Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

2010 • Cartoon Network
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Folgen von Seasons 1-2 (52)

1 Season 1 Episode 1: Beware The Beast From Below
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Crystal Cove may be the MOST HAUNTED TOWN IN THE WORLD, but that doesn't stop Scooby and the gang from trying to prove that most of its most famous tourist attractions were fakes much to the anger and dwindling profits of their parents.) But when a RADIOACTIVE BARREL is accidentally opened releasing a hideous SEWER BEAST that cocoons it's victims in frozen yogurt, their mystery solving skill are put to the test. After all, what could a sewer beast, a delicious edible dessert, underground caves, and shrimping boats made of balloons possibly have in common? I'll give you a little hint... the local bank.
2 Season 1 Episode 2: The Creeping Creatures
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A long time ago there was a town called GATORBURG, where gators flowed wild and free and people got rich. Now it's a ghost town. Gators are all dried up. But when Scooby and the gang receive an imitation GATORBURG PURSE, they decide to see for themselves if the gators really are gone. Forced to stay overnight when someone steals the engine to the Mystery Machine, they soon discover that gators have indeed returned... only these have comb-overs, walk on two legs— and don't like visitors.
3 Season 1 Episode 3: Secret of the Ghost Rig
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A mysterious GHOST TRUCKER is terrorizing Crystal Cove. Add to that all the doorknobs have begun to disappear from around town, someone has hidden a priceless diamond, and Fred's dad the Mayor is up for reelection against a guy named Avocados, and Scooby and the gang have their hands full. Oh, and did we mention that Daphne has been set up on a blind date with a pinhead named Rung Ladderton, who... wait for it-- sells LADDERS for a living.
4 Season 1 Episode 4: Revenge of the Man Crab
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While hosting a volleyball tournament for TRICKELL'S TRIQUID diet moisture, a smooth drinking beverage that's just like water except not so fatty, Crystal Cove beach finds itself attacked by a hideous MAN CRAB who has taken a liking to the tournament's female players. Desperate to stop this beast before it scares away all the tourists, the gang investigates, convinced it is a disgruntled local named SKIPPER SHELTON (famous for his delicious clam filled waffle cones, his missing nose, and his hatred for Crystal Cove beaurocrats.) But when Daphne is captured by the Man Crab, Scooby and the gang have to put the mystery solving into overdrive or risk losing not only Daphne... but the sanity of their leader Fred who is not taking the abduction well.
5 Season 1 Episode 5: The Song of Mystery
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A hideous creature named QUE HORRIFICO is turning the children of Crystal Cove in to monsters. The adults in the town are in shock, reacting in the only way they know how... By abandoning their children and running away like cowards. Only Scooby and the gang stay behind to solve the mystery. Going undercover as a family -- "Dad" Fred, "Mom" Daphne, "Grandma" Velma, "Son" Shaggy, and "Baby" Scooby -- the gang rents a house in order to capture Que Horrifico. But when their plan backfires, and Que Horrifico uses his power over the monster children to cause them to attack the gang like it's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, it looks like all is lost. That is, until a cartoon character named BROCCOLI HEAD comes to their rescue. Yes, you heard me... BROCCOLI HEAD!
6 Season 1 Episode 6: The Legend of Alice May
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There's a new girl at Crystal Cove High named Alice May and she's set her romantic sights on Fred. Only one problem... ALICE IS DEAD! That's right, Fred's new girlfriend is a dead girl. Alice is a ghost, famous for snatching up guys like Fred and disappearing with them forever. Now she wants to take Fred to the prom, which means he's next. Fortunately, Daphne also wants to go to the prom with Fred and she's not going to let Alice beat her to the "punch" bowl (wink-wink). And what about the rest of the gang? Well they've got problems of their own. See, Velma wants to go the prom with Shaggy, but Scooby wants Shaggy to watch a Vincent Van Ghoul marathon with him. You keeping up? Good, because this one is going to get nasty, and when it's over... Scooby and the gang will never be the same again.
