Spider Riders

2005 • The WB
92 iritzi
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"1. denboraldia" saioaren atalak (26)

1 The Inner World
Adventurous teen Hunter Steele follows his grandfather's directions in search of a doorway to the Inner World. Deep inside an ancient pyramid, Hunter acquires a unique manacle and falls into a new and frightening land deep within the earth. Hunter is almost killed by a giant, talking spider named Shadow until the unlikely pair are forced to team-up as Spider and Rider to combat the Invectid forces of the evil Mantid. But will their uneasy alliance survive the battle?
2 Never Give Up
Hunter gets his first lesson in being a Spider Rider from Corona as they travel deeper into the heart of Arachna. But soon Hunter insults Shadow and it looks like their partnership may be over before it starts. When the evil Grasshop threatens to destroy an Arachna village, Hunter rushes to face the challenge alone, despite his inability to summon his powers. Will Shadow unite with Hunter again or will he let the newest Spider Rider pay for his mistake with his life?
3 First Impressions
Hunter Steele finally arrives at Arachna Castle and quickly makes a bad impression on his fellow Spider Riders; especially the disdainful Igneous. Forced to prove themselves, Shadow and Hunter enter the arena to show Igneous what they're made of. But the veteran Spider Rider and his Battle Spider, Flame, prove to be an unstoppable force. If Shadow and Hunter can't find a way to work together, they may never discover their true power.
4 Smells Like Team Spider
Hunter is quick to volunteer when the Village of Fragrant Blooms calls on the Spider Riders for help against an Invectid assault. Corona and Igneous are overwhelmed by the beauty of the flowers the town is famous for but Hunter is too keyed up to notice. The trio find the village abandoned save for one little girl, Rain. Seeking the villagers, they follow her directions to a cave in which the Blossoms of Darkness grow. The Blossoms turn Corona and Igneous into enemies until Hunter and Shadow destroy the flowers. But it's not until Hunter literally stops to smell the roses that he is able to help his friends and the village overcome an attack by Beerain's drones. There truly is strength in beauty.
5 Memories of Champions
Corona takes Hunter to the Hill of Champions; the place where spiders and humans first fought together against the Invectid invaders. They meet Galena, a woman whose Spider Rider husband disappeared many years ago. She cares for the monument while awaiting his return. When Buguese arrives to claim the hill, Galena shocks the Spider Riders by giving it up without a fight. Despite Galena, Hunter and Corona defeat Buguese only to find themselves thrown back by his human ally, Aqune! Through Galena's courageous example, the Spider Riders learn the things that are truly worth protecting lie not in stone monuments, but rather within our hearts and spirits.
6 Spider Rider's Ball
Every child in the city is playing with a sparkling sphere but Princess Sparkle. After Hunter discovers where the children found the spheres and gets one for her, Sparkle is afraid to tell him that it turned black when she tried to paint it. But when Grasshop invades the city by controlling the children with his spheres, Sparkle's mistake saves her from its hypnotic effects. The spheres form a giant robot that uses the children as a shield and warps light, rendering it invisible as it pummels Hunter and Shadow. It's only when Sparkle and Hunter realize her black sphere remains visible even when the rest of the robot is not that they are able to turn the tables. And so Sparkle, the youngest Spider Rider, achieves her first victory over the Invectids with the help of Hunter, the newest Spider Rider!
7 Princely Power
Prince Lumen's lackadaisical attitude and distaste for practice leave Hunter questioning his ability to lead the Spider Riders. Igneous insists the Prince is a powerful fighter although he can't offer any concrete proof. When Invectids attack a nearby village, Lumen refuses to fight, preferring to negotiate with the enemy and offering them a village of their own. Hunter's worst fears come true when the Invectids break the truce and attack again but it is Lumen himself who meets their assault. Finally revealing his powerful Spider, Ebony, Lumen single-handedly defeats the invading army and leaves the remaining stragglers for his fellow Spider Riders. Did Lumen act only because he was forced to, or has he been hiding his true strength even from his own allies?
8 The Wandering Warrior
While on patrol, Hunter and Shadow fall into the Forest of Bewilderment, from which, legend has it, no one has ever escaped. While trying to find their way out, they meet up with a strange traveler named Magma who invites them to use his place as home base. But Magma seems to lack the will to leave. Or does he have other plans? Hunter and Shadow follow him late at night and discover that their quiet friend is actually a fellow Spider Rider in search of a strange, purple spider named Portia. Will Hunter and Shadow find their way out of the Forest of Bewilderment or will they fall prey to the Invectid menace of Billbug?
