The Librarians

2014 • Universal Channel
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The Librarians: Season 1 – odcinki (10)

1 and the Crown of King Arthur
Tylko sezon
On a mission to retrieve a WMD, NATO counter-terrorism expert Colonel Eve Baird crosses paths with occult expert Flynn Carsen, who's on his own hunt for a lost demonic artifact. After a furious battle of gunfire and magic, Baird finds herself drawn to the mysterious man who claims to be simply "a Librarian". Baird is soon invited to join the ancient organization known only as "the Library", based in an endless Library of artifacts hidden deep underneath New York City. Now teamed with Flynn - who's half-mad from a decade of world-spanning magical adventures - Baird finds herself embroiled in the ancient battle between the Library and the Serpent Society. The Society are occultists who wish to bring magic back and use it to rule the world, led by the mysterious Dulaque. Soon Flynn and Baird are in a race against time to save the lives of other extraordinary people the Serpent Society has targeted for assassination: synesthete science genius Cassandra Cillian, rough-living art and history expert Jacob Stone, and infamous high-tech thief Ezekiel Jones. These three reveal a deeper conspiracy, a plan by the Serpent Society to hunt down the key to controlling all magic - the ancient Crown of Camelot's King Arthur.
2 and the Sword in the Stone
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The Librarians have retrieved King Arthur's Crown - only to discover it's part of a deadly trap laid by their ancient enemies, the Serpent Society. Now the Library is lost in space and time, Flynn is mortally wounded, and Dulaque has recovered the real key to his scheme: Excalibur, King Arthur's magic sword. On the run, the Librarians retreat to a small safe house, an Annex to the Library, run by the brilliant and cranky Jenkins. The Librarians must stop Dulaque from bringing magic back to the world - but they have to break into Buckingham Palace to do it.
3 and the Horns of a Dilemma
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With Flynn on the road searching for a way to recover the lost Library, Baird now has to keep three neophyte Librarians - Cassandra, Stone, and Ezekiel - alive, all while training them to investigate bizarre mysteries. Their first case, a simple missing persons investigation, leads them to a wildly successful modern agribusiness in Boston. They discover, however, that the "modern" business has been around a very long time, and its success is based on sacrifices made by the firm's employees. Literal sacrifices.
4 and Santa's Midnight Run
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The Serpent Society makes a bold move to kill one of the world's most powerful magic beings and steal his energies for their own crusade - Santa Claus! Luckily, one of Santa's oldest friends, Jenkins, catches wind of the kidnapping and sends the Librarians on a rescue mission. Santa, it turns out, does more than deliver gifts; he collects all the good will from people around the world during the year, and then returns it to us on Christmas Eve. If he's stopped, humanity will fall into despair and ruin. The Librarians rescue Santa, but are pursued around the world by the Serpent Society. Colonel Eve Baird, Christmas grouch, finds herself smuggling Santa to the North Pole before Christmas Eve counts down. From stolen cars to bar fights to crippled cargo jets, the Librarians are in a race against the clock to save Christmas. But even the Librarians are unaware of the true, secret meaning of Christmas, the one Santa does not share with even his closest friends.
5 and the Apple of Discord
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When the entire planet is rattled by earthquakes, Flynn Carsen returns to reveal the secret truth behind the disasters: the Dragons are waking up. The Western and Eastern Dragons are preparing for war and they'll be looking to the Library - the only universally acknowledged neutral party in the secret world of magic - to negotiate a truce. Unfortunately not only the Dragons show up, but representatives of every secret power in the magical world, demanding satisfaction. Even worse, Flynn is maneuvered out of his position to negotiate. Ezekiel Jones, selfish thief, and the one person who loathes him most - Jenkins - must bring peace to the magical world. Flynn and the others set off to find the stolen object at the heart of the conflict. As they search the Vatican for clues, Baird and Flynn clash over leadership styles. Flynn finds that he can't step back into being the boss when Baird's been leading the team and building trust with her people. Things only get worse when they find the artifact, which twists each team member into the worst version of themselves. Can Baird stop the evil version of Flynn Carsen from bending the powers of the Library to evil?
