
1995 • NBC
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Season 4 episodes (22)

1 Jumper
After finding a man outside his office window threatening to jump, Dave does his best to remain calm as he tries to call the police. But as Joe's work on the office phone system makes it hard for Dave, Bill does his best to make sure the police don't show so he can be a hero by rescuing Mike. And even though Dave insists on waiting for the police, Joe helps Bill out the window in order to rescue Mike while still live on the air. Even though Bill has made contact with Mike, Dave still refuses to put them on the radio. After Mike makes it clear that all he wants is to read a statement attacking his former employer, Jimmy agrees provided that he can be secured with a safety line. But before they can get started Mike falls, pulling Bill from the ledge, too. As Beth and Catherine watch and worry from above, Joe heads outside to rescue Bill and Mike from their precarious position. But when Mike threatens to cut the safety line with a pair of scissors, Jimmy agrees to let him make his statement on the air. However, when his statement reveals that he's been fired from one of Jimmy's companies, he's quickly cut off. And only to save Bill's life does Jimmy agree to let Mike go on TV with his complaint before giving him a new job -- not telling him it's in Siberia. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
2 Planbee
Having had enough of the station's financial losses, Jimmy decides that the time has come for drastic action. While Dave offers to come up with a plan to keep everyone's job, Jimmy brings in an efficiency expert. And though Andrea does her best to put them at ease, everyone realizes that they could be the one who's fired. Although Matthew is more than willing to find a way to prove just how efficient they are, Joe, Beth, Lisa and Catherine all quickly realize that he's likely to be the first one fired. And despite their efforts to make him look good, Matthew manages to prove they are right. Meanwhile, seeing the handwriting on the wall, Bill auditions for a TV news job. In hopes of keeping Matthew on the staff, Dave sets out to convince Andrea that an anonymous accountant is the station's least effective employee. However, things backfire when, after Dave builds up Matthew, Andrea suggests doing without Lisa. Meanwhile, after seeing how much he's a part of the WNYX family, a make up artist sets out to sabotage Bill's TV audition. Finally, despite everyone's attempts to cover for him, Andrea identifies Matthew as the employee who'll have to go. And when she can't be persuaded otherwise, Bill is drafted to deliver the bad news, which Matthew manages to take in stride. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
3 Super Karate Monkey Death Car
While continuing to work under the watchful eye of Jimmy's efficiency expert, the WYNX staff makes it clear that they miss having Matthew around. Ignoring their requests to hire him back, Andrea alerts everyone to a test she'll be giving. But after Joe steals a copy and Dave discovers that it's for a lie detector, Lisa insists that Andrea cannot force anyone to take it. Meanwhile, when Jimmy's memoir becomes a big hit in Japan, he orders Dave to attend his reading at a local book store. Meeting at a nearby restaurant in order to coordinate what they are going to tell Andrea, the staff is surprised to find Matthew pretending to be their waiter. While lunch isn't forthcoming for anyone but Bill, Dave is stunned to learn that Lisa has several serious arrests on her record. As a result, he insists that everyone keep Andrea in the dark about Lisa's criminal past. And while Beth turns to an herbal remedy guaranteed to slow her metabolism and fool the test, Joe's efforts to redirect the polygraph's electrical current works a little too well. Much to Lisa's surprise, she finds Andrea isn't going to give her the same exam she's administered to everyone else. However, when she cannot keep from blurting out her own secrets, Lisa learns that Andrea has a criminal past, too. Meanwhile, both Dave and Jimmy find that translating his book back into English from Japanese has resulted in a very fractured, memoir. So after Jimmy's reading in New York leaves most of his audience confused, he and Dave head for dinner in Japan where he's a hero. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
4 The Public Domain
