
1995 • NBC
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Þáttaröð 3 þættir (24)

1 Review
With the publication of the latest New York Radio Guide, Dave is about to see how his first full year as station manager is reviewed. However, because everyone else is so anxious to see it, too, he's unable to keep a copy long enough to read the evaluation. As Dave tries finding a moment to read the review, Catherine learns that she's considered one of the best news anchors in the city, while Bill seems ecstatic over being termed "adequate." Meanwhile, after Matthew sees his first Dilbert cartoon, he's determined to do a story over Dave's objections. While Dave claims to be happy with the review, Lisa isn't and contacts its writer to voice her displeasure. And Matthew is so determined to write his Dilbert story that he resigns after Dave says no. Only after finding him working at the building's new espresso bar does Dave realize just how serious Matthew really is. Although Dave realizes that bringing Matthew back is up to him, without the Dilbert story, he's in no mood to return. After Lisa asks that he use his influence to punish the editors at the New York Radio Guide, Jimmy calls on the victims of her own bad reviews to make an important point. Then, after Bill admits that being "adequate" really isn't good enough, Dave confides that he wasn't at all happy with the review either. However, the review takes on a whole new meaning when Dave discovers it was actually written by the owner of the New York Radio Guide...Jimmy. Finally, an encounter with someone he thinks is Dilbert creator Scott Adams convinces Matthew to return to his old job. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
2 President
Back from a Wisconsin vacation to find Matthew has grown a mustache, Dave learns that Jimmy has decided to declare himself a candidate for President of the United States. Though Dave points out his lack of background for the office and Lisa insists she'll scrutinize him as much as any other candidate, Jimmy is still determined to run. And realizing an opportunity for advancement when they see one, Bill and Beth throw themselves behind Jimmy's quest. As Jimmy works to find the right slogan for his campaign, Dave suspects an ulterior motive behind his decision to run. However, when he and Lisa sit down with their boss for a friendly chat, they still cannot get to the reason for his candidacy. Meanwhile, after Jimmy produces up a disgusting old photo of himself sporting a mustache, the station's staff does their best to persuade Matthew him to shave. As Jimmy prepares to publicly announce his candidacy, Lisa reveals that she's uncovered enough personal information to nip his run for office in the bud. And while Dave warns against going too hard on their boss, Bill's questions during the press conference prompt Lisa to reveal what she's found. However, when it comes to discussing a running mate, Dave realizes that the presidential campaign is just one more attempt by Jimmy to find a wife. Finally, with Jimmy's scam exposed and his candidacy shelved, Matthew fails to find anyone other than Bill who'll give his mustache any respect. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
3 Massage Chair
With the station running over budget, Jimmy orders a cut in the staff's free snacks. As predicted by Dave, Bill rallies his co-workers in a full scale revolt. But, when Dave agrees to call Jimmy's attention to their demands, he's puzzled when Bill claims they really want a new chair for the smoking area. Meanwhile, Joe uses his clever mechanical abilities to get Catherine's attention, only to offend her with his blatant sexual advances. When Dave refuses to do anything about the chair, Bill insists that everyone show Jimmy they are serious by buying it themselves. However, when his colleagues rebel, only Matthew remains true to Bill's revolution. So, with arrival of the personal Shiatsu Massage Chair, Bill makes sure that the traitors cannot use it. And though Matthew claims that he deserves a chance, Bill says that it's much too soon for such a request. Meanwhile, when Lisa and Beth try to offer some advice on how to woo Catherine, they, too, are offended by Joe. Seeing how destructive the chair's presence has become, Jimmy decides the staff could use a morale boost from some free snacks. And when Dave insists on being allowed to return the privileges, Jimmy says he must also get everyone to hand paint the station's logo on their coffee mugs to save money. After Bill decides to give everyone a chance in the chair, it dies from the abuse. And while Dave decides to keep Bill happy by fixing it, Beth discovers that Catherine is not as troubled by Joe as she thought. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
4 Arcade
