The West Wing

1999 • NBC
६३७ परीक्षण
वेब ब्राउझरवर किंवा सपोर्ट असलेल्या डिव्हाइसवर पहा अधिक जाणून घ्या

The Complete Series भाग (156)

1 Season 1, Episode 1 Pilot
The senior members of the White House staff are summoned to the office early in the morning to handle difficult situations: Hundreds of Cubans are on their way across the Atlantic Ocean in search of freedom; and klutzy President of the United States Josiah Bartlet accidentally sprained his ankle riding a bicycle into a tree. Some members of the staff experience crises of their own. Sam discovers the law student he slept with last night, Laurie, also works as a high-priced call girl. Josh's former lover and fellow campaign worker, Madeline "Mandy" Hampton, now dates and works for a senator who might vie for the office of President. Also, a rumor persists that Josh will be terminated because of a remark he made on a TV show. The comment offends the Christian fundamentalists and upsets Reverend Al Caldwell, an influential religious leader and necessary Presidential ally.
2 Season 1, Episode 2 Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
Leo hires Mandy as a consultant to the President. Vice President Hoynes rebuffs C.J. when she tries to discuss a comment he made. Leo confronts Hoynes and insists that Hoynes understand his obligation to communicate with the President's press secretary. President Bartlet's naval doctor is killed in an act of foreign terrorism.
3 Season 1, Episode 3 A Proportional Response
When Danny, a reporter, learns about Sam's relationship with a call girl, he doesn't write a story about it because C.J. gives Danny a lead on a much bigger newsworthy item in exchange for his silence. The President plots revenge on terrorists as he gathers his advisors in the White House. His foul mood intimidates his new aide, Charlie, a college-age man whose mother was recently killed while working as a police officer.
4 Season 1, Episode 4 Five Votes Down
The staff has 72 hours to rescue a gun-control bill that needs five more votes in Congress to pass. Eventually they get four votes, so Leo reluctantly visits the vice president, and Hoynes promises he'll get the other vote. After the bill passes, Hoynes accepts credit given to him by the press for the gun bill's passage. The vice president invites Leo to a secret Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with other government officials, and Leo attends. Toby may be open to questions of impropriety over a stock he owns. Feeling neglected because her husband spends too much time working, Leo's wife moves out of their house.
5 Season 1, Episode 5 The Crackpots and These Women
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Leo assigns his senior staff the task of conducting private meetings with fringe groups that want attention from the White House. Toby discovers he was not the President's first choice for communications director. Bartlet, a former economics professor, impresses a meeting of economists with his knowledge. Josh discovers that the smallpox virus remains a threat to United States security. And the President's daughter, Zoe, visits the White House.
6 Season 1, Episode 6 Mr. Willis of Ohio
A mentally unbalanced woman with a gun climbs the White House fence. The Secret Service foils her plan to target Zoey. Toby and Mandy convince a nonpolitician, the husband of a deceased congresswoman, to vote against a census amendment in committee. Sam privately tutors C.J. on the Commerce Bill with regard to the census. While accompanying Zoey, Sam, Josh, C.J. and Mallory to a bar, Charlie intervenes when some college guys threaten Zoey.
7 Season 1, Episode 7 The State Dinner
The President and First Lady host a tense dinner at the White House honoring the president of Indonesia and his wife. Danny flirts with C.J. The President takes action against a group of survivalists in Idaho. Leo and the President try to forestall a strike by the Teamsters, a labor union composed of truck drivers. While a hurricane heads towards an American naval fleet, Bartlet reassures, by phone, a scared young military man on board.
8 Season 1, Episode 8 Enemies
The President embarrasses Vice President Hoynes during a cabinet meeting, and Danny finds out. In order to keep the story from print, C.J. arranges a meeting between Danny and the President. A banking reform bill that Bartlet supports nears passage, but it comes with a rider allowing strip mining on federal land. The dilemma over the bill is resolved when Josh finds a way for the President to protect the land. And Leo frets about his daughter, Mallory, dating Sam.
9 Season 1, Episode 9 The Short List
The President confidentially chooses Judge Harrison as his nominee for the Supreme Court. His staff continues to search Harrison's past. When the President meets with the retiring justice, the justice insists that Bartlet consider Judge Roberto Mendoza. Since he has not publicly announced his decision, Bartlet directs his staff to investigate Mendoza as well. When Sam uncovers an article that Harrison wrote declaring the right to privacy is not covered by the constitution, something totally against Bartlet's philosophy, the President officially nominates Mendoza instead. Josh worries that a congressman's attack on the staff for alleged drug use precedes an attack on Leo, whose former substance abuse may no longer be a secret.