While trying to keep Matthew's presence at the office to a minimum, Dave learns that Andrea is bringing in someone to share his own job. But after making his case for his management skills, he's given one day to prove himself before Steve is allowed to start. Meanwhile, as Bill tries to get a singing career of the ground, Jimmy arrives with a crew making a movie about a day in his life. When Jimmy's self-consciousness gets in the way, Lisa suggests that they not tell him when the camera is really filming. As Matthew continues lurking about in hopes of getting re-hired, Dave does his best to cover with Andrea. And while Bill's songwriting efforts begin getting on everyone's nerves, Beth and Catherine lobby Andrea on Matthew's behalf. After pointing out some of Matthew's more obvious flaws, Andrea gets Steve started in his job with Dave. And Joe is enlisted in the effort to sabotage the movie and get rid of some of Jimmy's more incendiary remarks. Finally, when Steve decides he doesn't want the job after all, Matthew's hopes are briefly raised about his own return to work. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
5 French Diplomacy
When Dave suggests giving their relationship a break until things settle down at work, Lisa accuses him of dumping her. On news of their rocky office romance, Andrea chastises Lisa for not telling her sooner and claims that she's going to have to investigate and then file an official report. Meanwhile, as Dave and Lisa try fending off Andrea's probe, Bill causes trouble with an editorial that demands foreign diplomats be dragged from their cars and beaten for parking violations. As Andrea continues her investigation of Dave and Lisa's affair, Beth spots someone watching from a nearby office building. While Beth enlists Joe in her effort to stop the spy, Dave takes on Bill for his outrageous editorial, especially after the French ambassador is hospitalized following a severe beating. And as Lisa tries to accept full responsibility for his poor judgment, Dave demands that Bill issue an on-air apology. Meanwhile, after finding that Matthew is the Peeping Tom, Beth and Joe are even more surprised that he has opened a long dormant dental practice across the street. After making it abundantly clear that he is Lisa's boss, Bill goes on the air with his apology. However, when his remarks only serve to inflame tensions when he inadvertently calls for another public beating, Bill is again asked by Lisa to apologize. But when Bill continues to point out that he is her superior, Lisa's efforts to get a retraction are momentarily stalled. Meanwhile, as Matthew uses the opportunity to work on Beth's teeth to explain his love for radio, Andrea tries to make amends with Lisa. And when Bill's next retraction causes yet another disaster, she demotes Dave and gives his job to Lisa. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
6 The Secret Of Management
Though she's trying to get off to a good start as the station's new manager, Lisa finds it hard to keep Jimmy from focusing his attention on Dave. Despite her attempts to replicate the banter that existed between the two men, Lisa still cannot hold Jimmy's attention. And she's really irritated when Jimmy reveals that he has yet to tell her what he told Dave about his "Secret of Management." Meanwhile, as Dave attempts to get a handle on his new job, Bill hires a personal valet. When Lisa tries getting him to divulge Jimmy's secret, Dave refuses to be fooled. Returning to her boss, Lisa then persuades him to tell her what it is over dinner at his house. And once they arrive, she's taken aback by the elaborate web of secrecy surrounding "The Secret." Meanwhile, after getting Beth and Joe to take him to lunch, Matthew insists they pretend Bill is there, too. And while he and Bill are having their own dinner with Matthew, Dave tries to discuss the problems he's had ever since changing jobs with Lisa. However, Bill is only interested in listening if it has something to do with sex. After pressing Jimmy to get on with telling her "The Secret," Lisa is disappointed to discover that it's just a long list of clichés-ones that Jimmy claims credit for having written himself. And Lisa is disheartened after Dave reveals that she has many more clichés to get through before Jimmy is done. Finally, after his dinner with Matthew, Bill's manservant Cadbury sneaks away after stealing everything he owns. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
7 Pure Evil
As Lisa anxiously prepares to lead her first staff meeting, Dave plots to get his job back by becoming pure evil. To make sure he's deemed unfit as a producer, he allows Bill to go on the air with some fake interviews with President Bill Clinton. However, after letting Bill run one laced with obscenities, Dave is surprised when Jimmy simply denies any knowledge of it and refuses to fire him. Meanwhile, Lisa's efforts to run a tight ship are hampered by Matthew's spending the night in her office. And when her first staff meeting is quickly brought to a close by her choking on a piece of gum, Dave senses his chances of getting the job back are improving. After insisting that Matthew find somewhere else to sleep at night, Lisa decides to win the staff's approval by providing snacks for their meeting. Despite Beth's warnings that it would be trying too hard, Lisa's elaborate snacks sweep everyone off their feet. Then, as Bill continues to stage riskier and more ribald interviews with the president, Dave is warned against them by the Secret Service. But Bill continues unabated and becomes a celebrity in the process. After efforts to keep Matthew from sleeping at the office inadvertently lands him at her apartment for the night, Lisa's attempt to avoid another staff meeting ends in much embarrassment. And as Bill is brought to Washington to defend his racy mock interviews, Lisa applauds Dave for all they've done to increase the station's ratings. However, even after she frightens the staff by criticizing his poor attitude, Dave realizes that he's only improved his chances of being kept as a producer as he and Lisa agree that switching jobs has had a serious impact on their relationship. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