7 Season 1 Episode 7: In Fear of the Phantom
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Velma's favorite band THE HEX GIRLS is in town, and the gang has a front row seat. Unfortunately, so does an evil specter named THE PHANTOM who wants the Hex Girls out of the music business—permanently! Solution? Send Daphne undercover as CRUSH, the newest member of the band. But when she's nabbed by the Phantom, Fred goes in to freakout mode, finally realizing he actually has feelings for Daphne. Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy are having their own problems due to Shaggy spending too much time with Velma. His solution— replace Shaggy with a puppet.
8 Season 1 Episode 8: The Grasp of the Gnome
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The ROYAL KNIGHTS FAIRE has come to Crystal Cove and the whole gang is in attendance. Unfortunately, so is a SCARY GNOME who has begun attacking and paralyzing guests. Specifically, guests who are wearing PIRATE COSTUMES. The gang decides to help trap the gnome, but when Shaggy -- who is dressed as a pirate along with Scooby -- is captured by the frightening little beast, it quickly becomes a race against time to find him, or Scooby could lose his best buddy... forever.
9 Season 1 Episode 9: Battle of the Humungonauts
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A pair of brutal GARGANTUAS begin breaking apart the town, which sadly mirrors the fractured relationship of MYSTERY INC. See, while searching for Shaggy, Scooby accidentally discovers him KANOODLING WITH VELMA. Feeling betrayed, Scooby is inconsolable, despite the best efforts of Fred and Daphne to cheer him up and put the team back together. Although they ultimately reunite to capture and defeat the Humongonauts, the rift in the gang is deep, and the question by the end of the episode soon becomes... can Mystery Inc. ever be healed again?
10 Season 1 Episode 10: Howl of the Fright Hound
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After a horrible, mechanized BEAST begins attacking the town, all fingers begin pointing at Scooby. Before the gang can clear his name, the Sheriff has Scooby hauled away to the CRYSTAL COVE HOSPITAL FOR CRIMINALLY INSANE ANIMALS. Now it's up to the gang to clear Scooby's good name. But standing in their way is a new enemy they hadn't counted on: a diabolical parrot named PROFESSOR PERICLES who knows more about Mystery Inc. than he should. Add to this the growing friction between Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby, and you have a recipe for disaster.
11 Season 1 Episode 11: The Secret Serum
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There's a vampire loose in the town, terrorizing the residents and stealing an odd assortment of loot. When the gang does some sniffing around, they discover an unlikely suspect... Daphne's MOTHER. Things are already strained within Mystery Inc., and with this latest blow, the gang is truly torn in half. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Although they solve the mystery in the end, and prove it wasn't Daphne's mother, the rift in Mystery Inc. is now complete. They are a team no more.
12 Season 1 Episode 12: Shrieking Madness
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With Mystery Inc. broken up, the gang decides to check out life after High School and spend a weekend at DARROW COLLEGE. But things don't go as planned when a creature called CHAR GAR GOTHAKON begins terrorizing the campus. Turns out this beast is a fictional character come to life. A creation of the author H.P. HATECRAFT who is a professor at the school. Although one of the other professors, HARLAN ELLISON, claims Hatecraft is a fraud, the creature is definitely real. And when it attacks and carries off Hatecraft to his doom, the gang realizes it has to come together once again to solve this mystery and save Hatecraft's life.
13 Season 1 Episode 13: When The Cicada Calls
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Bugs are taking over Crystal Cove and attacking some of its most prominent citizens. With Mystery Inc. back together as a team, they begin to investigate and discover that all of the attacks have been on employees of a company called DESTROIDO that makes Shaggy and Scooby's favorite snack food-- GRANDMA MOONBEAMS NATURE SLIVERS. Somebody, or something wants the company shut down. But when the gang gets too close to the truth, they become the bug's newest target. Of course, the timing couldn't be worse, because this just happens to be the moment Fred has decided to make his move on Daphne and finally ask her out. That ain't gonna happen, though, if there are a bunch of bugs trying to kill them.
14 Season 1 Episode 14: Mystery Solvers Club State Finals
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The Mystery Inc. gang has been invited to compete in the annual TEEN MYSTERY SOLVER'S CONVENTION. A weekend affair where mystery solving teams from around the country compete to solve a mystery. But when the mystery turns out to be the DISAPPEARANCE OF THE TEAMS THEMSELVES, it is up to the sidekicks of each team -- led by Scooby Doo -- to find out why their friends have been taken. It's a mystery they need to solve by the end of the weekend... or they'll never see their friends again.