10 Season 1, Episode 10 In Excelsis Deo
Sam and Josh work on thwarting Congressman Lillienfield's accusation about drug abuse in the White House. Leo warns Bartlet that Leo may have to resign because of his former substance abuse. Toby arranges a full military funeral for a homeless Korean War veteran he never met. The murder of a homosexual high school student forces C.J. and members of the White House staff to reconsider hate crime legislation. C.J. finally agrees to go out on a date with Danny, a journalist. Bartlet tries to sneak out to do some Christmas shopping.
11 Season 1, Episode 11 Lord John Marbury
When India invades Kashmir and Bartlet worries about a nuclear threat to both countries, he asks the colorful, inebriated Lord John Marbury, a former ambassador to New Delhi and an expert on India, to help with the crisis. A Republican anti-Bartlet group accuses the White House of running an internal investigation concerning recreational drug use by White House staffers as a result of the Lillienfield accusation. Bartlet's daughter wants to date Charlie, and the President worries that the interracial young couple may elicit a reaction from racist hate groups.
12 Season 1, Episode 12 He Shall, From Time to Time?
The President and his staff prepare the State of the Union Address, but the President becomes ill. His naval doctor examines him in the living quarters. Mrs. Bartlet, a physician, orders various medical tests. She later reveals to Leo--and only Leo--that President Bartlet suffers from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Later Bartlet further explains to Leo that his type of MS is called relapsing-remitting, and he experiences total recovery after attacks that are induced by fever and stress. Mandy informs C.J. that news of Leo's addiction will be made public. Leo conducts a press conference revealing his stay in the rehabilitation facility for alcohol and Valium addiction. Danny and C.J. kiss.
13 Season 1, Episode 13 Take out the Trash Day
The parents of a brutally murdered gay student are invited to witness the President sign a hate crimes bill into law even though the father doesn't believe that Bartlet expresses a strong enough position on gay rights. Sam and Josh make a deal that ensures there will be no Congressional hearing about Leo's drug problem. Sam terminates the woman responsible for exposing Leo's personnel file, but Leo quickly rehires her.
14 Season 1, Episode 14 Take this Sabbath Day
On a Friday evening, the United States Supreme Court rejects the application for a stay of execution for Simon Cruz. The President of the United States is the only person capable of commuting a federal sentence. On Saturday morning, the Catholic President returns from a trip overseas. After Sam discusses the situation with the staff, Leo briefs the President on the Simon Cruz situation. That weekend the somber President ponders this huge responsibility. Bartlet talks to the Pope on the phone. Ultimately the President refuses to stay the execution. And Josh meets with Joey Lucas, an angry campaign manager whose Democratic candidate is not getting much support from the political party.
15 Season 1, Episode 15 Celestial Navigation
Josh lectures to a large group of college students, recounting one day in the life of the harried senior White House staff. Meanwhile, Sam and Toby rush to Connecticut to help Supreme Court Justice nominee Roberto Mendoza. A man who never drinks alcohol, Mendoza was wrongfully arrested for drunk driving simply because he's Hispanic. But Mendoza refuses to leave the jail because the arrest violates his civil rights--he did absolutely nothing wrong. Toby explains that once he gets approved as a Supreme Court Justice, Mendoza can make an impact. Mendoza agrees and leaves with Sam and Toby.
16 Season 1, Episode 16 20 Hours in L.A.
The President and his staff fly to Los Angeles for a big fund-raiser, but the powerful Hollywood mogul hosting the event threatens to cancel if the President doesn't condemn an anti-gay bill. In Washington, Leo tries to coerce Hoynes to break a tie on a bill the President supports but the vice president doesn't support. Leo realizes that Hoynes' stance against the bill is the correct opinion and finds a way to defeat the bill. And Josh encounters Joey Lucas again.
17 Season 1, Episode 17 The White House Pro-Am
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The First Lady's public comments on a White House appointment create problems for the President because he's afraid of incurring his wife's wrath. So Sam explains to Abby the importance of working with the President'a staff in the future. Zoey cancels her high-profile date with Charlie at a club opening because of death threats from white supremacists.
