Star Trek: Enterprise

2001 • The CW
328 reviews
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The Complete Series episodes (98)

1 Season 1, Episode 1
Jonathan Archer quickly assembles a crew and launches ahead of schedule to return a wounded Klingon to his people using Earth's first Warp 5 starship, the Enterprise NX-01. But humanity's first truly deep-space mission turns sour when Archer is forced to take aboard a Vulcan first officer and the Klingon is later abducted by mysterious aliens. (First of two parts)
2 Season 1, Episode 2
Against the advice of his dour Vulcan liaisons, Archer and his crew set out to recover the kidnapped Klingon themselves, and become ensnarled in the Temporal Cold War and the genetically altered Suliban under Silik who fight for one faction involved.
3 Season 1, Episode 3
Discovering a derelict ship, Archer's crew finds the incapacitated aliens aboard being drained of a vital body fluid. The attackers return and fire on Enterprise, but the victims' rescuing brethren mistake the humans for enemies as well unless Hoshi can perform a translation miracle and even the odds in the standoff.
4 Season 1, Episode 4
Landing on an unspoiled world, Archer allows an away team to make the ship's first on-site planetary survey and then spend the night there. Storms force the team into a cave for shelter, where a pollen unwittingly causes a deep and nearly fatal paranoia among Tucker and T'Pol that Archer is nearly powerless to overcome.
5 Season 1, Episode 5
When a cloaked and damaged Xyrillian ship is discovered draining warp plasma from the Enterprise, Tucker is sent to help and winds up flirting with one of the alien women, getting a look at a complex holographic environment. But reality returns later when he finds the non-sexual encounter left him pregnant!
6 Season 1, Episode 6
Now distant enough from Earth to probe the fate of a lost troubled colony from 75 years earlier, the Enterprise orbits Terra Nova but finds only a colony of cave dwellers, who ambush the landing party. Unusual radiation readings provide one clue, but then the captives discover an even bigger surprise.
7 Season 1, Episode 7
An innocent visit to the Vulcan monastery on P'Jem leaves the NX-01 crew in the middle of a fight between their hosts and the blue-skinned Andorians, who insist the site is a front for a high-tech listening base. Archer's honesty and honor forges a new and long-running bond with Shran, the Andorian commander, as the antennaed species makes its first major appearance since the original Star Trek series.
8 Season 1, Episode 8
Reed and Mayweather are sent to mine a rare mineral from a large comet, while the Enterprise maintains frosty contact with a Vulcan captain maintaining his planet's patronizing attitude toward humans. Then the comet crew are endangered, and Archer must swallow his pride to ask for help.
9 Season 1, Episode 9
Encountering a new civilization on Akaali, Archer discovers that another space-faring culture has already made contact. But when an Akaali women blames the visiting Malurians for a widespread sickness, Archer and his staff don Akaali disguises to probe the Malurians covertly.
10 Season 1, Episode 10
Responding to a distress signal from an Earth freighter which has been attacked by Nausicaan pirates, Archer finds the freighter's crew is torturing a Nausicaan prisoner for information. With his superior incapacitated, the freighter's young acting captain is unrepentant despite the Starfleet crew's demands.
11 Season 1, Episode 11
Among a religious group visiting the Enterprise, one pilgrim turns out to be the disguised Suliban leader Silik -- but his act of "sabotage" actually saves the starship from later destruction in a plasma storm. The onetime adversary's puzzling aid brings on another revelation: the first recurring appearance of Daniels, a temporal agent from the 31st century who, though posing as one of Archer's crewmen, needs his help while tracking Silik and other Temporal Cold War factions.
12 Season 1, Episode 12
While the Enterprise fends off attacks from an alien vessel that refuses to communicate, Hoshi tries to discover Malcolm Reed's favorite food in time for his birthday. She comes away learning more about the lieutenant than the crew ever finds out about its mystery encounter.
13 Season 1, Episode 13
When the Valakians ask for help with a planet-wide plague, Phlox realizes that the problem is genetic: the species is doomed in 200 years unless the immunity of the Menk, a simbiotic people that peacefully share the planet, yields a clue. But Phlox's cure brings up the ethics of interfering in natural selection: the Valakians' extinction would allow the Menk to fulfill signs of further blossoming. A soul-searching Archer agrees with him: the Valakian species is prolonged but not cured, in order to avoid "taking sides."
14 Season 1, Episode 14
Detecting a disabled Klingon ship in the atmosphere of a gas giant, Archer sends an away team to assist and revive its crew as a goodwill gesture. But finding human help dishonorable, the Klingons' lack of cooperation instead leaves the team trapped on the doomed ship.