15 Season 1 Episode 15: The Wild Brood
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A rowdy ORC BIKER GANG has decided to roll through Crystal Cove and no one is very happy about it. Especially Fred, who freaks out when Daphne gets a crush on their leader ODNARB while he and Daphne are out on their first date. Daphne is convinced that the Orc's are misunderstood, but Fred and the rest of the gang think different. When valuable military equipment begins disappearing from around town, all fingers point to the Orc's. It's up to Daphne to prove their innocence. Unfortunately, Fred and the rest of the gang is there every step of the way to prove her wrong.
16 Season 1 Episode 16: Where Walks Aphrodite
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Love has come to Crystal Cove. Love in the form of an evil woman by the name of APHRODITE. Although she appears beautiful to those under her spell, in reality she is horribly ugly with no real interest in love. What she wants is the destruction of Crystal Cove itself. Mystery Inc. is helpless to stop her, because her love spell has twisted the minds of FRED, DAPHEN, VELMA, and SHAGGY, making them fall madly in love with each other. Only Scooby isn't affected. He's left on his own to solve this mystery. Fortunately he gets some help from an odd ally... the gang's old nemesis PROFESSOR PERICLES. But is Pericles really there to help, or does he have other plans for Scooby Doo?
17 Season 1 Episode 17: Escape from Mystery Manor
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While investigating the disappearance of the original Mystery Inc. gang that disappeared, the gang discovers that they were last seen going in to the abandoned mansion once owned by THE DARROW FAMILY, the very family that founded Crystal Cove. But once inside the mansion, they find themselves trapped by a crazy old man -- DANNY DARROW, the youngest member of the Darrow family -- who has been living there for decades. He's booby-trapped the whole house to make sure that no one tries to steal "his treasure". It's up to Fred to try and outwit his traps, because if he doesn't... the gang will never leave that mansion again.
18 Season 1 Episode 18: The Dragon's Secret
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After an exchange student named MAI LEE shows up in town to stay with Velma, strange Kung Fu wizards begin attacking the town trying to get her. Turns out Mai Lee has a RING they are after. The gang decides to help, but friction arrises when Shaggy gets a crush on Mai Lee that really gets under Velma's skin, and Fred inadvertantly trashes Daphne's home when the wizards attack there. Fortunately, they find an ally in Crystal Coves tea shop owner CHEN.
19 Season 1 Episode 19: Night Fright
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Shaggy and Scooby win a dinner date with their hero, Vincent Van Ghoul. What they don't realize is that they are unwitting participants in Van Ghoul's new reality television show where he has dinner with people, then scares them out of their wits -- and it's all caught on camera. But when a real monster known as Nightfright locks the three up in Van Ghoul's home and terrorizes them, it is up to Fred, Daphne, and Velma to solve the mystery and rescue their friends.
20 Season 1 Episode 20: The Siren's Song
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Velma is feeling like a fifth wheel. Fred has Daphne, and Shaggy has Scooby. Who does she have? So, when a mysterious "Mer-woman" named Amy contacts Velma on her blog, she decides that maybe this will be her special friend. Amy tells her that "Fish Freaks" have been attacking boats in Crystal Cove harbor. When Velma can't convince the gang to help her, she investigates alone -- and almost gets herself killed! Without revealing her source (because she doesn't want anyone stealing her new friend), Velma tells the gang about the Fish Freaks and they begin to investigate the mystery. Turns out, the Fish Freaks are guarding a secret on a haunted oil derrick out in the ocean. But the closer the gang gets to solving the mystery, the more dangerous their investigation becomes -- and the more Velma risks losing her special friend.
21 Season 1 Episode 21: The Menace of Manticore
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After the Mayor purchases a haunted temple off the Internet, Crystal Cove's only theme park -- Creepy Spooky Terror Land -- is besieged by a Manticore, an ancient beast with the body of a dragon, the face of a man and the tail of a scorpion. The Mayor begs the gang to help him solve this mystery and get rid of the Manticore before the theme park goes out of business. Turns out, though, that the park is owned by the father of none other than Hotdog Water, Velma's archenemy at school. And Hotdog Water makes it very clear... she does not want the gang's help.
