
2003 • Science
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Seasons 1-19劇集 (257 集)

1 Season 1, Episode 1 Jet Assisted Chevy
Can a '67 Chevy turn into a 350-mile-per-hour road warrior, and are Pop Rocks candy and soda a recipe for disaster? Hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage put urban legend to the test to find the truth behind these great stories.
2 Season 1, Episode 2 Biscuit Bazooka
Find out if a person can get stuck to an airline toilet while it's in flight, and whether or not there is such a thing as a biscuit bazooka. Take a look at the truth behind the urban legend of the leaping lawyer.
3 Season 1, Episode 3 Poppy Seed Drug Test
Find out if one poppy seed bagel can tilt the results of a drug test and whether balloons can carry a lawn chair. Is a body covered in gold paint able to breathe, or is this a glamorous way to die?
4 Season 2, Episode 1 Exploding Toilet
Jamie and Adam set out to methodically bust urban legends. If a flammable substance is sprayed down a toilet bowl, will a lighted match cause the toilet to explode? Find out if assassins use ice bullets and if running in the rain makes sense.
5 Season 2, Episode 2 Cell Phone Destroys Gas Station
MythBusters test whether or not using a cell phone at a gas station can cause the pump to explode. They put silicon implants to the test under high altitude to see if they explode under pressure and they'll find out if high speed CD-Roms really shatter.
6 Season 2, Episode 3 Barrel of Bricks
Test the danger of responding to the call of nature on the electrified rail of a train track. Find out if an eel skin wallet can erase the magnetic information on credit cards, and hear the woeful tale of the unluckiest construction worker.
7 Season 2, Episode 4 Penny Drop
Find out if dropping a penny from a skyscraper can be lethal to pedestrians on the sidewalk below. Explore the effects of microwaves and whether or not tanning beds really bake sunworshipers from the inside out.
8 Season 2, Episode 5 Buried Alive
Fact or fiction: Leaping from a bridge is safer if a hammer is thrown first to break the plane of the water's surface. Find out how much oxygen remains inside a coffin for those poor folks who get buried alive.
9 Season 2, Episode 6 Lightning Strikes/Tongue Piercings
Join Jamie and Adam as they test the limits of a homemade tree cannon to decipher whether or not a small town in Hungry could actually build a working cannon out of a tree. Can Adam's tongue piercing withstand the electric force of a lightning bolt?
10 Season 2, Episode 7 Stinky Car
Mythbusters Jamie and Adam put their noses to the test to find out if that nasty smell in the car is there to stay. Follow the gasoline trail as they try to flush out the truth in the raccoon in the drain myth.
11 Season 2 , Episode 8 Alcatraz Escape
Jamie and Adam retrace the steps of the infamous prisoners who escaped from Alcatraz without a trace in 1962. Although presumed drowned, they'll find out if it was possible to survive the tides of the San Francisco Bay in a homemade raft.
12 Season 2, Episode 9 Explosive Decompression
Jamie and Adam shoot a bullet hole into the shell of an aircraft to see if that single shot will cause explosive decompression and destroy the aircraft. Find out if two hunters could use a loaded .22 gun cartridge as a car ignition fuse.
13 Season 2, Episode 10 Chicken Gun
Will launching a chicken at an airplane disrupt its flight or will it be blown out of the way? The Mythbusters go inside the human body to explore the myth of a woman who claimed she swallowed an octopus egg then gave birth to an eight-legged offspring.
14 Season 2, Episode 11 Breakstep Bridge
The Mythbusters set out to methodically bust three urban legends. Join Jamie and Adam as they re-create these myths in order to decide whether or not they deserve a place in urban lore.
15 Season 2, Episode 12 Buried in Concrete
Solve a legendary mafia mystery by searching for the body of Jimmy Hoffa allegedly buried in the concrete under Giants Stadium. Fire up a jet engine and find out if the power and force of a 737 could launch a taxicab backward up to 25 meters in distance.
16 Season 2, Episode 13 Sinking Titanic
Find out if a sinking ship will suck passengers down as it goes under. Put a lit firecracker down the neck of a trombone to make sweeter music, and determine the intelligence of goldfish.
17 Season 3, Episode 1 Myths Revisted
Think the MythBusters always get it right the first time? In this episode, Jamie and Adam...with a little help from some viewers, revisit some of the most popular and controversial myths to find out if they can put their own experiements to the test!
18 Season 3, Episode 2 Scuba Diver/Car Capers
Adam and Jamie take on new myths! Can an unsuspecting scuba diver be sucked out of the water by a fire fighting helicopter and end up in the middle of a forest fire? And do Hollywood's zany motor-myths and car capers live up to their urban legend status?
19 Season 3, Episode 3 Ancient Death Ray
Jamie and Adam reflect on one of the world's oldest urban legends -- did the Greek scientist Archimedes set fire to a Roman fleet using only mirrors and sunlight? And moving to more modern times, have you ever tried to remove the fetid funk of a skunk?
20 Season 3, Episode 4 Elevator of Death
Jamie and Adam attempt to save themselves in a falling elevator by jumping just before it hits bottom. Then they challenge their imaginations and building skills as they try to create a homemade levitation machine.
21 Season 3, Episode 5 Beat the Radar Detector
Jamie and Adam test an old myth claiming a gust of wind sweeps a man out of a building, only to sweep him back into a lower floor. Then the crew tests speed radar-busting tricks, from a disco ball hanging in a rearview mirror to covering a car in foil.
22 Season 3, Episode 6 Quicksand
Jamie and Adam discover if Hollywood film-makers got it right. Can you get rid of someone by dropping an electrical appliance into a tub and simply watch the sparks fly? In a truly electrifying experiment, the guys find out what actually happens...
23 Season 3, Episode 7 Exploding Jawbreaker
Jamie and Adam put the Killer Card myth under the microscope. Is it possible to throw a regular playing card fast enough to inflict bodily harm? And from deadly cards to killer candy...can a heated jawbreaker be more that just a sweet treat?
24 Season 3, Episode 8 Ping Pong Rescue
Adam and Jamie put on wetsuits and get ready to take a dive for another myth busting experiment. Is it possible to lift a sunken boat from the ocean floor using only ping pong balls? The MythBusters try to salvage the MythTanic-2 with ping pong balls.
25 Season 3, Episode 9 Boom Lift Catapult
The MythBusters explore the myth of a boom-lift catapult. Buster volunteers to lend a hand, but can he overcome the raw power of a 30,000 pound piece of machinery, or will the boom-lift turn into the ultimate medieval catapult?
26 Season 3, Episode 10 Exploding House
Jamie and Adam return to familiar territory -- blowing stuff up in the name of science. Armed with roach foggers and an abandoned apartment building, the guys find out if toxic fumes and bug bombs will prove to be an explosive combination.
27 Season 3, Episode 11 Ming Dynasty Astronaut
Buster takes the hot seat in the Mojave Desert in the myth of the 'Ming Dynasty Astronaut.' Will Buster defy the laws of gravity and survive an explosive launch into space? Adam and Jamie play mad scientists in the quest for free energy.
28 Season 3, Episode 12 Brown Note
Adam puts his body to the test for science. Will he be able to withstand subsonic frequencies, or will adult diapers be his only hope with the Brown Note? Jamie and Adam put the legend Hollywood gunfights to the test, but can you really be blown away?
29 Season 3, Episode 13 Salsa Escape
Adam and Jamie investigate whether or not it's possible to bust out of jail using only salsa -- will mild or hot be the best choice? They also test to see if a massive amount of high explosive can break up a cement truck filled with hardened cement.
