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Afleveringen van Seizoen 1 (32)

1 Major Operation
Major Minor, the game hunter, has lost face and may be forced out of the Adventurer's Club unless he can do something startling -like catching the wily lion, Snagglepuss, who has eluded him for years. The Major approaches Snagglepuss in Snag's cage at the city zoo. He makes a deal: he will release Snag if the lion will consent to being recaptured. Snagglepuss consents and the Major is restored to his former eminence in the club.
2 Feud For Thought
Melvin Martin and Calvin Cloy, two mountaineers, ask for the hand of Susie Sal, the prettiest gal in the mountains. Since it's proposal Sunday, Susie Sal gives the two mountain swains a task. To the first one who brings her a genuine mountain lion fur, she will give her hand in marriage. By coincidence Snagglepuss is taking his morning stroll and is set upon by the lovesick hunters. A chase ensues and ends with Snagglepuss proposing to and winning Susie Sal.
3 Live and Lion
Yakky, the duck, watches the game warden nail up a sign announcing the opening of the duck hunting season. When he begins to be peppered by shot, he hides in Snagglepuss' mailbox. Snagglepuss is delighted to find the duck, and prepares to put him in the stew pot. But the lion's soft heart overcomes him and he spends the afternoon teaching Yakky how to escape gunfire. Then the warden comes along with a new sign -- it says the mountain lion season is now open.
4 Fraidy Cat Lion
A mouse is annoying the family of Mr. and Mrs. Evil J. Evil, the scientists, and Snagglepuss is offered food and lodging if he will get rid of the pest. The trouble is that the Evil's little boy has been experimenting with the mouse, and the furry rodent is now six feet tall!
5 Lions Share Sheriff
The Raindance Kid has a policy of always shooting a sheriff on his birthday. And Raindance's birthday comes on the very day he arrives in Snagglepuss town. The regular sheriff, who knows of Raindance's quaint custom, picks this day to leave the country. The badge of office then is given to Snagglepuss, who proves to be just as ineffective as the missing sheriff.
6 Cagey Lion
Snagglepuss escapes from his cage, dons a Southern gambler's costume and mingles with passengers aboard the SS St. Louis Lou. Lacy Cravat, the river pirate, holds up the passengers, but the robbery attempt is foiled by Snagglepuss when the lion takes off his costume and the terrified Cravat jumps overboard. Snagglepuss jumps over too, when the ship's captain decides to cage him.
7 Royal Ruckus
The evil Count Down kidnaps the queen and Snagglepuss, true to his king, sets out to save her majesty. Things look bad when the Count prepares to duel Snagglepuss, but the queen herself steps in and saves him. As his reward for his devotion to his monarch, the queen decides, instead of a bear rug, she will make him her own personal mountain lion rug. Snagglepuss loudly complains about the queen's favorite new fashion, spike heels, but to no avail.
8 The Roaring Lion
Snagglepuss, AWOL from a circus train, hears that 500 sheepskins are to be given college students. On the theory that where there are sheepskins there must be sheep to eat, he goes to collage. There, he joins a sports team because they are to play the Rams. Snag helps win the school's first victory in 72 years and he gets the sheepskins as a reward. The circus truant officer appears so Snagglepuss rejoins the circus.
9 Paws for Applause
Snagglepuss sees his dream of TV stardom realized the day he applies for a film job and is hired on the spot. It's because he's the only available actor who can play the part of a lion. Somebody at the casting office had sent elephants even though lions had been ordered. After being mauled by a Samson character getting flattened by a Jungle Man and lighting a match in the dynamite shed, Snagglepuss in not so sure about being famous. When he learns the cameras had run out of film and everything has to be shot over, he walks out for good.
10 Knights and Daze
Legend has it that Snagglepuss the Lion-hearted was King Arthur's favorite knight. To gain a seat at the round table, Snagglepuss had gone on a quest to bring back the sword belonging to the evil Stormy Knight. Snagglepuss endured myriad trials and hardships and finally succeeded in gaining possession of the prized sword. When he returned, King Arthur asked to see the sword and Snagglepuss just happened to have it on him -- right where Stormy Knight had stuck it in him.
11 The Gangsters All Here
Snagglepuss no sooner hears a police report that Muggsy, Public Enemy Number One, is at large when Muggsy and fellow ruffian McGoofy enter Snag's house. Snagglepuss hides in the closets, disguises himself as a lion rug and tries other ruses to avoid detection. The hoodlums leave in terror when they discover Snag is a lion.
