
1994 • ABC Kids
3 Rezensionen
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Folgen von Staffel 1 (26)

1 Episode 1
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A school excursion turns into a disaster when Paul disappears. As part of a practical joke, Paul and his friend Alex set up a cable but it passes close to power lines. A strange electrical surge passes through the cable and explodes Paul into parallel universe. Uncertain of his new surroundings, Paul is confronted by a strange man, a Summoner who is angered when Paul steals his Eyestone.
2 Episode 2
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Paul's classmates and the police are searching for him around the site where he disappeared, but Paul is trying to come to terms with his new and primitive surroundings. He has met a girl, Rhiannon, but she is suspicious of his foreign ways and fears he is evil. She leaves him to his own devices and his strange ways offend the people of this new world, particularly the powerful Spellbinders.
3 Episode 3
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Paul manages to convince a frightened Rhiannon that he is from another world. Together they make their way back to the place where Paul entered this new world. Seeing an electrical surge building up Paul recognises his chance to get home, but on the other side the police are still looking for Paul. Fearing the danger of an electrical surge they knock down the pillars which are feeding the surge, destroying Paul's chances of returning home. Rhiannon takes Paul back to her village.
4 Episode 4
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Rhiannon arranges it so that Paul can live and work in her village. He finds the work in the fields unnecessarily difficult but Rhiannon explains that things must be done according to the Spellbinders' instructions. Paul becomes sceptical about the Spellbinders' powers and soon realises that they are using science, not magic, to appear powerful.
5 Episode 5
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Paul is brought before the Council of Regents in the Spellbinders' castle and is found guilty of stealing an Eyestone. He is banished to the wastelands for breaking Spellbinder law. One Spellbinder, Kasha, is curious about Paul and is sympathetic to his story. She tries to convince the Council of his innocence.
6 Episode 6
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Kasha and Gryphon realise the potential of Paul's fireworks and how powerful they would be if they knew how to make them. They plan to learn the secret from Paul. Rhiannon manages to sneak into the Spellbinders' castle and finds Paul's video recorder in the hands of a Regent named Connery. She puts the tape in and shows him how the recorder works, playing back his image.
7 Episode 7
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Gryphon takes Paul to an unused part of the castle and insists he teach him how to make gunpowder. Meanwhile, Rhiannon has convinced Connery that Paul has been abducted and they set off in search of him. They find Paul demonstrating the destructive power of gunpowder to Gryphon and Kasha. Once they know how to make their own gunpowder, Gryphon and Kasha are no longer interested in helping Paul.
8 Episode 8
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Back in Paul's universe, Katrina has managed to convince another of Paul's friends of her suspicions as to his whereabouts and they make their way back to the cave where he disappeared. Meanwhile, Paul and his rescuers are heading for the cave where he entered this new world. Katrina and Alex have made radio contact with the new world. They see energy rippling around the cave and get vague glimpses of figures in the doorway.
9 Episode 9
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The Marauders turn out to be regular people who had been banished by the Spellbinders and so have disguised themselves. They capture Paul, Rhiannon and Connery, and take them to their camp in a labyrinth on the edge of the forest.
10 Episode 10
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Paul makes his way back to the cave with a chain to use as a conductor to create an electrical surge and help him return home. Paul's friends back home, Alex and Katrina, try again to make radio contact with Paul. They set up a two-way radio and make contact through Kasha's Eyestone.
11 Episode 11
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Kasha takes over Connery's position and settles into his rooms. She demands that Paul tells her how to make gunpowder but he gives her another incorrect formula. Connery returns to the Spellbinder castle to take his position but has to duel with Kasha. Gryphon rigs the duel so that Connery loses.
12 Episode 12
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Paul's flying ship plummets out of the sky and Paul is trapped. Wearing Gryphon's power suit, he pretends to be a Spellbinder. He and Rhiannon are rescued by a local farmer who directs them to a nearby town. Kasha sends out Summoners to search for Paul and Rhiannon. Realising that the Summoners are close on their trail Paul and Rhiannon resort to floating down the river to escape.
13 Episode 13
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Paul and Rhiannon are caught by Summoners and Rhiannon's family help them to escape, so now they must all flee the village. Wearing a power suit, Paul manages to open the doorway into his world but unbeknown to him, Kasha is hiding, waiting for an opportunity to pass into his world. Katrina's voice comes over Kasha's Eyestone, alerting Paul to Kasha's presence. There is a struggle between Kasha and Paul at the mouth of the cave.
14 Episode 14