18 Season 1, Episode 18 Six Meetings Before Lunch
The Senate confirms Mendoza's appointment to the Supreme Court. Josh interviews a nominee for Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights who favors reparations to African Americans for the enslavement of their ancestors. The son of a major Democratic fund-raiser is arrested for felony drug possession and distribution at a party that Zoe attended. And Mandy wants a new panda for the National Zoo to replace the one that died a few weeks ago.
19 Season 1, Episode 19 Let Bartlet be Bartlet
Two members of the Federal Election Commission resign. Sam and Toby meet with military officers and congressmen to discuss homosexuals serving in the military. Admiral Fitzwallace enters the meeting and agrees that he doesn't believe gays should be in the military. But he adds that 50 years ago, no one thought African Americans could serve effectively. And an inflammatory memo that Mandy wrote before joining the staff, which outlines the weakness of the Bartlet administration, surfaces. The President and his senior staff read the memo and find it enlightening. New polls reveal that their job approval rating has just dropped five more points. Leo tells the President it's time to do what he was elected to do, tosupport the issues in which he truly believes.
20 Season 1, Episode 20 Mandatory Minimums
Armed with a new resolve to take chances, the Bartlet administration tackles the drug enforcement policy. Refusing to consider input from party leaders, the President announces his two nominations to the Federal Election Commission. His candidates believe in campaign finance reform--something unpopular with party leaders. And Toby meets with his ex-wife for advice.
21 Season 1, Episode 21 Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics
Bartlet works to reform campaign finance by changing the makeup of the members on the Federal Campaign Commission. Sam's relationship with a prostitute is revealed. And new poll numbers indicate the President's approval rating is up 9 points.
22 Season 1, Episode 22 What Kind of Day Has it Been?
An American Air Force fighter plane gets shot down over Iraq, and, eventually, the pilot is successfully rescued. The space shuttle--with Toby's astronaut brother on board--can't land because of mechanical problems. During a town hall meeting on a university campus, the President impresses college students and others in the crowd with his answers combining fact with humor. While Zoey, Charlie, the President and members of his staff exit the building, gunfire erupts. Who is injured?
23 Season 2, Episode 1 In the Shadow of Two Gunmen - Part I
President Josiah Bartlet is rushed to the hospital after being shot. Even though Bartlet undergoes surgery, his wound is not life threatening. But Josh sustained a bullet wound to the chest. As the medical staff operates on the critically wounded Josh, he unconsciously remembers how he joined the Bartlet campaign team. Toby and Sam also recall their early days working together for Bartlet. First of a two-part episode.
24 Season 2, Episode 2 In the Shadow of Two Gunmen - Part II
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As doctors continue to perform surgery on his chest, Josh remembers, in a dream, how Toby, Sam, C.J., Donna and he became members of the Bartlet political team under Leo's direction. Events leading up to Bartlet's triumphant Democratic nomination for President are also recalled by the others. Josh awakens from the successful surgery. Meanwhile, the federal, state and local agencies search for the remaining conspirator. They capture the young man and discover that he is a member of a racist hate group. The President was not the target. The gunmen aimed at Charlie because of his relationship with Zoey. Second of a two-part episode.
25 Season 2, Episode 3 The Midterms
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In the months leading up to the midterm elections, the staff makes an all-out effort to pick up Democratic seats in Congress. Josh recovers at home. Sam betrays a friend after convincing him to run for office with a promise of support from the Democratic party--which he never delivers. The President becomes obsessed with a school board election in his home state. Since Charlie was the intended target of the shooting, he feels responsible for the incident. He is irritable and initially shuns Zoey's attempts to comfort him. At a White House reception for radio commentators, Bartlet's hatred for intolerance also motivates him to vigorously challenge a well-known talk show host who masquerades as a psychologist and uses the Bible to justify her bigoted views.
26 Season 2, Episode 4 In This White House
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Toby and Josh help Bartlet mediate between the leader of an AIDS-ravaged, poverty-stricken African nation and a drug company. After a successful deal is reached, the leader returns home and is immediately assassinated. On a political television talk show, Sam is trounced by Ainsley Hayes, an attractive and extremely intelligent Republican political analyst. Bartlet is impressed by Ainsley's passion and sense of civic duty, despite her caustic criticism of the Democrats. He orders a dubious Leo to offer her a job, to the outrage of the other staffers.