22 Season 1 Episode 22: Attack of the Headless Horror
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Fred's favorite adventurer, Rick Spartan, has come to town to take over the school's biology class. But Rick is not alone. He is being haunted by The Headless Creature -- a monster from the Amazon who believes Rick has taken his head. And now, he wants it back!
23 Season 1 Episode 23: A Haunting In Crystal Cove
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Mayor Jones is under attack by a poltergeist in his own home, and the only ones who can help him are Scooby and the gang. After hiring a Voodoo Priestess to help rid the Mayor's home of evil spirits, the gang discovers that there is more to this haunting than they first believed. This poltergeist, it turns out, is after revenge!
24 Season 1 Episode 24: Dead Justice
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There's a new lawman in town, and his name is Dead Justice! An undead cowboy sheriff who once patrolled the streets of Crystal Cove, Justice has now returned to take back his old job. That means getting rid of the gang's number one nemesis... Sheriff Stone. But when the gang realizes that Dead Justice might not be the Good Samaritan he claims to be, they decide to help Sheriff Stone uncover the true face of "Justice."
25 Season 1 Episode 25: Pawn Of Shadows
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Close to finally unraveling what happened to the original Mystery Incorporated kids, the gang finds "The Obliteratrix" standing in their way. Now, up against this vicious undead assassin who's vowed to destroy them, the gang's only chance to solve the mystery and stay alive, and seek help from an old friend... H.P. Hatecraft.
26 Season 1 Episode 26: All Fear The Freak
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The mystery comes to a close as the gang finally gets to the bottom of what happened to the original Mystery Incorporated and why they disappeared. The truth, however, is not without its price. A monster known as "The Freak Of Crystal Cove" is determined to stop our heroes -- even if he has to bring the caves beneath Crystal Cove down on top of them he will do it to preserve his secret!
27 Season 2 Episode 1: The Night the Clown Cried
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With the gang split up, Crystal Cove is being tormented by an evil-man-baby called "Crybaby Clown." Fred is off searching for his real parents. Shaggy is in military school. Scooby is locked up on a farm. Only Velma remains. She convinces Mayor Nettles to help get Mystery Incorporated back together. Mayor Nettles finds Scooby in the middle of a "jail break" from the farm and assists him in rescuing Shaggy from military school. Shag and Scoob meet up with Fred and head for Crystal Cove to reunite with Velma. The only missing element is Daphne... but Daphne has moved on. She's fallen in love with Bayler Hotner, a hunky young actor in town researching a movie role. And they're serious. Daphne is not coming back to Mystery Inc. Fred refuses to believe this and sets a trap for Crybaby Clown that needs all five members of Mystery Inc. When Daphne doesn't show, the trap fails...and for the first time, Mystery Inc. doesn't catch the monster!
28 Season 2 Episode 2: House of the Rising Witch
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Velma and Hotdog Water are working for Mr. E in trying to "acquire" an item from a museum exhibit in Moscow. But, when they fail, Mr. E just buys the exhibit and has it shipped to Crystal Cove. The exhibit - an evil Russian witch by the name of Baba Yaga and her chicken-legged house - comes to life. The gang adds Hotdog Water as the "new Daphne" and hunt Baba Yaga in Crystal Cove's Haunted Forest of Doom...only to end up being the hunted. As it turns out, the chicken-legged house contains a few secrets: namely the mysterious Planispheric Disc Piece #3 and, a stash of priceless Faberge eggs. The gang solves the mystery by exposing that the Russian curator had disguised himself as Baba Yaga in order to smuggle stolen Faberge eggs into Crystal Cove. And now that the mystery's solved, our gang finds themselves in possession of Planispheric Disc Piece #3!
29 Season 2 Episode 3: The Night the Clown Cried II: Tears of Doom!
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Crybaby Clown is back with a vengeance! And he's kidnapping all sorts of folks all over Crystal Cove: namely a therapist, a hairdresser, a plastic surgeon, and a publicist! The gang is on the trail, but when Daphne announces she is following Bayler Hotner back to Hollywood to become a star, Fred is flabbergasted. Meanwhile, Mr. E confronts Cassidy Williams with shocking news: Fred's real parents are coming back to town! Why? No one knows for sure. The Crybaby Clown mystery is too tough for even the combined mental acumen of Velma and Hotdog Water. It doesn't make any sense. Luckily, Fred comes out of his shock with the answer. In a daring airport rescue, set in Crybaby Clown's 747, the gang not only snags Crybaby Clown but saves Daphne, who was taken prisoner along with the therapist, hairdresser, plastic surgeon and publicist. Crybaby Clown is revealed to be none other than Bayler Hotner, who was gathering the perfect posse that would make him a superstar actor.
