Spider Riders

2005 • The WB
92 รีวิว
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ซีซัน 2 ตอน (26)

1 Fateful Decision
Stags' forces have overrun the city of Nuuma. But just when it looks like the fourth Oracle Key is within his grasp, the Oracle creates a force field around the Castle and levitates it into the sky. Meanwhile, the Spider Riders help reinforce Arachna against another invasion but Hunter can't understand why the others don't want to leave to help Nuuma. Lumen reveals Nuuma is far away across a treacherous sea and fears for the safety of Arachna if the Spider Riders leave it undefended. Meanwhile, Grasshop is banished from the Big Four and all the Invectid lands for losing two Oracle Keys to Hunter Steele. When Grasshop mistakenly thinks even his family has abandoned him, he flees into the wasteland. After much debate and the timely arrival of Slate to assume command of the Arachnan forces, the Spider Riders decide to answer Nuuma's cry for help no matter what dangers may lie in the attempt. But as they leave Arachna, Grasshop vows revenge.
2 Journey of Champions
The Spider Riders arrive in the port town of Fuushyu in order to find a boat. But to cross the Inner ocean they must first conquer the wondrous upward falling Fuushyu Falls and no ordinary boat can do that! The mayor finds them a magnificent old ship designed for the Falls but Quint, the shipbuilder refuses to lend it for a "joyride". When Buguese and Beerain attack the town in an effort to destroy the ship and regain the Oracle Keys, the Spider Riders put themselves at risk to defend the people. And it looks like Hunter has made the ultimate sacrifice!
3 Voyage
When the Spider Riders set out on their voyage, Hunter finds them ill prepared. Their quarters are disorganized, the food is terrible and seasickness and laziness are rampant. Hunter whips his friends into shape only to find a new challenge waiting for them... a fiery channel of lava! After making one attempt to go through and sustaining serious damage to the ship, the others want to return home or find a detour. But Hunter is determined. The people of Nuuma are counting on them to fight the Invectids! Will Hunter inspire the Spider Riders to rise above it all or will his dreams all go up in smoke?
4 Ghost Ship
While lost in a dense fog, the Spider Riders stumble upon to what appears to be a Ghost Ship piloted by the legendary Lost Mariner. Meanwhile, Grasshop, Sparkle and Hotarla struggle to catch up to their boat in their flying machine. The Mariner shares tales of his youth, sailing the Inner Sea with the hero Quake. But his story is interrupted by an Invectid attack. The Lost Mariner leads his friends into the thick of the fog where Beerain and her Buzz Rays can't find them But just when Sparkle and Grasshop arrive and safety seems assured, Aqune attacks, stealing one of Hunter's Oracle Keys. Their evenly matched power causes a huge backlash of energy, transporting everyone but Lumen and Igneous away... But where?
5 Paradise
When Hunter, Corona, Magma and their spiders regain consciousness, they find themselves deep in a forest. Aqune appears, ready to fight but her mask crumbles from her face, releasing her and Portia from their spell. After a joyous reunion between brother and sister spiders, Buguese attacks, determined to capture the Oracle Keys and Aqune. But a tear in reality opens, sucking the Spider Riders and their spiders away, one by one, and leaving Buguese behind to wonder what happened. The Spider Riders now find themselves in Paradise and are persuaded to give up fighting and enjoy their lives. Will Hunter actually throw away his manacle and leave the people of Nuuma at the mercy of the Invectids? And who is the strange old man who reveals himself to the Spider Riders once their decision is made?
6 Hero
When a mysterious, old man claims to be the hero Quake, Magma is beside himself with joy at meeting his childhood hero. But Hunter remains dubious until Quake shows off more of his power by sharing a vision of Castle Nuuma floating safely out of reach of the Invectids. Hunter is eager to learn how Quake became a champion but the old hero keeps giving him menial duties. Quake finally shows his power when he sends the Buguese and his soldiers flying from the forest with a tap of his staff. Quake shares his secret with Hunter; no one can tell you how to be a champion. You must look deep within yourself.