8 Catherine Moves On
As Dave is trying to work over Bill's noisy eating and Matthew is breaking his third coffee pot of the week, Catherine asks for a staff meeting. Though busy with work, Lisa agrees to listen as Catherine announces that she's leaving WNYX. However, when Jimmy wants an explanation, everyone has a different story about what prompted her to quit on short notice. Meanwhile, as Lisa leaves a phone message at home asking her to reconsider, Joe reveals that he has been tape recording his conversations with Catherine ever since she threatened him with a sexual harassment lawsuit. When asked for his version of the story, Dave recalls how difficult it was to hear over Bill's cereal, suggesting that the noise may have been the catalyst for Catherine's abrupt resignation. Quizzed by Jimmy for his explanation, Bill claims he was calmly eating a quiet breakfast his desk when Catherine made a pass at him before turning her resignation into a not-so-subtle invitation to have sex. Then, as Lisa continues to leave desperate messages for Catherine, Jimmy turns to Matthew who, after blaming a weird thief for breaking the coffee pot, can only recall a suggestive dream he had about Bill. As Beth tries persuading Joe that Catherine was really interested in him, Jimmy turns to Lisa. Remembering herself as being incredibly busy at the time, Lisa blames herself for Catherine's sudden departure. Then, as Beth recalls how everyone quickly descended on her desk to scavenge office supplies, Catherine arrives to explain how another lucrative job offer came up that she just couldn't resist. Finally, after convincing both Joe and Bill to meet her at her apartment to say good-bye, Catherine stays behind at the station as the two men end up there with only each other. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
9 Stupid Holiday Charity Talent Show
Following the lighting of the company Christmas tree, Jimmy is prepared to give Matthew his job back under two conditions. First, the staff must agree to clean up after him. And second, in order to keep from losing a big bet to media mogul Ted Turner, someone has to win the New York Corporate Charity Talent Show. But when Dave agrees to tap dance for Matthew's sake, Jimmy refuses to allow him to do the act. Meanwhile, as Bill lobbies to hire an attractive replacement for Catherine, Dave warns Lisa about revealing secrets about him that she learned during their relationship. As a result of her intimate knowledge of Dave, Lisa knows of another talent that could win the show and get Matthew re-hired. Yet, when pressed by Lisa, Dave refuses to either divulge his hidden talent or perform it in public. But after watching everyone else trying to get their acts together for the show, Dave realizes that he's Matthew's only hope and agrees to perform his knife throwing act. With Lisa as his assistant, Dave arrives at the show only to find his old knife throwing nemesis, Throwdini. And recalling an incident from their past, he suffers a lapse of confidence that causes him to drop out of the show. So Beth steps in to do her cabaret act with Bill at the piano. But after she bombs and Jimmy is certain he's lost, Matthew and his ventriloquist's dummy use the opportunity to explain his predicament, winning the audience's sympathy, their votes and, ultimately, his job. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
10 Chock
Dave is surprised when David and Bob, a pair of old college friends and former singing partners, arrive to help him celebrate his birthday. Though having not performed together since 1988, Bob recalls making a pact to reunite their group, Chock Full O Notes, if none of them were married by age thirty-two. And while Dave tries to get out of it by claiming that the quartet isn't complete, their missing fourth member Brian shows up after a long drive from Arizona. Meanwhile, Lisa gets a bad reputation after she hurts Matthew's feelings. Despite Bob's quitting his job and Brian's canceling his wedding, David begins to suspect that Dave and the others don't want to reunite after all. However, just when Dave thinks he may be off the hook, Bob and Brian decline to back out on their agreement. When Dave can't bring himself to