The Legend of Mick Dodge

2014 • National Geographic Channel
121 críticas
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Episódios de Época 2 (8)

1 The Legend Returns
After a long cold winter, Mick Dodge is raring to go. After discovering a map tucked away in his grandfather's journal, Mick sets out on a treasure hunt with hopes of unearthing Will Dodge's old stashes and one very special relic.
2 Call to Arms
Mick Dodge hears from an old Hoh rainforest friend that hunters are illegally trespassing on his property. While appreciating the ancient art of hunting he can't tolerate outlaws, and together they sabotage the culprits.
3 Man Down
With each changing season in the Hoh Rainforest comes new opportunity. Mick sets out for his favorite springtime ritual, an annual journey to a hidden maple grove to harvest sap straight from the tree.
4 Naked and Unafraid
Disponível apenas com a temporada
When a routine river crossing goes wrong Mick loses all of his gear--including his clothes. Though he often dons his birthday suit just for fun, frigid temperatures send him on a mission to replace his lost leathers.
5 Food Run
Mick Dodge keeps many stashes in the forest including a "pantry" stocked with food, but suddenly discovers his coffers are running low. He must visit the "forest supermarket" to restock.
6 School of the Wild
Mick Dodge takes on a new student, Dave, who wants to see the forest through Mick’s eyes and to reboot, refresh and reconnect with his primal instincts. Mick’s lessons don’t involve any text books or maps. For Dave, it’s time to sink or swim.
7 Mission to Main Street
Though Mick lives primarily in the wild, he’s craving some creature comforts. To satisfy them, he ventures into town and hopes to get in and out undetected. But due to an unexpected detour, Mick may have to go without the creature comforts he’s after.
8 Storm Surge
In the aftermath of a storm, high water often sweeps debris onto riverbanks, leaving treasure for those who know where to look, an opportunity Mick can't pass up.

Acerca deste programa

Experience the wild life of Mick Dodge, a quirky character whose unique brand of Zen comes from living by his own code – off the land and off the grid.

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