Sonic Underground

1999 • Disney XD
1,4 тыс. отзывов
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Сезон 1 (серий: 20)

1 Wedding Bell Blues
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Robotnik announces that he will marry Queen Aleena in a plot to become the king of Mobius. Upon hearing the alarming news, Sonic, Manic and Sonia become suspicious that this wedding may be a trap and decide to investigate. The Hedgehogs, aided by Bartleby, are hired to play music for the ceremony. Disguised as 18th century musicians, Sonic and his siblings crash the wedding hoping to find the Queen and bring to light this most obvious sham.
2 To Catch a Queen
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Argus, a captain of the Queen's guard, is captured by Sleet and Dingo before he can reach the secret rendezvous where he was to meet Queen Aleena. While listening to a scanned radio message, Sonic, Manic and Sonia overhear that a queen's guard has been captured and robotisized. The Hedgehogs then begin their pursuit to recapture captain Argus from Robotnik and get the information revealing the secret meeting place where they may be reunited with their beloved mother.
3 Mobodoon
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Sonic, Sonia and Manic return to their birthplace, Mobodoon, a beautiful, festive town. The homecoming is interrupted when Sleet and Dingo arrive to collect back taxes by order of Dr. Robotnik. Because Mobodoon has no form of currency to pay this bogus debt, Sleet and Dingo decide to raid the village and steal its most precious monuments, including the powerstone, which is the center of Mobodoon's vitality. It is up to the Hedgehogs to get the powerstone back and restore their former home to its previous blissful state.
4 The Price of Freedom
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Sonia travels to east Mobius to visit her friend Mindy at the LaTour estate. After being given a watch by her friend Mindy, Sonia discovers that these popular timepieces are really monitoring devices for the Robotnik Intelligence Agency and are mass produced by Mindy's father Mr. LaTour. Sonia, Sonic and Manic confront Mindy and LaTour with this discovery. Realizing the error of his ways, Mr. Latour ends production and decides to flee with his daughter. The Hedgehogs skillfully put the spy devices to their own use to help the Latour's escape.
5 Underground Masquerade
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Sleet and Dingo plan to collect the taxes owed to Robotnik from the Duke of Velcronia but keep it for themselves. To avoid the wrath of Robotnik, Sleet and Dingo infiltrate the Underground to corral Manic and friends to the commit the crime and take the blame. The scheme is moving along well for the evil duo until they are caught on tape by Max, Manic's friend, who stops the devious Sleet and Dingo enabling the Duke keep his money.
6 Tangled Webs
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The sinister Robotnik blackmails Cyrus, an old friend of Sonic's, by holding his father hostage. Robotnik makes Cyrus gain the Hedgehogs trust and then has Cyrus convince them to save his father. Cyrus reluctantly informs Robotnik of the rescue plan so Robotnik can devise a trap for the Hedgehogs. However, once Cyrus sees the Hedgehogs helping the kids of Mobius, he realizes assisting in the capture of the Hedgehogs is a bad idea. Instead, Cyrus helps the Hedgehogs and in the process they destroy another of Robotnik's swat-bot factories.
7 The Deepest Fear
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On a trip to Port Mobius, Sonic, Manic and Sonia are told that ships are sinking due to the Mobian sea-beast. The legendary story becomes fishy when the Hedgehogs meet Captain Squeegee who informs them of a scam in which townspeople must rely upon Robotnik for protection from the sea monster, when in reality it is Robotnik who is sinking ships, not a monster. Sonic must overcome his fear of water and the monster to find the truth and thereby ending the fears of the sea side town.
8 Who Do You Think You Are
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Queen Aleena's royal journals are rumored to be buried under a palace in the city of Tashistan. As Sonic and his siblings scour the city in search of the scrolls, Sonia gets into trouble when she is accidentally knocked in the head during a confrontation, causing her to lose her money. Sonia gets into more trouble when she inadvertently sells her power medallion to a local merchant. A young boy from the village makes an attempt to keep Sonia safe, but the two are captured by Sleet and Dingo. Sonic and Manic must then work together to retrieve the power medallion, locate the journals and find the one thing that is most precious to them, Sonia.
9 Last Resort
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While lost in the wastelands of Mobius, Sonic, Manic and Sonia stumble upon an oasis called Lake Valley Resort. Although Sonic is impressed with the beauty of this safe haven, he has a sinking feeling that this village may be under the scope of Robotnik's radar. Sonic's doubts are confirmed when he overhears Stripes, the leader of the village, informing Robotnik that the Resistance is in town. After Sleet and Dingo attack the lovely village and begin destroying it, the Hedgehogs take a stand and show the village that being part of the Resistance and fighting for good is far greater than making deals with those who do evil.
10 Come Out Wherever You Are
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Sonia is invited to a debutante ball, but before she can be officially announced to society, she and her brothers, Manic and Sonic have an important mission. Robotnik has constructed an evil weapon that will capture and robotisize all members of the resistance all over the world. The Underground must hijack this weapon and insert a deactivating device before the brain of the vehicle is installed. Sonia daydreams about the party, becomes distracted and is caught while executing part of the mission. Sonic aids Sonia to help her focus on their mission and still make an appearance at the ball.
11 Winner Fakes All
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Robotnik organizes a track meet to lure Sonic into a trap. Robotnik is sure that Sonic will not sit out on a challenge of quickness. Sonia and Manic are also aware of Sonic's competitive nature and advise Sonic not to enter the event due to the risk that he may be caught. When Sonia and Manic cannot find Sonic, they head to the race to rescue him. Surprisingly, Sonic does not enter the race, but finds himself involved in a more challenging test of speed - the race to save his brother and sister.