When Beth suggests getting rid of the old sandwich machine in the lobby, Dave applauds the idea and charges her with the job. Told of the machine's imminent demise, Bill saves as many of its sandwiches as he can for himself. However, instead of getting rid of it, Beth has the vending machine replaced with the arcade game Stargate Defender. Telling Beth that it cannot stay, Dave then reveals his own addiction to the game that he thought he'd left behind many years ago. Worried that she's not as smart as she used to be, Lisa decides to re-take her college entrance exams. Challenged to do the same, Dave reluctantly agrees to come along to see if he can improve the poor scores he got back in high school. Then, as Jimmy struggles to master the lobby's new arcade game, Dave finally gives in to temptation. But once he gets started, he's unable to stop and plays all night before joining Lisa for the test. Meanwhile, Bill's craving for the sandwiches sends him to great lengths to try and bring back the old vending machine. When Lisa calls for their test scores, she finds that she did just the same as she did in high school, while Dave's dropped significantly. And it's then that he's forced to admit that it was Stargate Defender that caused him to do so poorly on the test in high school. Finally, just when he's prepared to get revenge on the game, Dave discovers that Beth had it removed, while Joe profits handsomely by recreating the sandwiches that Bill craves. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
5 Awards Show
With the American Broadcasters Society Awards banquet coming up, everyone but Dave is sure that WNYX will be losers yet again. However, not wanting rival station manager Marty Jackson's prediction of another defeat to ring true, Dave is determined to win. Meanwhile, as Catherine tries to get Joe appropriately attired to escort her to the banquet, Matthew is convinced his itchy welts are due to an infestation of ants. Upset by Jackson's suggestion that he's too young to be a station manager, Dave sets his sights on revenge. While recognizing his determination, Jimmy also tries to make sure that Dave won't get hurt, and he encourages Joe to wear what he wants to the banquet, regardless of what Catherine says. Meanwhile, when Dave musters his troops for the big night, Matthew is held up by his attempt to de-bug the station's break room. And Joe is concerned that Catherine's revealing dress is getting her too much attention. At the banquet hosted by broadcaster Bob Costas, the WNYX contingent is surprised when Lisa and Bill are recognized for their work. And Dave's dream is complete when he's chosen as Station Manager of the Year over Jackson. However, realizing that three awards in one year will be hard to beat gets Dave depressed about the future. And as Joe's protective attitude further isolates Catherine from her colleagues, Dave learns about the toll Marty's first award took on his health. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
6 Stocks
Beth turns to Jimmy for some investing advice; Lisa balks at asking Dave for a favor. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
7 Halloween
In the midst of the preparations for Jimmy's annual Halloween party, the station's staff is hit with a big surprise. Because of their previous unwillingness to actively participate, no one except Matthew has been invited this year. Upset with the slight, they turn to Dave for help. And though Dave isn't interested, Lisa guarantees Jimmy that the staff will be at the party in costume if invited. Meanwhile, the psychic hired for the party tells Bill exactly when he's going to die. When Lisa runs into trouble, she announces that Dave is going to wear an outrageous costume and gets everyone to change their minds about the party. Although Dave still has reservations about the idea, it's enough to convince Jimmy to invite everyone back. While finding getting in isn't going to be quite as easy as she thought, Lisa notices that Dave is wearing one of her dresses as his costume and is upset that he looks better in it than she does. But when he offers to change, she insists that it will only make things even worse. Knowing that he's going to die in another 35 years has Bill depressed about his future. In response to his own immortality, he arrives at the party with his elderly date, Dorothy. When he persists in thanking the psychic for her insights, Bill is told that she made a mistake and that he's destined to live much longer than originally thought. However, when the news causes him to dump his elderly date, Bill discovers too late that beneath Dorothy's costume is a young and attractive woman. Finally, Jimmy uses Dave and Lisa's eager-to- please attitude to get his party guests dancing. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
8 Daydream
While the office thermostat is broken, Jimmy suggests a drastic change to help improve the station's sagging ratings. But when Dave struggles to get his overheated staff to focus on Jimmy's plan to replace the drive time news with an old time radio show, no one but Lisa seems to hear. Deciding to teach Jimmy a lesson by letting him have his way, Dave finds Bill daydreaming about having sex with Lisa. And when approaches Joe about the thermostat, he interrupts a daydream about making him a robot slave. Caught dreaming that Matthew is a serial killer, Beth is asked to get the staff to submit their ideas for boosting the station's ratings. However, when she approaches Bill, he's daydreaming about sex with her. And while Beth continues to see Matthew lurking nearby, she finds Catherine imagining a lunch with some other minority co-workers. Meanwhile, as he continues working on the faulty thermostat, Joe imagines the entire staff as robots who answer his every beck and call. As everyone's heat-induced daydreams continue, Beth rounds them up for the staff meeting. Because of the heat, no one has been able to come up with a single good idea to supplant Jimmy's plan. And when the staff applauds her suggestion that they confront Jimmy about the changes, Lisa awakes to find she was only dreaming, too. Finally, after Jimmy claims he only suggested the old time radio shows as a way to inspire some new ideas, everyone admits to having strange dreams as Joe finally completes the much-needed repairs. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