30 Season 2 Episode 4: Web of the Dreamweaver
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A rash of strange crimes occurs when a number of prominent Crystal Cove citizens destroy the things they love most! A car. A house. A food empire. The gang investigates and soon discovers that each of these citizens had a dream wherein the Dreamweaver, a horrible goblin-king, told them to do it! Meanwhile, with Daphne back in Mystery Inc., the gang doesn't really need Hotdog Water anymore. She leaves the gang...but she's not happy about it...and she's secretly still working for Mr. E as his spy. As the gang gets deeper into the mystery of the Dreamweaver, they uncover the fact that Sheriff Stone and the three other citizens were avid practitioners of a fantasy role-playing game called "Crypts & Creatures" when they were young. The Dreamweaver was a monster created by then Crypt-Master Bronson Stone! Using their skills, Mystery Inc. cracks the mystery and realizes it's an inside job.
31 Season 2 Episode 5: The Hodag of Horror
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A traveling curio wagon arrives in Crystal Cove, and a carnival-barker by the name of Gene Shepherd unveils the "Hodag," a beast supposed to be found in the wilds of Wisconsin. It's a horrible fake, but when it comes to life and starts stealing, the gang investigates. With Fred's real parents in town, Daphne's parents throw a "Welcome Home" cheese-fest, catered by cheese connoisseur Ned Fussbuster and his nimble waiter Roberto. Meanwhile, Scooby has fallen in love with Fred's parents' dog, Nova. She's just a regular non-speaking-scratch-behind-the-ears dog, but she and Scooby hit it off. Until, the Hodag steals her! The gang figures out the mystery and sets a trap for the Hodag. The Hodag is revealed as none other than a trained monkey that steals for his master, Fussbuster! Fussbuster wanted the 500-year-old Spanish cheese that Shepherd had in the curio wagon.
32 Season 2 Episode 6: Art of Darkness
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World-renowned modern artist Randy Warsaw is Crystal Cove's greatest art treasure. But, when Warsaw's greatest work of art, "Junk," comes to life and tries to destroy Warsaw, Mayor Nettles asks the gang to investigate. Each member of Mystery Inc. is soon swept up in this crazy, beautiful art world...except for Daphne, who is labeled as boring by Warsaw and duly ignored. Velma becomes Warsaw's muse. Fred becomes Warsaw's living mannequin. Scooby is the new lead singer in the emo arthouse band. Shaggy is put to work carving food sculptures with his teeth. Everyone is happy. Cassidy Williams confronts Fred's real parents about why they're truly back in Crystal Cove. They're not here for Fred. They're here for the treasure. Back to the mystery, Daphne is left on her own to solve the mystery. A few good leads later and Daphne finds herself about to be destroyed by Junk!
33 Season 2 Episode 7: The Gathering Gloom
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While watching a free screening of an old Vincent Van Ghoul movie with half the town at Crystal Cove Cemetery, the gang is attacked by the Graveyard Ghoul! Wanting to investigate, the gang heads back to the cemetery the next day. The first person they see is an absolutely perfect suspect, Gorak the caretaker. He looks just like the Graveyard Ghoul and even hisses at them. But, not wanting to commit "villain profiling," they broaden the investigation to include the Bjorklund house on cemetery grounds. The Bjorklunds are a mother and her three beautiful, stunning, charming, and perfect daughters! Fred and Shaggy soon want only to enjoy the amazing Bjorklund hospitality as Daphne descends into a chocolate addiction. Velma, Scooby and Sheriff Stone do the unthinkable. They go after the obvious suspect. And, for once, it really is the obvious suspect! Gorak was siphoning natural gas from the Crystal Cove Gas Company. As a side dish of evil, Mr. E and Professor Pericles are reunited.
