Shark Men

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Episódios de Temporada 2 (10)

1 Murky Waters
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The Ocean team abandons the waters of southern California and journeys north to the rocky, barren Farallon Islands. Under the watchful eye of this National Marine Sanctuary, the crew is the first team ever allowed to hook a great white shark at the Farallon Islands for research. But an unexpected circumstance causes sanctuary observers to temporarily suspend the team's permit.
2 Hot Water
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On their first day at the Farallon Islands, the Shark Men encounter an unexpected incident with a white shark that causes Sanctuary observers to temporarily suspend the team's permit. For nearly three days, the team anxiously waits to hear from the Sanctuary's Superintendent on whether or not they can resume fishing in this closely protected marine sanctuary.
3 Surfing with Sharks
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The mother ship Ocean pulls up off the beach at Malibu. Overhead is a spotter plane looking for shadows. From the plane comes a sighting - shark, 11 o'clock off the port side. With surfers and swimmers in clear view, the Ocean crew gets angling. They are looking to land another great white. The seasoned Shark Men team is back in action - but this time they are close to shore and in the US. After tagging adult great whites off Mexico in Season 1, they now have their sights on the other end of the fish's life cycle - young sharks. Understanding them could help pull together the whole great white story.
4 Young and Hungry
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The juvenile great white expedition continues off the coast of southern California, where Dr. Domeier and the crew successfully land two juvenile white sharks on the first day of their Malibu expedition. In science, sample-size is vital so the crew continues angling with hopes of catching additional young white sharks. The team hopes to eventually unlock the mystery of how juvenile sharks arrive at adult aggregation sites once they mature.
5 As Big as a Boat
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The Shark Men are headed back to the waters where they have successfully caught and tagged almost a dozen sharks -- Guadalupe Island. Dr. Domeier almost has enough data to support his theory about great whites mating at the island. But he still needs a few more blood samples from his primary target -- adult females.
6 Biggest and Baddest
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The Shark Men have reached their last days at Guadalupe, so they want to make the most of it. They catch one more female great white, Annika, and Dr. Domeier hopes that a blood sample from her will complete his Guadalupe breeding ground research. They also wrangle Apache, a male, a fighter, and their biggest shark to date.
7 Deadly Sea
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The Shark Men are once again in unfamiliar territory; the Sea of Cortez. This time they have a different agenda; they are chasing Amy. Dr. Domeier believes Amy has come to the Sea of Cortez to give birth. The crew soon finds out that this phenomenal region has much more to teach them. They will go on a journey to find the truth behind all of the Great White Shark folklore surrounding this area. As the crew uncovers secrets of the Sea of Cortez; the search for Amy continues.
8 Renegade Shark
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The Shark Men continue the search in the Sea of Cortez for a missing great white named Amy who they believe is pregnant and there to give birth. The team will search by air and sea as they rendezvous in unfamiliar waters, hoping for the biggest accomplishment of their entire scientific mission. So far, the Sea of Cortez seem to be a perfect habitat for a great white shark nursery. However, itt is a high traffic area for use of long lines and gillnets and though sharks aren't what they are looking for, they often get caught in the crossfire. The team continues exploring this life-enriched area, but will they find Amy before she lets her pups out into this beautiful dangerous sea?
9 The Cannibal
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The Shark Men return home from the Sea of Cortez with an itch none of them can seem to scratch: the marine life there screams SOFA. The evidence of great whites, the pods of sperm whales, the plethora of squid...maybe another mysterious creature also calls the bountiful Sea of Cortez home.
With a new scientific team, The Shark Men work to try to find one of the world's most elusive creatures - Architeuthis: The Giant Squid.
10 Giants of the Deep
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The Shark Men continue their search for The Giant Squid in the beautiful, plentiful Sea of Cortez. The crew is joined on this expedition with the world's Giant Squid expert to hopefully be the first ones to capture footage of this elusive animal in its natural habitat. The team already knows the creature of the deep could call the Sea of Cortez home, but they want to know for sure. The two teams will work together to find that answer from diving with sperm whales to studying the Diablo Rojo or The Humboldt Squid.

Sobre este programa

National Geographic joins a crew of world class anglers and scientists for a remarkable expedition to study the largest fish on earth. It's unlike any other catch eve attempted - monster great white sharks are hauled out of the water for unprecedented up-close encounters.