27 Season 2, Episode 5 And It's Surely to Their Credit
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C.J. finds a way to stop a retiring general from attacking the President's position on budget cuts for the military. Lone Republican staffer Ainsley Hayes endures a particularly difficult first day on the job. Placed in a cramped, dank office in the White House basement, she must contend not only with the wariness of her co-workers but with the animosity of her outspoken boss. Sam wants to sue a hate group on Josh's behalf. And Abby informs Bartlet that her schedule and his completed recovery allow for marital activity.
28 Season 2, Episode 6 The Lame Duck Congress
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Bartlet considers the extraordinary measure of calling the Senate together during its winter holiday in order to force a vote on a comprehensive nuclear test-ban treaty. A low-level Ukrainian diplomat arrives at the White House--drunk--and refuses to leave without meeting Bartlet. Because the U.S. can only officially deal with the Ukrainian president, Bartlet "accidentally" encounters Konanov in a conference room and briefly discusses the man's concerns. C.J. is disappointed when Danny rejects an opportunity to work outside of the pressroom, which would have allowed them to date without the appearance of impropriety.
29 Season 2, Episode 7 The Portland Trip
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During a flight to Portland, Bartlet deals with three issues: a Sudanese tanker that is transporting oil out of Iraq against sanctions; a bill involving same-sex marriage; and an upcoming speech on education. Charlie creates a novel incentive to encourage people to choose the teaching profession.
30 Season 2, Episode 8 Shibboleth
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As Thanksgiving arrives, Bartlet decides the fate of a container ship full of illegal Chinese immigrants who claim to be Christians seeking asylum from religious persecution. Toby wants Leo's controversial sister appointed to an education post. C.J. must choose a national turkey, and Charlie has his work cut out for him when the President sends him out to find the perfect carving knife.
31 Season 2, Episode 9 Galileo
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While the Russian government claims an explosion in its country occurred at an oil refinery, evidence proves it happened at a nuclear facility. Bartlet chides the Russian ambassador for not seeking help. A failed space mission to Mars puts a damper on a speech Bartlet plans to give schoolchildren. Sam avoids his former girlfriend Mallory, Leo's daughter.
32 Season 2, Episode 10 Noel
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At Christmas time, Leo hires a traumatologist to force Josh to confront his unacknowledged stress resulting from when he was shot. Josh initially denies his recent erratic emotions as he recounts the events of the last few weeks. Sam deals with an errant energy secretary who contradicts Bartlet. Meanwhile, C.J. helps a tourist who becomes agitated after seeing a painting that was stolen from her family by the Nazi-controlled French government. And Charlie must persuade a stubborn Bartlet that the President cannot possibly personally sign more than one million White House Christmas cards.
33 Season 2, Episode 11 The Leadership Breakfast
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Bartlet's staff prepares for a Presidential breakfast meeting with Democratic and Republican leaders. The event simply serves as a symbolic show of bipartisanship at the start of the new legislative session, but Toby wants the parties to argue real issues. Trouble ensues when Toby strikes a deal with the chief of staff to the Republican majority leader, and she betrays him.
34 Season 2, Episode 12 The Drop-In
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Leo fails to convince Bartlet of the merits of an expensive but unproven missile defense system. Meanwhile, Leo and the others are irritated by the news that pompous Lord John Marbury has been appointed ambassador from Great Britain. Toby clashes with Sam over the President's speech for an environmentalist group. C.J. convinces a controversial comic to refuse a White House invitation.
35 Season 2, Episode 13 Bartlet's Third State of the Union
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Bartlet's third State of the Union speech is a major success. Unfortunately, problems immediately occur that diminish the White House staff's enthusiasm. Sam learns that a policeman whom Bartlet praised during the speech was charged with beating a suspect 17 years ago. Working with calm pollster Joey Lucas, Josh is agitated by the length of time it takes to gauge the public's reaction to the speech, due to an electrical power glitch. Simultaneously, five U.S. drug enforcement officers are taken prisoner by Colombian drug lords. Another difficult issue Bartlet must confront is his wife's angry disappointment. Abbey senses from Bartlet's address that he intends to campaign for a second term, which he had promised her he would not do.