34 Season 2 Episode 8: Night on Haunted Mountain
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Climbing Mount Diabla out in the desert, two hikers are attacked by Lilith, a dark-winged Angel of Destruction. Back at Crystal Cove hospital, the gang talks to the climbers and sets out to solve this mystery. They travel to Scorpion Wells at the base of Mount Diabla to find a small trailer-town of very suspicious, and unfriendly characters. Lilith attacks - driving the gang out of town. Unfazed, the Mystery Inc. gang climbs Mount Diabla to discover a crazed old-lady miner named Boron who claims Lilith is on the ship with her. Her ship. The confused gang discovers an ancient Spanish galleon high atop the dry, desert mountain! It was dragged here by El Aguirre, the Captain of the Conquistadors who stole a cursed treasure and buried it under Crystal Cove! The ship contains a captain's log full of important information...and, of course, Planispheric Disc Piece #5! Fighting Lilith over the priceless artifact, the gang takes a crazy ride down the mountain on the ancient ship!
35 Season 2 Episode 9: Grim Judgement
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When a crazed ghostly puritan judge named Hebediah Grimm starts terrorizing Crystal Cove and judging its youth, the Mystery Inc. gang gets involved... perhaps a little too deep. Ethan and Gary seem to be reaping the benefits of these strange attacks as they are rescuing and then dating some of the prettiest girls in school! This makes them prime suspects but both have ironclad alibis...both have been seen fighting against Hebediah! With their leads quickly running out, the gang turn to Fred's real parents, Brad and Judy, for help. These expert trap makers are overjoyed for a little time with Fred, and together, they all concoct a trap that nabs BOTH Hebediah Grimms! As it turns out, Ethan and Gary were both alternating as Hebediah Grimm in a real scream of a mystery. And, their motives? Girls. There were trying to get dates with girls! Only in Crystal Cove...
36 Season 2 Episode 10: Night Terrors
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On a ski trip into the cold, snowy mountains, the Mystery Inc. gang gets diverted by a huge avalanche to have to stay the night at a creepy old library that was once the 1880s mansion of famed railroad baron and adventurer Oswald Burlington. The Burlington Library is full of mystery...and when the gang start seeing phantasms and monsters, they have to get to the bottom of those mysteries or they might just not make it off this mountaintop alive. As they delve deeper into these nightmarish apparitions, they find they are victim to a type of wood smoke that causes horrible delusions and phantasms. It's being burned by none other than the caretaker of the Burlington Library - hoping to scare everyone off and finally close the place to go someplace warm. But wait, there's more. Turns out the Oswald Burlington had his own Mystery Solving gang called "The Benevolent Lodge of Mystery" and he was hot on the trail of the Planispheric Disc, too!
37 Season 2 Episode 11: The Midnight Zone
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When Cassidy Williams is continually attacked by deep-sea killer robots, the Mystery Inc. decides to help her unravel the mystery of who is sending these robots and why. This is going to call for a little deap-sea adventure! They enlist the aid of Tom and Tub, two deep-sea diver kids with their own submarine: Moby Dick and their very own sea lion named Scooby! The kids take our gang and Cassidy deep into the Midnight Zone -- under the sea's surface where sunlight never reaches. Here, they find the abandoned Missionary town that slid into the sea some 300 years ago. And it's full of killer robots, digging for something. The robots attack the gang, forcing them to take refuge in a big undersea laboratory built long ago by Abigail Gluck - mad scientist and one of Burlington's original gang members. She was searching for the sixth piece of the Planispheric Disc.
38 Season 2 Episode 12: Where Stalks the Scarebear
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The Mayor enlists the Mystery Inc. gang to investigate the mystery of the Scarebear - a mutant bear that's terrorizing the town of Destroido. The gang soon runs up against George Avocados - a local avocado farmer who's angry at Destroido and is prime suspect numero uno! But as the gang goes undercover, using Scooby as their entree, saying he's an experiment gone wrong, they soon discover that the Scarebear is hacking into the town's computer system - not something that a mutant bear should do. When the gang corners Avocados at a charity event, things come to a head. But he's not the Scarebear. Beacause it's RIGHT THERE! And there's a bomb (set by the old Mystery Inc. as a way to get rid of our heroes once and for all)! The Scarebear helps with the bomb and the gang launches it safely away - right into the middle of Avocados' avocado farm. Turns out the Scarebear is, in fact, Benson Fuhrman, a victim of Destroido's corporate greed looking for a little payback on the town's wrongdoing.
