Ranma ½

1989 • Viz Media
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Episódios de Temporada 3 (23)

1 Transform! Akane the Super-Duper Girl
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Akane eats Happosai's homemade "Super Soba" and acquires monstrous strength. She decides to use this strength against Shampoo in a martial-arts ping-pong match, but the Super Soba has a surprising side effect!
2 The Killer from Jusenkyo
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Shampoo, Ryoga and everyone else who was cursed by Jusenkyo is kidnapped one after another, and they attack Ranma next! The Jusenkyo Morals Committee has arrived, but what is this training that will fix the Jusenkyo curse?!
3 Am I...Pretty? Ranma's Declaration of Womanhood
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In the heat of a morning scuffle, Ranma hits his head and faints. When he wakes up, things are a little off. His normally masculine behavior and manner of speaking have become all-girl!
4 Final Facedown! Happosai vs. The Invisible Man
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Genma and Soun return from their journey. The two claim to have met Master Chingensai and trained to master the ultimate technique: Body-B-Gone. Will they be able to win against Happosai?!
5 Les Misérables of the Kuno Estate
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Sasuke mediates a fight between the Kuno siblings but is kicked out by Tatewaki upon being accused of being a traitor. The heartbroken Sasuke is then deeply moved by the warm welcome he receives at the Tendo house. Sasuke vows to become the Tendos' guardsman.
6 Ghost Story! Ranma and the Magic Sword
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There have been ghost sightings at Furinkan High School! Ukyo gathers a group of volunteers to fight the ghost, but none survive the attack. What's the story behind the ghost? Can any human defeat the ghost?
7 All It Takes is One! The Kiss of Love is the Kiss of Death
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Happosai discovers pills in an arm band that when consumed will make anyone fall in love at first sight of the opposite sex! A summer beach day turns ugly after Ranma, Akane, and Happosai take the pill.
8 Ultimate Team-Up!? The Ryoga/Mousse Alliance
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Ryoga can't stop thinking about Akane. Mousse sweet-talks Ryoga into joining him to take down Ranma. Ryoga buys into his words, and they begin to plot a scheme against Ranma.
9 Back to the Happosai!
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Happosai finds his Magic Mirror and reminisces on how he found the treasure, causing him to weep. When one of his tears falls onto the mirror, Ranma and the others are transported back in time to Happosai's youthful days.
10 Kodachi the Black Rose! The Beeline to True Love
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The Tendo Dojo is hitting hard times with a lack of students. Kodachi feels sorry for Ranma when she hears this, so she brings all her fancy household belongings and moves in as Ranma's wife. Akane is, needless to say, not very happy about this!
11 The Last Days of Happosai...?
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The infallible fortune teller Miyo predicts Akane's near future: "Akane will marry Ranma within a week." Akane denies this, but a sudden drastic personality change in Happosai initiates a series of bizarre events!
12 Two, Too Violent Girls: Ling-Ling & Lung-Lung
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Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung, Chinese Amazon twins who look up to Shampoo as their master, arrive from China. However, they are not very pleased with Shampoo, who has not followed Amazon law, and the two challenge Ranma to a fight!
13 Ranma and the Evil Within
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Happosai's "Personality Splitter Technique" physically separates Ranma into Boy Ranma and Girl Ranma. The two Ranmas are strangely attracted to each other and fall in love. Where will their strange love take them?
14 Enter Ken and His Copycat Kerchief
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The one who captures Ranma's fighting style with a camera is none other than the master of Copy Martial Arts "Copycat Ken." How will real Ranma fare against the Ranma imposter?
15 Ryoga's Miracle Cure! Hand Over That Soap
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Ryoga doesn't transform anymore?! This is actually the effect of the "waterproof soap" that he coincidentally got from Shampoo. Both Ranma and Shampoo do everything they can to retrieve the soap...
16 Fight! The Anything-Goes Obstacle Course Race
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The Martial Arts Obstacle Course Race is about to start! It's an easy decision for Ranma to participate with the winning prize being the trip to China. However, the race takes an unexpected turn when Akane, Shampoo, and Ryoga enter the mix.
17 Ranma Goes Back to Jusenkyo at Last
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When Ranma wakes up from a dream in which he witnesses a dried-up Jusenkyo, he is determined to travel to China using the Magic Mirror. But when Happosai gets in the way, Ranma ends up being sent ten years into the future. What will Ranma find there?!
18 The Return of the Hawaiian Headmaster from Hell
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A giant snowman steps from a helicopter onto Furinkan High School. It's none other than the school principal, who just came back from Hawaii and is eager to institute an unbelievably strict new school rule!
19 Enter Kuno, the Night-Prowling Knight
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Kuno is named the captain in charge of school discipline by the principal, who also recruits Happosai to train Kuno to defeat Ranma in the battle. Without knowing it, Kuno continues to grow strongerÉ
20 Ranma Gets Weak!!
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Happosai performs moxibustion on Ranma, which weakens Ranma's fighting strength! The only way Ranma can regain his strength is to defeat Happosai and obtain the human body spot chart, which can help reverse the weakening effect.
21 Eureka! The Desperate Move of Desperation
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The old granny appears before Ranma, who has gone into the mountains to become stronger, and presents him with the "Heaven Blast of the Dragon" technique. Ranma vows to master this technique in three days and begins the intensive traning...
22 Showdown! Can Ranma Make a Comeback?
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Ranma has mastered the "Heaven Blast of the Dragon" and returns to town to challenge Happosai. He manages to draw out Happosai's rage and release the technique, but Akane also gets sucked into the whirlwind!
23 Ukyo's Skirt! The Girly-Girl Gambit
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Ukyo surprises everyone by wearing a skirt! It's her attempt at becoming Ranma's official fiancé. Not to be outdone, Shampoo, Kodachi, and Akane bring in Ukyo to compete in French cooking to decide who will be Ranma's true fiancé.

Sobre este programa

It's not easy being teenage martial-artist Ranma Saotome, but it's even worse when your martial-artist father Genma takes you from home at an early age to go on a decade-long training mission. He doesn't speak a word of Chinese, and yet he insists upon bringing you to the cursed training ground known as Jusenkyo, where falling into one of the many springs there instantly turns you into whoever - or whatever - drowned there last. And then, the two of you have a little accident...From now on, a splash of cold water will turn your father into a giant panda, while you...well, you turn into a red-haired (and problematically well-built) female version of yourself. Hot water will reverse the effect, but only until the next time. What's a half-guy, half-girl to do?

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