9 Movie Star
To prepare for a new movie in which he plays a radio broadcaster, actor James Caan arrives to spend some time observing Bill. As one of his biggest fans, Matthew can't wait to get an autograph from the movie star. But Bill is certain that they will be much too busy to bother with Matthew's request. Meanwhile, as Beth and Catherine jockey for a ticket to join Jimmy to a big basketball game, Dave prepares to surprise Lisa with an unexpected birthday gift. While Bill is certain he'll want to understand what drives him to do his job, all Caan wants is to watch him at work. However, after meeting Matthew, he does take an interest in what it is that makes him so strange. Then, as Catherine and Beth are quizzed for the right to the basketball tickets, Dave unveils his present for Lisa...her first television set. But they quickly part ways over the question of the intelligence of TV viewers. As Bill tries getting him interested in the deeper meaning of being a radio announcer, James becomes fascinated with Matthew's unusual behavior. And once Bill accuses him of trying to steal the actor's attention, Matthew offers to go home to avoid being a distraction, but only after nervously getting an autograph. Meanwhile, when Lisa discovers there's a channel that carries congressional hearings 24-hours a day, she immediately decides that she wants a television. And when Jimmy offers to buy an extra ticket so he can take them both, Catherine and Beth have second thoughts after seeing just how big a fan he really is. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
10 Rap
While she's too embarrassed to admit it, Lisa is chosen by a magazine as the Cutest Reporter in New York. Turning to Jimmy, she hopes to find some support for turning down the award. However, once Jimmy proudly announces Lisa's secret to the staff, Beth and Catherine are immediately jealous. Meanwhile, a minor adjustment in his car stereo causes Bill to reconsider his love of rap music. And as Lisa fails to find any encouragement for her stance against the award, Bill decides to go public with his newfound hatred for rap. After listening to the editorial Matthew has written, Dave refuses to allow Bill to read it on the air. Appealing to their boss for help, Bill learns that Jimmy owns the company that distributes much of the music he now deplores. Meanwhile, Jimmy insists that Lisa accept the award for all the recognition it will bring to the station. And though agreeing to the photo shoot, she won't go through with it unless Beth and Catherine are invited, too. While hoping her display of solidarity will inspire them to join her in saying no, Lisa is taken aback when Beth and Catherine wholeheartedly accept. Meanwhile, when Dave and Jimmy invite rap music star Chuck D to the station, Bill blames the entire anti-rap stance in the editorial on Matthew. However, Bill's efforts to court the famous pop music star backfire when Chuck D finds he has much more in common with Matthew. Finally, after getting into the photo shoot, Lisa suddenly finds herself being cut out of the fun by her two colleagues. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
11 Christmas
After telling everyone they can leave early for the holidays provided their work is done, Dave prepares for his own Christmas Eve trip to Wisconsin with Lisa. But when Catherine conveniently forgets to finish one last, laborious task, Dave agrees to help out so she can leave early. Meanwhile, when Bill needs a partner to record a commercial audition tape, Beth agrees to help. And when the job is offered provided she can work, too, Dave agrees to address the station's Christmas cards so Beth can have her shot at stardom. When the commercial's producer is more taken with Beth's performance than with Bill's, he suggests that she try another partner. Although Beth holds back hoping to make Bill look good, her efforts ultimately fail. And when Bill encourages her to try her best, Beth discovers that she's ruined her voice. Meanwhile, Dave agrees to clean the office refrigerator so Joe can leave early, too. So, as Jimmy turns to Matthew for gift ideas, Dave's generosity forces him to delay going home to surprise his mom and dad on Christmas Eve. In need of help so he and Lisa can leave on their trip, Dave turns to Matthew. After agreeing to pitch in, Matthew suddenly drops everything after Jimmy offers him a helicopter ride to his aunt's house for Christmas. With Lisa's help, Dave finishes all of the pre-holiday duties so they can be on their way. However, after another delay in their flight, they arrive at his parent's house to discover that the annual Christmas Eve dinner has been moved to Chicago. Finally, as Dave and Lisa head back to New York, Bill is called on to complete the commercial by reading Beth's part. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
