs claims he's not interested, one look at Neal's scantily clad "gaming family" causes him to change his mind. As Katelyn tells Tyler that she's happy he showed up to support her in her time of need, Milo seizes the moment when another mourner mistakes him for a cousin who is missing in action after going to war. So even though Tyler tells him he can leave now that things are going well with Katelyn, Milo says that he's going to stick around to see where the adventure takes him. But after smoking marijuana with his fellow mourners, a eulogy that liberally quotes from the movie Top Gun exposes Milo as an imposter and jeopardizes Tyler's chances with Katelyn. Meanwhile, upon taking Neal's advice to get into the spirit of the event, Gibbs picks up a wood nymph-costumed woman who's also camped out in line. But after having sex with her in her tent, Gibbs is ostracized from the group after learning that she is Neal's gaming family mother. Though Katelyn is angry when Tyler tells her the truth about how and why he stalked her to her grandmother's funeral, his sense of humor causes her to change her mind and give him a chance. But after agreeing to meet him at the funeral the following day, Katelyn doesn't show. Meanwhile, Neal tells Gibbs to create a virtual mom that he can seduce in order to even the score and relieve the tension between them. But after Neal spends two weeks setting the stage for his revenge, Gibbs makes a keyboarding error that causes his virtual mom to kill Neal's painstakingly constructed avatar instead. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9 Inventing Milo
Recalling the many great ideas he failed to pursue that later became successful inventions, Milo vows not to let another opportunity pass him by. So after giving the guys at work a preview of his latest brainstorm -- a heavy full body suit called the Sleepweight that uses the wearer's natural tossing and turning in bed to add muscle tone -- he asks Neal for help. Though skeptical, Neal tries out the Sleepweight during an afternoon nap at work and is sufficiently impressed to offer to introduce Milo to his friend, venture capitalist James Wilson. When it's clear that Milo has no idea how to prepare his presentation pitch, Neal agrees to help out. But after taking the suit home for an overnight test run, Neal wakes the following morning unable to get out of bed, leaving Milo on his own at the office to face their potential investor. After Tyler announces that he's secured the legendary photographer Shepard Peters to shoot a cover for Full Steam, no one is happier than Gibbs. Noting that Shepard is the person who inspired him to take up photography, Gibbs relishes the chance to work alongside him to re-create an iconic photo from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. But once he's paired with the famous yet difficult Shepard, Gibbs takes on many of his mentor's worst characteristics, making it impossible for Tyler to work with either of them. So after a night of heavy drinking, Tyler is left struggling for a new direction after Shepard announces that he doesn't want to re-create his past work after all. Meanwhile, unaware that Neal is stuck at home hoping to be rescued, Milo stalls for as long as he can before nervously forging ahead and pitching the Sleepweight on his own. Back at Shepard's apartment, Gibbs quickly sees that he's an egomaniac who has no regard for anyone but himself. Realizing that he left his good friend in the lurch back at work, Gibbs returns to the office after convincing Shepard to do the magazine cover after all. Finally, when Wilson says he isn't going to invest in the Sleepweight and points out that it could be dangerous to anyone who wears it, Milo suddenly realizes what's happened to Neal. And after rushing to Neal's apartment to rescue him, Milo says that the whole fiasco has left him with yet another surefire idea. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10 Super Milo
© 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Informacje o serialu

Future episodes of this show are being made available to Google Play on a delayed basis and will be made available for purchase individually as soon as possible.
Men At Work is a multi-camera buddy sitcom that follows the antics of four friends as they navigate the rocky terrain of modern relationships. No matter what mischief ensues, one thing is certain: these friends have each other’s back.

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