tell his old friends that he isn't really interested, Bill steps in and gives the three other members of the group his scathing opinion of their singing style. Meanwhile, Lisa continues to upset Matthew, leading Jimmy to suspect that they are having an affair. After being honest about his lack of interest in the reunion, Dave learns that David is only doing it because he doesn't want to disappoint their friends. But when Dave tries to get everyone to admit their true feelings, David fails to back him up. Meanwhile, Jimmy's efforts to keep Matthew's feelings intact at the office come to an end with the end of the work day. Finally, as they prepare to give him a musical good-bye, Dave's fellow Chock members find that they can no longer sing. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
11 Who's The Boss
When Bill's unpredictability makes it difficult for Lisa to run the station, she and Dave devise a plan to make him realize just how tough the job is. While Lisa and Dave team up to force Bill into the top job, a labor strike forces Joe to picket the station. And as Joe tries to help Beth fill in for him, it's when the office coffee maker breaks down that Bill shows he knows more about running the station than anyone thought. As doing the news again rekindles Lisa's passion for radio, Dave finds Bill sitting at the piano he's brought into the office to help him think. When Dave finds his co-workers busy with meaningless projects, Bill claims that appearances are important, too. However, when Dave insists that Matthew and Beth stop their fake work tasks, Bill manages to shift the blame away from himself and onto Dave. Meanwhile, Jimmy tries persuading Joe to return to work. With Lisa at his side, Dave admits that making Bill the boss was all part of a plan to make him realize just how hard running the station can be. But when Lisa is asked to return to her job, she's reluctant to take responsibility again and asks Dave if he would do it instead. Finally, after a coin toss fails to settle who's in command, Jimmy gives in to a union demand that allows Joe to return to work. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
12 Look Who's Talking
When Bill announces that he wants to adopt a baby, no one can believe it. And while Dave and Lisa try to explain just how hard it is to be a single parent, Bill is determined to follow through with the adoption regardless of the sacrifices. Meanwhile, Beth agrees to pose as a wealthy duchess in order to make the winning bid for Jimmy at a charity bachelor auction. As Joe helps Beth rehearse for her role as the Duchess of Greater North Chesterborough, Dave and Lisa arrange a field trip to a nearby playground to watch real parents in action. After watching Bill help comfort a crying child, Dave reconsiders his opinion of him as a father. However, Lisa wonders if he can provide the same highly structured upbringing her parents gave her. Meanwhile, Beth tells everyone at the auction that Joe is her homosexual escort. While at the adoption agency, Dave and Lisa argue over the merits of their respective childhoods while Bill passes the time talking to a couple who are there to adopt. But when Bill learns that it's only the beginning of a process that could take another five years before he gets a child, he's tempted to steal the other couple's baby. Finally, after Beth sneaks off with a wealthy patron's limousine driver, Joe scares away any potential bidders with an offer of $15,000 for Jimmy, reinforcing the belief that he's gay. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
13 Who's The Boss: Part Ii
After a coin toss fails to determine who's the boss, Jimmy decides the staff should vote for either Dave or Lisa. As the reluctant candidates lobby for a job that neither really wants, Joe's brother Russ arrives to discuss plans for their parent's thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, as tensions between the two estranged brothers erupt into violence, Matthew declares his own candidacy for office fire marshal. As Matthew prepares for an as-yet-to-be-identified opponent, Dave and Lisa participate in a debate at Jimmy's request. However, once they are interrupted by another Garelli brother's fight, Matthew seizes the opportunity to make his speech for the fire marshal's job. Then, even as the arrival of another brother cannot keep Russ and Joe's hostility in check, Dave quietly learns that the staff is supporting him. As Bill seeks Lisa's help in derailing Matthew's campaign, Dave tells her that he's likely to win the election with nearly unanimous staff support. But once the results prove otherwise, he realizes everyone was humoring him while intending to vote for Lisa all along. Yet when Jimmy realizes that the staff likes Lisa but respects Dave, he gives him his old job back anyway. Finally, as Dave learns the truth about the shaky support for Lisa, the eldest Garelli brother arrives to settle the score between Joe and Russ as Matthew loses his election despite being unopposed. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
