Poldark (OV)

2015 • Sony Channel
1 review
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Season 2 episodes (10)

1 Episode 1
George is building his case against Ross and Pascoe forces Ross to prepare a will in case the worst happens while Demelza visits their neighbor Ray Penvenen to gain an ally. Meanwhile, Francis seeks reconciliation but Ross refuses and Francis takes this badly. Elizabeth attempts to negotiate a cease-fire between Ross and George too, persuading George to offer Ross his help in influencing the court. However, Ross refuses this offer as well, seeing that the price of friendship with George is too high. The court case takes place in Bodmin, which is overwhelmed with crowds there for the county election in which George is funding a candidate, Unwin Trevaunance, in the hope of extending the reach of his own influence. Unwin, however, is more interested in Ray Penvenen's niece Caroline (Gabriella Wilde) and her fortune. Dwight, in town to speak for Ross defence, invites Francis to share his room before being called away on an emergency visit. He arrives at his appointment to discover that Caroline wishes him to treat her dog, Horace. He takes umbrage with her brusque manner, but when she pleads with him to save Horace Dwight relents and the two warm to each other. Meanwhile, Francis, consumed with guilt for having betrayed Ross, tells George what he really thinks of him and risks having his loans with the Warleggans called in. He then goes to Verity and tells her of his interaction with George, before finally making his way into Dwight's lodgings and attempting to kill himself. George visits Ross in jail again and offers to stand up for him in court if he will accept his friendship. Ross refuses. Demelza tries to enter the Assembly Rooms to meet Justice Lister and tell him that George is perverting justice, but George has the doormen prevent her from entering. Ross discovers that Jud has been persuaded to give testimony against him and begins to realise that he may well be hanged tomorrow.
2 Episode 2
The election results are announced and Unwin is tied for the second seat but the mob has reached boiling point and he is attacked. Elizabeth travels to Bodmin knowing she will not be able to stop worrying about Francis, or Ross if she does not. George eavesdrops on Demelza's conversation with Justice Lister, intervening to reveal she is the wife of the trials defendant and attempting to influence the case. Caroline bumps into Dwight and tells him she hopes to watch his performance supporting Ross in court but suggests that Dwight may be the one on trial. Angered by her frivolity at the fate of his friend, Dwight leaves. He discovers Francis very much alive in his room and, hoping to persuade Francis not to try again, the two stay up all night talking. Clymer, Ross defence, persuades Ross that he needs to distance himself from the rioting taking place in Bodmin as he cannot be seen to sympathize with lawless behavior. The Prosecution ties the rioting of the previous night to Ross behavior nonetheless and presents a series of witnesses, supposedly comprised of Ross friends. However, when Jud is on the stand, he says Ross was nothing other than a hero that day. During a recess Elizabeth bumps into Demelza who lets slip that she is pregnant. Ross prepares to make his speech - one prepared by Clymer - but goes decidedly off-script, sticking true to his principles. Despite Justice Lister wishing to make an example of Ross revolutionary ways, the jury of Cornishmen acquit him. Ross offers Jud (Phil Davis) and Prudie (Beatie Edney) their old jobs back and Francis and Verity (Ruby Bentall) are reconciled, but Francis tells her that he will never forgive her husband. George, meanwhile, is persuaded that Ross is unlikely to take George's efforts to hang him lightly and decides to keep a pistol by his bed.
3 Episode 3
Ross plans to expand Wheal Leisure by reaching the ancient Trevorgie workings and persuades the other shareholders to invest in a tunnel. However, George has bought shares via a proxy and sends Tankard as a detractor. Meanwhile, Demelza continues to hide her pregnancy from Ross, believing that he does not want the child and with the interest now due on the promissory note Ross secured from Pascoe, they have to find £400 and sell nearly everything they own. Demelza tries to sell some livestock to their neighbour Sir Hugh Bodrugan who offers to extend his assistance further if Demelza's concedes to his advances. He tries to grope her and only a timely intervention from the chivalrous Captain McNeil saves her. Meanwhile, Jud is attacked by Tankard and Tom Harry for recanting his testimony in court and left for dead. When 15 gold shillings are found on the body, Ross suspects George was behind it all and decides they will no longer dance to George's tune, accepting Francis and Elizabeth's invitation to spend the Harvest festival at Trenwith. Ross and Francis bury the hatchet in a shared hatred of George and Francis reveals he has £600 put by that he plans to invest in mining. Demelza escapes the torture of spending time with Elizabeth and Mrs Chynoweth to be told that Jud has risen from the grave. Dwight is called to Killewarren in a suspected case of putrid throat, but discovers that Caroline has a fishbone lodged in her throat and removes it, impressing her. On his way home, Dwight discovers that George has acquired more shares in Wheal Leisure. Later, Ross helps Elizabeth clear dishes and she reveals that George gave Francis the £600, making Ross suspicious as to George's purpose. Demelza overhears the pair flirting before going to bed where Ross joins her, the couple argue and Demelza reveals she is pregnant. Ross surprises her by saying that now that he knows one is on the way, of course he wants the baby and the couple are tentatively reconciled.
