The Fall Guy

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Season 2 የትዕይንት ክፍሎች (23)

1 Bail and Bond
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Colt, while in Rio filming a spy picture, sets out to find a missing businessman and the $5 million he disappeared with.
2 The Ives Have It
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Colt and Howie travel to Aruba to bring back burglar suspect, Shauna Ives. While there, they discover that Shauna and her identical twin sister, Shawn, are private investigators attempting to steal information from George Hardy, a suave, handsome extortionist. They hope to use the information as leverage to free a client of blackmail.
3 Colt's Outlaws, Part 1
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While shooting a movie on a southern location near the township of Littlefield, an old stuntman friend of Colt's, Dan Wilde, is arrested and framed for the murder of a local farmer. It's all the work of a corrupt sheriff, Dwight Leclerc, and the town baron, Mayor John P. Littlefield.
4 Colt's Outlaws, Part 2
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Frustrated at having lost Colt, Wilde and the Outlaws are learning that Mary Walker is with them. Assuming she must know something about how Wilde was framed, Littlefield enlists the help of his cousin, Colonel Stonewall Hamilton, of the state National Guard. With a phone call, soldiers ambush the Outlaws ultimately capturing and jailing all of them including Howie and Jody. With the outlaws (now known to be stuntmen) in his jail, Littlefield is confident he'll get the others.
5 Mighty Myron
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When Colt and Howie arrive at a carnival to bring in animal trainer Ed Catcher, they find him murdered -- with an orangutan named Myron as the obvious suspect. Colt and Howie befriend Myron and discover that Bryna, Ed's manipulative, conniving and gorgeous girlfriend, and Hugo, a huge muscleman, who Bryna also manipulates, were using Myron as a jewel thief. It was Hugo, on Bryna's orders who actually killed Ed.
6 The Reluctant Traveling Companion
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Colt travels to Philadelphia to bring back white-collar criminal, Christina Vaughn. By convincing Colt she's afraid to fly, Christina gets him to bring her back by train, which allows her time to attempt a good number of escapes. Meanwhile, banker crook Arthur Collins has ordered Christina killed, which further complicates Colt's returning her successfully to Los Angeles.
7 How Do I Kill Thee, Let Me Count the Ways
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Computer genius R.P. Darwood, working for a large petroleum company, discovers that millions of dollars are being used to finance an illegal intelligence network within the company. Burglary, bribery and murder are all part of the company's security arrangement masterminded by Head of Security, Frank Dial who has Darwood framed on a manslaughter charge in order to force him to cover up the misappropriated funds. Darwood is out on bail and Terri, wanting to make sure he doesn't skip out, hires detective team, Brewster "Rooster" Steele and Sweets McBride (two old friends of Colt's) when Colt can't take the case.
8 A Piece of Cake
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Colt travels to New York on the "easy" assignment of retrieving an old friend, gambling bail Jumper Swifty; but in so doing spoils the stakeout of gangster Trainor, who was close to being arrested by a crusty old cop named Finley. Finley threatens Colt with charges if he refuses to help expose Trainor, and a unique bond is struck between Colt and Finley.
9 Hell On Wheels
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Colt's plan to grab "Mad Dog" gets Jody on the team and nearly killed when Coach Jackson finds out what's up. Realizing that "Mad Dog," call her Elizabeth, is no criminal and that the real criminal is Jackson, who uses the team as a cover for some heavy duty drug dealing, Colt makes a deal to capture Jackson for the Seattle police if they will drop their charges on Elizabeth, giving her a fresh start. During the final and biggest game of the tour, Jackson follows through with his planned drug deal while his henchmen go after Jody and Elizabeth on the track. Colt cleverly disrupts the deal and after some roller derby encounters of the worst kind, the good guys come out on top with the bad guys on their way to jail.
10 Win One for the Gipper
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Colt and Howie's pro-football cousin and two teammates are kidnapped by corrupt Army Master Sergeant, Beauregard Gleason and forced to play on his ragtag football team. When Colt and Howie go looking for their missing cousin, they end up in the same fix. They discover that Gleason is running a business supplied with stolen government merchandise and that he is using his kidnapped recruits to help him win a game that will enable him to expand his operation to other bases.
11 Happy Trails
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During the shooting of the Roy Rogers Western Special, Howie is taken by a couple of car thieves (part of a sophisticated car theft operation) who sell him a stolen sports car for use in a demolition stunt.
12 Manhunter
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Colt and company are in Acapulco tracking down high stakes jewel thief, Greg Cominsky and his con-man partner, Don Ross. Up to their old tricks, the two are using stolen Inca treasure to con investors into supporting a phony salvage operation. Cominsky is quickly murdered by Ross when he suspects Cominsky is going to level with a beautiful investigator trying to recover the stolen treasure for the Mexican National Museum.
13 The Further Adventures of Ozzie And Harold
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When Ozzie and his imaginary friend, Harold, are the only witnesses to a murder at a penny arcade, they seek protection from Colt and Howie. The man who committed the murder, Towler, works for Hugh Stanford, an arcade game tycoon who is shocked when he recognizes a photo of the only witness to be Ozzie, his brother (whose real name is Harold) whom he thought was dead.
14 Death Boat