7 Grasshop's Misfortune
Lumen and Igneous have trouble trusting Grasshop when they discover him traveling to Nuuma with Princess Sparkle. Their suspicions appear correct when they find themselves surrounded by a platoon of Invectid Warriors led by Lt. Scarab. The platoon is out of communication with Mantid and Stags and haven't heard of Grasshop's banishment. Their excitement to be led one of Mantid's Big Four cause them to put Grasshop in charge. Grasshop is delighted for the chance to seize power again until he discovers his first duty to is to "take care" of the imprisoned Spider Riders... permanently!
8 Reunions
As the Spider Riders continue their journey across the desert, Hunter is still plagued by dreams and doubts about becoming a Champion. When they come upon an oasis, Hunter refuses to stop, insisting they must get to Nuuma as soon as possible. Hunter gives in when his friends point out they all need a much-deserved night's sleep to be battle ready for the Invectids. With the dawn comes an attack by Beerain and her Buzz Rays and once again, Hunter impulsively insists on acting alone until Aqune reminds him that you cannot become a true Champion without the help of your friends. Battling as a team, Aqune and Hunter send Beerain on her way until the unexpected appearance of Buguese changes the balance of power. Will Hunter be willing to exchange the Oracle Keys for Corona's life?
9 Spies and Lies
The Spider Riders interrogate Grasshop, hoping to find out the Invectids' plans for the Oracle Keys. Meanwhile, Buguese sends Beerain to delay them so Aqune can uncover a way through the Spirit Oracle's spell into the floating Castle of Nuuma. Beerain entices Grasshop to help her by promising he will be reinstated in the Big Four and allowed to return to his family. After placing a poisonous flower in the Spider Riders' sleeping quarters, the Invectid sneaks off, guilt-ridden. But when Beerain threatens to harm Sparkle, Grasshop is forced to make a difficult choice. Can Sparkle's "Uncle Hop" be trusted? Will Hunter win his duel with Beerain in time to help the Nuumians? And why does Beerain fight with such determination?
10 Nuuma Castle
The Spider Riders finally arrive in Nuuma only to find the city completely under Invectid control. They are found by a Nuumian named Solon, who shows them a secret path into the floating Nuuma Castle. The presence of their spiders activates a mystical door through the Oracle's barrier. Inside the castle, Igneous is instantly smitten by Queen Illuma, but she is more interested in finding out if Corona could be a long-lost servant of the Oracle who was taken from Nuuma as a child. But before that mystery can be solved, Buguese and Stags launch an attack on the castle, using Aqune and Portia to activate the mystical gate. Have the Spider Riders inadvertently caused the defeat of Nuuma?
11 Bitter Revenge
Even with Stags and his forces invading Nuuma Castle, Queen Illuma commands the Spider Riders to flee. Hunter defies her orders, taking Corona and Magma with him to confront the Invectids and leaving Lumen and Igneous to protect the Queen and the Oracle Key. The Spider Riders split up, searching for Stags and battling forces throughout the palace. Magma confronts the Big Four Invectid Commander and finds that he's met his match. Can Hunter save Nuuma Castle from the even more powerful Stags? And what does Buguese have planned now that he and Aqune have penetrated the castle undetected?
12 The Confrontation
All seems lost when a fierce battle with Stags leaves Hunter buried under a pile of rubble. Quick thinking by Shadow protects his partner and the battle resumes but something doesn't seem right... Stags is keeping the Spider Riders from the real battle, a battle where Buguese and Aqune are taking the Nuumian Oracle Key from Igneous, Lumen and the Queen! Even Grasshop is unsure how to stop his former comrades. Upon discovering Stags' ruse, Hunter confronts the Soldier, accusing him of fighting without honour. Will Hunter and Shadow be able to defeat Stags in time to help their friends and protect the Oracle Key? And if so, will they be a match for Aqune's new power?