30 Season 3, Episode 14 Exploding Port-a-Potty
Jamie and Adam put another zany car myth through the ringer. Can a broken drive shaft on the front joint of a car vault cause the car to pole vault after it hits a pothole? Revisit an old myth about port-a-potties and third degree burns.
31 Season 3, Episode 15 Is Yawning Contagious
Adam and Jamie try to determine whether toast really does fall buttered side down. Kari, Scottie and Tory set out to see if yawning is contagious. The whole team tests the myth that a toy car can beat a real car in a gravity slope race.
32 Season 3, Episode 16 Cooling a Six-Pack
MythBusters answers three diverse questions. Was a crude form of battery invented more than two thousand years ago? Then learn how to rebuild a crash test dummy. Also, find the fastest way to cool a six-pack of beer.
33 Season 3, Episode 17 Son of a Gun
Jamie and Adam finally test a myth that has survived untried for nearly 150 years concerning an unfortunate Civil War soldier. They then discover how dangerous it is to use the phone or take a shower during a thunderstorm.
34 Season 3, Episode 18 Breaking Glass
The mythbusters are testing a myth of operatic proportions-- Can a singer really break glass with just their voice? Ex rock singer, Jaime Vendera attempts a world first! Tory takes on building an explosive jet engine out of vacuum cleaner parts.
35 Season 3, Episode 19 Jet Pack
Adam and Jamie embark on the longest and most ambitious build ever undertaken. The sky is literally the limit as they aim to take wing on their own personal flying machine. They set out to see whether these flying machines are as magnificent as claimed...
36 Season 3, Episode 20 Killer Brace Position
Adam and Kari go to a local raceway and drive a skills course, while being distracted on the cell phone, and then after knocking back some beers, to find out which is more dangerous. And, in their own homemade mock airplane they test "the brace position."
37 Season 3, Episode 21 Bullet Proof Water
Adam and Jamie test two urban legends; in 'Bullet Proof Water' find out exactly how deep one must dive to survive a gunshot, and in '360 Degree Swing' find out if it is possible to get a swinger to go all the way around a swing set, up and over the bar.
38 Season 3, Episode 22 Border Slingshot
Adam and Jamie test the myth that immigrants are becoming human projectiles, firing themselves two hundred yards across the border and into the United States. They build a human sized slingshot to see if it's feasibly possible to fly over the frontier.
39 Season 3, Episode 23 Killer Tissue Box
'Killer Tissue Box' is an investigation into whether a tissue box can become a lethal missile in a car crash. In 'Split Arrow' the build team tests whether an archer can split one arrow with another, as the legendary Robin Hood was said to have done.
40 Season 3, Episode 24 Escape Slide -Parchute
Jamie and Adam test the parachute qualities of airline evacuation equipment in their favorite mythbusting location-the Mojave Desert. After being stranded on a plane without pilot, fuel or parachute, Indy spots the emergency Life Raft...
41 Season 3, Episode 25 Mythbusters Revisited
Adam and Jamie take their detractors head on as they revisit some of their favorite myths. They're going to answer them once and for all and forever silence their critics! Also, Adam and Jamie get another chance to shoot high-powered rifles at Buster!
42 Season 3, Episode 26 Chinese Invasion Alarm
The MythBusters are actually taking a pot shot at an ancient Chinese text that alludes to a subterranean sonar system that could apparently detect and intercept an invasion from below. Also, if food's on the floor less than five seconds is it safe to eat?
43 Season 3, Episode 27 Mythbusters Revealed
Experience the funny moments, adventure and misadventures, mistakes and mis-experimentations of Adam and Jamie as they test the truth of modern myths.
44 Season 4, Episode 1 Confederate Rocket
The American Civil War was fought with polished bayonets, unreliable muskets and bulky cannons. But was that all? Not according to the Mythbusters: Adam, Jamie and the build team join forces to find out if the Confederate Army had a secret deadly weapon.
45 Season 4, Episode 2 Vodka Myths
Kari hosts some urban legends about Vodka and its impact on personal hygiene. According to this myth, trucks fused together upon impact, seal the unfortunate car and driver between them. The team needs a traffic-free stretch of freeway to test this one.
46 Season 4, Episode 3 Steel Toe Amputation
Adam and Jamie test the ability of steel toe boots to protect against heavy objects. In Bottle Blast Off, the Build team fills a soda bottle and watches as it lifts off, testing Newton's third law: every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
47 Season 4, Episode 4 Seasickness - Kill or Cure
Can electric shock therapy or homeopathic tongue tinglers cure seasickness? Does driving your pickup with the tailgate down save money? Can shoving your fingers into a gun barrel save life? The results may surprise you...
48 Season 4, Episode 5 Paper Crossbow
Adam and Jamie unleash a deadly myth from a supermax prison, attempting to make a deadly weapon out of newspaper and underwear. Grant, Kari and Tory unscrew the cap on some more vodka myths, such as removing cigarette smell from clothing.
49 Season 4, Episode 6 Shredded Plane
In Shredded plane, Adam and Jamie investigate the cause of a shredded airplane. The other members put their survival skills to the test in Firestarter.
50 Season 4, Episode 7 Archimedes Death Ray
Adam and Jamie accepted the challenge from fans' mailbags to retest the Archimedes death ray. In turn, fans and the MIT team were invited to perform this challenge. Can they win the challenge against the MythBusters' secret weapon, Project X?
51 Season 4, Episode 8 Helium Football
In Helium Football, Adam and Jamie test out a myth that footballs filled with helium will fly further and hang longer than ones filled with regulation air. In Catching a Bullet in your teeth, the build team undertake tests in the firing line.
52 Season 4, Episode 9 Franklin's Kite
Testing the model of Ben Franklin for electricity and whether it can survive a manmade lightning strike of a million volts. Investigating the 2 top requested facts about flatulence.
53 Season 4, Episode 10 Cell Phones on Planes
Grant, Tory and Kari tackle a conspiracy theory familiar to many frequent fliers. Can your cell phone interfere with a plane's instruments? And Adam and Jamie test out the myth that if you fill a normal raft with helium, that you can fly on it.
54 Season 4, Episode 11 Bullets Fired Up
Adam and Jamie attempt to solve another high calibre conundrum to see if a celebratory gun fire can kill when the bullets fall back to earth. Meanwhile the other members shake their thirst on another round of Vodka myths.
55 Season 4, Episode 12 Myths Reopened
A look back at myths that generated a truck load of angry fan mail. In Split Arrow, the 3 Mythkateers take another aim at Robin Hood's arrow. The Confederate Rocket will be tested with a Salami launch. Another shot at Bullet-Proof water.
56 Season 4, Episode 13 Mind Control
Adam and Jamie attempt to blow open a home improvement myth with dynamite. The 3 Mythkateers tackle mind control by manipulating someone's mind remotely.
57 Season 4, Episode 14 Exploding Pants
Tory, Kari, and Grant investigate a fashion disaster when farmers' trousers suddenly explode. In the Great Gas Conspiracy, Adam and Jamie investigate whether the gas and car companies deliberately make gas guzzling cars to increase profits.
58 Season 4, Episode 15 Steam Cannon
In Archimedes Steam Cannon the results are truly spectacular as Adam and Jamie build the mother of all cannons . While in Breakfast Cereal, an eating competition with a difference beckons as Adam and Jamie put Mrs. Savage to the test!
59 Season 4, Episode 16 Killer Whirlpool
Everyone's going round in circles. Adam and Jamie get sucked in by a famous nautical myth-tery about killer whirlpools. Tory, Kari and Grant are in over their heads, snowed under by a snowplow.