12 Having a Bowl
Snagglepuss finds a missing baby and goes to the address where the baby lives to collect the reward. But it is the lion-hating Major Minor's baby and the Major gets out his hunting rifle to reward Snagglepuss with a bullet. Snagglepuss has difficulty trying to avoid the Major because the baby knows all Snag's hiding places and leads the Major to them. Snag finally solves the problem by disguising himself as Santa and fooling the child.
13 Diaper Desperado
Snagglepuss is pressed into service unwillingly as a baby-sitter for the violently active son of Big Hombre, the notorious bank robber. Conscientious Snagglepuss safely sees the youngster through a bull roping experience, an encounter with a careening dump cart and a cement mixer mix-up. Finally a telegram arrives telling Snag that Big Hombre is in prison and that Snag is to care for the child permanently.
14 Arrow Error
Snagglepuss dons a green outfit to emulate the great Robin Hood, about whom he has been reading. He decides to protect the little ducks from the hunters who infest the forest. The ducks don't understand and they turn Snag's bow and arrows on him. Later, Snag tries to succor an elephant in distress. In despair, Snag finally asks the zoo keeper to put him up in the zoo.
15 Twice Shy
Snagglepuss is in a cage while the Major lectures at the Adventurers' Club. Suddenly the Major's twin brother, Sir Clyde, arrives in the United States. Sir Clyde is a devotee of animal photography, despises hunters and goes around freeing poodles from leashes and birds from cages. Snagglepuss is alternately freed by one twin and recaptured by the other.
16 Cloak and Stagger
Snagglepuss graduates from a mail-order musketeer school. He is tricked by the fun-loving musketeers into believing that a little fat man is a spy. Snag dunks the fat man repeatedly in the moat, chases him around, and too late learns that the fat man is the king.
17 Remember Your Lions
Tired of having his only performing be at the business end of a whip, Snagglepuss tries to better his lot as a Shakespearean actor. The big game hunter, Major Minor, buys a front row seat to Snag's first show at starts shooting at the lion thespian. The manager will not permit this, so the Major disguises himself as Juliet and walks on stage. Then the Major and Snagglepuss decide to work up an act, only to start bickering over who gets top billing.
18 Remember The Daze
Major Minor is singled out for adulation by the famous television show, This is Your Strife.". The Major is immediately embarrassed by the first surprise guest -- Snagglepuss, who lets it slip that the great hunter has never been able to capture him. In the resulting pandemonium, the major is sent to the moon in a rocket.
19 Express Trained Lion
Snagglepuss glows with noble sentiments after reading the fairy tale of the mouse who saves the lion. So he is quick to free a mouse named Bigelow from a trap. Bigelow is officiously and overwhelmingly grateful. When Snagglepuss is willingly captured and happily ticketed for the St. Louis Zoo -- his head filled with visions of thick, juicy St. Louis Zoo steaks -- Bigelow repeatedly frees him. Back in the jungle, Snag wearily rescues the mouse again, but has many misgivings about doing so.
20 Jangled Jungle
Tiring of circus life, Snagglepuss returns to the one place he feels he belongs -- the jungle. But the natives are ugly, the giraffe throws him in a lake, a crocodile attacks him and a gorilla takes him home for the young gorillas to play with. Tarzan is the worst of all, and Snagglepuss is delighted to get back to the circus.
21 Lions Track
Railroad builders, preparing to tunnel through the mountain where Snagglepuss resides, encounter so much trouble from the firmly entrenched lion that they ask big game hunter Major Minor for assistance. All the Major's tricks fail. Attempting to play on Snagglepuss' vanity, the Major promises him a lion act that will tour the world, but the savvy Snagglepuss still denies the railroaders access to his mountain.
22 Fight Fright
Low on cash, Snagglepuss takes a job boxing the Australian kangaroo at the county fair. But K-O Kangy is one tough marsupial. Even Snag's famous propeller punch proves ineffective. The cagey kangaroo is just as adept at side-stepping and feinting as he is at punching. After a terrific beating, Snagglepuss decides to go back to his old job at the fair -- dodging baseballs in the baseball-throwing booth.