14 Big Brother
After signing up to be a Big Brother to a young boy, a mix up pairs Matthew with another adult named Danny. But Matthew doesn't see anything unusual about their relationship, and Danny realizes that Matthew is in need of someone to look after him. Meanwhile, after Dave reassumes control at the office, a leotard in Lisa's old desk convinces Bill that she's dating someone. And after Dave finds a pair of movie ticket stubs there, too, Bill concludes that it's Beth. Though Dave is reluctant to believe it, Joe agrees with Bill. And a surveillance videotape from the lobby convinces Jimmy, Bill and Joe that Lisa has been spending the night with someone. Meanwhile, when he and Danny are reluctant to break off their Big Brother-Little Brother relationship, Beth claims to have been Matthew's Big Sister for more than two years. But after they both take Matthew to the zoo, it's Danny and Beth who really hit it off. After spotting Danny and Beth kissing at the zoo, Matthew makes his way back to the office alone. And while she tries to cover by claiming they were looking for him, Beth still must agree to spend an entire day with Matthew. After a search of Lisa's phone records fails to identify her new lover, she and Dave are forced to admit that they've been sleeping together. And, finally, Lisa lets Dave know that, even though he has a date, she'll be waiting back at his apartment in order to have sex again. © 1997 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
15 Security Door
To stem a rash of thefts in the office, Dave installs a security door to keep out unwanted strangers. However, while Dave is intent on seeing that the station is safe, the rest of the staff sees it as an inconvenience to be circumvented. Meanwhile, as Jimmy carefully monitors the station's news broadcasts, Bill asks Lisa to be his agent for a television commercial. But he still can't keep from interfering with her negotiations. As Dave continues to tout their need for the door, his colleagues try to make it seem unnecessary, and even dangerous. While trying to prove its worthiness, Dave is accidentally locked outside without his key. So in an attempt to demonstrate it's need, he stages an elaborate presentation. Meanwhile, when Bill fears being taken advantage of in the TV commercial deal, Lisa tries to bolster his confidence. When Lisa joins Bill at the taping of his commercial, she's surprised to find he's taken an embarrassing role that could damage his credibility on the air. However, when she tries to intervene on his behalf, it turns out that Bill isn't embarrassed at all. Finally, the staff confronts Dave's fears in an intervention that ends up taking the station off the air. And though Jimmy is sure Dave is overreacting about their need for security, the theft of a briefcase proves otherwise. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
16 Beep, Beep
Once he has determined that their productivity has been decreasing ever since they broke up, Jimmy encourages Dave and Lisa to reunite, or at least to start having sex again. Though unwilling to be pressured, Lisa gets Dave to agree that Jimmy's proposal may have merit. Meanwhile, as Bill interviews documentary filmmaker Ken Burns for Catherine's old job, Matthew gets a toy car for his birthday. As Jimmy works to create a romantic mood, Lisa and Dave agree to give him a chance. Failing to restart their sexual relationship, Jimmy lets Bill take a crack at it. But when he tries jealousy as a way of encouraging his sexual interest in Lisa, Dave refuses to take the bait. Meanwhile, an accident with his new toy car leaves Matthew despondent, until the woman he hit agrees to a date. Deciding that it might be just sex that motivates Dave and Lisa, Jimmy hires a pair of beautiful but incompetent assistants. As a result, Dave and Lisa decide that things have gotten out of hand. After reprimanding Bill for fabricating stories about having sex with her, Lisa then attacks Dave for believing them. And when Jimmy notices another spike in their productivity, he realizes that it happened when Dave and Lisa were arguing. Finally, as Matthew manages to get a date despite having lost his car, Dave and Lisa give their bickering a break until the following day. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
17 Balloon