60 Season 4, Episode 17 Crimes and Myth-demeanors 1
It's Great Hollywood Heists as Adam and Jamie once again put movie myths to the test in a story so big it covers two episodes. Are Hollywood heists complete hocus pocus or can they really crack the tightest security systems in the world?
61 Season 4, Episode 18 Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2
In Crimes and Myth-demeanors, the team is going up against the latest real-world alarm solutions to see whether they can live up to their claims.
62 Season 4, Episode 19 Shattering Subwoofer
On this episode the guys ask, can a car stereo destroy a car with just sound? Adam and Jamie pump up the bass to find out. And the Tory, Kari, and Grant hit the road to take on two tall tales from down under.
63 Season 4, Episode 20 Deadly Straw
Jamie and Adam answer the burning barnyard myth - can a hurricane blow the feathers off a chicken? Meanwhile, Grant, Tory and Kari embrace their sadistic sides and turn the workshop into a horticultural house of horrors.
64 Season 4, Episode 21 Earthquake Machine
Adam and Jamie take on one of the greatest scientist/inventor and myth creator legends of all time, Nikolai Tesla and his Earthquake Machine. Tory and Kari investigate a lethal lava lamp.
65 Season 4, Episode 22 Diet Coke and Mentos
Adam and Jamie are trying to figure out the theory behind the chaos when diet cola and mentos mix. Inspired by an Internet phenomenon, The Mythbusters take on the controversy surrounding these fizzy fountains.
66 Season 4, Episode 23 Killer Cable Snaps
Jamie and Adam explore the theory that if a high tension cable snaps it can slice a person in two. Also, Tory and Kari explore the myth of 'archaeo-accoustics,' that ancient pottery contains sounds from the past and can be played back and heard today.
67 Season 4, Episode 24 Concrete Glider
Adam and Jamie test the old engineering challenge like a lead balloon you can't make a concrete glider fly. And there's nothing like a challenge to focus these Mythbusters' massive minds
68 Season 4, Episode 25 Air Cylinder Rocket
In Air Cylinder Rocket, Adam and Jamie test the myth known to every high school metal-shop teacher: can a cracked valve on a compressed-air cylinder actually blast the tank right through a cinder-block wall?
69 Season 4, Episode 26 More Myths Revisited
Myths Revisited offers Jamie and Adam the chance to clear their name! Returning to the most controversial myths, they repeat them to see if their original answer was genuine or bogus.
70 Season 4, Episode 27 Exploding Lighter
Jamie and Adam have a gas exploring the myth of the 'Exploding Lighter' - that a small, disposable butane lighter can suddenly ignite with the force of several sticks of dynamite.
71 Season 4, Episode 28 Anti-Gravity Device
Christmas comes once a year, but not on Mythbusters! They just can't wait for the silly season. And can you simply turn off gravity with the flick of a switch? Kari, Grant, and Tori test the claims of several anti-gravity devices.
72 Season 4, Episode 29 Firearms Folklore
Just when you think Adam and Jamie have tested every gun legend in history, they come up with three more myths. Meantime, Kari, Grant and Tori go to great lengths to see whether mankind's first and simplest tool could be far more dangerous than you think.
73 Season 4, Episode 30 22,000 Foot Fall
Jamie and Adam take the plunge on a myth that originated in WWll and detonate the biggest explosion in MythBusters history! In the meantime, the light and shade to the biggest MythBusters explosion ever is provided by Light's ON/OFF.
74 Season 5, Episode 1 Holiday Special
Join the MythBusters team as they crack a host of holiday hype. Could reindeer really help Santa fly? What's the best way to keep all the needles on your Christmas tree? Also, find out how much yodelling it actually takes to start an avalanche.
75 Season 5, Episode 2 Pirate Special
Arggghhh me hearties - Jamie and Adam have plundered the seven seas in search of pirate parables and maritime myths and the result is this 2-hour spectacular. And with four stories of hi-jinks on the high seas the action is thick and fast.
76 Season 5, Episode 3 Hindeburg Mystery
In this action-packed episode of Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie turn dirigible detectives to try and solve one of aeronautics biggest puzzles, while Kari, Tory and Grant come face-to-face - and have to flee - from some of Nature's natural-born killers.
77 Season 5, Episode 4 Underwater Car
On this episode of MythBusters, Jamie and Adam test the stuff of nightmares in Underwater Car. Meanwhile Grant, Tory and Kari roll out the Seven Paper Fold myth. Is it possible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times?
78 Season 5, Episode 5 Speed Camera
Take two self-confessed speed freaks, Adam and Jamie, and pit them against the people's nemesis: Speed Cameras. The result: an action-packed adventure full of fun, fascination and, best of all, fast cars.
79 Season 5, Episode 6 Dog Myths
Is it possible to teach an Old Dog New Tricks? In attempt to find an answer Adam and Jamie go head to head with a pair of untrained middle-aged Malamute Huskies. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory look into the myth that you can Beat The Guard Dog.
80 Season 5, Episode 7 More Myths Reopened
Every so often the mythbusters draw conclusions that leave the fans seething. Well, once again, it's time for the mythbusters to put some of their most contentious outcomes under the microscope, in Myths Revisited.
81 Season 5, Episode 8 Voice Flame Extinguisher
In Voice Flame Extinguisher, Jamie and Adam set out to discover if it's possible to put out a fire using only your voice. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant will put four classic hypnosis hypotheses under the microscope.
82 Season 5, Episode 9 Birds in a Truck
Adam and Jamie tackle Newton, the founder of the principle of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of momentum. They look into a physics urban myth. If birds in a truck take flight do they lighten the load? They call a pigeon wrangler for help.
83 Season 5, Episode 10 Walking on Water
It's east meets west in the Mythbusters Ninja Special. Shrouded in secrecy and mythology, not to mention cult popularity Ninjas are perfect fodder for the Mythbusters. In this episode the whole team combine to pit science against martial arts mystique.
84 Season 5, Episode 11 Western Myths
It's Yeehaa and Hiyo Silver as Adam and Jamie saddle up for some western myths. But that's not all. Kari, Tory, and Grant test the modern marvel of airbags. You've got it all; past and present, horses and cars, guns and explosions.
85 Season 5, Episode 12 Big Rig Myths
In Exploding Tyre of Death Adam and Jamie try to find out if an exploding truck tyre can kill. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant investigate another fuel efficiency fable - Drafting for money.
86 Season 5, Episode 13 Grenades and Guts
Jamie and Adam investigate the clich that a quick thinking action hero can protect his fellow cast members from a grenade blast. Meanwhile in Diet Coke and Mentos - Exploding Stomach our intrepid trio test an Internet video with an outrageous claim.
87 Season 5, Episode 14 Snow Special
In this episode of Mythbusters, the whole team is piste off and that's snow joke. Their snowed under with movie myth, and living legend as they put snow myths to the test in this Snow Special.
88 Season 5, Episode 15 Baseball Myths
Roger Clemens, perhaps baseball's greatest living pitcher, joins the gang to take on the national pastime as only the Mythbusters can.
89 Season 5, Episode 16 Viewer Special
Since the beginning of Series 5 the Mythbusters have been putting out the call for new myths to bust. And now it's time to put a new batch of viewer suggestions to the test. That's right it's the Mythbusters Viewer special.
90 Season 5, Episode 17 Red Rag to a Bull
The color red can drive a bull towards psychopathy. Or does it? The team puts this legend to the test. Then fresh from their bull jousting, the team tests another story about rowdy ruminants as they test the saying: 'Bull in a China Shop.'
