Miami Vice

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Folgen von Season 3 (24)

1 When Irish Eyes are Crying
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Sean Carroon, a ruggedly handsome Irishman, is lecturing on the disposition of the war in Ireland when Gina foils an attempt on his life. He takes Gina out to dinner to show his appreciation and the mutual attraction turns into a night of passion. Castillo, the Vice team and Richard Cross from Scotland Yard decide to follow Carroon who is under suspicion for running guns despite his non-violence preaching. Crockett and Tubbs meet Izzy who puts them in touch with Max Klizer, an arms dealer. They also meet with Eddie Kay under the pretense of buying elite weaponry. In a demonstration, the psychotic Kay demolishes Crockett's Ferrari. They discover their order for missiles is short due to Carroon's order for same, and deduce that Carroon and the wealthy Bunny Berrigen plan to blow up the Concorde.
2 Stone's War
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Sonny Crockett agrees to hide Ira Stone, an old war acquaintance and journalist, who has footage of United States mercenaries fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Crockett is skeptical as to the authenticity of the footage until he runs up against O'Hara who is in search of the tape. With his newly acquired car, a Ferrari Testarossa, Crockett and Tubbs arrest Stone hoping he will be safe in jail. Sonny contacts Alicia Mena, news director at WFFP, to sell the tape. When he returns he finds Stone was released to a man with a phony Federal warrant. His old adversary, William Maynard, also known as Captain Real Estate, contacts Crockett regarding the tape. Maynard has banded together a group of mercenaries to fight in Nicaragua on behalf of wealthy American businessmen. They obtain a copy of the tape from Alicia, yet are unable to fool Maynard. Then Alicia is found dead and all the tapes in the WFFP editing room erased.
3 Killshot
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Crockett and Tubbs are working with Frank Arrioli from U.S. Customs on catching Louis Morales, a major cocaine dealer. They enjoy watching Frank's brother, Tico, a Jai Alai champion...and an artist with a ball that travels 150 miles per hour. Unbeknownst to Frank, Tico is heavily into cocaine and is framed by Isabel Batista for the supposed murder of her call girl, Jan. Batista and Morales make Frank aware of the videotape of Tico beating Jan and demand the Customs service codes. Frank is then forced to tell Morales that Crockett and Tubbs are vice policemen. However, he anonymously warns Crockett and Tubbs that they are being set up.
4 Walk-Alone
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The vice team is informed by John Ruger, Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections, that officers in the State Penitentiary are extorting drugs from trafficking inmates, and that every inmate murdered in D-Block was sent there by Watch Commander Fox. Ricardo Tubbs volunteers to go inside for two days and is immediately introduced to the prison gangs and hierarchy. After being beaten on order of Kellar, a prison guard, he finally meets Fox and they strike a drug deal. At the meet to exchange the drugs, Crockett arrests Kellar who informs Fox that Tubbs is a policeman. Fox orders that Tubbs be shot in the prison yard.
5 The Good Collar
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs arrest Archie, a high-school student, during a heroin sale. They also meet Lt. Ramirez who is undercover for Metro on gangs. He informs them that "The Regular Fellas" are responsible for the heroin which caused four deaths, and that the leader, "Count" Walker is a fourteen-year-old drug kingpin. Crockett discovers Archie is in line for a college scholarship from his all-city football career and that he was trying to earn money for a pair of football shoes, not realizing it involved a drug transaction. He strikes a deal wherein Archie will be released with no record of arrest if he helps them bust "The Regular Fellas". Archie agrees and ends up saving Crockett's life during the shoot-out. Unfortunately, "Count" Walker escapes arrest. Crockett visits Archie's home and shows his appreciation by giving him money for a pair of shoes, and then gives him his old college football. When Ramirez and several innocent bystanders are killed in a gang shoot-out, the neighborhood explodes in violent outrage storming the high school and demanding law and order.
6 Shadow in the Dark
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs are brought in to work with Lt. Gilmore on an unusual cat burglary case. The thief steals pants, eats some meat and leaves crudely ethereal drawings on the walls. Gilmore is non-relenting and preaches Crockett to get into the thief's head. When Gilmore suffers a mental breakdown, Crockett takes over and zeroes in on the drawings. He is convinced the "shadow" will soon kill and that the homes must have windows, lots of light, and the right "vibes" to please the gods. Lt. Castillo becomes concerned with Crockett's obsessive behavior. They are taken aback when the chief is supposedly caught, yet Crockett is convinced it is a copycat. Castillo takes Crockett off the case and sends him home under Tubbs' watchful eye. Crockett is eerily intent on the fact the man will strike at a particular house. When Gilmore concurs with Crockett's choice, Castillo, Tubbs and Crockett set out to the house.
