Mother Is Wrong

ৱেব ব্ৰাউজাৰ অথবা সমৰ্থিত ডিভাইচত চাওক অধিক জানক

(Season 1) এপিছ’ড (6)

1 Episode 1
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
When Malone - speaking with all the authority of a boy of three and a half insists that his mommy is not his mommy, child psychologist Vasile believes him. He will have to act fast and seek help, and why not from Marianne, a captain at the Le Havre Department of Detectives? But can the police officer trust the word of a child? Especially when she is busy investigating a murderous heist whose haul, worth several million euros, has still not been recovered.
2 Episode 2
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
Psychologist Vasile is convinced that Malone has been swapped for another little boy and tries to find the places the child draws and describes. Once again, Timo Soler goes to Larochelle, a veterinarian, to have his wound treated. Captain Marianne Aubrais's team hopes this will give them a chance to arrest the suspect, but Timo senses the net closing in and manages to escape. He is joined at home by Zerda and his partner, who is none other than Marianne's great friend Angie. When Zerda is found in a property of a slum landlord, he is questioned by Papy at the Le Havre police station. There, he notices Malone's drawings on a desk.
3 Episode 3
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
Although he is under close surveillance, Zerda manages to get away from the police. He goes to see Dimitri Moulin, Amanda's husband and Malone's supposed father, who, when threatened, tells him the psychologist is sticking his nose in. So there seems to be a connection between the suspected organizer of the Deauville heist and the family of the little boy who claims to have more than one mother. Vasile goes to Marianne's home to tell her about his initial findings and express his doubts about Dimitri, a former crook. After spending the night with Marianne, he sets off in search of a castle on the beach and Malone's pirate ship, but his actions are observed by the Ogre.
4 Episode 4
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
Marianne is horrified to discover that a biker burned alive is actually Vasile. She should drop the investigation, but Papy agrees to cover for her and keep quiet about her relationship with the victim. The police soon turn their attention to Dimitri Moulin, so Zerda can think about escaping to Paris with Angie and the kid. Realizing he is about to abandon Timo, Angie recovers the jewelry from the heist and leaves a weapon for Amanda in the house, near the old vats the kid imagined were a castle. Finding Timo's empty hiding place, Marianne and her team realize that a woman has been protecting and caring for him for months.
5 Episode 5
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
Papy decides to follow the trails of those implicated in the affair, visiting the village where they grew up together. There, he finds a small boy who bears a strange resemblance to little Malone. Meanwhile, Zerda realizes that despite the child's young age, the kid could identify him at any time. He kills Dimitri to delay the inquiry and abducts Amanda and the boy. He hopes to finally recover the loot hidden in the vats. When he finds out that he has been double-crossed by Angie, Zerda decides to get rid of the awkward witnesses. Still in the Le Havre office, Marianne realizes that Malone was on the crime scene with his real mother and saw everything. In the video, she is appalled to see the face of the woman holding the little boy's hand. In the cabin on the empty beach, a gunshot rings out.
6 Episode 6
সম্পূৰ্ণ ছিজন মাত্ৰ
Alarmed by the gunfire, Malone takes shelter in the vats to escape the Ogre. Amanda comes to get him, leaving Zerda no chance to intervene. Now everything moves quickly. The role each character has played in the intrigue with its many twists is revealed and all the details become clear. Angie, Amanda and Marianne, three women whose paths are now inseparably joined, will have to make some very hard choices for the love of a friend, a man and especially a child.

এই শ্ব’টোৰ বিষয়ে

Captain Marianne Aubrais is a detective with the Le Havre Police Department. Should she believe a child who tells her that his mother is not his mother? After all, she is busy investigating a robbery that happened months ago. Stolen goods worth hundreds of thousands of euros have not been recovered and two fugitives are still at large. But if the kid's story is not pure fantasy, it would be truly criminal to ignore it. The little boy's memories are fading. If he is telling the truth, will he never grow up to be the adult he should have become? Will he finally be forced to accept the unthinkable and allow himself to be raised by a woman who may have abducted him?