91 Season 5, Episode 18 Superhero Hour
You're not seeing things. As uncomfortable as it is, it's true - the Mythbusters are wearing their underpants on the outside. And why? Well because this episode is the Superhero Hour -the Marvel comic maestros are put under the Mythbusters microscope
92 Season 5, Episode 19 Myth Revolution
Kari, Tory and Grant are putting the latest RFID conspiracy theorists to the test. Meanwhile Adam and Jamie are testing two myths about weapons.
93 Season 5, Episode 20 Trail Blazers
Myths Revisited offers Jamie and Adam the chance to clear their name! Returning to the most controversial myths, they repeat them to see if their original answer was genuine or bogus.
94 Season 5, Episode 21 Exploding Water Heater
Jamie and Adam get steamed testing if a water heater can rocket through the roof and into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Tory, Grant, and Kari try on some all-American myths about blue jeans.
95 Season 5, Episode 22 Shooting Fish in a Barrel
The MythBusters test the truth behind some time-honored sayings and conventional wisdom. Is it really as simple as shooting fish in a barrel? Are elephants really scared of mice? And what's really the best cure for a hot chile burn?
96 Season 5, Episode 23 Pirates 2!
In this piratical sequel, the MythBusters once again plunder and pillage for maritime myth, testing two Pirates of the Caribbean movie-inspired myths and the curse of a Sand Neck Tie.
97 Season 5, Episode 24 Confederate Cannon
Jamie and Adam take on a mythical confederate weapon: a steam-powered machine gun rumored to fire 400 rounds a minute at a 300-yard range. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory put their lying skills on the line to test mythical ways to beat a lie detector.
98 Season 5, Episode 25 Airplane Hour
Jamie and Adam take wing to test if a person with no flight training can safely land a 747 and if a plane can take off from a conveyor belt speeding in the opposite direction. Tory, Grant, and Kari jump on some Hollywood-inspired skydiving myths.
99 Season 5, Episode 26 James Bond Special Part 1
"The name's Hyneman. James Hyneman." It's tuxedos and martinis as the Mythbusters take on 007 in this James Bond special one-hour episode. Our stealthy secret agents are on a mission to explode the myths about Bond's gadgets, getaways, and guns.
100 Season 5, Episode 27 Lead Balloon
In this episode of Mythbusters, surfs up dude! The team tests if a couple of sticks of dynamite can create ideal surfing conditions and then test the proverbial lead balloon.
101 Season 5, Episode 28 Airplane on a Conveyer Belt
In this three-myth blockbuster the team takes a crash-course in remote controlled airplane flying, bug-out by testing the "cockroach survival" theory, then return to fraternity pranks with exploding cans of shaving cream.
102 Season 5, Episode 29 James Bond Special Part 2
The Mythbusters dedicate this one-hour special to the ultimate action hero: James Bond. They put the gadgets and stunts to the test leaving them shaken, not stirred.
103 Season 5, Episode 30 Viewers Special 2
On the first Viewer's Special we tested a bunch of myths from the Mythbusters fan site, and it was a blast-literally. So in our second Viewer's Special we once again open up Adam and Jamie's inbox for ideas.
104 Season 5, Episode 31 MacGyver Myths
This reverential episode of MythBusters pays tribute to the man who made something really useful from out of almost anything-MacGyver!
105 Season 6, Episode 1 Alaska Special
Alaska is one of the most extreme places on earth and for the Mythbusters, it provides an ideal habitat to test some Alaskan anecdotes.
106 Season 6, Episode 2 NASA Moon Landing
On this episode of MythBusters, the team tackles the tallest tale of all in Moon Landing Hoax Hour. Did NASA pull off the greatest cover-up in human history?
107 Season 6, Episode 3 Exploding Steak
On this easily digestible episode of MythBusters, we're testing two myths-suggested by the fans: Exploding Meat & Don't Drive Angry. We push the limits of what people are willing to try, and what they simply can't avoid.
108 Season 6, Episode 4 Ninjas 2
Ninjas and Mythbusters go together like matches and gunpowder: a marriage made in heaven. Ninjas are steeped in mythology that they've been only too happy to circulate. It's time to separate fact from fiction in the Mythbusters Ninja special 2.
109 Season 6, Episode 5 Blind Driving
On this episode of Mythbusters, a movie character is tested. Can a blind man drive? Will lightening or TNT on a golf course affect your game? Whoo-ah!
110 Season 6, Episode 6 Viral Hour
On this infectious episode of Mythbusters, we give internet 'viral videos' a timely check-up. They're exciting, funny, and sometimes barely credible. We can't wait to pass them on to our ten best friends, but can we truly believe everything we see?
111 Season 6, Episode 7 Phone Book Friction
On this episode of Mythbusters Adam and Jamie take a fan mail film and use it to dial in on a phone book fable. And then Kari, Grant and Tory test a fishy tale of Hollywood pyrotechnics with their own big bang theories.
112 Season 6, Episode 8 Water Stun Gun
On this episode of Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie investigate a secret agent myth - that you can turn a conventional electric stun gun into a water-powered electric stun gun.
113 Season 6, Episode 9 Alcohol Myths
On this episode of Mythbusters, Jamie, Adam and Kari apply some science to the theory that the more you drink, the more attractive you find the opposite sex.
114 Season 6, Episode 10 Motorcycle Flip
On this spectacular episode of Mythbusters Adam and Jamie raid the Ark-hives for an Indiana Jones movie myth... and Kari, Grant and Tory are breaking bad to test tall tales of breaking out of prison.
115 Season 6, Episode 11 Coffin Punch
On this death-defying episode of MYTHBUSTERS, the whole team gets together to test myths about survival. Adam and Jamie return to one of the fans' favorite subjects -- what is bullet-proof?
116 Season 6, Episode 12 End with a Bang
In this premiere episode, the team joins forces to put sayings we all take for granted under the MYTHBUSTERS microscope.
117 Season 7, Episode 1 Demolition Derby Special
It's another feature length episode of Mythbusters and this time the team are on a mission to mash metal. In this 'Demolition Derby' the team have four fables of automotive mayhem guaranteed to bend your fender.
118 Season 7, Episode 2 Alaska Special 2
On this blisteringly cold episode of Mythbusters, the team gets some northern exposure as they pack up their sleds, their brass monkeys and their ingenuity for Alaska Special 2.
119 Season 7, Episode 3 Banana Slip, Double Dip
In this episode of Mythbusters, it's double the trouble as Adam and Jamie take on not one but two classic comedy myths. Meanwhile Kari, Grant, and Tory test if you can make homemade diamonds and get the biggest bang in Mythbuster history.
120 Season 7, Episode 4 YouTube Special
On this all-viral episode of Mythbusters, the team puts the most requested YouTube myths to the test. They size up a smash web-hit about a giant ball of Lego and discover the explosive power of match heads.
121 Season 7, Episode 5 Swimming in Syrup
On this extra-sticky episode of Mythbusters, we put a classic physics 'thought-problem' to the test, and then take on two 'magic bullet' myths - one from television, and the other from an American frontier legend.
122 Season 7, Episode 6 Exploding Bumper
On this high-velocity episode of Mythbusters, we test two highly contentious legends that span 500 years of locomotion- from the reliable horse to the sometimes-unreliable motorcar.
123 Season 7, Episode 7 Seesaw Saga
On this high-flying episode of Mythbusters, the whole team tackles one massive and improbable myth from the fan site: could a skydiver whose parachute failed to open hit a playground see-saw and send a small girl flying seven stories high?