4 Episode 4
With more shares in Wheal Leisure, George uses his increased power to put a stop to the tunnel trying to reach Trevorgie. Ross begins to think that Mark Daniel might have come across a copper lode when hiding in Wheal Grace and Demelza continues her thrift by venturing out to fish whilst heavily pregnant, despite Ross forbidding her. Elizabeth visits George to keep him sweet, knowing he could bankrupt them at any time, but finds his proposition to spend more time together behind Francis back too high a price. Meanwhile, Dwight diagnoses an outbreak of scurvy in Sawle and, though he is still wary of her, Caroline thinks to impress him by buying oranges for his precious fisherfolk, and succeeds. Trencrom, the local crime-lord, offers Ross £200 to allow him to use Nampara Cove for smuggling and, with his plans for Wheal Leisure thwarted and desperate for money, Ross invites Demelza's anger by accepting. Verity meets her husband's daughter, who obviously hates her, but when his son James comes to visit Verity is overjoyed to discover he is both charming and happy to have a new mother. When George shows up at the Wheal Leisure shareholder meeting, Ross instructs Pascoe to sell half his shares in Wheal Leisure to realise £600 that, together with Francis £600, they can open Wheal Grace with. However, George reveals that he gave Francis the money for betraying Ross by revealing the Carnmore Copper Company shareholders names; Ross and George fight. Afterwards Ross bumps into Andrew Blamey and realises if he can get Francis to accept Blamey and forget the past (the dishonour of Verity's eloping with Blamey) then he can forgive Francis. Returning home, Ross discovers Demelza has gone fishing again and finds her struggling to get ashore, in the throes of labour. They bicker as he rescues her but she safely gives birth to a son, Jeremy, and the whole family celebrate both the birth and re-opening of Wheal Grace.
5 Episode 5
Ted Carkeek and his brothers are arrested for smuggling and there's talk of an informant. Demelza cautions Ross to distance himself from the smugglers but he still needs the money from the illicit trade. The new pump engine is unveiled at Grace and gives renewed hope to their mining endeavour, but the Warleggans have become aware of Ross promissory note and plan to purchase it in order to crush him (and his mine) once and for all. Dwight is troubled by a patient with a lame leg but finds himself distracted by the return of Caroline Penvenen who is expected to announce her engagement to Unwin Trevaunance at a dinner for the local gentry thrown by her uncle, Ray. At Ray's dinner party at Killewarren, Caroline flirts with Ross across the table but it is Elizabeth who captures Ross attention by admitting she will always be a little in love with him. Caroline rejects Unwin and asks Ross about Dwight instead. Ross and George spar verbally and George returns home determined to acquire Ross debt. Ross discovers that Nick Vigus is being accused by many of the miners of being the informant and when Nick insults Demelza, Ross strikes him. Captain McNeil sees the injured Vigus and becomes suspicious of Ross. George finally obtains Ross debt but cannot call it in so uses it to have an audience with Elizabeth. He begs her to help end the feud between him and Francis, intimating he might gift their debt to him if she gives him what he wants. When Francis learns this he calls upon George and tells him bluntly that he is no longer welcome at Trenwith. Dwight later meets Caroline and they kiss before she tells him she will return again in December, when she will be of age. Francis discovers some samples of what he believes to be copper and, finding Ross away, he finally confesses his betrayal to Demelza before returning to the mine and falling into deep water. Ross is alerted to Francis absence and discovers his beloved cousin drowned.