12 The Trainer
As he mulls over buying a health club membership, Bill is persuaded to sign up when promised the services of its owner, Ted Chambers, as his personal trainer. But during their first session, he's dismayed when Ted quickly excuses himself and is replaced by his fast-talking sales assistant, Vic. Meanwhile, as Beth uncovers a birth certificate that reveals Dave is actually Canadian, an invitation to dine at a charity event with the President of the United States prompts Jimmy to seek some advice on table manners. As Dave and Jimmy are in the middle of their first manners lesson, Bill complains he's been deceived about his workout with Chambers. While Bill decides to find a way out of the expensive contract, Dave's colleagues complain amongst themselves about his lack of candor. And though Lisa claims she's known all along, in private she criticizes Dave for keeping his citizenship a secret and wonders what else he's withholding. Confronted by Jimmy, Dave admits that he started keeping his birthplace a secret as a child, worried that his family might be thought of as Canadian spies. Even after revealing his long held secret to the staff, he discovers that it's fueled suspicions about his loyalty. Meanwhile, when Bill suggests being let out of his contract, Vic warns him about Ted's violent temper. And as the staff apologizes and graciously accepts Dave's explanation, Ted persuades Bill to reconsider the club by making him a personal trainer, too. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
13 Led Zeppelin Boxed Set
When Matthew invites everyone to join him at the next meeting of his book discussion group, all the WNYX staff does their best to avoid having to go. However, it's only Bill who makes a point of turning him down in a fashion that hurts his fragile co-worker's feelings. And Matthew's taking the cruel comments to heart force Lisa and Dave to ask Bill to apologize. Meanwhile, Catherine sets out to convince Jimmy that a street corner "three card monte game" is really a scam. Although Bill insists he's only treating Matthew like family, he's persuaded by Lisa to apologize for his sarcastic remarks. However, before Bill can act, Dave encourages Matthew to stand up to him. As a result, Matthew adopts a new personality not all that different from Bill's. And when the staff gets a taste of Matthew's new persona, they have second thoughts about encouraging him to confront Bill. Meanwhile, in preparation for another meeting with the crooked card dealer, Catherine passes along all she knows about the card game to Jimmy. Despite warnings from both Dave and Lisa, Matthew refuses to relent in his disrespectful treatment of the staff. So it's left to Bill and his old mean-spirited ways to put Matthew back in his place. Finally, though he can't get him to reveal the secrets of his crooked game, Jimmy still gets his own revenge against the "three card monte" dealer. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
14 Complaint Box
Before leaving on a fishing trip, Jimmy orders Dave to implement new employee guidelines covering harassment and discrimination. But right after posting a complaint box as asked, Dave starts to regret it. Meanwhile, Jimmy enlists Joe's assistance in establishing a satellite hookup so he can listen in on the office while he's away. And while he's helping Catherine record some books on tape, Joe is obsessed with eliminating some unwanted background noise. As a result of the new guidelines, Dave is forced to follow detailed procedures in the wake of any complaints. And after someone suggests that Lisa is using their relationship to gain favor with him, Dave finds that the staff is abusing the complaint box and not taking it seriously. Meanwhile, after Beth turns her back for a moment, Jimmy's satellite hookup is accidentally picked up by a deliveryman. As Joe continues to try and find the source of the noise on Catherine's tape, Dave looks for the box so he can discuss his mounting problems with Jimmy. And just when Beth finally admits to losing it, the deliveryman returns with the box after having made friends with Jimmy. Then, as Dave explains the new procedure's failure and a complaint lodged against him, Jimmy turns the matter over to the company's lawyers, only to find that one of them is actually fishing nearby. Finally, as Joe discovers that it's his equipment causing the noise, Dave's efforts to make the complaint box harder to use doesn't deter Bill or Matthew. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
15 Rose Bowl