124 Season 7, Episode 8 Thermite vs. Ice
On this elemental episode of MythBusters, there's fire, there's ice and there's some seriously heavy metal.
125 Season 7, Episode 9 Prison Escape
In this hang-on-for-dear-life episode of MythBusters, there's thrills, spills and a blast from the criminal past. So strap in, because this is going be one heck of a wild ride.
126 Season 7, Episode 10 Curving Bullets
Button up your bullet-proof vest and gear up your ears because on this episode of Mythbusters there are guns galore and sonic booms aplenty!
127 Season 7, Episode 11 Car vs. Rain
It's an episode of real genius, explosive action, and dangerous driving.
128 Season 7, Episode 12 Knock Your Socks Off
It's an episode of scientific genius with punching, pummelling, and explosive action! Adam and Jamie test the classic physics textbook theory Bullet Dropped vs. Bullet Fired. Kari, Grant and Tory test if it is ever possible to knock someone's socks off.
129 Season 7, Episode 13 Duct Tape Hour
On this episode the Mythbusters - roll out the sticky carpet for the most versatile tool in your box. They're tackling a trio of duct tape tall tales.
130 Season 7, Episode 14 Dirty vs. Clean Car
Adam and Jamie get down and dirty with the myth that a muddy motorcar gets better gas mileage than it's clean cousin. Meanwhile Kari, Grant and Tory are hitting the sauce and comparing hangovers to test an age old adage about beer and liquor.
131 Season 7, Episode 15 Greased Lightening
On this episode of Mythbusters, the team dives into hell's kitchen to test two frightening potential kitchen catastrophes - and take a quirky look at myth that just might be on the nose: can cheese be used as canon fodder?
132 Season 7, Episode 16 Hurricane Windows
On this cold and blustery episode, Adam and Jamie bet the house on a highly contentious hurricane survival tale in "Hurricane Windows" - open or closed? Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle two fridgid fables involving liquid nitrogen.
133 Season 7, Episode 17 Crash and Burn
Adam and Jamie test a classic myth that's been around in tinsel-town since the motorcar was invented - does an out of control car really crash and burn everytime? Kari, Tory, and Grant test an extraordinary story about the world's first rocketeer.
134 Season 7, Episode 18 Myth Evolution
On this episode of MythBusters, it's an evolution revolution as the team takes five fan favorites and focuses on a fascinating new facet for each.
135 Season 7, Episode 19 Dumpster Diving
On this Episode of Mythbusters we plumb the depths and hit great heights with a double diving extravaganza!
136 Season 7, Episode 20 Antacid Jail Break
On this felonious episode of Mythbusters, we tackle two highly dangerous tales from the wrong side of the tracks. Then, is a crime more discrete when it's done in the dark? That's what Grant, Jessi and Tory aim to find out in Driving in the Dark.
137 Season 7, Episode 21 Unarmed and Unharmed
On this episode of mythbusters Adam and Jamie return to the Old Wild West for a quick draw gun-slinging story, while Grant, Tory and Jessi hop on board the Mythbus for another manic myth from the Movie Speed. Hang onto your ten-gallon hats!
138 Season 7, Episode 22 Hidden Nasties
On this Episode of Mythbusters, it's cops and swabbers as Adam and Jamie turn dirt detectives to get to the bottom of two frighteningly filthy myths, while Tory, Grant and Jessi skip the lake fantastic with a manic movie myth.
139 Season 7, Episode 23 Mini Myth Mayhem
On this episode of Mythbusters it's Mini Myth Mayhem as the team fire off 6 quick-fire fan requested fables.
140 Season 7, Episode 24 Boomerang Bullet
On this high-speed episode of Mythbusters, we tackle one myth from the present day and another from an age when warfare was anything but fair.
141 Season 8, Episode 1 Soda Cup Killer
Hang on, because on this episode of Mythbusters the team have a killer cocktail of lethal littering and high-flying movie action.
142 Season 8, Episode 2 Dive to Survive
On this episode of Mythbusters we lock, load and explode for two myths inspired by Hollywood hi-jinks.
143 Season 8, Episode 3 Spy Car Escape
On this episode of MythBusters, it's "spy versus spy" as Adam and Jamie investigate the best way to lose a tail in Spy Car Escape. In Vector Vengeance, Kari, Grant and Tory take their myth from a fascinating physics "thought experiment."
144 Season 8, Episode 4 Bottle Bash
On this episode of MythBusters Adam and Jamie get feisty with a bar fight fable while Kari, Grant and Tory investigate a ballistic material mystery from history.
145 Season 8, Episode 5 No Pain, No Gain
On this episode of MythBusters, Adam and Jamie both become "lab rats" for science. In "No Pain, No Gain", they test a myth that touches us all: are some types of people really more tolerant to pain?
146 Season 8, Episode 6 Mythssion Control
On this Episode of MythBusters the fans take command in Mythssion Control. First up it's Hyneman vs Newton. Then - Kari, Grant and Tory are back in the school of hard knocks, as they retest knock your socks off.
147 Season 8, Episode 7 Duct Tape Hour 2
In this second Duct Tape stick-tacular, Adam and Jamie set up a challenge that will take the tape's strength, adhesion and load-bearing capability to the absolute limit. Meanwhile Kari, Grant and Tory are all wrapped up busting duct tape automotive myths.
148 Season 8, Episode 8 Waterslide Wipeout
On this wet and wild episode, Adam and Jamie tackle the biggest, dirtiest, most vertigo inducing build in MythBusters history while Kari, Tory and Grant deliver the goods, to find out if taking only right turns can save you gas.
149 Season 8, Episode 9 Fireball Stun Gun
On this explosive episode of MythBusters, the whole team gets hot under the collar of what is no doubt a pyromaniac's dream. That's because while Adam and Jamie literally play with fire, Kari, Grant and Tory are playing with fireworks.
150 Season 8, Episode 10 Flu Fiction
On this frightening episode of MythBusters, you'll want to duck for cover as the team tests myths that will make you afraid. Very afraid...
151 Season 8, Episode 11 MythBusters Top 25 Moments
On this unique episode of MythBusters, Adam, Jamie, Kari, Tory and Grant get all nostalgic with a look back at their top 25 most celebrated MythBusters moments.
152 Season 9, Episode 1 Hair of the Dog
On this episode of Mythbusters, we're testing two shaggy-dog tales that both put our crime-fighting canines to the ultimate test.
153 Season 9, Episode 2 Storm Chasing Myths
This special episode of MythBusters is quite literally a perfect storm. That's because Adam and Jamie are putting Tornados to the test, and joining them for this special episode are none other than The Storm Chasers - Reed Timmer and Sean Casey.
154 Season 9, Episode 3 Cold Feet
When you get Cold Feet do you really get cold feet? When the poop hits the fan, does everyone get covered in the ensuing chaos?
155 Season 9, Episode 4 Table Cloth Chaos
On this episode of MythBusters, Adam and Jamie make the magic happen, while Kari, Grant and Tory strain their brains for a pop culture myth.
156 Season 9, Episode 5 Arrow Machine Gun
On this episode of MythBusters, Adam and Jamie are on an archery odyssey, while there's no rest for Kari, Grant and Tory who take a ride on the wild side for a dangerous driving myth.
157 Season 9, Episode 6 Mini Myth Madness
The viewer ideas just keep on coming and in this Request Fest special the team randomly select six bite sized mini myths to test.