15 Season 1, Episode 15
Blaming Archer for the Andorians' destruction of their P'Jem monastery after it was unmasked as a front for spying, the Vulcans insist on recalling T'Pol for reassignment. But the two planets' dispute embroils Archer and T'Pol on an away mission on Coridan, where they are rescued by unlikely allies and expose the factions at play.
16 Season 1, Episode 16
After conducting targeting tests well away from the Enterprise, Tucker and Reed believe themselves marooned when they return but find evidence the NX-01 has been destroyed. Even worse, they lose containment and have no way to reach safety before running out of air -- so death's approach provides a bonding experience like no other.
17 Season 1, Episode 17
The Enterprise encounters a vessel manned by Vulcans who explore their emotions and use the mind-meld, practices frowned upon by mainstream Vulcan society. Although reluctant to associate with them, T'Pol finds herself intrigued by their experiences, and she becomes changed forever.
18 Season 1, Episode 18
On a dark planet which has broken free from stellar orbit, Archer's away team encounters an Eskan hunting party tracking a wraith. Approached by a beautiful woman apart from them, the captain learns that the "wraith" is a native shape-shifter who desperately needs his help.
19 Season 1, Episode 19
The Enterprise crew is knocked out and robbed by four pirates from a short, big-lobed species they have never met before. Once awake, Archer realizes that the way to regain control is to play to the pirates' greed, but he never does learn of their background -- so real first contact with the Ferengi has to wait another hundred years!
20 Season 1, Episode 20
Intrigued by stories of a "haunted ship" that crashed years before, the Enterprise crew finds the site and soon sees figures who do not register on sensors. When a desiccated corpse is discovered, the strange tale that unfolds is not what they expected.
21 Season 1, Episode 21
Having trespassed in the Tandaran military zone, Archer and Mayweather are held in a prison amid civilian Suliban who are routinely held even though they are not the genetically altered troops led by Silik in the Temporal Cold War. Disgusted that the innocent detainees include children, Archer organizes a jail break.
22 Season 1, Episode 22
After a disastrous diplomatic meeting, the Enterprise is invaded by a strange web-like creature that takes up a corner of a cargo bay, ensnaring Archer and several of the crew. Aided by Reed's pioneering use of a force field, Hoshi must find a way to communicate with it or else risk a rescue that could kill their fellow officers.
23 Season 1, Episode 23
Archer receives orders to transport the Vulcan Ambassador V'Lar from the planet Mazar, where she is being deported over criminal charges. T'Pol cannot believe such disloyalty is possible from her onetime role model, found to be an unusually open Vulcan, but the elder's mum response to the charges only leaves T'Pol cold and Archer curious.
24 Season 1, Episode 24
Having repaired a crippled ship, Archer and Tucker are invited by its captain to dinner on his desert planet. When the host's camp is attacked, the two officers learn he is a terrorist seeking their aid for his side -- if they survive their flight into the desert to escape.
25 Season 1, Episode 25
Finally arriving at resort world Risa for a long-due break, the crew draws lots for taking shore leave. Hoshi, Tucker, Reed, Archer and even Porthos find companions for the short stay, but each sees their leave time turn out in totally unexpected directions -- while Phlox gets in some Denobulan hibernation time aboard ship.
26 Season 1, Episode 26
When Reed's shuttlepod apparently causes an atmospheric explosion that kills an entire Paraagan colony, the Enterprise is recalled to Earth to end its mission in disgrace. Temporal agent Daniels visits Archer to help him retrieve the truth, but during a Suliban encounter the two men wind up in a wrecked future Earth of an altered universe, shockingly cut off from time travel and any means to repair the damage. (First of two parts)
27 Season 2, Episode 1
Daniels and Archer must find a way back to the 22nd Century in order to make sure history plays out as it should.
28 Season 2, Episode 2
After Archer and Trip become curious about a visit T'Pol made to a Pennsylvanian mining town called Carbon Creek, she tells the two a tale about a Vulcan ship that crash-landed in 1957.
29 Season 2, Episode 3
Whilst attempting to explore a new planet, Enterprise triggers a cloaked mine. While the crew deal with the resulting damage, it's discovered that another mine is stuck to the hull.
30 Season 2, Episode 4
Suffering from damage inflicted in the Romulan minefield and unable to complete repairs on their own, Archer orders a distress call to be put out. A response leads Enterprise to a repair station, which surprisingly has no crew aboard it and is run by computer.