13 Protectors of Life
Hunter and Shadow face off against Buguese's newest weapon; Battle Beetle. When they destroy a piece of its armor, the Beetle regenerates, making itself virtually indestructible. It attacks Hunter and Shadow, lashing them to columns and blasting them repeatedly. The Spider Riders join forces to come to their friends' rescue but find themselves beaten down and at the mercy of the beast. Hunter quietly taunts Buguese, giving him and Shadow an opportunity to escape. With a little help from Grasshop, Hunter and Shadow destroy the Beetle only to discover Buguese's true plan; to provide Aqune with enough time to remove the Oracle Key from the orb! The Castle and all its inhabitants begin to fall from the sky. Will Hunter be able to to stop the fall? And in doing so, will he help Corona discover her true identity?
14 Oracle's Maiden
With Nuuma Castle safely on the ground again, Queen Illuma thanks the Spider Riders for their help and reveals an astounding secret; Aqune has visited Nuuma before, as a Handmaid in training. And at her side was another young Handmaid in training...her sister, Corona! On the journey home, Corona is confused about her destiny. Hunter tries to cheer her up, but he only makes her angry, as usual. When the ship is attacked by a flock of flying Invectids, Igneous is too heart-broken over his unrequited love for Queen Illuma to help out, so it is up to Hunter and Shadow to save the day. But the Invectids beat the partners down and it looks like all is lost. Without realizing it, Corona taps into the Oracle's power, allowing Hunter and Shadow to destroy the Invectids.
15 Returning
Slate and the exhausted Arachna guardsmen fight to defend Arachna against Invectid forces but only the timely arrival of the Spider Riders turns the tide. The Spider Riders settle in to normal life by catching up with old friends. Hunter and Corona visit Quinn to apologize for wrecking his ship. Magma shares tales of the hero Quake with his friend, the Theatre Troupe Leader and a lonely Igneous reconnects with his fan club. The calm is shattered when Mantid's plans for his two Oracle Keys is made clear. After supplying power to the formerly dark Invectid city, hundreds of new, more powerful Invectid Warriors are created using twisted Invectid science and the Oracle's power. Mantid sends a single warrior to attack Arachna and even Hunter's Blue Bolt attack barely stops the creature. How will the Spider Riders fight an entire army of such creatures?
16 Bad Omen
Mantid shows off his newly gained Oracle power by lighting the Invectid city for the first time in years. A rousing speech rallies his minions to renew their assaults on Arachna. Meanwhile, The Spider Riders are hard-pressed to deal with the increased Invectid attacks led by Mantid's new breed of warrior. Igneous uncovers an Invectid fortress armed with a powerful cannon that can destroy Arachna castle and the villages around it from afar and send Hunter and Corona on a search and destroy mission. They manage to destroy the cannon but find themselves surrounded. Beerain returns to Mantid to uncover the truth behind his plans and is attacked for her treachery. Mantid's wrests more power from the suffering Oracle and the Inner World's sun goes dark. Can humans and Invectids survive as their sun grows cold?
17 Fly No Longer
Beerain has become a fugitive since discovering Mantid's plans to destroy the Inner World. After evading her former allies, she is forced to fight Aqune, who defeats her easily. Only the intervention of the Oracle allows her to escape with her life. At Lan-Kirk fortress, Hunter tries to decide his next move against the Invectids but Corona is caught up in her own questions. Who is she? What is her place in the world? And can she continue to fight a war with no end? Hunter misconstrues her reticence for fear and traps Corona in the fortress when Buguese attacks, leaving him open to defeat. Even the arrival of the other Spider Riders fails to tip the balance of power. But Buguese retreats anyway, to plan a more final defeat for his enemies.
18 A Lack of Trust
Sparkle, Hotarla and Grasshop stumble upon the wounded Beerain. After bandaging her wounds, Beerain discovers that Buguese has been sent to Darklan. Unknown to the other Spider Riders, Hunter ponders how to end the war between humans and Invectids. He presents a proposal to Prince Lumen; the Spider Riders should negotiate peace. Despite a mixed response from the others, Lumen gives Hunter permission to pursue his plan. Buguese arrives, ready to fight but Hunter makes his offer, asking only what the Invectids want in return. Buguese is clear; hand over the Oracle Keys and all battles will end. But Lumen demands guarantees, causing Buguese to reconsider. Finally, Buguese and Hunter agree to battle to determine who will keep the Oracle Keys. The unexpected arrival of Beerain interrupts the match and she reveals to Buguese all she has learned of Mantid's evil plans. Rather than listen to reason, Buguese flees, vowing to remain loyal... for now.
