
2001 • The CW
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Episoade Sezonul 2 (24)

1 House Rules
Reba is furious when she suspects that Barbra Jean lets Jake eat fast food when he's at her house, and Van and Cheyenne guiltily admit how they really feel about their new baby.
2 Skating Away
Reba's attempts to spend more time with Kyra get derailed after Van and Cheyenne learn they've lost their apartment on campus and won't be able to move out of Reba's house.
3 Proud Reba
Reba is shocked and shamed when her family has to apply for food stamps, so against her better judgment, she accepts a job working at Brock's office.
4 Works for Brock
While Cheyenne gets ready for her first day at college, Reba shows up for her first day of work and is horrified to discover that Barbra Jean is her boss.
5 It's Jake's Party, Cry if You Want To
When Reba decides to be nice to Barbra Jean during Jake's birthday party, Barbra Jean misinterprets the lack of Reba's zingers as a sign that Reba is mad at her.
6 Safe Dating
Kyra feels she has no choice but to break up with her new boyfriend after Reba meets his divorced dad and the two adults start flirting with each other.
7 Mommy Nearest
Reba is stunned when she hears Jake say, "Bye, Mommy" to Barbra Jean, and Cheyenne and Van argue after his friends invite them to a BBQ and her friends invite them to a concert.
8 Switch
When Reba starts dating again, Kyra angrily tells Cheyenne that divorced people don't deserve to be happy because they need to be punished for their mistakes.
9 Ring-a-Ding
While Brock takes the kids on an overnight trip to Barbra Jean's family reunion, Reba nervously prepares for the possibility of having sex with her new boyfriend.
10 Cookies for Santa
A despondent Reba finds herself alone on Christmas Eve after Jake goes to Brock's house and Cheyenne and Van decide to spend the holiday alone in a cabin in the woods.
11 A Moment in Time
Family members each secretly videotape a message for baby Elizabeth and then go crazy trying to discover what each other said on the tape.
12 The Vasectomy
Cheyenne and Van get upset when Reba says they can't have another baby as long as they're living with her, and Barbra Jean is stunned to learn Brock doesn't want any more babies at all.
13 The Rings
While Reba decides to sell her engagement ring so she can afford to flush a dead mouse out of her car engine, Van decides it's time to buy Cheyenne a diamond ring of her own.
14 Seeing Red
Reba's jealousy over the growing relationship between Kyra and Barbra Jean turns to outrage when Barbra Jean shows up the house with her hair dyed the exact shade of red as Reba's.
15 Terry Holliway
Reba and Brock reluctantly accept an invitation to a surprise birthday party for the old boyfriend that Reba broke up with in order to be with Brock.
16 Valentine's Day
While Reba is nervous about what her boyfriend may say to her on Valentine's Day, Brock and Van try to outdo each other by when they go out on a double date with their wives.
17 The Feud
Reba realizes that Eugene and Brock aren't mad at each other because she left Brock to work with Eugene, but because Brock stole Barbra Jean away from Eugene!
18 And the Grammy Goes To...
Now that she's divorced from Brock, Reba looks forward to telling her ex-mother-in-law exactly what she thinks of her, and Cheyenne urges Van to try to make up with his father.
19 The Wall
Reba brings a bucket of chicken home for dinner only to discover Van's rich parents have come visiting and brought a little surprise of their own—a new pony for Elizabeth.
20 The Best Defense
While Brock tries to save money by installing a home security system all by himself, Reba and Barbra Jean exchange a few punches after they show up at the same self-defense class.
21 For Sale, Cheap
Although Reba needs help organizing the school auction, she is upset when Barbra Jean volunteers—especially after the auction raises more money than it did the year before.
22 The Will
Reba's near brush with death has everyone wondering who should get what if she does die, but Reba's only concern is who Van and Cheyenne have appointed as Elizabeth's guardian.
23 Location, Location, Location
Reba is torn when both of her daughters ask for money: Kyra for spending the summer in England because of her good grades, and Cheyenne because she needs to go to summer school.
24 Your Place or Mine?
While Van feels it's time Elizabeth moves out of the bedroom she shares with him and Cheyenne, Reba is stunned to learn that Cheyenne feels it's time to move out of the house altogether!

Despre serial

An ensemble comedy that takes aim at the all-American family with a spirited Southern look at suburban dysfunction starring country legend and Broadway sensation Reba McEntire.

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