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Colt joins a Mediterranean cruise to capture fortune hunter, Sally Randolph. Complicating matters, Sally has had plastic surgery and her old partner in crime, Ted Harmon, who with Sally's help stole six million in securities, also is looking for her, to kill her, since she can identify him.
15 Eight Ball
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Colt secretly works to get one time billiard champ, Joe O'Hara, on the comeback trail after a long stretch as a broken-down, alcoholic "has-been." Colt is so secretive about Joe's comeback that he keeps Howie unaware of what he's doing, even training Joe after hours in an old pool hall. Colt is betting all he's got on Joe winning a big grand championship pool tournament in Nevada. What Colt doesn't realize is that big time gambler, Val Duran, has mega-bucks riding on his own man, Louis Kramer, who is also in the tourney and he plans on winning, one way or another.
16 Spaced Out
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On location in a small town, Colt, Howie, Jody and Terri are dumbfounded when they witness the landing of a UFO that not only relieves the local bank of all its money but abducts Jody as well. When Colt and Howie further investigate the incident, they are able to track the supposed spaceship back to a local gold mine where it has been dismantled. When Danny Symes, a fellow stuntman, tries to frame Colt for the extraterrestrial bank heist, Colt sets out to prove his innocence.
17 Strange Bedfellows
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Jody is kidnapped when Colt refuses to be pressured into persuading Terri to post bail for conniving con-woman Sue Jackson. The kidnapper, Sue's boyfriend Jeff, is holding Jody hostage and sporadically phone Terri and Colt to warn them of the consequences if Sue is not freed. Fearing for Jody's safety, Terri ultimately posts bail while Colt and Howie attempt to trail the slippery Sue back to Jeff's hideout.
18 The Molly Sue
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Colt and Howie must track down scar faced, grave robber, Hank Debond, who jumps bail and heads for Panama in a stolen vintage B25, The Molly Sue. It seems that Dubond intends to smuggle ancient artifacts into the states in The Molly Sue, which is equipped with expensive anti-radar equipment.
19 One Hundred Miles a Gallon
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Colt helps a friend's son, who has been framed for attempted murder by a cocaine dealer. Little Juice Atkins, son of two of Colt's oldest friends, jumps bail on an attempted murder charge after Colt used his house as collateral for his bail. Little Juice had been charged with trying to kill Ed Clarke, the man he believed was behind his father's murder. Clarke had been trying to take over local moonshine running as a cover for his cocaine operation and had Little Juice's father, Big Juice, killed when he was interfering. After finding Little Juice, Colt's plan involves getting Howie appointed temporary sheriff and for Colt to penetrate Clarke's operation in order to expose Clarke and vindicate Little Juice. The plan works, literally blowing the roof off of Clarke's operation and putting him behind bars where he belongs.
20 P.S., I Love You
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Colt clears actor Tab Hunter of a murder rap, and shuts down a gambling ring in the process. While Colt is stunt-doubling for Tab Hunter, Tab finds himself framed for a murder which stems from a past gambling debt. Colt is able to track the murdered man's identity to an illegal gambling house run in Palm Springs and sets off with Howie, Jody and a half-pint, self-conscious young stuntwoman named Cassie, who claims to have seen the murderer leaving Tab's movie trailer at the time of the murder.
21 The Chameleon
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Colt tracks an ex-TV star and master of disguise who has robbed a supermarket of a quarter of a million dollars. Colt must locate one-time TV star David Charles, a.k.a. The Chameleon (a master of disguise and quick change) who, with the help of three accomplices, has managed to relieve a supermarket of a cool quarter of a million dollars.
22 The Chase
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Colt helps bust a secret, subversive society of assassins. Upon witnessing an assassination by members of a subversive underground organization, Max Downey, who works for an auto repossession company, flees in the car he is repossessing and is taken for a car thief by the police and jailed. Realizing that attempts on his life in jail are part of the murderers' attempt to silence him, Max goes into hiding in Texas after jumping bail.
23 Just a Small Circle of Friends
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Colt rescues a beautiful young heiress who has been brainwashed by an extremist religious cult. Colt and Howie attempt to retrieve the beautiful young daughter of a wealthy industrialist from her new family, an extremist religious cult known as The Love Truths, led by their Guru, Baba Love Truth. Page Connally is about to inherit a large inheritance from her father, Carson Connally – and Baba Love Truth, who is really con-man Delmore Tibbs, plans on getting his hands on it. When Colt first encounters problems gaining access to Page and then realizes she is completely brainwashed, he brings in Terri to penetrate the cult and then teams with Page's father, Carson, in affecting the escape with Page. The plan works just as Terri is about to succumb to the brainwashing influence of Baba and his followers.

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Colt Seavers is a Hollywood stuntman by trade...but work in Hollywood is sometimes hard to come by. Fortunately, Colt's other job is as a bounty hunter – and there's never any shortage of bail-jumping bad guys to hunt down. Colt is helped by his young and enthusiastic cousin Howie – who knows a little bit about everything and not enough about anything – and Jody, a stunningly beautiful stuntwoman. The trio use the tricks of the stunt trade to catch the criminals. Spectacular stunt work – and an unforgettable theme song – distinguishes THE FALL GUY, a classic 1980s action-adventure series.