31 Season 2, Episode 5
Archer spends a night in sickbay after Porthos falls ill with a deadly virus following a visit to an alien planet.
32 Season 2, Episode 6
In need of fuel, Enterprise visits a mining colony for deuterium supplies. The crew discovers that the colony is being controlled by Klingon marauders who are regularly pillaging the mined deuterium.
33 Season 2, Episode 7
After T'Pol is contacted by the Vulcan High Command, Archer, Mayweather and T'Pol travel to an arctic world to apprehend a fugitive. The mission takes a dangerous turn when T'Pol begins to have flashbacks that suggest the events she remembers about a former mission may not accurately relate to what happened.
34 Season 2, Episode 8
Archer and Reed return to a pre-warp society that is on the verge of war to recover a lost communicator.
35 Season 2, Episode 9
While Enterprise is surveying a black hole in a trinary star system, the stellar phenomenon causes strange effects on the crew.
36 Season 2, Episode 10
Hoshi experiences her first transporter experience and strange after-effects lead her to believe she wasn't reassembled correctly.
37 Season 2, Episode 11
Trip boards an alien cargo vessel to help repair a stasis pod, which holds a beautiful woman in suspended animation. When the woman accidentally wakes up, she reveals she's not a passenger, but a prisoner.
38 Season 2, Episode 12
When a lethal neutronic storm approaches faster than Enterprise can escape, the crew take shelter in the maintenance shafts inside the warp nacelles. They also provide refuge to a group of aliens, who aren't exactly honest about themselves.
39 Season 2, Episode 13
During a solo test mission on Shuttlepod 1, Trip is attacked by a territorial alien and forced to land on the night side of a moon. As he tries to contact Enterprise, he discovers his alien foe has made an emergency landing nearby.
40 Season 2, Episode 14
Enterprise visits a planet where an Interspecies Medical Exchange conference is being held. Dr. Phlox tries to obtain research on a terminal disease from the Vulcan contingency, without revealing T'Pol has been infected by it.
41 Season 2, Episode 15
Both the Vulcans and the Andorians make a claim to a small planet and military conflict soon erupts. As the fighting goes on, the Vulcans announce they are willing to discuss cease fire terms.
42 Season 2, Episode 16
The Enterprise crew find a small craft drifting in space and are surprised to find it contains a human corpse. More questions arise when both the Suliban and Tholians make claims to the craft.
43 Season 2, Episode 17
Archer and Tucker are wrongly arrested and placed on a prisoner transport heading for a penal colony named Canamar.
44 Season 2, Episode 18
Non-corporeal aliens possess the bodies of the Enterprise crew.
45 Season 2, Episode 19
Archer is put on trial for crimes against the Klingon Empire.
46 Season 2, Episode 20
Travis's visit home to the ECS Horizon becomes rather turbulent, as he clashes with his brother, the ship's new captain, and as the ship is attacked by pirates.
47 Season 2, Episode 21
When militants take over a world, the Enterprise crew move to evacuate Denobulan geologists that are deep underground.
48 Season 2, Episode 22
The Enterprise crew makes first contact with the Vissians, a species with three genders. When Trip meets one of the species' third gender, known as Cogenitor, he is disturbed to learn that all cogenitors are treated extremely poorly.
49 Season 2, Episode 23
The remnants of an alien ship and two frozen cybernetic bodies are uncovered in the Arctic by a research team. These aliens soon thaw out and flee Earth, taking the research team with them.
50 Season 2, Episode 24
Archer tells T'Pol the story of when he and a rival named A.G. Robinson were in competition for breaking the warp 2 barrier.
51 Season 2, Episode 25
Archer learns the Klingons have put a price on his head when he is captured by a Tellarite bounty hunter. As Enterprise pursues, a virus causes T'Pol to go into premature Pon Farr.
52 Season 2, Episode 26
An alien race known as the Xindi launch an attack on Earth, causing great casualties and massive damage.
53 Season 3, Episode 1
It has been six weeks since Enterprise's new mission began and the crew have made virtually no progress. Now finally, they may have a lead as Enterprise is en route to a mining colony that is supposed to have a Xindi worker.
54 Season 3, Episode 2
Strange things are occurring on Enterprise, leading most of the ship's systems to become disabled. Before the crew can make repairs, a group of Osaarians board and loot the ship.
55 Season 3, Episode 3
Enterprise journeys to a planet a Xindi ship visited. Once on the planet, though, Archer, Reed and Hoshi become infected with a strange mutating virus.