23 Spring Hits A Snag
Snagglepuss rescues Lila, a lovely young miss in distress, who he then envisions as a suitable Mrs. Snagglepuss. This was actually Lila's plan all along and in no time at all, she is ensconced in Snag's domain. But all is not sweetness and light. The house is all wrong, she demands fresh berries despite the presence of hunters near the berry patch and Snag is put to work housecleaning.
24 Legal Eagle Lion
The circuit judge lion delegates the job of trying the notorious bank bandit, Fowler Means, to Snagglepuss. Snag holds court in Loophole Mesa, a frontier town. After the prosecutor comes down with a case of lead poisoning -- from the bandit's bullet -- Snagglepuss has to take over his job. As more and more witnesses fail to appear in court, Snag takes their places on the stand. Eventually he ends up playing all the roles in the courtroom when Fowler Means himself is missing
25 Don't Know It Poet
Bashful, fumbling Duke de Geese employs the romantic poet Cyrano de Snagglepuss to write poems and recite them under the balcony of Lady Lavendish. Snagglepuss succeeds far beyond his dreams --the lady on the balcony succumbs to his versification and leaps off into the arms of the Duke. However, the lady was not the slim, willowy Lady Lavendish, but the 200-pound Lady Clarissa who took the leap.
26 Tail Wag Snag
The Major boasts to the Adventurer's Club that he finally has a secret weapon to catch the elusive Snagglepuss. The weapon is Snuffles, a canine who will run any risk, brave any terrors, for a dog biscuit. But the Major's parsimony is his undoing. He gives Snuffles only half a dog biscuit. The wily Snagglepuss quickly allies himself with Snuffles, and the Major learns too late he should have given Snuffles more.
27 Rent And Rave
Snagglepuss adds a room to his house, hoping the rent he receives will finance a vacation trip to the South Seas. Lovely Lila, a Southern belle, becomes his new tenant. In no time, Snagglepuss finds himself moved into the spare room and Lila has the run of the house. When she demands new drapes, new decorating, and not one but two swimming pools, Snagglepuss rebels. He ends up paddling his way to the South Seas.
28 Footlight Fright
Poor Major Minor is disgraced and kicked out of the Adventurer's Club because he has never captured Snagglepuss. The Major decides to use Snag's passion for acting against him, and he mounts a road show, which fools the mountain lion. Successful at last, the Major drives his captive directly to the Adventurer's Club stage, but Snagglepuss outwits him when he asks permission to do a farewell performance.
29 One, Two, Many
Lila Lion has cast myriad longing glances in the direction of Snagglepuss, a confirmed bachelor who never had any thought of marriage. When his twin brother Snaggletooth comes for a visit, he unwittingly takes Snagglepuss off the hook -- he decides Lila is just his type, and Lila mistakes him for Snagglepuss. The pair departs, she in coquettish flight, he in pursuit. Now Snagglepuss can got back to his daily routine.
30 Royal Rodent
Snagglepuss talks his way into a cushy job at the King's palace. His task is to rid the royal premises of Bigelow, the pesky mouse. But Bigelow is not about to give up a good thing, what with all that cheese in the royal larder. Snagglepuss tries to distract the king from his poor performance by telling him a joke. The king appoints Snagglepuss to be court jester and Bigelow, disgusted at the low state of court jesting, leaves voluntarily.
31 Charge that Lion
Snagglepuss sees a picture of himself on a poster offering $50 reward for his capture, plus an insulting paragraph implying Snag in not very intelligent. The description seem to fit. Snag mistakes an army camp for a boy scout gathering; he puts on some clothes and discovers that he is only a lowly private; he gets in the way at target practice. All in all, he has a pretty bad day.
32 Be My Ghost
Snagglepuss, a stowaway on a voyage to England, is tossed overboard by the irate skipper. He manages to get ashore on a bleak coast. But the castle in which he seeks wealth and shelter is haunted. The ghosts, Harem and Scarem, decide they haven't had this much fun in 900 years, as they make Snag's life miserable.

Over deze serie

"Heavens to Murgatroyd! Exit stage left!" Snagglepuss is a mountain lion who yearns to act. But, instead of waiting tables like most struggling actors, Snagglepuss spends his busy days trying to avoid being shot and stuffed by big-game hunter Major Minor. But his theatrical talents often come in handy as he runs for his life, screaming!

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