158 Season 9, Episode 7 Reverse Engineering
Stay in your lane for this episode of MythBusters, because Jaime and Adam are putting the pedal to the metal - backwards. And if that wasn't enough for you then Kari, Grant and Tory turf some surf-boards... with a little help from an SUV.
159 Season 9, Episode 8 Inverted Underwater Car
In "Upside Down Underwater Car", Jamie bravely risks Adam's life in a revisit of one of the most spectacular, harrowing and successful myths in the show's history.
160 Season 9, Episode 9 Bug Special
On this episode of MythBusters, it's revenge of the creepy crawlies as the whole team bugs out in the Bug Special.
161 Season 9, Episode 10 President's Challenge
Adam and Jamie tackle a special request from the highest ranking viewer: President of the United States, Barack Obama.
162 Season 9, Episode 11 Green Hornet Special
On this special episode of Mythbusters, Seth Rogen, star and writer of the superhero blockbuster 'The Green Hornet' joins the team for two blockbusting stories.
163 Season 9, Episode 12 Operation Valkyrie
On this episode, Adam and Jamie test the merits of a famous assassination attempt while Kari, Grant, and Tory face the pain to see if you really can 'slap some sense' into someone.
164 Season 10, Episode 1 Mission Impossible Mask
Adam and Jamie face off with a myth of misdirection and Kari, Grant and Tory go ballistic with two filmic firearms fables.
165 Season 10, Episode 2 Blue Ice
Adam and Jamie tackle an explosive movie myth about magazines and toasters - and Kari, Grant, and Tory take to the skies to investigate the mystery of the destructive 'Blue Ice.'
166 Season 10, Episode 3 Running on Water
Adam and Jamie test if they can walk on water, and Kari, Grant, and Tory test if common things can be bombproof.
167 Season 10, Episode 4 Bubble Trouble
Adam and Jamie test a tall tale that it's impossible to stay afloat in carbonated water, while Kari, Tory and Grant find out if an arrow packed with explosives can split a tree in two.
168 Season 10, Episode 5 Torpedo Tastic
Did the world's first torpedo really deliver a deadly payload - striking a boat at 800 feet? Adam and Jamie build an ancient torpedo to find out. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory test if a truck full of wine can become a machine gun like spectacle.
169 Season 10, Episode 6 Blow Your Own Sail
Adam and Jamie put Hollywood sound effects up against reality, and Kari, Grant and Tory find out if you are adrift on a sailboat with no wind, can you propel your boat with a fan?
170 Season 10, Episode 7 Spy Car 2
Jamie and Adam go spy vs. spy and do battle with each other, while Kari, Tory, and Grant are consumed in a battle against mother nature - as they embark on the most challenging snowy saga in MythBusters history.
171 Season 10, Episode 8 Dodge a Bullet
Adam and Jamie test if you can jump out of the way of a bullet, while Kari, Grant, and Tory have Buster jumping from great heights to find out if hitting the water is just like hitting pavement.
172 Season 10, Episode 9 Fixing A Flat
Adam and Jamie test what it would take for fix a flat tire when you don't have a spare. Then, Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if a fishing reel can really catch fire if you hook a fast fish.
173 Season 10, Episode 10 Let There Be Light
Jamie and Adam test a Hollywood lighting myth, while Kari, Grant and Tory go gangbusters trying to stop out of control cars.
174 Season 10, Episode 11 Paper Armor
Adam and Jamie are exploring the physics of shock waves in water and how to avoid injury. Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if battle armor made of paper can compare to steel.
175 Season 10, Episode 12 Planes, Trains, & Automobiles
Get behind the wheel, ride the rails and take wing as we as we count down our favorite, most spectacular and downright daring transportation moments.
176 Season 11, Episode 1 Bikes and Bazookas
Adam and Jamie test the myth that a motorcycle is a greener and cleaner machine than a car, while Kari, Tory, and Grant unleash the first RPG in MythBusters history to see if a bullet could take out a bazooka.
177 Season 11, Episode 2 Newton's Crane Cradle
The MythBusters are swinging for science - testing a viral video that supersizes Newton's cradle using wrecking balls to transfer energy. Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle a Hollywood classic - is a bird landing on your hood enough to tip your car off a cliff?
178 Season 11, Episode 3 Walk A Straight Line
Adam and Jamie explore the hundred year old conundrum that if blindfolded, can humans travel in a straight line? Then, Kari, Grant and Tory test binary explosives - would they explode in the case of a fender bender?
179 Season 11, Episode 4 Duct Tape Plane
Adam and Jamie test three viral videos featuring extrodinary excavators - can they row a barge, take you wakeboarding, and do acrobatics? Kari, Grant, and Tory patch up a plane that's had an unfortunate encounter with a bear - using only duct tape.
180 Season 11, Episode 5 Flying Guillotine
Jamie and Adam tackle a military myth that it's safe to use the explosive C4 as a cooking fuel as long as you don't drop anything on it, while Kari, Grant, and Tory put a Chinese martial arts myth to the test.
181 Season 11, Episode 6 Drain Disaster
The MythBusters go underground to test if a sewer drain full of combustible gas is ignited - would it turn the innocent manhole cover into a missile? Meanwhile, Kari, Grant and Tory put truck bedliner to the test - is it bite, crash, and bomb proof?
182 Season 11, Episode 7 Wheel of Mythfortune
To determine the lucky winners of the viewer request lottery the guys spin the Wheel of Mythfortune and pick 5 random emails and letters and respond the only way they know how - with science.
183 Season 11, Episode 8 Toilet Bomb
Adam and Jamie tackle a blockbuster bathroom bomb, while Kari, Tory, and Grant take to the skies to find out if a flying V works for planes as well as it does for birds.
184 Season 11, Episode 9 Location, Location, Location
From Alameda to Africa, from the desert to the deep blue sea - the MythBusters declassify their top destinations and reveal the inside scoop...Why is the team banned from a certain quarry in California? What location is so scary it keeps the team awake?
185 Season 11, Episode 10 Wet and Wild
When it comes to H2O, the MythBusters are never shy of putting their bodies on the line - riding the world's biggest waterslide, deep sea diving in a suit of armor, or swimming in syrup. Go behind the scenes on the twelve wettest myths of all time.
186 Season 12, Episode 1 Duct Tape Island
Adam and Jamie get abandoned on a deserted island with nothing but duct tape between them and life or death! The guys go MythBusters and duct tape vs. wild as they use the mythical material to find food and water, build a camp, and try to get rescued.
187 Season 12, Episode 2 Fire vs. Ice
Adam and Jamie tackle an internet sensation about an epic duel between a flamethrower and a CO2 fire extinguisher, while Kari, Grant and Tory test if you can spy drone with a dust cloud and pull off a kidnapping like they did in the movie "Body of Lies."
188 Season 12, Episode 3 Square Wheels
Adam and Jamie reinvent the wheel, while Kari, Tory and Grant hit the breaks for a date night movie myth.
189 Season 12, Episode 4 Swinging Pirates
The Hyneman and Captain Redbeard take a swing at a pirate movie myth while Kari, Tory and Grant roll out the barrel for a turbo charged go-cart.
190 Season 12, Episode 5 Battle of the Sexes
The MythBusters pit Men against Women in the ultimate Battle of the Sexes. Get set for all out war as the team tests five age-old gender-based cliches.
191 Season 12, Episode 6 Driving in Heels
Adam and Jamie hit the highway with some fancy footwear, while Tory, Grant and Kari get stuck on glue.
192 Season 12, Episode 7 Revenge of the Myth
The whole team gets together to take fan favorites to another level in this experimental ramp-up. From exploding water heater and bird balance to excavators and fireworks man, no result is safe from these myth's revenge!