36 Season 2, Episode 14 The War at Home
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Three hours after learning that drug agents were taken hostage in Colombia, Bartlet gives the order for special forces to rescue them, risking a war. The kidnappers' only demand is that Colombia release a prominent drug lord from prison, but Bartlet refuses to ask that of the Colombian president. The rescue mission fails and nine operatives are killed. Later, Bartlet sadly approves Leo's plan to have the Colombian government inconspicuously release the drug lord without giving the appearance that the U.S. complied with terrorists' demands. The hostages return home--and so do the murdered military personnel. And Abbey tells her husband that she worries his multiple sclerosis will incapacitate him while in office.
37 Season 2, Episode 15 Ellie
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Comments made by Surgeon General Dr. Courtney Griffith concerning the medical effects of marijuana appear to reverse the President's stance on legalizing the drug. Bartlet asks her to resign, but she refuses. Ellie, Bartlet's middle daughter, further compounds the problem by speaking out in favor of Griffith, her godmother. After Griffith helps him understand the cause of Ellie's rebelliousness, Bartlet begins reconciling with Ellie. Later, he refuses Griffith's resignation. Also, Toby asks his combative ex-wife, Congresswoman Andrea "Andy" Wyatt, for help with an influential labor commission. And a movie director accuses Bartlet of cowardice.
38 Season 2, Episode 16 Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail
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Sam finds out that his father was unfaithful to Sam's mother for 28 years. Sam tries to help a friend of Donna's whose dying father wants to see his own deceased father's reputation cleared of committing espionage during WWII. The National Security Advisor shows Sam a secret file conclusively proving that the grandfather was in fact a traitor. He does not reveal his finding to Donna's friend. Toby, who is a veteran of many effective protest marches, dutifully attends a disorderly anti-World Trade Organization rally at which the unruly mob refuses to listen to him. He finally makes a persuasive address. C.J. meets with crusading cartographers.
39 Season 2, Episode 17 The Stackhouse Filibuster
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A stubborn Senator delays a vote--and the Senate's vacation--for over nine hours. He reads recipes, novels and poker rulebooks to the empty chamber because he wants even more stringent requirements on diagnosing and treating autism added to a child health-care reform bill. When Donna finds out that the Senator's grandchild is afflicted with the disorder, Josh works to add the amendment. And Toby wonders about the vice president's motives in admonishing oil companies.
40 Season 2, Episode 18 17 People
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For days, Toby ponders the mystery of Hoynes' attempt to gain the voters' favor by admonishing the oil companies. He knows about a poll conducted for Hoynes and an upcoming visit for the vice president to Bartlet's home state. Toby finally forces Leo to admit the truth, that Hoynes suspects Bartlet won't attempt a second term. Even more shocking to Toby is the reason: Bartlet has multiple sclerosis, a secret that only 16 other people know. Toby is furious and confronts Bartlet. Josh, Donna, Sam and Ainsley try to write jokes for the President's speech for the upcoming Correspondents' Dinner.
41 Season 2, Episode 19 Bad Moon Rising
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Bartlet reluctantly consults the new White House Counsel, Oliver Babish, who is stunned by the legal implications of Bartlet's condition. Bartlet denies ever testifying under oath or signing a legal document indicating that he is fully healthy, but Abbey did. Sam feels guilty about the role he played in an environmental disaster when an oil tanker he helped a company buy runs aground off the Delaware coast.
42 Season 2, Episode 20 The Fall's Gonna Kill You
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After Toby informs C.J. about Bartlet's disease, she endures Babish's questioning and realizes that she might have unwittingly been part of a criminal conspiracy to deceive the public. Babish tries to prepare the staffers for the intense scrutiny they will soon suffer. When Abbey returns from a trip, he interrogates her about the family medical history form she signed without disclosing Bartlet's affliction. Josh asks trusted pollster Joey Lucas to somehow gauge how citizens will react. Donna worries about a falling satellite. Josh feels that the Justice Department needs more money to battle the powerful tobacco companies that defrauded the American public.
43 Season 2, Episode 21 18th and Potomac
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After Joey gives Bartlet and his staff devastating polling figures, they debate how to inform the public of Bartlet's multiple sclerosis. A major factor is the unanswered question of Bartlet's intent to seek reelection. Babish reminds Abbey that she violated several ethics rules while secretly treating her husband. C.J. arranges for a live, half-hour interview, during which Bartlet will attempt to calm fears over his ability to serve. Leo orders Josh to escalate the battle against tobacco companies. A military coup in Haiti could lead to war with the U.S. While returning home from the dealership with her brand new car, Mrs. Landingham is killed by a drunk driver.