6 Episode 6
Francis final breakthrough at Wheal Grace is revealed as Fools Copper and nothing of value, so Ross meets with Trencrom to locate Mark Daniel to see if he can locate the copper in the mine. Trencrom agrees but strikes a deal to build a cache at Nampara where he can store contraband, putting much needed money in Ross pocket but adding unwanted risk. Upon inspecting the leg of a drowned man, Dwight discovers the remedy to his patients problem and is also excited that Caroline has returned. George and Cary Warleggan are elated to be able to finally call in Ross? debt of £1000 with interest at 40% to bankrupt him. Meanwhile, as Ross spends more and more time looking after the widowed Elizabeth and Geoffrey Charles, Demelza fears she is losing him. Ray writes to Dwight requesting his presence and orders him to stop meeting Caroline, but Dwight defies him. Ross asks Pascoe to sell his remaining shares in Wheal Leisure in order to purchase Geoffrey Charles shares in Wheal Grace anonymously. With his £1400 due on Boxing Day and his own family to support, Pascoe advises against, but it is the last means Ross has to protect Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Demelza rides to the Warleggan House to plead with George not to bankrupt Ross, but changes her mind when she hears George and Mrs Chynoweth gloating at the prospect of their ruin. Demelza and Ross spend their last, meagre Christmas together. George calls upon a similarly destitute and desperate Trenwith and whisks Elizabeth away to the Warleggan party. The next day, Ross and Demelza visit Pascoe prepared to face their trouble head on, but Pascoe reveals to them that an unknown benefactor has made a proposal to purchase Ross' debt at a significantly lower rate of interest. They are saved. Ross and Demelza go to George and Cary Warleggan in order to personally repay their debt in full, robbing the Warleggans of their victory; but George knows another way to make Ross pay?
7 Episode 7
Vercoe and Captain McNeil have the smugglers under watch and the informant has been feeding them reliable information. Caroline convinces Dwight they must elope, despite his misgivings about the underhand nature of it, for a new life in Bath. Ross sails with Trencrom to meet with Mark Daniel, but Mark's information turns out to be useless. George sends his man, Tankard, to Trenwith to warn Elizabeth against revolutionary forces (but really men paid for by George) in order to drive her to him. Elizabeth wonders why Ross isn't lending assistance. Caroline is told by her uncle that they will be returning to London earlier than planned and she is forced to pull her plan forward, but it is threatened when Rosina dislocates her knee again. Dwight believes he can treat her and still rendezvous with Caroline; however, he and Demelza become suspicious that Charlie Kempthorne is the informant when they learn he has avoided the smuggling run. Dwight confronts Charlie, finding proof, and the two fight. Meanwhile, Demelza notices the soldiers posted along the cliffs and realises Ross will be walking into an ambush. She attempts to warn the boat but McNeil and his soldiers arrive at Nampara, leaving her under guard. Dwight manages to incapacitate Charlie and escape as Caroline sneaks out of Killewarren to her coach, on her to way to meet him. Dwight races to the edge of the beach and lights a bonfire as a warning to Ross on the boat, but he is too late and knocked senseless by a soldier as the ambush is sprung. Ross finds a way to hide in the cache before McNeil and Vercoe return and discover it, but they find it empty. George arrives at Trenwith and posts his men to guard Elizabeth who is both shocked and grateful for George's attention. Dwight is released by the soldiers, but finds Caroline has already returned to London... Ross, hidden inside a second cache built within the first, emerges into the arms of a delighted Demelza.
8 Episode 8
Ross and Dwight face a magistrate?s trial for their roles in the ill-fated smuggling venture, but Ross provides an alibi given to him by Trencrom. Dwight, however, is fined before revealing that his marriage with Caroline is cancelled and he is thinking of joining the navy. Ross admits to Demelza he has sold their shares in Wheal Leisure to give Elizabeth the money, and it looks as though Wheal Grace must now close. However, Henshawe personally invests money to see the mine remain open as an unexpected tin lode looks promising. George sends false tin prospectors to the Trenwith estate in order to spook Elizabeth into relying on him more, but their presence enrages Elizabeth's mother so much that she suffers a stroke. Dwight tells Elizabeth it is likely to mean she will require help the rest of her life and Elizabeth calls for George's help, who tells Elizabeth that he can provide her with everything she needs if she agrees to marry him. McNeil rides to Nampara to see Demelza and tells her of George and Elizabeth's engagement, inviting her to Sir Hugh Bodrugan's Ball. Ross and Dwight discuss Dwight's plan to join the navy but disaster strikes as the new mine collapses, burying Ted Carkeek and Paul Daniel. Paul survives, but Dwight is unable to save Ted and Ross returns to Nampara, devastated. Arriving home he finds a letter from Elizabeth explaining she has agreed to marry George; Demelza tries to stop him but Ross rides to Trenwith to persuade Elizabeth to stop the marriage. He breaks into the house and Elizabeth declares her love for George but Ross does not believe her. He seizes Elizabeth, kissing her and finally the years of secret desire bubble over. In the morning Ross leaves Trenwith, the enormity of his betrayal weighing heavily and a heartbroken Demelza welcomes him back with a punch.