9 Hunter's Holiday
After weeks of non-stop battle and training, Corona and Igneous arrange for Hunter to have a day off but they can't understand why he wants to spend it sleeping. After being woken up by nearly everyone in the castle, Hunter searches for a private place to steal a nap while Corona and the spiders train together. Only Prince Lumen understands Hunter's desire to sleep but he needs Hunter's help to impress some pretty girls. Shadow enjoys training with Flame and finally has a chance to train with Venus when Hunter's favour for Lumen turns into trouble. Hunter would rather face an army of Invectids than three girls practicing their martial arts!
10 The Mask of Aqune
Hunter and his fellow Spider Riders investigate sinkholes at a remote village and uncover a giant, Invectid centipede named Celpido who is bent on destruction. Buguese and his mysterious human ally, Aqune arrive at the village, proving there is more going on than they know. Hoping to understand her better, Hunter challenges Aqune to single-combat but both end up falling from a cliff and disappearing into the forest. Aqune saves Hunter's life and nurses him back to health, revealing the humanity beneath the mask Buguese forces her to wear. Reunited, the Spider Riders defeat Celpido but may have lost the war when Aqune leads Buguese at last the doorway he seeks.
11 Deadly Distraction
When Buguese finds the doorway to the Spirit Oracle's shrine, all that is left is to breech the energy shield. Mantid enlists Grasshop to distract the Spider Riders and buy Buguese and Aqune sufficient time to get the job done. After hearing that Grasshop and his forces are threatening to destroy a village, the Spider Riders arrive to find themselves challenged to a duel. Our heroes accept the challenge only to be mystified by the Invectids' seeming unwillingness to take the offensive or engage on any level. Suddenly, Hunter finds himself and Shadow pinned and for a moment, all seems lost until Magma appears, helping to defeat Grasshop's giant robot. With his army in defeat, Grasshop spills the beans. Not only is Buguese at the Oracle's door, he is searching for her four keys, from which all her energy is derived. Are the Spider Riders too late or will they be able to foil Mantid's fiendish plans?
12 Keys to Destruction
Following up on Grasshop's tip, Hunter and the Spider Riders journey to the location of Spirit Oracle's shrine. But when they arrive, they are greeted by Beerain and her Buzz Rays. Igneous and Lumen send the others to find the passage to the shrine and remain to fight the villainess. But once the Buzz Rays are beaten, they are faced with an even bigger opponent; Beerain's giant bee! Meanwhile, Hunter, Corona and Magma face Buguese and demand the key. Buguese unleashes his greatest weapon; the mysterious girl named Aqune who Hunter fought and then was saved by earlier. The Spider Riders are shocked to find that not only is she one of their own but that her spider is none other than Brutus' sister, Portia. Will the Spider Riders be able to beat Buguese and regain the key with hurting either Aqune or Portia? Or will Mantid win one more powerful tool in his battle to rule the Inner World?
13 A New Power
Now that Buguese has two of the Oracle keys, the Spider Riders find themselves too weak to defeat his powerful Battle Beetle. Their only hope is for Magma, Igneous and Lumen to hold off the Battle Beetle while a weakened Hunter and Corona pursue Buguese and Aqune. Can Hunter fulfill his promise to save Portia and Aqune and recover the keys? Or will the triumphant Buguese realize his ambition to bring down the mighty Spider Riders once and for all? Just when defeat seems imminent, Hunter and Shadow commune directly with the Oracle through one of the keys, transforming into pure embodiments of her power. But if Hunter uses his new-found power to save Aqune and Portia, he could doom his friends to destruction at the hands of Battle Beetle!
14 Stag's Challenge
Buguese has lost the first Oracle key but Mantid is unconcerned. They will find the other keys and then come for Hunter's. Stag, the most powerful of Mantid's Big Four Generals, wishes to test himself against Hunter's "Electra-Twist" power. Hunter brags about his new-found power until Stag bursts through the castle and single-handedly overcomes Lumen's elite guards. Stag issues his challenge. If Hunter Steele does not face him in a duel, he will destroy Arachna Castle. Hunter is eager to accept though no one has ever beaten Stag. An over-confident Hunter calls on the power of the Oracle key but nothing happens. If Hunter can't overcome his arrogance, Stag's victory will signal the final defeat of the Spider Riders!
