A new comedy series from executive producer/writer Liz Meriwether ("No Strings Attached"), New Girl features a young ensemble cast that takes a fresh look at friendship. After a bad break-up, Jess Day (Zooey Deschanel) needs a new place to live. An online search leads her to a great loft...and three single guys she's never met before. Nick (Jake Johnson), law school dropout turned bartender is the most grounded...and the most jaded. Schmidt (Max Greenfield) is a hustling young professional who's pretty proud of his own abs. Winston (Lamorne Morris), is an intensely competitive former athlete who doesn't know what to do next. Jess also meets Coach (guest star Damon Wayans Jr.), a personal trainer with a bit of an anger problem. Rounding out the group is Jess' childhood best friend, Cece (Hannah Simone), a model with a killer deadpan. The fivesome realize they need each other more than they thought they would and end up forming a charmingly dysfunctional -- or strangely functional -- family.