In season four of MIKE TYSON MYSTERIES, the quarter-hour animated adult comedy series, Mike Tyson (voiced by series star MIKE TYSON) and the team — Yung Hee (voiced by series star RACHEL RAMRAS) Mike’s adopted Korean daughter and all-around buzzkill; Pigeon (voiced by series star NORM MACDONALD) a filthy disgusting man trapped in a filthy disgusting bird; and Marquess (voiced by series star JIM RASH), a ghost whose favorite time of day is “wine-thirty” — are back in action! But this team is not just about the action. They’re all about solving mysteries! Highlights include: the team’s trip to a magical Wishing Well in Fantasy Forest! The team’s trip to Scotland! The mystery of the swallows of San Juan Capistrano! And what’s on Mike’s Bucket List? …And those are just the highlights! In the season four premiere, a very rich, very old man has vanished… and everyone suspects his very hot, very young wife!