A Google user
OK, Google Play, it seems you have straightened out the series so that the episodes correspond with the title. Still a few bugs to work out of the system, though. Ricky and A Child In Need were not part of Season 1, they were part of the second season. Not exactly sure where they fit into the lineup. Not too far past Married, if memory serves. Thanks again.
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John Civitello
I can take my phone on the road to wherever I am going,and watch the show. All I need now is season 5, and my collection will be complete on my phone. Too bad it took David Banner's life in order to be free of the Hulk. I remember when I was a kid, and my mother sent me to my bedroom for a time out, I pretended to be David Banner turning into the Hulk. I would start growling, and even try to lift my mattress and box spring up of the floor.
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Christopher Ferrarelli
Grew up on this show as a kid. Loved it. Really want to get some of the episodes, but I’m curious to know why the 2-part pilot movie is not included as part of the series; and could this be why two episodes from Season 2 (“Ricky” and “A Child In Need”) are included as part of Season 1. Hopefully, GooglePlay can correct this in the near future.