19 Labrynth
Before leaving Arachna, Beerain informs the Spider Riders that the only way to reach Invectid Headquarters is through the dreaded Labryrinth. Hunter persuades the others to join him, leaving Arachna under the protection of Slate. Lumen wants Sparkle to stay behind but is stunned when Ebony insists she must accompany them. With a reluctant Grasshop as a guide, the Spider Riders enter the Labyrinth. But no one is ready for the attack of strange slug monsters who crawl up from the depths. Fearing that the elevated paths will not hold the extra weight, the Spider Riders try to jump over the slugs but soon it is clear that a more aggressive attack must be taken. Hunter and Shadow rise to the occasion, only to have the bridge crumble beneath their feet. Will Aqune's appearance save her fellow Spider Rider? Or will she deliver him to even greater danger?
20 Afraid of the Dark
Hunter and Shadow regain consciousness to find themselves in Matid's Citadel. The Invectid leader reveals the darkness which hangs over his kingdom and blames it on the Spirit Oracle. Though moved, Hunter confronts Mantid about keeping Aqune prisoner. In response, Mantid removes her mask, inviting Hunter to take her away... if she wishes. To Hunter's surprise, Aqune refuses to leave, reaffirming her choice to help the Invectid cause. Hunter makes a request; to be taken to Grasshop's home. There he meets with Grasshop's family and tells them he is safe and sound. Meanwhile, the rest of the Spider Riders resume their journey, only to be surrounded by the strange monsters from below. Will the Spider Riders defeat the monsters and reunite with Hunter? And can Hunter's judgment be trusted now that he is Mantid's guest in the Invectid Kingdom?
21 Dark Deceptions
Moved by the plight of the sunless Invectids, Hunter is ready to hand the Oracle Keys over to Mantid and end the war. The sudden appearance of the hero Quake changes everything when the old man reveals the truth Mantid's lust for power is the reason the Invectid world has been robbed of sunlight. And the Invectid ruler is willing to destroy all of Arachna to gain the rest of Oracle's power. Hunter and Quake escape Mantid's citadel but are pursued by Buguese's Buzzrays. When Hunter realizes he must make a stand but no longer has the heart to fight the Invectids, Quake sees he's finally learning to be a true hero and demonstrates his mighty Soul Shudder power; the ability to defeat your enemy by taking away their fighting spirit. Hunter reunites with his fellow Spider Riders at the mouth of the labyrinth, but is he the Hunter they remember?
22 Mantid's Trap
Overwhelmed by the desolation of the Invectid lands, the Spider Riders debate their next move. Quake reveals the reason for his silence for so many years. After his allies were all defeated by Mantid, he faced the dark lord alone, only to suffer his own defeat. Rather than cost others their lives through his rash actions he has waited for the prophesied time when all eight Spider Riders will gather in Mantid's presence and summon the Oracle herself. Hunter counts only seven Spider Riders including Sparkle when Quake reveals his latest surprise, he is the eighth Spider Rider! An attack by Buguese's giant Robo-Invectid, Dark Opal (Dark Oracle), forces the heroes to fight. But Buguese is himself betrayed by Aqune, who uses Dark Opal (Dark Oracle) to steal the power of the final two Oracle Keys for Mantid. Have the Spider Riders come so far only to have victory snatched from their hands?
23 Welcome Back
Buguese and the Spider Riders barely have time to realize Mantid betrayed them all before Mantid uses Oracle's stolen power to make himself a godlike being. Turning his back on the Invectid people, he teleports away to deal with the Spider Riders once and for all. When he commands them to kneel before him, only Grasshop agrees, hoping to trade his life for those of his friends. After toying with Grasshop, Mantid laughs at Buguese's pathetic attempt to use his own robo-invectid, Dark Opal against him, and easily cripples the machine. Buguese is saved by none other than Stags, who has also returned for the final confrontation with Mantid. Mantid gives a brainwashed Aqune a fraction of his power and leaves her to end the Spider Riders forever. Just as she is about deliver a killing blow on Hunter, Buguese stops her. Feeling guilty for manipulating her, Buguese removes her mask, freeing her forever. He uses the Oracle power still residing in the mask to re-awaken Dark Opal. But will Buguese's ultimate sacrifice be enough?
