RockHound 71
Can't stop laughing at all the people who thought this was a kid's show. It's amazing how many people buy blindly without doing any kind of research. There's this thing, it's pretty huge, been around for a while, that allows you to research other things before blowing your money on them. It's called the internet. If you don't have a couple minutes to use it, you're either way too lazy, or need a five year old to show you how to utilize it to your advantage.
47 people found this review helpful
Eclectic Savant
Love Robot Chicken! Its great to see that all the plastic wasted to make the ridiculous toys of my childhood is now being recycled into something clever and humorous. I may fall outside the creators target demographic (33 yo Native American married mother of 1), but I would recommend Robot Chicken to anyone with a seriously twisted sense of humor and a hatred of plastic figurines.
82 people found this review helpful
I got to hand it to CN (cartoon network ) love the different story's you da best this coming from a 9 year old been watching for 3 years would have done a lot earlier but I didn't know review was real. From Samgladiator/Jackson 😆
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