193 Season 12, Episode 8 Bouncing Bullet
Adam and Jamie take aim at a ricochet myth from the TV show "Burn Notice," while Kari, Tory and Grant test the Hollywood myth that if you jump when running away from an explosion - can you surf the shockwave?
194 Season 12, Episode 9 Mailbag Special
The MythBusters do a fan correspondence catch-up as the team answers your questions and takes mini myth requests - testing if you can eat a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking water and revealing how the camera crew captures explosions.
195 Season 12, Episode 10 Bubble Pack Plunge
Adam and Jamie test if you jump from a building wrapped in bubble packaging - will you survuve? Kari, Grant, and Tory experiment with a James Bond ejector seat.
196 Season 12, Episode 11 Duel Dilemmas
Adam and Jamie test an old dueling myth - should you really never bring a knife to a gunfight? Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if a two stage missile known as the fire breathing dragon ever really existed.
197 Season 12, Episode 12 Hollywood Gunslingers
The MythBusters bust out guns blazing to take aim at eight Hollywood firearms fables including never ending ammo, leathal nail guns, and deadly silver bullets.
198 Season 13, Episode 1 Titanic Survival
Adam and Jamie team up with Titanic movie director James Cameron to tackle the most requested myth in MythBuster history, while Kari, Grant and Tory ride a rocket-powered surfboard.
199 Season 13, Episode 2 Trench Torpedo
The guys fire up a myth from World War One - testing if a trench corner can slow down a shockwave and save a soldier. Tory, Kari and Grant crash clown cars to see if balloons can protect you in a crash.
200 Season 13, Episode 3 Hail Hijinx
Adam and Jamie pick apart some rope bridge physics from the action movie Cliffhanger, while Kari, Grant and Tory test if giant hail can really sink a fishing boat by puncturing the hull.
201 Season 13, Episode 4 Fright Night
There's thrills, spills, and spine tingling chills as Adam and Jamie see if certain sound frequencies can convince people of paranormal activity. Kari, Grant and Tory find out if the smell of fear really exists.
202 Season 13, Episode 5 Mini Myth Medley
The team mixes it up with a medley of viewer requested myths and hit a home run with baseball legend Matt Cain. The guys test an underwater bike ride, if you really can 'know it like the back of your hand,' and the potty dance.
203 Season 13, Episode 6 Cannonball Chemistry
Adam and Jamie test whether a mattress can really cushion a watery wipeout. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant tackle a blast from the past as they test if cannonballs made of stone can really cause carnage.
204 Season 13, Episode 7 Food Fables
Just in time for Thanksgiving, the MythBusters team up with celebrity chef Alton Brown to find out if you can cook lasagna in a dishwasher and a meal under the hood of a car. Kari, Grant and Tory test tryptophan and what really tastes like chicken.
205 Season 13, Episode 8 Explosions A-Z
Arguably the most perfect episode in MythBusters history, the team run through the explosive alphabet highlighting some of the show's 752 detonations and counting.
206 Season 14, Episode 1 JATO Rocket Car: Mission Accomplished?
Back for MythBusters' 10th anniversary with more rocket power, more gadgets, and a huge rolling bunker called The Beast, will the team bust the JATO Rocket Car myth once and for all?
207 Season 14, Episode 2 Deadliest Catch Crabtastic Special
Deadliest Catch captains Johnathan and Junior join the MythBusters to test if a crab pot will drag you overboard to the bottom if your foot is caught in a coil, if it's better to work a 30-hr grind with no sleep, and if crab pots truly are indestructible.
208 Season 14, Episode 3 Down and Dirty/ Earthquake Survival
Watch the ALL NEW season of MythBusters Wednesdays at 9PM E/P. The MythBusters test if using a bathroom's hand dryer is better than a paper towel and which stall is the cleanest. They test if it's better to stand in the doorway during an earthquake.
209 Season 14, Episode 4 Indy Car Special
The MythBusters burn rubber at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway testing racing myths. Can man beat machine in a 30-ft, standing-start sprint? Can a driver lose 10 lbs during a race? Can a race tire's suction rip loose a manhole cover during a street race?
210 Season 14, Episode 5 Battle of the Sexes - Round 2
It's Round 2 of Battle of the Sexes and the MythBusters test the cliches: Will lost men really not stop and ask for directions? Are women better multi-taskers? Which sex can parallel park with aplomb? And should "throwing like a girl" really be an insult?
211 Season 14, Episode 6 Motorcycle Water Ski
Jamie puts his life on the line to test the myth that a motorcycle traveling at highway speeds can drive across the surface of a lake. The MythBusters test whether you can survive a jump from a highrise with a parachute made from a hotel room's contents.
212 Season 14, Episode 7 Hypermiling/Crash Cusions
Could a guy sandwiched between two big guys in the backseat of a car survive the car being T-boned by a truck? The MythBusters also hit the road to test three more hypermiling myths. Can these simple techniques really double your car's fuel efficiency?
213 Season 14, Episode 8 Duct Tape Canyon
Lost in the wilderness, Adam and Jamie survive the desert, repel down canyon cliff-faces, and brave Class 5 rapids, all with duct tape and bubble wrap. Guest appearance by Nik Wallenda, famous tightrope walker, who has his own way to traverse the canyon.
214 Season 14, Episode 9 Painting with Explosives/ Bifurcated Boat
After 7 years, it's back to unsolved Myth-teries: Can Adam's snowflake of death or Jamie's special sphere paint a room with a boom? Then, the fans demand the return to the cursed, bifurcated boat myth to see if it can be split in two by a channel marker.
215 Season 14, Episode 10 Breaking Bad Special
Things get volatile when the MythBusters meet creator Vince Gilligan and star Aaron Paul to check the chemistry behind the hit TV show "Breaking Bad". The team recreates two iconic, acidic scenes to see if the science truly holds up, melts down, or blows.
216 Season 14, Episode 11 Zombie Special
WALKING DEAD's Michael Rooker joins the team to test zombie myths. Is an ax or a gun more effective when you're swarmed by zombies? Adam turns un-dead to test if the "might of the living dead" can bust down Jamie's door. Can you outrun--or smart--a horde?
217 Season 15, Episode 1 Star Wars: Revenge of the Myth
In this Star Wars special, the MythBusters test if Luke really could swing himself and Leia across a chasm with only his belt-rigged grappling hook, could an Ewok log swing crush an Imperial "Chicken Walker", and could Luke survive in a tauntaun's belly?
218 Season 15, Episode 2 Moonshine Myths
In this moonshiner-inspired episode, the MythBusters find out if an exploding still really could blow your house down and if you really could use hooch to fuel an unmodified car on a "moonshine run".
219 Season 15, Episode 3 Hollywood Car Crash Cliches
It's wall-to-wall automotive mayhem, as the MythBusters drive through glass, plough through traffic, and fire an RPG at an SUV to take aim at classic Hollywood crash clichés.
220 Season 15, Episode 4 Car Chase Chaos/ Animal Antics
The MythBusters test car chase cliches: Can you really share driving, change places, or dump the driver while moving at speed? Also, from the message boards, the team tests some fan-suggested deterrents for driving away cats, bears, and snakes.
221 Season 15, Episode 5 DO Try This at Home
After more than 10 years of testing impossible, dangerous and downright crazy myths that you shouldn't or couldn't try at home, the MythBusters investigate a host of myths that maybe you can!