56 Season 3, Episode 4
Archer rescues a mysterious slave girl from an alien market. However, she soon begins using her strange powers to collect information about humans for her Xindi overlords.
57 Season 3, Episode 5
An automated distress call from a Vulcan starship is detected. Archer, T'Pol, Reed and Hawkins attempt a rescue mission, but they become trapped onboard the vessel and have to fend off the Vulcan crew, who have turned violent.
58 Season 3, Episode 6
Hoshi is contacted by Tarquin, an alien with telepathic powers who gives an interesting proposition: he will use his powers to obtain information about the Xindi and their weapon for the crew.
59 Season 3, Episode 7
After Enterprise arrives at a Xindi colony, Archer, Reed and Major Hayes infiltrate a facility that is producing a substance crucial to the Xindi weapon.
60 Season 3, Episode 8
Twelve years into the future, T'Pol reveals that she and Archer are living in a colony of the last surviving humans.
61 Season 3, Episode 9
Enterprise discovers a planet in the Expanse whose society is identical to the "wild west", and is surprisingly inhabited by humans, who are oppressing another species.
62 Season 3, Episode 10
Trip is injured during an attempt to improve the warp engines. Archer allows Phlox to create a symbiote of Trip, which will only live for fifteen days and provide neural tissue needed for a vital transplant.
63 Season 3, Episode 11
Daniels sends Archer and T'Pol to 2004 Detroit to follow three Xindi-Reptilians who are creating a biological weapon.
64 Season 3, Episode 12
Enterprise comes to the aid of the Triannon, a species that worships the Spheres and their Builders. Once aboard Enterprise, their leader D'Jamat commandeers the ship in order to fight a holy war, and wipe out the heretics on his homeworld.
65 Season 3, Episode 13
Enterprise detects a signal leading to a testing ground for the Xindi weapon prototype, but they have to move through a field of anomalies in order to get there faster.
66 Season 3, Episode 14
After capturing Degra, the creator of the Xindi weapon, Archer and the Enterprise crew conduct a carefully orchestrated deception in order to convince him to reveal the location of the weapon.
67 Season 3, Episode 15
Enterprise crew discover a mysterious alien adrift in a small pod within a field of anomalies. Meanwhile, emotions run high as Reed feels threatened by Major Hayes, and T'Pol learns that Trip has been giving neuro-pressure to a female MACO.
68 Season 3, Episode 16
When a transdimensional disturbance is altering the space between Enterprise and Azati Prime, Phlox must put the entire crew into a comatose state, and run the ship alone, in order to cross the region safely.
69 Season 3, Episode 17
Archer becomes obsessed with saving a Xindi-Insectoid hatchery discovered aboard a crashed ship. When his actions seem to put Enterprise at risk, the crew consider taking drastic action.
70 Season 3, Episode 18
After getting to Azati Prime, the crew discover the almost complete Xindi weapon is on an ocean planet.
71 Season 3, Episode 19
A badly damaged Enterprise responds to a distress call from an Illyrian ship that's been damaged by anomalies.
72 Season 3, Episode 20
Enterprise, still trying to recover from the damage from the attack by the Reptilians, docks with Degra's ship.
73 Season 3, Episode 21
As Enterprise prepares to enter the subspace corridor that will get them to their rendezvous with Degra, they encounter a duplicate Enterprise manned by the original crew's descendants.
74 Season 3, Episode 22
While T'Pol leads a mission to retrieve the memory core from a Sphere, Archer appears before the Xindi Council to attempt to convince them that humanity is not their enemy.
75 Season 3, Episode 23
With time running out and the Reptilians about to arm the weapon, Archer has to convince the Aquatics to help the Humanoids, Arboreals and Enterprise intercept it.
76 Season 3, Episode 24
Archer leads a team to stop the Xindi weapon before it reaches Earth. Meanwhile, Enterprise attempts to destroy a key Sphere, despite deadly interference from the Sphere Builders.
77 Season 4, Episode 1
Archer and the crew of Enterprise find themselves in 1944 and discover the outcome of World War II was altered by the Temporal Cold War.
78 Season 4, Episode 2
With Silik's help, Archer searches for the temporal operative who altered Earth's past and threatens to destroy all of time.
79 Season 4, Episode 3
Enterprise returns to Earth to a hero's welcome, Archer is haunted by his experiences and actions in the Expanse.
80 Season 4, Episode 4
Criminal Arik Soong is brought aboard Enterprise to assist in finding some genetically enhanced humans he created after stealing altered DNA left over from the Eugenics Wars.