39 Season 2 Episode 13: Wrath of the Krampus
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When the strange appearance of a mean goat/man demon named Krampus terrorizes naughty kids all over town, the Mystery Inc. gang decide to look into things. Chasing Krampus all over Crystal Cove, they try to second-guess the crazy, evil goat-man's motives - and who could be behind the mystery. Meanwhile, the old Mystery Inc. is trying to steal the gang's three pieces of the Planispheric Disc while our heroes are distracted by Krampus. The gang finally captures Krampus only to reveal that its Charlie, the Haunted Robot. Someone is controlling the robot... but whom? The old Mystery Inc. succeeds in stealing the gang's three pieces and now has the whole Planispheric Disc...or so they think. When Pericles and Mr. E. go to get their three pieces out of the vault, they find it empty! Our gang has stolen the pieces instead. Our heroes explain everything via a DVD they left behind.
40 Season 2 Episode 14: Heart of Evil
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When Dynomutt and Blue Falcon arrive in Crystal Cove, they team up with our Mystery Inc. gang to solve the mystery of a horrible Dragon-man Robot that's terrorizing the city. But, the Dragon is searching for something...and manages to kidnap Blue Falcon and Scooby...thinking that Scooby is Dynomutt! It's soon discovered the Dragon is working for Dr. Zin - Dr. Quest's nemesis. And Zin is searching for the ultimate power source that Blue Falcon had many years ago. The gang teams up with Dynomutt and flies the Falcon Car to Dr. Zin's evil volcano lair where an epic battle ensues. The power source is revealed to be actually inside's what powers him and keeps him alive. But, it also turns out that the Dragon-man Robot isn't a robot at all. It's Dr. Zin's evil daughter trapped inside the suit and he's trying to save her.
41 Season 2 Episode 15: Theater of the Doomed
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When Vincent Van Ghoul is put in charge of putting on the play about Crystal Cove's history, he panics and begs our Mystery Inc. gang to help him. The subject of the play? The Franciscan Friars that originally settled Crystal Cove and how their pet miniature donkey El Corto saved them all from destruction when the town slide into the sea some three centuries ago. As part of the historic play, celebration and exhibit, all sorts of artifacts have been put on display in City Hall...including the mummy of the last Friar to survive from the "Fraternitas Mysterium" (the Brothers of Mystery that searched for the Planispheric Disc and the fabled cursed treasure of Crystal Cove). This mummy comes alive and starts terrorizing the gang. But, it's not a real mummy. It's George Avocados in a suit. He's now the janitor at City Hall and is searching for the long-lost diamond that his father stole all those years ago. It's part of the costume jewelry on loan for the exhibit.
42 Season 2 Episode 16: Aliens Among Us
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When Sheriff Stone confesses to the gang that he was abducted by aliens as a child, Mystery Inc. decides to look into his claims that aliens are now running around Crystal Cove taking high-tech devices (clearly trying to rebuild their crashed spaceship so that they can get off our planet and get back to their inter-galactic war that's happening all around us!) The gang is skeptical at first but circumstances keep leading them to believe the Sheriff. Strange things have been happening lately. Who's to say aliens aren't real? Things get stranger still when the aliens steal Barty Blake's brand new high-tech electric car right out of the Blake mansion. The gang gives chase! Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy think they've figured this mystery out. And, with a little sleuthing with Velma, they actually uncover the mystery. Turns out, there are no such things as aliens...well, at least not in this episode!
43 Season 2 Episode 17: The Horrible Herd
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When Crystal Cove is threatened by a herd of horrible, mutated cattle, the Mystery Incorporated gang discover that it's an evil plot by Professor Pericles to destroy all of Crystal Cove leaving our heroes no place to hide the Planispheric Disc! Pericles wants it back, and he'll stop at nothing to get it. Corralling the issue head on, Mystery Incorporated raids the mutated cow-hive at Destroido, stealing the Queen Cow and saving the city of Crystal Cove from certain destruction.
