The Americans

2013 • ITV
203 отзива
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Епизоди: Сезон 6 (10)

1 Dead Hand
28.03.18 г.
Само със сезона
In the season 6 premiere of The Americans: it’s autumn, 1987, and as a major arms control summit looms, Elizabeth is pushed to her limits as never before. Philip, meanwhile, has settled into running the newly expanded travel agency – until an unexpected visitor makes a disquieting request.
2 Tchaikovsky
4.04.18 г.
Само със сезона
Elizabeth targets an old source who could tip the balance of the upcoming summit, as Philip deals with business at the travel agency. Stan learns an old friend is back in town.
3 Urban Transport Planning
11.04.18 г.
Само със сезона
In the aftermath of a disastrous operation, Philip and Elizabeth clash about how to handle things with Paige. Stan struggles to contain the growing risks of Sofia and Gennadi’s fraying relationship.
4 Mr. And Mrs. Teacup
18.04.18 г.
Само със сезона
After picking up a distressing piece of intelligence, Elizabeth takes extreme measures to get close to a Soviet negotiator. Philip shares some stunning news with Henry.
5 The Great Patriotic War
25.04.18 г.
Само със сезона
As the summit fast approaches, Elizabeth enlists Philip’s help for a mission that could yield game-changing intel.
6 Rififi
2.05.18 г.
Само със сезона
A sudden assignment pulls Elizabeth away from her family at a crucial moment. At the FBI, a major development leads Aderholt to approach Stan about an urgent investigation.
7 Harvest
9.05.18 г.
Само със сезона
Philip and Elizabeth come together for a perilous operation unlike any they’ve ever had before. Stan and Henry spend a little quality time together.
8 The Summit
16.05.18 г.
Само със сезона
With the arms control summit under way, a shocking revelation from Philip throws Elizabeth - and her work - into turmoil. Stan follows a dangerous hunch.
9 Jennings, Elizabeth
23.05.18 г.
Само със сезона
In the penultimate episode of the final season, Elizabeth wrestles with competing loyalties, and Philip has an encounter that turns into much more than he had bargained for.
10 Start
30.05.18 г.
Само със сезона
In the series finale of The Americans, the Jennings face a choice that will change their lives forever.

Всичко за това предаване

The Americans is a period drama about the complex marriage of two KGB spies posing as Americans in suburban Washington D.C. shortly after Ronald Reagan is elected President. The arranged marriage of Philip (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell), who have two children -- 13-year-old Paige (Holly Taylor) and 10-year-old Henry (Keidrich Sellati), who know nothing about their parents' true identity -- grows more passionate and genuine by the day, but is constantly tested by the escalation of the Cold War and the intimate, dangerous and darkly funny relationships they must maintain with a network of spies and informants under their control. Complicating their relationship further is Philip's growing sense of affinity for America's values and way of life. Tensions also heighten upon the arrival of a new neighbor, Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich), an FBI agent. Stan and his partner, Agent Chris Amador (Maximiliano Hernández), are members of a new division of Counterintelligence tasked with fighting against foreign agents on U.S. soil, including KGB Directorate S illegals, Russian spies posing as Americans.

Оценки и отзиви

203 отзива