In order to outdo his fellow billionaires, Jimmy has decided to circle the globe alone in a hot air balloon. And despite the concerns of his staff over the danger, he calls a press conference before leaving with Joe for a secret rendezvous with his balloon. Meanwhile, when Bill gives up smoking for chewing tobacco, Dave struggles to keep him from using his coffee cup for a spittoon. Worried about their boss, Lisa, Matthew, Dave and Beth all watch attentively as a TV newscaster tracks Jimmy's progress. However, Dave realizes that something altogether different is going on when he spots Jimmy sneaking a cup of coffee from the station's break room. Chasing him to the basement, he discovers a TV studio in where Jimmy and Joe have masterminded an elaborate hoax. And while Dave won't go along with the ruse, he agrees to give Jimmy twelve hours to bring it to an honorable end. As Beth and Matthew continue to worry, Lisa also begins to suspect something's not right with the flight. And that's when Dave reveals Jimmy's secret and secures her promise not to tell. As news of a crash leaves Beth worried, Dave and Lisa watch from the makeshift studio as Jimmy claims it has brought his gallant attempt to an abrupt end. However, with some help from Joe, he manages to get in a plug for his own business first. Finally, as Jimmy promises Lisa a major news story in exchange for her silence, Bill gives up chewing tobacco, but not the nicotine. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
18 Copy Machine
Following a tragic accident with the office copy machine, Dave announces the death of an accounting department employee. Because he didn't really know Ted, Dave has a hard time mustering much grief over the loss. However, as Jimmy tries to get Dave to let his feelings out, Joe reveals that it was his modifications to the copier that caused Ted's death. And despite Lisa's efforts to comfort him, the responsibility weighs heavily on Joe, who tries flushing his tools down a toilet to keep from ever working again. As Matthew and Beth try getting Dave to open up about his grief, Jimmy arrives with Ted's college roommate, Jack. Asked by the family to deliver a eulogy at the funeral, Jack wants to spend some time with Ted's colleagues to help him prepare. While Dave is honest about their limited contact, Bill doesn't hesitate to regale Jack with his fictional accounts of the late accountant's life. But when pressed for details, he passes Jack along to Beth as Lisa hounds Joe about returning to work. As Matthew offers Jack a song he claims to have written about Ted, Dave and Lisa set out to prove that the death was a freak accident. But as he's trying to convince Joe that it wasn't his fault, the demonstration backfires, jeopardizing Dave's life, too. Announcing he's going to fix the copy machine so that it can never kill again, Joe discovers that Ted's death was actually a suicide. Finally, after Jack admits to never liking Ted very much, it's left to Dave to deliver the eulogy at his funeral. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
19 Monster Rancher
Under pressure, Dave agrees to hire Jimmy's nephew as the station's new intern. As Walt is sent to spend some time with Bill, Matthew reveals that he has romantic feelings for Lisa. Armed with Dave's permission, he then sets out to ask her on a date. However, faced with actually asking Lisa out, Matthew freezes. Meanwhile, Bill initiates Walt into the office routine with some hazing. After being reprimanded by Dave, Bill admits that the real reason behind his hazing is Walt's good looks. And when Beth admits to feeling threatened by the intern, too, Bill decides to start wearing make up in order to compete. Once Joe also turns against Walt, Dave apologizes for the staff's poor treatment. And that's when he finds that the young intern is quite familiar with his radio career. However, while Dave is sufficiently impressed to want to offer Walt a job, Jimmy decides to transfer him to another company. Despite being warned by Beth, Lisa cannot keep from accepting a date with Matthew. As Lisa does her best to let him down easy on their date, Matthew takes her response to heart as she agrees to join him on the dance floor. Finally, Dave gives Walt some tips on dealing with a woman he admires from afar, only to discover that it's Lisa. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
20 4:20
After inviting everyone to an evening at his men's club, Jimmy announces that the entertainment will be an all-out fight between Matthew and Joe. And while Joe worries about hurting him, Matthew is ready to rumble. Meanwhile, after reminding Dave about the crush Walt has on her, Bill desperately wants Lisa to discuss her love life with him. In addition to Joe, both Lisa and Beth are concerned for Matthew's safety. But, despite being warned of the potentially disastrous consequences, Matthew refuses to back down, relishing the opportunity to take on Joe in a fight to the finish. Meanwhile, as Lisa starts enjoying his attention, Walt decides to ask her on a date. After discovering Lisa is going with him to the men's club along with everyone else, Dave tries to dampen Walt's expectations. And as Bill uses the phone to quiz Lisa about her relationship with Walt, Beth joins Dave at the fight where Matthew's tickling gets Joe to concede. Finally, as Lisa fills Dave in on her evening with Walt, Bill warns that Jimmy's nephew is about to steal her away. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
