James “ReddSinz” Krik
I don't agree with racist bending characters it's lazy obscene and I won't pay money to watch it so if it all gets on Netflix I may watch it because I pay for Netflix anyway but as a ginger my self this show and Flash are not worth my money because Wally West and Jimmy Olsen used to relate to me but now don't and it's double standard those are wrong. I am a ginger so if I shoe polish it up for Halloween and go as Jimmy Olsen is that still wrong maybe half and half like Twoface yeah race bent me.
I have been a fan since I was released and now that it's already on its 5 season, there have been some problems when it came to the writing and the cgi, but it's a cw TV show there bound to be these problems but if your thinking about getting into this show, know that there will be points when you will kinda cringe and moments when you want to punch your tv, buts it's a fun binge worthy show. My favorite season is season 3 and I think you should start with that too
alice yuan
The characters may be fun and entertaining, but there are too many discrepancies and things that don't make sense, especially when it comes to Supergirl's powers. Half the time, she does not seem powerful at all! What, she is afraid of heat from Inferno? She gets punched and tossed by beings much weaker than her?! Electricity knocks her out?! A weaker Daxamite chokes her and overpowers her! Really? She often waits or stands passively to be attacked. And what's with her walking slowly in cases of emergency? There are also too many villains. Almost no one can be trusted. Overall, not comparable to Marvel movies like Avengers. I really enjoyed the appearances of Superman and the Flash, however.
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