24 Ark of Destiny
Desperate to confront Mantid before the Oracle's sun goes dark for good, the Spider Riders journey to Mantid's Citadel led by Grasshop. Once inside, the team splits up; Lumen, Grasshop and Sparkle go to see Grasshop's family, Igneous and Magma hold off the palace guards, while Hunter, Quake, Corona and Aqune confront Mantid. But Mantid is unmoved by the possibility of destroying the Inner World. Like Hunter, he was brought here hundreds of years ago by the Oracle to fight as one of her warriors. But after his beloved died, he turned on the Oracle and has grown to hate her more with each passing year. Now that he has stolen Oracle's power, Mantid plans to sail back to the surface in a solar ship and let the Inner World die in his wake!
25 Faces of Fear
Using Oracle's stolen power, Mantid createss his glowing Ark of Destiny, enticing Hunter into another futile attack. Mantid repels him easily, revealing his motivation for destroying the Inner World. Like Hunter, he too was summoned from the Outer World to fight for Oracle. But in the battle he lost all that was dear to him and has now devoted his life to revenge. Facing yet another devastating attack from the Ark, Old Quake performs a transformation of his own, calling out his Spider, Dagger, and changing into his younger self; the Hero Quake. Together the Spider Riders destroy the Ark. But victory is snatched away in an instant when Mantid simply resurrects it before their eyes. With the Hero Quake's power depleted, will the Spider Riders be able to save the Inner World from Mantid and his Ark of Destiny?
26 Arachna Power
With the Spider Riders devastated, all eyes turn to Hunter as the last hope for the Inner World. But even Hunter and Shadow seem too weak to pose any threat to Mantid and his plans for revenge. Mantid delivers his final, fatal blow only to be blocked by a mysterious light emanating from the two Oracle Keys. With renewed energy, Hunter and Shadow attack, damaging the Ark. Enraged, Mantid moves to finish them off, only to be blocked this time by Buguese, Beerain and Stags. Buguese gives his two keys to Hunter and with the help of Hand Maids; Aqune and Corona, the Spirit Oracle draws back her power from Mantid. Seeing his opportunity to rid the Inner World of it's nemesis, Hunter grows enraged and attacks. But is Hunter risking becoming that which he hates the most? Or will he come to understand what it means to protect all living things?


Watch as everyday eleven-year-old Hunter Steele, finds himself displaced from the comforts of home and thrown into an epic battle being waged in the Inner World of Arachna. Hunter is welcomed by the elite warrior team, The spider Riders, and together with his new friends and ten-foot tall Battle spider, he must learn to lead the charge to defeat the evil Invectid in jousting battles, save The Oracle, and ultimately, attempt to find his way back home. While on a hiking trip with friends, 11yr-old Hunter Steele is sucked into the fantastic subterranean world of Arachna. It is a land of eternal day where the sun is the earth's molten core and waterfalls flow towards the sky. A world where evolution has taken a different twist. Where the insects have become the dominant species not only in number, but also in size. There Hunter discovers a lost civilization, the Turandot, struggling to survive in this hostile "Inner World." They are locked in battle with the Invectids, giant humanoid insects determined to eradicate all human life. The Turandot are defended by a group of elite warriors who ride 10ft. tall battle spiders...the spider RIDERS! In the city of Arachna, high upon the Arachna Plateau, Prince Lumen's royal army defends the center of Turandot culture. It is said the power of one spider Rider is worth that of one thousand Arachna foot soldiers. Hunter is determined to help the Turandot with their cause and commits to join their ranks. As part of his induction into the "spider Riders", Hunter must team with a colossal arachnid of his own. He must learn to communicate telepathically with it. Gain its respect. Earn its loyalty. It is a daunting task for someone not of this world. A feat complicated by the fact that Hunter really hates spiders...


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