81 Season 4, Episode 5
Soong returns to Cold Station 12 with the Augments, a medical facility where he once worked, where there are hundreds of genetically engineered human embryos stored.
82 Season 4, Episode 6
After turning on their creator, the Augments attempt to start a war between Humans and Klingons.
83 Season 4, Episode 7
Earth's embassy on Vulcan is bombed and the evidence points to a religious faction known as "Syrrannites," a group following a revolutionary interpretation of the teachings of Surak, the father of Vulcan logic.
84 Season 4, Episode 8
Archer and T'Pol locate the Syrrannites. However, unbeknownst to Archer and T'Pol, more is going on than just a simple act of terrorism.
85 Season 4, Episode 9
Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau attempt to take a sacred, but controversial artefact back to the Vulcan High Council, in hopes of settling an internal struggle going on among the Vulcan people.
86 Season 4, Episode 10
The inventor of the transporter, Emory Erickson, comes aboard Enterprise for a risky experiment.
87 Season 4, Episode 11
Non-corporeal aliens study the Enterprise crew as they respond to a fatal viral infection brought on board from an away mission.
88 Season 4, Episode 12
Enterprise journeys to Babel with a Tellarite ambassador on board for peace talks with the Andorians, when a distress call from Shran is received.
89 Season 4, Episode 13
Archer tries to unify the Andorians, Tellarites and Vulcans in a plan to capture a marauder ship threatening to destabilize the region.
90 Season 4, Episode 14
Archer visits Shran's icy homeworld to find an Andorian subspecies called the Aenar, to determine their connection to the marauder destroying ships in the region.
91 Season 4, Episode 15
While Enterprise visits Earth for the launch of Columbia, Phlox is kidnapped and forced to help the Klingons deal with a grave threat to their species.
92 Season 4, Episode 16
With Columbia's help, Enterprise's crew grapples with sabotage to their ship as they pursue the truth behind the kidnapping of Phlox.
93 Season 4, Episode 17
As a gift for negotiating with the Orion Syndicate, Captain Archer receives three Orion Slave Girls. Soon, their seductive powers begin to affect everyone on board except for Trip and T'Pol.
94 Season 4, Episode 18
In the mirror universe, Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future Earth ship found in Tholian space.
95 Season 4, Episode 19
In the mirror universe, Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a nefarious power grab.
96 Season 4, Episode 20
A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.
97 Season 4, Episode 21
A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately.
98 Season 4, Episode 22
Commander William Riker of the Enterprise-D is torn between his loyalty to Captain Picard and his duty to a former captain.

About this show

Set in the 22nd century, nearly 100 years before James T. Kirk, ENTERPRISE takes place during the early pioneering days of deep space exploration, when interstellar travel is in its infancy and the United Federation of Planets is still decades away. Captain Jonathan Archer is the protype for Starfleet captains to come; he's bold, intensely curious and eager to venture where no man has gone before. Unlike the seasoned, sometimes unflappable officers of the 24th century, the crew of ENTERPRISE exhibits a sense of wonder and excitement, as well as a little trepidation about the strange things they'll encounter. With their star charts mostly empty, they'll have to prove they're ready for life among the stars.

Ratings and reviews

328 reviews
J Bryan
February 11, 2023
Gene Roddenberry passed (RIP) & rights holders passed the torch to a group of incompetents who took a world with a continuous & (mostly) coherent storyline that was adored by millions & tossed out decades of work by their predecessors in the first episode. They seem to have known they were harming the franchise at the time, because it wasn't referred to as Star Trek: Enterprise while it was airing. The series ran 4 seasons too long & isn't in the same world, or league as TOS, TNG, DS9 & VOY.
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Shane Hickenbottom
September 25, 2016
Loved the way this series really upheld TOS concepts. Without any PC oddballs from TNG or gutless Enterprise captains ("your leading the away team number 1 while I stay on a well protected ship") With genuine character interaction that felt like but didn't clone TOS. This is the series that should hsve made the leap to movies
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Mike Haynes
May 9, 2020
It was way before the KIRKER man. Spock was in diapers, and Earth was brand new at deep space travel. It's a fresh, cleaner format for tv viewing. The only problem these shows all had in common is you seem to only have five to six people who DO THINGS. All the other crew are just background dummies. But it still makes for good watching. BEATS the same old cop show or SPORTS in any shape or form. I'm just sad he got killed before he got home to earth... ( SPOILER ALERT ,,,NOPE)
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