7 El Viejo
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A drug transaction involving Sonny Crockett, a Bolivian drug dealer and his men backfires when an innocent guard is killed and the eyewitness, an old man, confiscates the suitcase containing the cocaine. The vice team identify the old man as Jake Pierson and are shocked to learn he was a Texas Ranger Captain. Crockett is in awe as the Texas Rangers were heroes; and is convinced there is more at stake than the old man wanting money from the sale of the drugs. Crockett confronts Jake who explains his partner had been killed in a shoot-out and he raised the man's son and took care of his wife. However, his life was never the same as something died inside of him when he lost his friend. Thinking Crockett is a drug dealer, the old man knocks him out and is about to kill him when Tubbs appears and shoots at the old man, wounding him. Jake disappears and puts on his Ranger uniform readying to meet the Bolivian. Crockett learns that the guard killed was the son of the old man's partner and surmises the meet will be in the cemetery.
8 Better Living Through Chemistry
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While trying to make a buy with Wango Mack, a major coke dealer, Ricardo Tubbs is exposed by Clarence Batisse, a disc jockey in Mack's club. Clarence was Tubbs' partner on the New York police force and was dismissed for a questionable shoot eight years prior. He blames Tubbs for his lost job and devastated personal life. Meanwhile, Izzy is hired by Wango to keep Henry Luna, an Ecuadorian man-child and brilliant chemist, satisfied and happy. Tubbs and Crockett discover that Luna has created potent synthetic cocaine that will enable Wango to undercut the entire market causing a drug war. Tubbs travels to New York and learns that Clarence was honest as to the course of events. He requests reinstatement and back pay for Clarence. Unbeknownst to Tubbs, Clarence kidnaps Henry and anonymously request one million dollars for his return to Wango.
9 Baby Blues
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While searching a plane for drugs, the Miami Vice team find fifteen Colombian babies illegally smuggled into the United States in the cargo area, along with Maria Escobar, a stowaway who is half-dead. The tragedy is that three of the infants did not survive the flight in the kennel-like conditions. Maria tells Trudy her son was forcefully taken from her sixteen months prior and she wishes to find him. Crockett and Tubbs visit with Vasquez from the Colombian Consulate and after checking with adoption services find that the powerful attorney, Howard Famiglia, consistently places Colombian babies in homes for a fee of $20,0000 dollars. Gina, Trudy and Maria go in search of her son and are told by one adoptive parent, Steven DeMarco, that he paid Famiglia $50,0000 dollars. When they find Maria's boy, now two years old, he is in a wealthy home and does not recognize Maria but runs to his adoptive mother, Mrs. Kaplan. A wiretap of Famiglia's phone clues them that he is meeting Angela Mitchell from Social Services. When Vasquez and Mitchell are found dead from supposed suicides, Crockett and Tubbs are convinced Famiglia ordered the murder.
10 Streetwise
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs bust a hotel of prostitutes and arrest Carla, a pretty seventeen-year-old, who is holding pharmaceutical cocaine, and her boyfriend, Vic Romano, an undercover policeman. They learn Carla obtained the cocaine from another prostitute, Roxanne, who is found dead. Roxanne was mulling for Carla's pimp, Silk, who is the distributor. They find a bus station locker key in which twenty-four ounces of cocaine is hidden. Tubbs, posing as a high-class pimp, bail out Carla and arranges a meet with Silk at the Checker Club. Meanwhile, Sonny and Romano have a machine gun open fire on them after which Crockett learns Leo Kriesen, the supplier, who plans to trap Tubbs and the girl at the club, sent the hit men.
11 Forgive Us Our Debts
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs are assigned to review the case of Frank Hackman, who is waiting execution. Crockett is hardened against the man whom he put on death row for murdering his partner, Len Frankel, in front of his wife and children. Hackman is now hiding behind religion and is pleading innocence. Crockett and Tubbs ask Thomas Waldman, the Miami State Attorney running for State Attorney General, for a stay of execution. They meet with Gus Albierro, who was of Hackman's group, and he admits Hackman was not in town the night of the murder. After his confession, however, Gus is murdered, execution style.
12 Down for the Count, Pt. 1
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Sonny Crockett wants to trap Guzman, a major narcotics importer and gambler, who brutally murdered a nineteen-year-old drug informant. The boxing impresario, Don King, tells him that Guzman is betting on fights where he pays off the fighters. Det. Larry Zito approaches an old friend and boxing trainer, "Moon" McAllister, to help them trap Guzman. They reluctantly agree to use Bobby Sykes, an unknown talent to entice Guzman into buying his contract. Zito agrees to act as Sykes' training partner. McAllister turns down a $50,000 dollar payoff from Guzman who becomes extremely angry. Then McAllister steals Guzman's gambling book and is murdered by his henchmen.
