Terminator Salvation: The Machinima Series

2012 • Machinima
45 iritzi
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"1. denboraldia" saioaren atalak (6)

1 Episode 1
Two years before the events of Terminator Salvation, Resistance fighter Blair Williams starts out on a deadly mission to a decimated Los Angeles, a known hot zone after the nuclear destruction of Judgment Day. She searches for "The Ghost" who has been interfering with Resistance communications and rendering them defenseless against the Skynet's lethal machines.
2 Episode 2
In the year 2016, Resistance fighter Blair Williams starts out on a deadly mission to a decimated Los Angeles, a known hot zone. She searches for The Ghost who has been interfering with the Command's communications and rendering them defenseless against the machines. She finally finds the Ghost in an abandoned subway but things are not as she expected. Everything has changed.
3 Episode 3
Laz shares his secret to fighting the machines just before the T-600s attack again. Blair and Laz are on the brink of death in a grueling battle against the machines. Command now instructs Blair that she must retreat from the battle and leave Laz behind, which would mean his certain death, despite her misgivings.
4 Episode 4
Blair ultimately decides to take Laz back to base and defy Command. While searching for supplies for their journey, Laz and Blair are trapped in an abandoned office building by a machine. Blair jumps into an elevator shaft and is knocked unconscious.
5 Episode 5
Laz is alone to face the machines. Blair returns to base and tries to convince Command to retrieve him. Skynet attacks the base. Laz finds a group of survivalists but is soon attacked by a machine. Blair thinks all hope is lost when she hears Laz's name read on the radio along with the others presumed dead.
6 Episode 6
Blair finds Laz as the machines strike again. Laz rescues Blair from certain death. She thinks the key to fighting the Resistance is gone forever; however an unexpected discovery renews her commitment to the Resistance and fighting Skynet.

Saio honi buruz

In the year 2016, Resistance fighter Blair Williams embarks on a deadly mission to search for a threat that is weakening humanity's defense against the self-aware artificial intelligence called Skynet and their lethal Terminators.

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45 iritzi

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