9 Episode 9
Demelza refuses to speak to Ross and expects him to return to Elizabeth, abandoning her and Jeremy. Elizabeth and Agatha believe the same and Elizabeth writes to George to postpone the wedding. George rides to Trenwith to make Elizabeth agree to another date a month to the day for their marriage, ensuring his plans are not usurped. In Truro, Tonkin invites Ross to join him in a prospering shipbuilding partnership. Demelza, acting in spite, accepts Sir Hugh Bodrugan´s invitation to his ball, justifying the possibility of adultery as something Ross has driven her to. To Ross' surprise, Tonkin does not seek a loan but to return the £250 that his business partner Henry Blewitt borrowed to set up a ship yard. Now the ship yard is profitable, Ross is invited to join them in the partnership. Demelza, meanwhile, finds Captain McNeil at the ball and invites him to her room. Once she begins to indulge McNeil's attentions, however, she realizes she cannot go through with it and he leaves in contempt. While despairing, Demelza hears Sir Hugh and Tankard outside the room, competing with her; but by the time they enter the room she has fled through the window. Elizabeth sees Ross ride past Trenwith and hesitates on his return from Truro, but to her dismay, he rides on. Returning home, Jud and Prudie tell him Demelza stayed out the night and Ross rides back out, finding her on Hendrawna Beach but discovering he does not possess the words to build a bridge between them. Elizabeth faces up to Ross? abandonment and marries George, honeymooning in London where they meet Caroline. Ross is beckoned to the mine where they have cleared the collapse and come upon the richest lode of tin Henshawe has ever seen: the mine has succeeded and soon Ross may be free of debt and a wealthy man. However, Demelza learns that George has decided to live at Trenwith and has to break the news to Ross delicately. The home of the Poldark family is forever in the hands of the Warleggans.
10 Episode 10
The find at Wheal-Grace promises huge riches, drawing workers from miles around. Meanwhile, Elizabeth tells George that she is carrying his child and George continues to mark his territory by erecting fences around Trenwith, denying commoners passage across his property. Dwight learns of Caroline's new engagement and enlists in the Navy, telling Ross he is due to leave soon. Ross is called to Trenwith by George, suspicious that the purchase of Geoffrey Charles share in the mine was fraudulent. Ross and George argue and when George insults Demelza, the pair brawl. The following day Pascoe reveals to Ross that George will seek to bankrupt him through court proceedings and that Caroline was Ross benefactor. Learning that Demelza has left Nampara with Jeremy to stay with Verity, Ross decides he must make amends and rides to mend the rift between Caroline and Dwight before it is too late. Demelza is encouraged to find a way to overcome her grievance with Ross as Ross discovers that Caroline is not truly engaged and tries to convince her to reunite with Dwight. Demelza returns to Cornwall determined to settle things with Elizabeth and Ross arrives in Plymouth, finding Dwight preparing to leave. But Ross has brought Caroline and she rushes into Dwight's arms. The couple, reunited, decide to become engaged them. Demelza is assaulted for trespassing on Warleggan land provoking the villagers to march on Trenwith with vengeance in mind and it takes Ross to disband them. However, he finds a united front in George and Elizabeth and, returning from Trenwith, Demelza sees the anguish in Ross and that night rides off. Ross finds her on the cliffs where he promises to be an honest husband, explaining that he no longer loves Elizabeth. Elizabeth, meanwhile, is forced to face the possibility that her pregnancy might not, in fact, be the result of her union with George, but with Ross; and at Nampara, Demelza allows the beginnings of happiness to return to her marriage.

About this show

1783 - Ross Poldark (Aidan Turner) returns to Cornwall to find his father dead, his estate in ruins and his sweetheart, Elizabeth (Heida Reed), engaged to marry his cousin Francis. On an impulse, Ross saves street urchin Demelza, and with her help and a steely resolve, Ross turns around his fortunes despite George Warleggan's best efforts.

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