After purchasing a collection of Hollywood movie memorabilia, Jimmy is anxious to show it off. However, it doesn't take Dave and Joe long to realize that their boss has been taken by a clever con artist. So, with Joe as his lawyer, Jimmy sues to recover the money he spent. Meanwhile, Dave decides to revise the annual employee performance evaluations by letting the station's staff rate each other. But Lisa is concerned when he fails to let everyone know that the new system was her idea. As the evaluations begin, Beth tempers her praise of Lisa with some personal remarks about the way she dresses. And when Dave tries to mediate, he finds that Beth has a pretty low opinion of his wardrobe, too. Then, despite some high marks for Catherine's on-air performance, Bill makes sure his evaluation blames her for some of his own shortcomings at work. Meanwhile, as Joe prepares to represent him in court, Jimmy's fourteen-year-old opponent easily makes them both look foolish. When Matthew uses his evaluation of Beth to promote Bill, Catherine angers him with a frank assessment of his work. And despite Dave's praise, Bill is sure that he's being subjected to some harsh criticism of his work. Following Lisa's evaluation, Dave decides to admit to everyone that the new system was a mistake, but makes sure that the staff understands whose idea it really was. But, as Lisa does her best to repair the damage, she has no idea just how little anyone cares. Finally, Joe manages to snatch Jimmy a victory from the jaws of defeat with a secretly coded message to the judge. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
16 Kids
After finding a pornographic magazine in the break room, Dave quickly snatches it up to keep anyone else from seeing it. Pressed about its ownership, Bill denies knowing anything. And as Dave continues to seek out the owner, he finds that everyone assumes the offensive magazine is his. Meanwhile, Jimmy's latest charitable efforts force the staff to each take on a third grade intern. And when Jimmy announces that he's got a lunch date with their teacher, Dave understand his sudden interest in the program. While Jimmy and his young charge are at lunch with the teacher, Dave and his staff each begin working with their own interns. However, Jimmy risks his chances at getting a date when his own bad habits start rubbing off on young Rodney. Meanwhile, as the appearance of more dirty magazines cause Dave to focus his search exclusively on the male employees, curiosity leads the women to find them hidden inside his desk drawer. And though Lisa is sure they don't belong to Dave, Beth and Catherine think otherwise, making it even harder for Dave to convince her that the magazines aren't his. With his chances at dating the teacher in jeopardy, Jimmy agrees to set a good example for Rodney. However, as he's looking forward to a second date, Jimmy discovers he's been dumped. Meanwhile, when an effort to anonymously identify the magazine's owner backfires, it makes it seem as though they are Dave's. And as he continues to insist otherwise, Beth finally admits to buying them in hopes of landing a part time job writing the risqué letters they publish. Finally, once Dave is off the hook, he and Lisa team up to help with Beth's letters. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
17 Airport
When he and Bill are snowed in at the St. Louis airport, Dave calls the station. However, as Dave tries repeatedly to get someone to answer the phone, Bill provides some rude and surly responses to a St. Louis man's friendly overtures. Meanwhile, as Lisa continues to take charge at the office during Dave's absence, Matthew gets Beth to take him along to water the plants in Bill's apartment. And as Dave tries to keep Bill from upsetting everyone at the airport, Joe and Catherine agree to take in a movie together. Claiming that Joe and Catherine's date is a violation of company policy, Jimmy insists upon taking the matter up with Dave. And even after Lisa insists on handling the problem herself, Jimmy insists that Dave be called. Meanwhile, as Matthew finds the apartment's atmosphere to be seductive, Beth senses his erotic intentions and Beth keeps him at bay. And even though his rudeness is getting results, Dave persuades Bill to try another approach with their midwestern hosts. After deciding that being nice has its advantages, Bill soon discovers that the people he's offended have been planning their own revenge all along. As Bill finds out that there are people at the airport who are just and mean and nasty as he is, Lisa overrules Jimmy and orders Joe and Catherine to make their movie date. But when she finds out that he was simply testing her leadership abilities, Lisa claims she enjoyed every minute of it. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
18 Twins
