Miffy and Friends

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Episódios de Época 3 (13)

1 Miffy's Beach Picnic/Boris Tidies Up!
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One perfect blue-sky day, Miffy and her father and mother decide to go for a summer picnic at the beach. When they arrive, they see that Boris and Barbara Bear, Auntie Alice and Aggie are also there! They eat and sing, while Aggie plays the accordion. They don’t notice the waves coming closer and closer. Miffy’s room is so messy, that she can’t find her schoolbag. Boris’ workshop is also untidy, so he can’t find his tools. He decides to put everything in its proper place, and goes to the school to make some new tables. He meets Miffy there and they both discover how important it is to have everything in its right place.
2 Miffy Wants to Fly/Miffy's Teddy Bear is Sick
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Miffy would love to be able to fly. She tries to, by running and flapping her arms, but nothing works...So, Miffy and Grunty try to make her wings, so that she can fly like a kite. But it doesn’t work and Miffy is disappointed. Then Grunty has a good idea, and in no time, Miffy finds herself in the air after all! Miffy’s teddy bear is sick. Its arm is hanging off by a thread. Teddy has to go to the doctor, who is Auntie Alice. Teddy has to stay in the hospital overnight, and Miffy stays at Auntie Alice’s house as well because she can’t sleep without her teddy. The next morning teddy’s arm is better again.
3 Miffy's Ball Game/Miffy Has an Unexpected Day
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One day, Miffy, Melanie and Aggie are playing with a ball. Poppy comes by, and they all try to throw and kick the ball as far as they can. Unfortunately there are trees and ponds all around. When Father Bunny takes a turn the ball ends up back at the house, just in time for dinner! One sunny day Miffy decides to visit Poppy Pig. But Poppy is not at home. So she goes to find Melanie, but Melanie turns out to be ill. Then when Miffy looks for Snuffy to play ball with her, she finds her fast asleep. When Miffy tries to fly her kite there is no wind!! In the end she decides it’s better to go home and there she finds a nice book to read. It wasn’t such a bad day after all.
4 Miffy's Apple Pie/Miffy's Musical Soup
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Miffy loves the big apple tree in Poppy Pig’s garden. In summer she wants to taste one of the apples, but they are not yet ripe enough to eat. Miffy has to wait a long time before the apples are big enough and have turned bright red. Then one day, all the apples are gone! They are not on Poppy Pigs table and Miffy worries that she won’t get a chance to taste them. But Poppy has made a lovely apple pie from them. Miffy, Melanie and Grunty are invited by Boris and Barbara to have a picnic at their home in the forest. They all help to make a big pot of vegetable soup. When the soup starts to boil, it sounds just like music. All the friends start to clap their hands and make rhythms. Boris even gets his banjo and everybody starts to dance. Then finally when the soup is ready they have a delicious lunch.
5 Miffy and Snuffy at the Playground/Miffy and the Hungry Bird
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Miffy is playing with Aggie at the playground. They are having a lot of fun, and Snuffy wants to join in as well. But Miffy tells Snuffy that the seesaw is not suitable for dogs, and the merry go round isn’t either. When Miffy and Aggie take turns on the slide, Snuffy climbs to the top of the slide as well! She slides right down and Miffy and Aggie are amazed. Snuffy is a very clever dog! One morning a bird is singing outside Miffy’s window. Miffy gets dressed and goes out to play in the snow. The bird follows Miffy all the way to school. At school Melanie thinks that the bird might be hungry. Miffy gives the bird some crumbs which it eats and then flies away. The next morning the bird is there again. This time Miffy knows just what to do.
6 Miffy's Lost Teddy Bear/Miffy and the Great Summer Picnic
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Miffy asks Boris Bear to make a bed for her teddy bear. Miffy and Snuffy help Boris. When Father Bunny comes to collect Miffy and Snuffy, the little bed with the teddy in it is placed on the backseat of the car. But when the road becomes bumpy, nobody notices when Teddy falls out of the car… except Snuffy. When they arrive home, Snuffy runs off into the woods and comes running back with teddy in her mouth! Boris is building a fire to surprise Barbara with a picnic. While he goes to get Barbara, Grunty and Poppy Pig arrive. They want to have a picnic as well and wonder whether they can use the fireplace that has been prepared. Just then Miffy and her parents arrive, and then Auntie Alice and Snuffy. Everyone seems to have planned to have a picnic and they all wonder who has prepared the fireplace. Finally Boris and Barbara return. Barbara is very happy with her surprise as she thinks Boris has invited all of her friends.
7 Miffy and the Three Christmas Trees/Miffy's Mystery
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It’s almost Christmas and Miffy goes to Boris bear to ask him to help her find a Christmas tree. In the forest they find a nice medium sized tree. Miffy also notices a very big tree and a smaller tree. They dig up the medium sized tree. The next day at school Boris brings the big tree to the school. He has also brought the small tree and puts it near snuffy’s doghouse. At Christmas, everybody is happy with their tree! One morning, Miffy’s red scooter has suddenly turned yellow. All day at school, Miffy wonders how this could have happened. Melanie is also very surprised, and together they ride home to solve the mystery. There they find a second, red scooter in front of Miffy’s house! Has she now got two scooters? Fortunately, Father Bunny can explain everything. Miffy’s scooter needed new wheels, so he borrowed Grunty’s scooter for a day, but now they need to return it. Miffy and Melanie take some carrots from the garden as a present for Poppy and Grunty.
8 Miffy and the Shadows/Snuffy's Winter Fun