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As Paul pulls Rhiannon into his world Kasha fires a bolt if energy which destroys the Summoning Tower. The doorway closes behind Rhiannon, stranding her in Paul's world. Leaving the two-way radio set up so Connery can contact them when he has rebuilt the Tower, they start walking to the railway station, where Rhiannon gets lost. Paul is adamant that Katrina and Alex keep the Spellbinders' world a secret.
15 Episode 15
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Rhiannon is rescued and questioned by the authorities. She is terrified. They think she is crazy and take her to the hospital. At school the next day. Katrina shows Paul and Alex a photo of Rhiannon in the paper. The authorities are trying to find out who she is. Paul shows his father the photo and begs him to take him to the hospital.
16 Episode 16
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A despondent Paul meets up with Alex and they try to visit Rhiannon. She pleads with them to get her out. That night Paul and Alex use the power suit to get past security systems and break into the hospital.
17 Episode 17
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Rhiannon begs Paul to allow her to come to school with him. With the help of a forged note. Paul passes Rhiannon off as his cousin from Poland. Despite Paul's anxiety, Rhiannon is able to fit in well. Katrina threatens to dob in Rhiannon if Paul doesn't allow her to use the power suit to convince her parents. Alex supports Katrina. Paul receives a radio message from Connery. The summoning Tower has been rebuilt.
18 Episode 18
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Paul and Alex race to Katrina's house as she gets the suit working. They get the suit back. Unable to find Paul at school. Rhiannon goes back to his house. No one is home so she breaks in. Brian catches her and calls the police. Terrified, she breaks away and runs. Paul tells the police that he knows nothing. The next day, Rhiannon goes to the school, looking for Paul.
19 Episode 19
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Paul convinces Brian that he is going fishing for the weekend with Alex and his father, when he is really planning on going back to the Spellbinder's world. When Paul and Rhiannon arrive at the cave they use the radio to contact Connery. Connery opens the doorway and they step through to Rhiannon's world. Connery tells them that Kasha is still at large but poses no threat to the Spellbinders.
20 Episode 20
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Rhiannon finds and rescues Paul but leaves the video camera behind. Kasha flees and Connery calls for flying ships to search for her. With Gryphon's help she steals an Eyestone, opens the doorway and enters into Paul's world.
21 Episode 21
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Kasha is having a hard time in Paul's world. She uses the power suit in an electrical store and all of the appliances go haywire. Paul sees a report about the event and realises that a Spellbinder must be in his world – Kasha. At school, Katrina finds Paul and Alex in the science lab building two electromagnetic detectors.
22 Episode 22
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Pretending to be room service, Alex locates Kasha. Katrina surprises them and is about to call for help but Paul convinces her that Kasha is up to no good. Kasha returns to the room and the boys have to hide. Pail grabs the power suit and throws it into the garbage truck where it is crushed. When Paul heads home, Kasha follows and spied on his family before returning to the cave.
23 Episode 23
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Using all her strength and cunning, Rhiannon manages to escape from the vault. She reaches the Summoning Tower just in time to see Kasha step through to Paul's world, where she follows her. Brian is hard at work at Newtown Industries when he gets a call that a woman has arrived to see him – it is Kasha! She shows Brian the book she obtained from the vault. He is flattered when Kasha tells him that she sought him out because of his scientific reputation. He agrees to work with Kasha in discovering the book's secrets.
24 Episode 24
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Paul tries to warn his father about Kasha but Brian gets angry at hearing Paul repeat his old story and takes Kasha to his lab to work on the book. Rhiannon tells Paul she has the videotape of her world so he can prove to Brian that he has been telling the truth. Brian is infuriated by his son's behaviour and refuses to look at the tape.
25 Episode 25
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Paul realises he'll need help to save Rhiannon and tips off Katrina and Alex. Katrina contrives to meet Kasha and manages to slip into her house before she can be stopped. Katrina booby traps the security system so that they can get in later. Paul encourages his father to ask Kasha to lunch and puts laxatives in her food. While Brian is tending the sick Kasha, Paul sneaks out.
26 Episode 26
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Brian, Paul and Rhiannon are pursued through the building by Kasha. They are no match for the powers of the new suit. Kasha catches them, locks them up and tells them she is destroying all evidence of her work. She starts a fire in the building. Brian realises there is a copy of the power suit plan on the computer at home and Christine is there on her own.

Über diese Serie

Spellbinder is a science fiction fantasy television series about a suburban teenager, Paul Reynolds, who finds himself accidentally stranded in a world parallel to his own. It's a world where the industrial revolution never happened and a powerful group called Spellbinders control people by exploiting their fear and ignorance.

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3 Rezensionen