222 Season 15, Episode 6 Mythssion Impossible
The MythBusters test three impossible idioms: Can you herd cats? Can you catch a greased pig? And can you cram 10 pounds of poop into a 5 pound bag?
223 Season 15, Episode 7 Bullet Baloney
The MythBusters take on five filmic firearm cliches: Will a bent-barreled shot gun fire? Can you fire a gun in space? Will a gun dropped in a deep fryer go off? What weird items will stop a bullet? And does a neon sign really explode when hit by a bullet?
224 Season 15, Episode 8 Supersonic Ping Pong/ Ice Cannon
In this ballistics bonanza, Adam and Jamie ask if supersonic ping pong can go lethally wrong while Kari, Grant and Tory light the frozen fuse on a cannon made of ice!
225 Season 16, Episode 1 Fire in the Hole
The MythBusters tackle some of Hollywood's favorite explosive scenarios. Could a hero really shoot a live grenade in midair and thus render it useless? Could you really contain a TNT explosion inside an ordinary object like a file cabinet or aquarium?
226 Season 16, Episode 2 Household Disasters
The MythBusters test household myths: Could a vacuum cleaner explode while sucking up black powder? Could sunscreen scorch your skin? Could a piano crash through your roof? And finally could an exploding water heater extinguish a house fire?
227 Season 16, Episode 3 Commercial Myths
The MythBusters go to vertigo-inducing heights to test: Could you bob for an apple when jumping from a 100-foot high bungee cord? And from a viral video, could you really play a match of tennis while both players are standing on top of an airplane's wing?
228 Season 16, Episode 4 Road Rage
The MythBusters test three car crimes straight from Hollywood: the cliff top push, the two-wheel wipeout, and finally the Corvette barrel roll from "Wanted".
229 Season 16, Episode 5 Laws of Attraction
The MythBusters use sexy science to tackle five captivating clichés about the laws of attraction including if men really do prefer blondes, if pheromone sprays really work, if bigger boobs equal bigger tips, and does a man's wealth really woo women?
230 Season 16, Episode 6 Traffic Tricks
The MythBusters tackle congestion questions: testing shockwave jams, if a roundabout is better than a 4-way stop sign, if it's faster to drive than fly when your trip is under 400 miles, and if it's better to change lanes or stay put in heavy traffic.
231 Season 16, Episode 7 Plane Boarding/Bite the Bullet
Adam and Jamie buckle up and return their seats to the upright position to test what really is the best, most efficient way to board an airplane. Tory, Kari, and Grant find out if a bullet made of teeth or even bone is non-traceable.
232 Season 17, Episode 1 The Simpsons Special
D'oh! Adam and Jamie are tackling the greatest animated TV series of all time. Along for the ride is special guest Al Jean, executive producer and show runner of iconic show, The Simpsons.
233 Season 17, Episode 2 The Busters of the Lost Myths
Hold onto your iconic hats as the MythBusters put the legendary Indiana Jones and his hijinks to the test!
234 Season 17, Episode 3 The A-Team Special
Adam "Hannibal" Savage and "Howlin' Mad" Hyneman put The A-Team under the MythBusters microscope.
235 Season 17, Episode 4 Video Games Special
Adam and Jamie take Mythbusting to the next level challenging the science of the virtual world rendered in video games - it's game over for false physics!
236 Season 17, Episode 5 Transformers
Adam and Jamie tackle two tall tales of mechanical metamorphosis, which sees them try to turn a car into a motorcycle and a bicycle into a boat!
237 Season 17, Episode 6 San Francisco Drift
To test two tall tales of daredevil drifting, the MythBusters are the fast and the curious!
238 Season 18, Episode 1 Blow It Out The Water
Adam and Jamie blow up a boat with 1,000 lb of high explosive before building a homemade machine gun from Breaking Bad's season finale.
239 Season 18, Episode 2 Flights of Fantasy
Stow your tray tables because in this aviation extravaganza Adam and Jamie tackle two flights of fantasy that sees a MythBuster launched to the edge of space!
240 Season 18, Episode 3 Accidental Ammo
Stand by for some ballistic backyard bedlam and a gruesome glass guillotine in an episode devoted to accidental ammo!
241 Season 18, Episode 4 Dangerous Driving
Adam and Jamie crank the controversy to the max as they find out if Hands-Free driving is really the solution to making that all important call at the wheel.
242 Season 18, Episode 5 Supernatural Shooters
On this episode of MythBusters Adam and Jamie take aim at Hollywood's infallible hit men and their seemingly supernatural ability to take down a target.
243 Season 18, Episode 6 Unfinished Business
Adam and Jamie tackle four fan favourites from video games to grenades, from spy cars to super-fast firearms, the MythBusters are having a blast!
244 Season 18, Episode 7 MythBusters vs. Jaws
It's the MythBusters Shark Special as the guys retackle the explosive finale of the film Jaws. But that's not all - with two shark repellent myths thrown in for good measure, the guys are going to need a bigger boat!
245 Season 18, Episode 8 Star Wars - The Myths Strike Back
The Myths Strike Back when Adam and Jamie once again confront the dark side of science in a workshop not so far, far away...
246 Season 19, Episode 1 MythBusters Revealed: The Behind the Scenes Season Opener
In this behind-the-scenes exclusive, Adam and Jamie showcase what's to come in the mother of all final seasons and how they made it!
247 Season 19, Episode 2 The Explosion Special
In their farewell season Adam and Jamie go out with a bang. They bid farewell to their favorite pastime with two explosive tall tales.
248 Season 19, Episode 3 Tanker Crush
In their farewell season Adam & Jamie take on their biggest ever experiment ever in an attempt to crush a giant tanker train car by creating a vacuum!
249 Season 19, Episode 4 Cooking Chaos
In their farewell season the guys stir up some cooking chaos. Testing 2 viral video sensations: cannon fired shrimp and an explosive tomato smoothie.
250 Season 19, Episode 5 Driven to Destruction
Adam and Jamie destroy cars in style one with a vacuum cleaner and the other with a massive amount of C4!
251 Season 19, Episode 6 Volunteer Special
The MythBusters Volunteer Special tackles a myth about zombie weapons & how best to wait in line at a store. An army of human guinea pigs/volunteers help out!
252 Season 19, Episode 7 Failure Is Not An Option
It's the last ever Myths Revisited as the guys drift on dirt, fire at fish tanks and blow crap up, all in the name of science!
253 Season 19, Episode 8 Rocketmen
In their farewell season Adam and Jamie test the fan favourite, explosive technology, in a one mega-myth in-depth episode - are gummy bears a viable rocket fuel?
254 Season 19, Episode 9 The reddit Special
From the very beginning, fan feedback has been integral to MythBusters. In this final season episode, the most interactive show on TV has peaked with a reddit Special where the internet is in complete control of the editorial.
255 Season 19, Episode 10 The MythBusters Grand Finale
This is it. The last ever episode of MythBusters. Prepare to be blown away by the most epic grand finale in television history!
256 Season 19, Episode 11 MythBusters: The Reunion
All five MythBusters reunite as they pull back the curtain as never before to give a suitably epic, enlightening and emotional finale to the best science show on television.
257 Season 19, Episode 12 Duct Tape: The Return
In the MythBusters final season farewell, they build a trebuchet and attempt to save Buster's life with their favorite mechanical cure all: Duct Tape.


Each episode, the MythBusters, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, two special effects experts with more than 30 years of experience, methodically set out to bust three urban legends. And they don't just explain if something's true or false: through trial and error, they demonstrate it. Sometimes they crash things, sometimes they blow things up -- all in the name of science.