13 Down for the Count, Pt. 2
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Following Det. Zito's funeral, a bitter Det. Switek lashes out at Sonny Crockett for going after Oswaldo Guzman, then must deal with Internal Affairs who have filed Zito's death as an overdose. While Switek, is defending his friend's name and integrity, Crockett and Tubbs find that "Moon" McAllister mailed Guzman's gambling book to Zito. Crockett and Tubbs are warned by McKelvey of the FBI that Alfredo Giulinni, a big-time mobster from Las Vegas wants Guzman dead. Giulinni is angry that Guzman swindled him out of two million dollars in bets from boxing matches. Switek overhears that Giulinni's name men are headed to murder Guzman. He eventually tells Crockett and Tubbs and they head out to the crowded shopping mall.
14 Cuba Libre
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs are working on Armando Rojas, a big-time cocaine dealer when they are incapacitated by four commandos demanding the "buy" money, as they shoot an undercover policeman. An informant leads them to Victor Vasquez and Paco Zamora. Then Jack Slade, a Federal agent, tells Lt. Castillo that Vasquez is working for the Federal government and to stay away from the case. Castillo puts his badge on the line and allows Crockett to take Rojas' "buy" money to bait Vasquez. An exchange is arranged and Zamora takes Crockett to a compound in the Everglades. When he receives the money he disposes of the briefcase which contains a homing device planted by vice.
15 Duty and Honor
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Lt. Castillo is joined by Nguyen Van Trang, formerly an Inspector for the Saigon police, to solve prostitute murders by the same man who twelve years before brutally stabbed six women in Vietnam. Interpol feeds them information that there is a pattern to the murders: six prostitutes were murdered in less than two weeks and all were followed by assassinations. That night Det. Gina is approached by a man who runs when she speaks Vietnamese. Crockett takes pursuit, yet the man runs his car into a shop and it explodes. They release a police rendering of the man and a patient at the VA Hospital identifies him as "The Savage". The nickname was given to him, as he was an artful and effective killer who worked for the CIA for some time.
16 Theresa
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Det. Crockett is lead investigator in catching Joey Wyatt, a big-time cocaine dealer. In his private life he is deeply in love with Theresa, an emergency room doctor. Following Wyatt's hearing, Crockett purchases an engagement ring and then heads over to the police warehouse to sign papers on audiotapes that are evidence in Wyatt's trial. When he arrives, the warehouse explodes. He is placed on suspension when an investigation uncovers a photocopy of Crockett's file sheet on Wyatt. He confronts Theresa who sadly admits she xeroxed the page for Rudy Ramos, a street-con who sells her heroin. She explains that following back surgery, she was in constant pain with a demanding schedule. She graduated from pain pills to heroin and eventually became addicted. Theresa turns herself in to the police who put her career in jeopardy and Crockett arranges with Dr. Chaney at a drug rehabilitation hospital to help Theresa.
17 The Afternoon Plane
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Det. Tubbs wins a Caribbean vacation on the island of Saint Gerard and is thrilled to spend idyllic time with the lovely Alicia Austin. However, once on the island he learns he was set up by Orlando Calderone, the man who murdered his son and lover. The town was the center of Calderone's cocaine operation and the townspeople refuse to help Tubbs. Calderone is expected on the noon plane at which time Tubbs is to be executed. While searching for a gun, Tubbs come across an old girlfriend, Sally, yet she is embittered and refuses to help him. Sally talk to Alicia into leaving the island so that Tubbs does not have to worry about her. As they wait at the airport, Leon Wolf and Xavier Calderone, Orlando's henchmen, watch the plane descend. Tubbs is hidden in the deserted town and sends a car to travel down the street as Xavier fills it with bullet holes.
18 Lend Me an Ear
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs are trying to gather evidence against Alexander Dykstra, a major drug dealer, but their attempts to put surveillance equipment in his home are foiled by Steve Duddy, an ex-policeman and electronics wizard who conducts "sweeps" of Dykstra's home and removes the "bugs". Crockett and Tubbs call Duddy to help outfit Dykstra's estate with state-of-the-art surveillance equipment at Duddy's inflated prices, not realizing he also works for Dykstra. When Duddy witnesses Dykstra shoot his girl friend, he begins taping conversations of drug and money transactions between Dykstra and McGregor. He then taps into Det. Switeks's equipment and plays the previously recorded conversations. Unfortunately, McGregor shows up dead and Crockett realized that Dykstra is smuggling millions of dollars out of the country.