15 Ghost Spider
Hunter agrees to help Corona practice dancing for Arachna's annual dance party. But when he sees a silhouette of a huge spider haunting the castle halls, Corona becomes quite upset. She tells him the legend of a beautiful princess who was put under a spell by an evil witch. It is believed that anyone who sees her ghost will have misfortune follow them until they see the ghost again. Hunter scoffs but sure enough his luck seems to turn for the worse, and it's starting to affect the other Spider Riders! Will Hunter and Corona find the elusive ghost before disaster befalls them all?
16 Corona's Homecoming
Corona and Hunter visit her home town in search of the Oracle Keys. But Corona's friends and relatives are more interested in making a couple of the two eligible Spider Riders. Despite Corona and Hunter's best efforts, nothing can convince the villagers that they're just good friends. While talking with her sisters, Hunter learns some surprising facts and a new mystery behind Corona's childhood and her decision to become a Spider Rider. Inspired by her childhood vow, Hunter visits the town monument and makes a vow of his own. But the resolve of the Spider Riders is put to the test immediately when Beerain and her Buzz Rays show up. Can Hunter and Corona defend the town that took her in? Or are they doomed to go down in defeat and watch as her home is destroyed?
17 Return of a Friend
Igneous is reunited with Slate, his oldest friend from the Arachna Knights. The pair were such a formidable team the people called them "Arachna's Claw and Fang". The comrades pick up right where they left off, laughing and fighting Invectids like a well-oiled machine but Igneous is troubled by Slate's appearance. He reveals to Hunter his best friend has challenged him to a duel to the death! Can Hunter and Shadow uncover an Invectid plot to separate Arachna's Claw and Fang for good? Or will Igneous and Slate see their duel to its deadly end?
18 Unmasked
While out on patrol, Hunter and Magma happen upon an ancient school. There they discover Aqune, who arrived on the school's doorsteps not knowing who she was or where she came from. Magma quickly notices that not only is she not wearing her mask, her manacle is missing too! Fearful for Portia, Magma persuades Hunter that they should stay and spy on Aqune. Turning to the Teacher for assistance, the Spider Riders discover that an Oracle key is located in the sanctuary. But Aqune has been spying as well and beats them to the key, only to discover that it is merely an illusion. Angry with the deception, Buguese unleashes Aqune and Portia's full power upon the Spider Riders. Will Brutus and Portia's reunion be a lasting one or will the Spider Riders be destroyed by the ones they are trying to protect?
19 Lumen's Love
Lumen's childhood friend, Lady Noia, pays a visit to Arachna Castle and the Prince falls head over heels in love - much to the dismay of his fellow Spider Riders. But Lumen has no idea his new flame and her butler are really Beerain and Grasshop in disguise! They have infiltrated the castle to find the Oracle key but their plans are frustrated by Lumen's 24-7 attentions. Lumen saves "Noia" from a booby-trap and she begins to warm to the brave Prince despite her mission. When Lumen challenges Hunter to a duel and lets his lady Noia hold the Oracle key, Beerain's true colours are revealed. But the Prince is too deep in love to deny Beerain anything anymore, even the Oracle key. Can Hunter and the Spider Riders stop Lumen from betraying his own people for the sake of true romance?
20 Hero Act
When the actors of a theatrical troupe putting on a play about the renowned hero Quake quit, the Spider Riders decide to get in on the act and help out. Much to Igneous' chagrin, Hunter is chosen to play Quake because he is the only one who fits the costume. With a packed audience, the play proceeds, getting laughs where none were intended. But with the appearance of the real Grasshop and his army of Invectid soldiers, the drama heats up. Can the Spider Riders beat their enemies and put on the show of a lifetime or will the legend of Hero Quake become a legendary flop?
21 Because I'm a Warrior
The Spider Riders are so worn out from the constant skirmishes with the Invectids, Corona begins to long for a "normal" life. But that will always be denied her with the Invectids around. Or will it? Lily uses her magic to show Corona how her life could have been. But with Hunter and Aqune as battle partners and Grasshop for a gentleman caller, Corona's dream soon becomes a nightmare. Corona comes to terms with her duty as a Spider Rider just in time to save her friends from Grasshop's latest trap and realizes she wouldn't want to live her life any other way.