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Miffy learns about shadows in school. On her way home with her friends they play with the shadows of the trees. At home Miffy tells her parents what she knows about shadows. In bed later that night she sees someone in her room. But when she turns the light on, nobody’s there! Mother and Father tell her that it was her own shadow on the wall! Miffy and Grunty play in the snow with the ball. Snuffy wants to play with the ball as well. She doesn’t listen to Miffy when Miffy asks her to give the ball back. Then Father drives them to the lake to see if the ice is strong enough to skate on. The ice is not yet strong enough so the girls and Snuffy start playing with the ball again. When the ball rolls onto the ice Snuffy runs after it. But when Miffy calls out to her she stops right before the ice. This time Snuffy does listen to Miffy. Everyone is very relieved that Snuffy is safe.
9 Miffy Plays Doctor/Miffy Goes Skiing
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Miffy plays doctor with her friends Aggie and Melanie. Aggie is the patient, Miffy is the nurse and Melanie is the doctor. They use sweets as medicine. Father comes home and pretends he has a sore ear. They wrap his ear in a bandage, and they all laugh because they are having fun. Mother Bunny brings in the best medicine of all. A large tub of ice cream. Miffy wants to make a snowman in her garden. Boris and Barbara arrive on their skis. They ask Miffy to go skiing with them. They ski up to Auntie Alice’s house and have some hot chocolate. They are then ready to ski down the hill. But Miffy goes too fast and she flies up into the air and lands on the ground, all covered in snow!
10 Miffy's Family Car Trip/Miffy and the Falling Leaves
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Father Bunny has cleaned his car. The bunny family wants to visit Auntie Alice. But Auntie Alice is at Boris and Barbara’s house. So Miffy and her mother and father decide to go there as well. When they turn a corner, they bump into some thorny bushes and get a flat tyre. Boris, who is nearby, helps change the tire and they can return home. But it starts to rain and the road is covered with mud and the car gets dirty after all. Because it is autumn, the wind has blown leaves from the trees. Mother Bunny and Miffy rake the leaves up in the garden. When they have finished, Snuffy comes along and messes up the pile of leaves. Now they have to rake them all up again. Afterwards they go into the house to drink some lemonade. When they come back outside again, the last leaves have fallen from the trees as well. This time Miffy is too tired to do more raking and she goes to sleep. The next morning, the wind has helped them and has blown all the leaves out of the garden.
11 Miffy and Snuffy Hear a Strange Sound/Miffy's Mother's Day Present
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Miffy is eating some biscuits in the kitchen when she hears Snuffy scratching at the door. Snuffy has heard the sound of the crunching biscuits. Snuffy has very good hearing. She hears Father Bunny coming in his car, and there is another sound that she can hear. She starts running towards it, faster and faster into the woods. Miffy follows her and wonders what Snuffy can hear. She thinks it is Boris sawing some wood, but when they arrive, it is the sound of Boris snoring loudly! Today there is art class in school and Miffy wants to make a present for her mother because tomorrow is Mother’s Day. She makes a pretty box for her mother’s necklace. On the way home she hides the present in her lunch box, which still smells like the sausage that she had for lunch. Back home Miffy decides to hide the present under her bed. Snuffy smells the lunchbox and comes to see what Miffy is doing. Miffy makes drawings on several pieces of paper and puts them in different places as clues for her mother to find the present. But the next day when mother bunny looks under the bed, the box is not there! Snuffy barks and when they follow her, the present lies in her doghouse!
12 Boris Forgets Something/Miffy's Dance Show
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When Boris comes home he finds that the house is covered with leaves. Barbara has forgotten to close the window and Boris is angry at her. He never forgets such an important thing! Then Boris goes to build a shed for Miffy’s scooter and Barbara sweeps the leaves out. When she’s finished she notices a key and lock on Boris’ workbench. He has forgotten it! She brings it over and Boris is embarrassed because he also forgets some things sometimes. After school Miffy meets outside with her friends to go to Auntie Alice’s dance class. When Grunty arrives she’s limping! She hurt her ankle on the playground. Mother Bunny drives her to Auntie Alice, who knows how to take care of sore ankles. But Grunty is not able to practice her jumps for the school performance next week. The next week at the school performance everybody awaits Grunty to see her do her jumps. Thanks to Auntie Alice Grunty’s ankle is well again and everybody cheers when she does her jumps.
13 Miffy Counts the Trees/Boris's Race
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Miffy’s mother has baked cookies and Miffy’s bringing some to Boris and Barbara. On her way she decides to count everything she sees, and after the bench in the wood she counts five trees before Boris and Barbara’s house. Boris says that he should bring Miffy home because a storm is coming. That night the storm is very loud, and the next day Miffy goes to visit Boris and Barbara again. When she counts the trees, she only counts four trees! One tree has been blown down by the wind. Boris is not surprised. Together with Miffy they plant a new tree where the old tree has been blown down. Miffy wants to organize a race for her friends, and she asks Boris to make signs for the race. Boris makes some signs in different colors and puts them in different places. When they start running, Boris falls behind. All of the sudden the runners don’t know where to run because father and mother bunny have parked their car right in front of the last sign. Boris catches up and finishes first because he knows where the signs are. When mother and father drive away to the finish, the other runners can see the last sign as well. Miffy finishes first and she is the real winner!

Acerca deste programa

Miffy and Friends takes preschoolers along on adventures, exploring basic concepts and themes including numbers, colors, seasons, nature, friendship, family celebrations and exotic locations.

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