19 Red Tape
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Ricardo Tubbs and Det. Diaz are wounded while witnessing the death of a fellow officer when they run into a booby trap during a drug raid. Tubbs is convinced someone inside the department is leaking information on their search warrants. Crockett and Lt. Castillo have never seen him so angry as he quits, threatening to move back to New York. Lt. McIntyre approaches him in a bar from S.I.D. who offers him a job and big money to provide information from the department. He requests vice's file on the drug dealer, Onofrio Avila. Diaz watches Tubbs take Avila's file and is convinced he has sold out and was responsible for his partner's death.
20 By Hooker by Crook
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The death of a financial wizard, Symington, has Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs searching for his girlfriends, the exquisite Ali, who was an eyewitness. Crockett and Tubbs learn from Izzy Moreno that Ali was working as a call girl for Caprice Escort Service. Meanwhile, Kenneth Togaru, a Japanese businessman looking to make money in Miami's drug trade, orders Ali's execution. Crockett becomes involved with the lovely Christine who was voted Business Woman of the Year. When Ali is found strangles, Crockett and Tubbs pay a visit to Caprice Escort Service.
21 Knock, Knock, Who's There?
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Officers from the Drug Enforcement Agency raid a drug transaction between Esteban Montoya, Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs. However, when the drugs and money disappear and the DEA denies any involvement, the suspicion falls on Tubbs and Crockett. Meanwhile, Linda Colby, a DEA agent, meets with Montoya to set up another raid. Her eight-year-old son, Brian, is in the hospital in need of a kidney transplant. She is selling Montoya information to pay Brian's medical bills. At home her husband, Chuck, an ex-cop, is in a wheel chair after being shot. The Crockett and Tubbs tell Linda that Sonny Burnett plans to meet with Montoya over a large shipment. Linda immediately informs Montoya, who plans to kill Crockett against her wishes.
22 Viking Bikers from Hell
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs attend the funeral of Edward Constantine - "The Wire" - a major drug dealer. Attending the extravaganza is every low-life and biker in Miami. When "The Wire's" customers are methodically murdered...Crockett and the vice team become nervous as he is on the death list. They track down Victoria, "The Wire's" sister who will not talk and was not a part of her brother's business. Meanwhile, Reb Gustafson, newly released from prison, Toad and Lascoe are terrorizing the drug community with their Harley Davidson motorcycles and aggressive and violent style. Reb tells Victoria his Karma is set and his mission is almost over to avenge "The Wire's" death and give her the inheritance. Tubbs and Crockett meet with Philip Hersh at a mental health clinic who profiles Reb as a psychopath - devoid of emotion or regard for human life and that his idol was Constantine. While staking out Victoria's house, Reb discovers Tubbs and though he shoots Reb twice, Reb shoots Tubbs.
23 Everybody's in Show Biz
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs try to recover the briefcase of Don Gallego, a major crack manufacturer. Men in theatrical make-up had stolen it. Crockett confronts Miky who runs the Mi Vida Loca Theatre for ex-convicts, but Miky replies in prose refusing to divulge any information. Crockett admires the award-winning playwright and actor, though realizing he is a dead man. Miky gets on stage emoting his darkest feelings, and then he swallows a vial of pills. Crockett sits by his bedside waiting to see if he will recover. Conejo, who did time with Miky, asks him for the briefcase. While Crockett admires Miky's writing, Conejo finds the briefcase. Meanwhile, Det. Switek uncovers photocopies of the contents of the case and notifies Crockett that there will be a sale. Gallego meets with Miky, and after showing him Conejos's dead body, drives a knife into Miky's stomach.
24 Heroes of the Revolution
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Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs are watching Orrestes Pedrosa, an ex-Fidelista and hatchet man for Castro, now in Miami and engaged in heavy drug traffic. They realize he is being followed by another party which the FB.I. identifies as Klaus Herzog, a high-ranking field operative from East Germany. While following Herzog, Det. Gina notices Pedrosa's man ready to shoot. She runs interference but he is wounded. When she returns to her apartment, Herzog is waiting for her. He shows her a photograph, which pictures him as a young man, a baby and a lovely, woman, Elena. Gina is shocked as the woman is her mother. Herzog explains he was engaged to her mother when Gina was a baby, and one night when she was singing, Pedrosa, the scorned lover, entered and shot her to death. Herzog vows to kill Pedrosa and talks her into luring him out with her singing. Gina gets a job in the jazz club, The Blue Note, and when Pedrosa hears her all he sees is Elena. Gina tells Lt. Castillo about Herzog, Pedrosa and her mother, and takes a leave of absence for one week.

Über diese Serie

From executive producer Michael Mann comes the explosive, groundbreaking detective show that redefined the word "cool." Emmy-nominee Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas are Crockett and Tubbs, two mismatched vice detectives who team up to catch drug smugglers in Miami. Set against the seamy and steamy South Florida underworld, "Miami Vice" is an iconic Emmy-winning series that set the standard for style and sophistication for all future crime dramas.