22 Wages of War
When Magma decides to go on patrol to see if he can get any new information on Portia, Hunter immediately invites himself along for the trip. But once the pair arrives in Cross Town, their task proves harder than they thought. Hunter meets a young Invectid named Katy and is surprised to learn not all Invectids love to fight. The next morning, the Spider Riders wake up to an attack by Grasshop and Aqune. Demanding the return of Katy, Grasshop unleashes a deadly Battle Bug which captures Katy and grows in strength the more Katy pleads for it to stop fighting. Things get worse when Grasshop discovers the hard way that he forgot to activate the device that enables the Battle Bug to differentiate between friend and foe. It's up to Aqune to team up with Hunter to beat the bug and save the town.
23 Dark World
After failing once again in a desperate attempt to retrieve the Oracle key from the Spider Riders, Grasshop finds himself demoted and losing face in the eyes of his family and fellow Invectids. While he plots to regain his prominence, his fellow big four have other concerns. One hundred years of stripping all life from their land has left them helpless before an all-consuming darkness and the only thing holding it at bay is the power of Aqune's Oracle key. But Arachna, with its sunlight and teeming life, is the answer. All they have to do is steal the Oracle's power, decimate the humans and invade Arachna once and for all!
24 Key to the City
Stags' army lays waste to the Kingdom of Nuuma in search of the Oracle Key, only to find their courageous Queen has entrusted it to her Page in hopes he can deliver it to the Spider Riders. Mantid dispatches a determined Grasshop to capture the Page but during a chase the Page drops the key ... right onto Lumen's head! Will the Spider Riders discover the significance of the mysterious, locked box in time? Or will they lose it to Grasshop as they rescue the Nuuman Page?
25 Action in Arachna
After finding out the Invectids have invaded Nuuma, Hunter is determined to come to the country's rescue. But he is surprised to find out that the other Spider Riders don't necessarily feel the same way. Even the revelation of a third key in Nuuma doesn't motivate his friends. There is no time for debate when Grasshop arrives to take the two Oracle keys with his new ally, the gigantic Goldenbore. The Spider Riders must work together against their unstoppable foe to give Hunter the opening he needs to take the giant cockroach down. But Buguese arrives with Aqune to snatch victory from defeat for Mantid and Hunter's Oracle key could be lost forever!
26 Big Bug
When Hunter loses his Oracle key to Aqune, it seems like the Spider Riders are finally beaten. Beerain attacks the castle and captures the Oracle key of Nuuma, only to have it stolen from her by Grasshop. It looks like he might even get away with it until Sparkle transforms herself and Hotarla into a formidable new Spider Rider team. The pint-sized avenger humiliates Grasshop and regains the key only to have it magically lift from her hands in answer to Hunter's desperate need. With renewed strength Hunter frees Aqune from her hypnotic spell long enough for her to return his own key. Backed by the awesome power of two Oracle keys, Hunter defeats the Invectid forces. But will his new power be enough to save far-off Nuuma?

Saio honi buruz

Watch as everyday eleven-year-old Hunter Steele, finds himself displaced from the comforts of home and thrown into an epic battle being waged in the Inner World of Arachna. Hunter is welcomed by the elite warrior team, The spider Riders, and together with his new friends and ten-foot tall Battle spider, he must learn to lead the charge to defeat the evil Invectid in jousting battles, save The Oracle, and ultimately, attempt to find his way back home. While on a hiking trip with friends, 11yr-old Hunter Steele is sucked into the fantastic subterranean world of Arachna. It is a land of eternal day where the sun is the earth's molten core and waterfalls flow towards the sky. A world where evolution has taken a different twist. Where the insects have become the dominant species not only in number, but also in size. There Hunter discovers a lost civilization, the Turandot, struggling to survive in this hostile "Inner World." They are locked in battle with the Invectids, giant humanoid insects determined to eradicate all human life. The Turandot are defended by a group of elite warriors who ride 10ft. tall battle spiders...the spider RIDERS! In the city of Arachna, high upon the Arachna Plateau, Prince Lumen's royal army defends the center of Turandot culture. It is said the power of one spider Rider is worth that of one thousand Arachna foot soldiers. Hunter is determined to help the Turandot with their cause and commits to join their ranks. As part of his induction into the "spider Riders", Hunter must team with a colossal arachnid of his own. He must learn to communicate telepathically with it. Gain its respect. Earn its loyalty. It is a daunting task for someone not of this world. A feat complicated by the fact that Hunter really hates spiders...

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