When budget cuts force Jimmy to sell off the station's assets, Dave is determined to stop him. Although his colleagues are up in arms over having their equipment and office furniture sold out from underneath them, Bill is unusually compliant. And as Jimmy's secrecy forces Dave to buy stock in the company to get to the reasons behind the cuts, Matthew's twin brother comes for a visit. Upon the arrival of Matthew's twin, everyone is surprised to find that he and Andrew look nothing alike. Despite his brother's assertions, Andrew finally tells Catherine, Beth and Joe that Matthew was adopted. Upon pressing for the truth about the station's financial difficulties, Dave realizes that Bill has secretly been given a huge raise. And though Bill does his best to encourage everyone to simply bear the budget cuts, it doesn't take long for word to get out about his secret deal with Jimmy. Under siege about his huge salary, Bill stumbles upon the truth about Matthew and his brother. And once Bill talks, Andrew is forced to tell Matthew. Yet, after Andrew is out of earshot, Matthew claims that his brother is really the one who was adopted. Meanwhile, to help quell the mutiny that's brewing, Dave asks Bill to return the money he's received. But when he offers too little to make a difference, some financial chicanery leaves another of Jimmy's companies responsible for the salary and Bill as his boss's new indentured servant. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
19 Office Feud
When new occupants of the floor above are making too much noise, Joe agrees to call them. But, after Matthew's struggle with a faulty fire extinguisher accidentally ends up dousing him instead, Joe thinks it's in retaliation for his angry complaint. And while Dave simply wants the noise to stop, Joe sets out to get revenge. Meanwhile, as Jimmy recalls the behavior that caused him to be banned from the president's residence, Lisa phones in with problems of her own from the White House Easter Egg Roll. After Matthew absentmindedly leaves a honey bottle in the microwave oven, Joe is the unintended target when it explodes. And while realizing that it was not the new neighbors that caused Joe's accidents, Matthew decides to keep the information to himself. Meanwhile, as Jimmy takes delight in Lisa's problems getting interviews at the Easter Egg Roll, Bill is hired to advertise a malt liquor using language that Catherine finds offensive. So, making sure he's had plenty to drink, Catherine convinces Bill to use her rewritten ad copy. And when he's fired, she makes sure the sponsor knows how she feels, too. As Lisa continues to struggle with precocious children in the nation's capitol, Dave loses his patience with the upstairs neighbors, too. But when he goes to complain, he's embarrassed to see that the noise is being made by a wheelchair. Yet, once Dave sheepishly retreats, the wheelchair-bound man resumes a noisy basketball game. Finally, as Dave implores him not to seek revenge, Joe finds himself a victim when one of his own pranks is rigged to backfire. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
20 The Real Deal
When Bill and Lisa's new interview program gets off to a poor start, Dave wants it canceled right away. Although Bill and Lisa are determined to keep the show alive, Jimmy insists on giving them the bad news himself. But when they see that they are about to be canceled, Lisa and Bill join forces to confuse him long enough to get another chance. Meanwhile, Matthew turns to Dave for some personal advice. As Matthew explains how he's avoided having sex with his girlfriend up to now, word of his virginity quickly spreads. And after meeting the gorgeous Irene, everyone urges Matthew to do something before it's too late. Meanwhile, Lisa and Bill struggle to come up with a special guest who can breath life into their flagging show. Upset by the peer pressure, Matthew decides to let Irene know that he isn't ready just yet. However, as he's trying to explain himself, he ends up losing his virginity in the break room. Finally, despite botching their next celebrity interview, Bill and Lisa convince Jimmy to keep them on for another two weeks as they set out to find the next guest for their show. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
21 Our Fiftieth Episode
After an argument with the police over a parking ticket gets Bill arrested, he's sent to a psychiatric hospital for observation where he's quickly adopted by Fred, a fellow patient. Although Dave and Catherine arrive to gain his release, Bill must be kept for at least 24 hours while the doctors make their evaluation. Meanwhile, with Bill unable to make his show with Lisa, Jimmy insists that Joe replace him. But his playing fast and loose with the facts sparks a wicked on-air argument with Lisa. As Beth makes liberal use of Jimmy's credit card while doing some audience research, Bill begins to find Fred's antics irritating. And though he's persuaded to help get to a window to the outside, Bill is upset to discover it doesn't lead to an escape. However, when Dave and Catherine arrive to secure his release, Bill admits he's enjoying himself at the hospital and doesn't want to leave, noting that many of his fellow patients are only pretending to be insane so they can have some time away from their high pressure careers. In an attempt to revive their show's flagging ratings, Joe proposes to Lisa while on the air. But when Bill hears them stooping to such tactics, he agrees to be released and leaves Fred and his other new friends behind. Finally, Beth must cut short a trip to Atlantic City when Jimmy puts and end to her audience research. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
22 Sleeping