12 A Hedgehog's Home is Her Castle
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The Hedgehogs receive a message they believe is from their cousin. In the message, a castle is left to Sonia, who revels in the idea of having a castle for the Underground headquarters. Sonic, Manic and Sonia arrive at the castle only to see an old, dark dilapidated structure. Inside the castle, the Hedgehogs all have separate meetings with a mysterious apparition who resembles their mother. Sonic, Manic and Sonia discover the message and the castle are part of trap, and utilizing the power of Queen Aleena, devise a plan to escape.
13 Artifact
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The Hedgehogs steal historical artifacts of Mobuis from Robotnik before he can pawn them off at an auction. Sonic and Sonia take one of the pieces to a university professor who informs them that the artifact is actually a bomb from the Mobian war. While his brother and sister are discovering the artifacts origin, Manic, sells his piece to a black-market salesman for cash, who then sells it to Bartleby, and suddenly a bomb has fallen into innocent hands. The Hedgehogs must act fast to retrieve the bomb and protect the treasure that is the key to Mobius past.
14 Bug
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A faction of the Freedom Fighters is wiped out by a swarm of metallic fly-bots. When Manic goes in search of the insects, he is stung with serum, making him loyal to Robotnik. Sonia finds Manic communicating a radio message to Robotnik and realizes her brother is under a spell. It is up to Sonic to exterminate the metallic pests.
15 Sonic Tonic
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A speed enhancing fluid deemed Sonic Tonic is created by Robotnik to make him as fast as Sonic so that he may finally catch him. Robinik's plan is successful and Sonic is captured, yet when Dingo begins to feel the side effects of the tonic, Sonic is able to make a run for it with a vial of the tonic in tow. Unaware of the side effects of the tonic, Manic and Sonia, envious of Sonic's speed, decide to use the tonic on themselves. When the effects of the fluid take hold of Manic and Sonia, it renders them immobile and they must rely on their brother to get them out of trouble.
16 Friend or Foe
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The Hedgehogs converge on the Floating Island, in their latest attempt to find their Mother. Sleet and Dingo also have an interest in this island that involves the Chaos Emerald, which is the island's life-force. But, before either party can achieve their goals, they have to get through Knuckles, the floating islands stern guardian. Knuckles is even skeptical of Sonic's motives, although he can see right through Sleet and Dingo. Once the Hedgehogs convince Knuckles they are friendly and mean no harm to his island, they help Knuckles in protecting his exotic home and the emerald.
17 Head Games
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As Sonic begins to chow chili dogs for a snack, he finds a message in the sack from his mother urging him to head to Speedster Island. When he, his brother and his sister arrive, what they encounter is an ancient sanctuary that is about to be overrun by Robotnik and sold off bit by bit. The Hedgehogs must persuade Bartleby to end his deal to build a resort on the beautiful island and save the people of the village from becoming slaves of Robotnik.
18 When in Rome
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Sonic becomes frustrated that maybe all of their efforts of fighting for freedom seem futile. Sonia suggests that they go to Oracle, the spiritual guide, to put everything into perspective. The Oracle makes a deal with the Hedgehogs, stating that if they can complete this next mission, he will reveal their future. Instead upon arrival in the ancient city, they discover their power medallions are missing and they are powerless. Sonic, Manic and Sonia must use their natural powers to save this civilization from the evil ruler and they learn that by relying on faith in themselves, they can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
19 The Jewel in the Crown
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Robotnik has his sights set upon Queen Aleena's crown jewel, which glows as it is moved closer to her. Sonic, Manic and Sonia plan to recover the jewel from the merchant owner before Robotnik, not only to find their mother, but to protect her as well. The Hedgehogs acquire the jewel and begin their search, the glow becomes more radiant the closer they travel to their destination and their hopes of finding the Queen seem to be a tangible reality. The trio arrive to the place where the glow is at its brightest only to find that the jewel was only a decoy intended to lure Robotnik into a trap.
20 Three Hedgehogs and a Baby
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Sonic, Manic and Sonia find an abandoned baby in an alley and begin a search for the baby's parents. Manic grows particularly fond of the child and decides that instead of taking the baby to a shelter as Sonic and Sonia ordered, the baby would be more comfortable at the Underground sanctuary. While Sonia and Sonic are working to uncover another plot of Robotnik they find that the baby is not a baby at all, but an android equipped with cameras to spy on the Underground. Sonia and Sonic frantically search for their brother before he, unknowingly, exposes the location of the secret sanctuary.

Об этом сериале

On the planet Mobius, Sonic the Hedgehog is reunited with his long-lost siblings, Sonia and Manic. Together they form an underground band and fight to overthrow the evil Robotnik, who has outlawed anything fun and creative such as music, dancing or even books. Pursued by Robotnik's army of swatbots and the bounty hunters Sleet and Dingo, there's never a dull moment for Sonic and his siblings as they search for Queen Aleena, their mother and the rightful ruler of Mobius. They'll jump right in when it's time to fight the forces of evil - but given half a chance, they'd rather make music. With some amazing instruments, the trio will play their outlaw brand of rhythm and melody whenever and wherever they can!

Оценки и отзывы

1,4 тыс. отзывов
Alexander Bolotnikov
21 октября 2013 г.