44 Season 2 Episode 18: Dance of the Undead
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When famous Ska band "Rude Boy and the Ska-Tastics" rise from the grave, they spread a dancing sickness throughout Crystal Cove. Their haunted Ska music threatens to make everyone in Crystal Cove dance themselves to death! With the rest of the gang falling under the terrible musical influence, it's up to Shaggy and Scooby to save the day.
45 Season 2 Episode 19: The Devouring
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When a Gluten Demon rises up and attacks famous foodie Francilee Jackson, our gang has to try to stop this monster before it consumes all the bread, pasta and other tasty foodstuffs in Crystal Cove -- perhaps the worst possible nightmare for Shaggy and Scooby! But, when Fred's hero, Dr. Rick Spartan joins the hunt, along with his faithful manservant Cachinga, the action escalates to a fevered pitch. In a gluttonous mega-match of street-shattering proportions, Shaggy and Scooby must out-eat the Gluten Demon before it's too late.
46 Season 2 Episode 20: Stand and Deliver
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A motorcycle-riding robber known as the Dandy Highwayman is kidnapping all the women of Crystal Cove, and now it's up to our heroes to put a stop to his rogue ways. When Daphne is taken, Fred loses it. Nobody steals his girl - even if technically she's not actually his girl at the moment.
47 Season 2 Episode 21: The Man in the Mirror
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Fred finds himself thrust into the future where the town of Crystal Cove is a wasteland and everyone has perished except for a very old Daphne. She keeps asking him to show her the location of the Planispheric Disc. Meanwhile, in present day, a totally different evil Fred mirrors every move with our gang... looking for the same Planispheric Disc.
48 Season 2 Episode 22: Nightmare in Red
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Things are getting pretty strange for our heroes. It seems that the whole mystery of Nibiru is becoming more and more complex. Taking a stranger turn, our heroes allow themselves to be hypnotized so that they can enter the dreamworld. Here, Nova explains more of the truth about the ancient Annunaki race, the Evil Entity buried below Crystal Cove and the way to defeat him.
49 Season 2 Episode 23: Dark Night of the Hunters
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Searching for the Heart of the Jaguar, the Mystery Incorporated gang heads south of the border to search the ancient Mayan ruins that hold the burial chamber of the Hunters of Secrets (the original Mayan Mystery Inc. group). When a horrible Priestess tries to stop them, they must solve the mystery behind it all while figuring out the true location of the Heart of the Jaguar. They ultimately grab an ancient spear buried with the Mayan Hunters of Secrets and take it with them back to Crystal Cove...ready to face the darkness ahead!
50 Season 2 Episode 24: Gates of Gloom
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When the gang returns from the Yucatan Peninsula with the ancient spear they think to be the Heart of the Jaguar, they find the town empty! Everyone has been taken underground. Our heroes soon find the townsfolk in chains and digging a vast excavation policed over by Kriegstaffa bots. Professor Pericles and what's left of his Mystery Incorporated are there overseeing the dig. They're looking for the entrance down into the caverns where the cursed treasure and the Evil Entity are buried. Saving all the townsfolk from Pericle's evil clutches, our five young heroes gear up to follow Pericles and his motley crew through the gate and deeper down into the depths.
51 Season 2 Episode 25: Through the Curtain
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Traveling through the underground caverns, our heroes trail Pericles and company. They soon learn why they've been collecting all four keys on their final journey down to face the Evil Entity. Reaching the treasure chamber before Pericles, they set about destroying the Evil Entity. But, they stop when the Evil Entity speaks to them. Revealing a secret that could change their lives forever.
52 Season 2 Episode 26: Come Undone
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...All heck breaks loose! Freed from his tomb, the Evil Entity heads to the surface to consume everyone around him and grow stronger. Starting with Crystal Cove! It's the end of the world! Our heroes must work together to ultimately realize the true Heart of the Jaguar and somehow stop the Evil Entity. But what happens next, no one could ever guess!

Über diese Serie

Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo solve mysteries in the spooky town of Crystal Cove, a village boasting a long history of ghostly sightings, werewolves and glowing deep-sea divers. The townspeople of the hotspot don't appreciate the sleuths' meddling, but the gang demands extraordinary proof for extraordinary claims.

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