When practical joke of Matthew's backfires, Jimmy is rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. Because his will specifies that he spend his final hours with his friends at WNYX, Jimmy's unconscious body is moved to the station where Dave and the staff can take turns sitting and talking with him. While Matthew insists on believing that Jimmy is just taking a nap, Bill takes the first shift. But when Dave objects to his jokes about death, Bill recreates his days as a college disk jockey instead. Meanwhile, as he's comforting Jimmy, Joe is forced to cover when he's caught affectionately holding his hand. When Lisa comes to the conclusion that she wants to have a baby with Dave as soon as possible, the revelation causes Jimmy to have another mild heart attack. In the privacy of his office, Dave demands to know the details about her sudden decision to be a mother. And while Dave suggests they discuss getting married first and then having a child, Lisa is ready to get on with it as soon as possible and gives him a few minutes to think it over. Meanwhile, Bill's efforts to recreate his college radio show takes him and Jimmy back to the 70's. As Catherine tries suggesting that Jimmy play the ultimate practical joke on Bill, Dave asks for some time with their boss to discuss Lisa's proposal. As Matthew swears off any more practical jokes if only Jimmy will live, Dave still cannot come to a decision. But as he and Lisa argue, Jimmy suddenly regains consciousness and asks them to be quiet. And while claiming to remember nothing of everyone's talks, Jimmy does credit a song Bill played for bringing him back from the dead. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
23 Mistake
In the wake of a magazine interview in which he attacks them, Dave is compelled to write each of his colleagues a letter of apology. While Lisa isn't at all sure it's necessary, the complaints Dave receives from everyone else convinces him that apologizing is the only way to go. Meanwhile, a temp arrives at the office that even Matthew thinks is weird. As Dave begins distributing his apologies, Jimmy claims to have no problem with the insults directed at his advertisers and audience. However, he doesn't stick around long enough to learn what regrettable things Dave said about him, too. Meanwhile, after Bill offers to father her child, Lisa explodes over Dave's comments about her in the interview. Under fire from Lisa and Bill, Dave points out that he also revealed some embarrassing information about his own failed tap dancing career. As a result, when Dave wants to discuss their having a baby, Lisa asks to put it off for awhile. As Joe has second thoughts about his plans for revenge, Matthew decides there's only room for one weird person in the office and makes it clear that Brent will have to go. Finally, after reading the entire interview, Jimmy makes Dave pay by ordering him to tap dance in a crowded restaurant in front of his co-workers. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.
24 Space
As Dave and Lisa debate the future of their relationship in a WNYX studio hundreds of years in the future, their space station's atomic reactor malfunctions. Awakened after more than 80 years in suspended animation, Joe is asked to repair the malfunctioning reactor. But the long sleep has left him without the skills necessary for the job. Meanwhile, as Beth brings Joe up to date on all that he's missed, Matthew struggles with his temperamental robot girlfriend, Irene 4395. When Jimmy asks Dave for some budget cuts, it's decided that their only option is to put either Bill or Catherine into suspended animation in order to avoid a few decades of paying their salary. Although Jimmy agrees to bring them the bad news himself, he then leaves the task up to a holographic image of himself. Meanwhile, when Lisa proposes living together, she and Dave disagree over whose space pod they'll inhabit. And while Joe's mistakes start a self-destruct sequence in the reactor core, a space walk leaves Bill stranded. On a break from repairing the reactor, Joe joins Beth for a trip to a newsstand where they discuss her crush on Matthew. As the staff is going over some upcoming assignments, Joe breaks the news that the problematic reactor has left them with just a few minutes to head for their suspended animation pods to avoid a fatal explosion. So, as Dave and Lisa declare their love for one another, Joe looks to have sex just once more before being put back to sleep for another 50 years. And despite the robot's ability to function endlessly without food or water, Matthew chooses to put Irene 4395 into the pod instead of himself. Finally, when Bill stays behind with Matthew, an accident kills their colleagues, leaving them to start a new human race on their own. © 1995 Brillstein-Grey Communications. All Rights Reserved.

Nánar um þennan þátt

Dave Nelson (Dave Foley) is an eager yet naïve young man who’s been made the news director at a New York City radio station. Faced with an eccentric boss and a pair of headstrong news anchors, he must earn the respect of his offbeat secretary and a nervous copywriter as he makes peace with a co-worker who thinks she should have his job.

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