21 Jackass Junior High
When Beth's vacation leaves Lisa as the only woman at the office, her co-workers soon start treating her just like one of the guys. When she gets someone to fill while Beth is away, the men suddenly reverse their loutish behavior. But Lisa's reaction ends up scaring their temp away. Meanwhile, Bill is offended when Dave hires a voice actor for some new commercials. After declaring the building a historic landmark, Jimmy tries to take advantage of a generous tax loophole by providing guided tours. As the tours disrupt work at the station, Bill lobbies for the chance at the new commercials. But once Dave and Jimmy hear the actor they hired in action, they're convinced they made the right choice. Although reluctant after what she's already seen, Lisa joins everyone in the break room where the men are holding a very proper and civilized tea party. While sure that they are simply mocking her, Lisa fails to realize that the tea party is a regular Wednesday afternoon affair. Finally, with Bill depressed over not getting the job, Dave enlists his colleagues at the station in an effort to lift his spirits. But he's taken aback when Bill turns his harsh imitation against him. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
22 Sinking Ship
Instead of working at WNYX, the "NewsRadio" cast are the crew aboard the ocean liner, the Titanic. With Dave as its captain and Jimmy the fateful ship's owner, their colleagues serve as the rest of the crew, from the aristocratic and stuffy Bill down to the lowly and impoverished Walt. As Dave puts Matthew on iceberg watch, Bill complains about Walt being allowed out of steerage. And while Bill warns of the dire consequences of allowing the upper and lower classes to mix, Matthew refuses to take his job seriously. Warned of Walt's designs on Lisa, Dave gives her an elaborate and expensive diamond necklace for her birthday. But as Bill continues to try and convince Dave that strong action against Walt is justified, Matthew's inattentiveness causes the great ship to hit an iceberg. And as Jimmy and Joe try to convince everyone that things are fine, they begin to sink. As Joe struggles to stop the leak that is taking them down, Walt is determined to sketch Lisa's portrait as a birthday gift. But she would rather devote her attention to getting herself and her collection of artwork safely off the ship. As Joe comes to grips with the magnitude of the disaster, Jimmy and Dave pledge to go down with the ship as Bill looks for a way to save himself. And as Dave and Jimmy die while Lisa tries making it to New York on her own, Bill and Matthew are left to try and survive together. © 1998 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.

About this show

Dave Nelson (Dave Foley) is an eager yet naïve young man who’s been made the news director at a New York City radio station. Faced with an eccentric boss and a pair of headstrong news anchors, he must earn the respect of his offbeat secretary and a nervous copywriter as he makes peace with a co-worker who thinks she should have his job.

Ratings and reviews

196 reviews
Sean B.
29 May 2021
This is the sitcom that went up against "Friends"... and would've been just as popular and memorable had it not been for the actions of an alcoholic crime of passion. Every episode of this series is truly funny, even season 5 without Phil. I recommend this highly to anybody that needs AAA+ comedy in their life. RIP Phil 'Frankenstein' Hartman. You are Truly missed!!!
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Javier Madrid
12 June 2015
Along with Seinfeld this was my favorite sitcom growing up. The cast is top notch. There are a couple of Hartman / Lovitz (as guest star) episodes that are pure gold (hope Google adds these seasons). The show never recovered from Hartman's death, mainly because he provided the gravitational pull that brought all the other characters together and upon which they could build upon. It really is the example of the perfect sitcom.
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Mike N
24 March 2015
This show was one of my favorites while it was running. I watched it again a couple of years ago and found even more to laugh at. Phil Hartman is comedy gold, Dave Foley and Maura Tierney were fantastic together, Andy Dick was hilariously ridiculous, and Stephen Root (this was the first time I had ever seen him) was perfect! The show is funny, smart, and definitely worth watching all the way through. Side note: Phil Hartman died while this show was still on the air. I am a huge SNL fan, and I have to admit, I teared up hearing about that. Phil was an amazing entertainer, and for a guy like me who grew up making friends with characters on TV, his passing hurt...a lot. The show handled his death with class, and kept it light and comedic. If you haven't seen this show, add it to your watch list. You will be happy you did.
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