6 and the Fables of Doom
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What do a car crash caused by a "giant", a disappearing college student and a naked Mayor have in common? The Librarians investigate an outbreak of weird incidents in a small town and discover that someone somehow is bringing Fairy Tales to life. The Librarians wind up on the trail of the Libris Fabula, an ancient book that brings any story written within it to life. Their search grows complicated as more of the townsfolk fall into the roles of the classic fairy tales, and grows deadly when Jenkins reveals the Libris feeds on the life energy of its victims. Solving the mystery would be tough enough with a Sheriff gone Big Bad Wolf and a Wall of Thorns suddenly surrounding the town, but when the Librarians themselves start playing the parts of the classic Fairy Tales, there seems to be no hope at all of saving the townspeople or themselves. Luckily, one Librarian finds himself as the classic Fairy Tale trickster.
7 and the Rule of Three
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The Librarians follow a trail of magic to a most unexpected place - a high-level science fair. As the teenage scientists, engineers and mathematicians of the future show off their gifts (and suffer their overbearing parents) the Librarians can't quite figure out what magic has to do with this buzzing center of modern technology. But when a model volcano explodes with real lava and a contestant coughs out a giant cloud of flies, the Librarians discover that someone is using magic to make their dreams of success come true. Even worse, Jenkins informs them that the power being used is too much for one magician. There's a Coven of magic users somewhere in all this 21st Century technology. The Librarians must navigate the intricate web of teenage relationships - and confront their own pasts - to find the Coven before the magical backlash wipes out everyone at the fair. Unfortunately for them, there's a figure behind the entire conspiracy, a figure straight out of the myths of magic. And no Librarian has ever survived an encounter with this legend.
8 and the Heart of Darkness
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It's a story we've seen a million times: a lonely house, teenagers killed by a nameless monster, a single bloody girl escapes and runs into the woods. But this time the girl runs straight into the Librarians. The Librarians have come to this dark wood to hunt down fractured ley lines, magical energies cut loose by the events of the attack on the Library. What they find is a Haunted House which proves deadlier than anything they've encountered so far. The Librarians have until midnight to unravel the mysteries of the House and escape, before it consumes them and then moves on to claim new victims. Cassandra finds herself sidelined as the team-member least equipped for violence, and resents it. But as the others pull apart the legend of the place, Cassandra is the one who pieces together the secret, unbelievable mystery behind the true monster of the House of Mystery
9 and the City of Light
Tylko sezon
When a UFO hunter disappears near a small town in upstate New York, the Librarians arrive to investigate with strict instructions from Jenkins: "Whatever you think it is .it is NOT UFOS." When Stone strikes up a friendship with the cute, sarcastic Town Historian, he discovers that the town has a secret past, a past linking it to one of the great mysteries of the 20th Century. The Librarians would ordinarily turn to Colonel Baird for guidance, but she's become one of the "abducted", and can't be found! Stone finds himself torn between helping the locals, with whom he feels a kinship, and risking an apocalypse brought on by a hidden faction within the town. Can he convince his fellow Librarians to help him, or will the loss of Colonel Baird throw them into disarray, and eventually destruction?
10 and the Loom of Fate
Tylko sezon
Flynn Carsen returns with a plan to finally locate the lost Library and anchor it to Jenkins' Annex. Using objects recovered by the Librarians over the course of their adventures - as if by fate - he opens a portal to the void between space and time. But Flynn's doorway is hijacked by Dulaque and the Serpent Society! Dulaque uses it to travel to one of the centers of magical power, and with one knife-blow he sets history itself unraveling. Only Colonel Baird, now tumbling through alternate versions of history, can set things right. But how can she do this with a Flynn Carsen who was NEVER the Librarian, and her own bloody destiny finally catching up with her?

Informacje o serialu

A group of librarians set off on adventures in an effort to save mysterious, ancient artifacts

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154 opinie