The Punisher

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Épisodes de Season 1 (13)

1 0.125
After killing all of the criminals involved in his family's murder, Frank Castle keep a low profile in New York city working at a construction site under an alias. However, when a young man also working at the site gets dragged into a robbery gone wrong, Frank steps in to save him.
2 Two Dead Men
Frank receives a mysterious phone call from someone calling himself "Micro". With the help of Karen Page, Franks learns that Micro is actually a former NSA analyst thought to be dead. After a wild goose-chase across the city, Frank confronts Micro to find out what he wants. Meanwhile, Department of Homeland Security Agent Dinah Madani tracks down Frank's ex-marine friend Billy Russo, to determine if he was involved in a heroin smuggling case back in Afghanistan.
3 Kandahar
While interrogating Micro, Franks learns that he wants to help him take down the people that destroyed both of their lives. Frank relives a past military covert operation, where an "Agent Orange" gave orders to execute Department of Homeland Security agent Ahmed Zubair. Micro became involved in the cover up when he found a video of the murder, and now he and Frank must figure out the true identity of the man behind it.
4 Resupply
Curtis tries to connect with an unstable veteran from his support group who turns to Anvil in hopes of a new life. With the help of Micro's hacking skills, Frank is able to find out about a plan by the Department of Homeland Security to recover a weapons shipment. Although reluctant at first, Micro teams up with Frank to obtain the shipment for themselves.
5 Gunner
Frank finds one of his former squad-mates, Gunner Henderson, in hiding in Kentucky, which leads to his discovery that Agent Orange is CIA Director of Covert Operations William Rawlins. Frank and Gunner are ambushed by a team acting under Agent Rawlins' orders and are badly wounded. Worse yet, the cameras on the soldiers' uniforms reveal to Rawlins that Frank is still alive.
6 The Judas Goat
With Frank badly wounded from the ambush in Kentucky, Micro calls on Frank's trusted friend Curtis Hoyle for help. Agent Madani has formed a relationship with Frank's former squad-mate Billy Russo, and she lets slip to him that Frank is alive. Russo seeks out Frank and is determined to help his former friend.
7 Crosshairs
Frank sets out to target one of Rawlins' former allies Morty Bennett, while Rawlins makes plans of his own to trap Frank. Thanks to Micro's hacker capabilities, he and Frank are able to clone Bennett's phone and find out Rawlin's location. However, an attack by Frank doesn't go as planned, and he is forced to retreat. Russo's loyalty towards Frank becomes questionable.
8 Cold Steel
Micro sees his family struggling to deal with his supposed death, and him and Frank decide that the next course of action is to team up with Agent Madani. Meanwhile, Russo and Rawlins decide to go after Frank together, and a large shootout ensues.
9 Front Toward Enemy
Lewis Wilson decides to take matters in own hands unleashing a series of bombings throughout the city of New York. Karen Page gets caught in the bomber's crosshairs and Frank sets off to try and stop Lewis before his next bomb goes off.
10 Virtue of the Vicious
During an interview between Karen and a senator, Lewis barges in wearing a suicide vest and opens fire. Frank attempts to shield them, but Karen is taken hostage. Frank then faces Russo, his men, and NYPD officers in an attempt to save Karen. Meanwhile, Madani finds out where Russo's loyalties really lie.
11 Danger Close
Micro's family is caught in the crosshairs forcing Micro to seek help from Agent Madani to get them back. Rawlins and Russo send an assault team to take down Frank after learning where he's hiding out. Knowing he's in immediate danger, Frank takes his quest for vengeance to the next level setting his own counter attack.
12 Home
Frank makes a damning confession to Agent Madani and agrees to help with the hostage exchange to save Micro's family. However, not everything goes to plan and a shootout leaves Sarah wondering what to believe. With Frank in his hands, Rawlins goes in for the kill, once and for all.
13 Memento Mori
After being brutally tortured, an exhausted but unbroken Frank Castle vows to put an end to the war that has consumed his life. With Billy Russo still alive, both Frank and Russo agree to meet one-on-one to settle their differences at a location that ties to their past.

À propos de cette émission

Frank Castle, also known as "The Punisher", believes he has exacted revenge on the criminals responsible for the tragic murder of his family. However, he soon uncovers a larger, deeper conspiracy behind the events that occurred, involving his time serving in the Marine Corps. Alongside run-ins with law enforcement, his ex-best friend Billy Russo, and former NSA analyst Micro, Frank seeks to uncover the truth once and for all.

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