44 Season 2, Episode 22 Two Cathedrals
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Josh independently implements a rash plan to coerce wayward Democrats to support the administration's lawsuit against big tobacco companies. The military crisis in Haiti escalates. Bartlet must decide whether to run for reelection--most Democrats hope he won't. Abbey finally gives him her blessing to seek reelection. Bartlet reminisces about Mrs. Landingham and attends her funeral. The President and First Lady give a live interview at the White House concerning his illness. Afterwards, when asked by a reporter if he'll run again, the President merely smiles.
45 Season 3, Episode 1 Isaac and Ishmael
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The premiere episode of the third season of "The West Wing" deals with some of the questions and issues currently facing the world in the wake of the tragedies that recently occurred in America. With the White House in security lockdown, Bartlet and his staff must cope with the fallout of a terrorist attack. Cast members address the camera in character. The episode is self-contained, with the series' ongoing story line being taken up again in the following weeks.
46 Season 3, Episode 2 Manchester, Part 1
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Bartlet announces that he intends to seek reelection. Storms complicate a Haitian rescue mission. Bartlet and his staff travel to New Hampshire to work on campaign matters. C.J. commits an error during a press conference. First part of a two-part episode.
47 Season 3, Episode 3 Manchester, Part 2
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Bartlet refines his speech for a major reelection announcement, while his staff works uneasily with a heavyweight political strategist (RON SILVER) on this issue of whether or not Bartlet should include a public apology in his remarks. Meanwhile, C.J. considers drastic action in the wake of her ill-timed statements during a crucial press conference. Bartlet tries to reconcile with Abbey over a misunderstanding. He must also decide if he will accede to a corrupt Haitian leader's requests, which could lead to peace. Chief Counsel Babish (OLIVER PLATT) shocks Charlie with the probable cost of hiring a fancy lawyer, necessitated by the prospect of a special prosecutor asking Charlie some tough questions.
48 Season 3, Episode 4 Ways and Means
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When a fearless special prosecutor, Clem Rollins (NICHOLAS PRYOR), begins investigating Bartlet's failure to disclose his illness and issues subpoenas to the White House staff, C.J. cunningly reveals clues to the press that could force Rollins to be ousted and replaced by someone more favorable to the administration. Meanwhile, a forest fire rages in Wyoming, but the governor is incensed when Bartlet backs the forestry experts who believe the fire should just burn itself out. The President faces a quandary as he decides whether or not to push for the repeal of the estate tax, mockingly labeled the "death tax" by his savvy rivals. A wary Donna goes on a blind date with a charming Republican, Cliff Calley (recurring guest star MARK FEUERSTEIN), who might represent a conflict of interest.
49 Season 3, Episode 5 On the Day Before
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As a State Department dinner nears, Bartlet boldly vetoes the "death tax" bill, but his staff must scramble when they learn that the House of Representatives has enough votes to immediately override the veto. Some Democratic congressmen demand compromising political favors, infuriating Bartlet and Leo. Josh tries to influence promising Governor Buckland (KEVIN TIGHE - "Emergency"), who is considering running against Bartlet. C.J. rebukes an entertainment reporter, Sherri (MARY MARA). Charlie is strongly urged by his White House teammates to ask for immunity in his upcoming testimony into the President's nondisclosure of his illness. ANNA DEAVERE SMITH guest stars as intelligence adviser Nancy McNally.
50 Season 3, Episode 6 War Crimes
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After a church shooting, Bartlet asks reluctant Vice President John Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON) to speak at an antigun rally in Texas, but the uneasy allies confront each other in a starkly frank showdown. Donna testifies before a congressional committee investigating Bartlet's nondisclosure of his medical condition--and she lies to her inquisitor, Cliff Calley (MARK FEUERSTEIN - "What Women Want"). Meanwhile, Leo debates with General Alan Adamley (GERALD McRANEY - "Major Dad"), a longtime friend and Air Force officer, about the United States' stance on the War Crimes Tribunal. C.J. informs Toby that a reporter, Will Sawyer (MICHAEL O'KEEFE - "Life's Work"), heard a compromising comment aboutthe President that Toby made. Sam tries to make sense of Congressman Terry Beckwith's (BOB GLOUBERMAN) proposal of legislation that would eliminate the penny.
51 Season 3, Episode 7 Gone Quiet
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When an American spy submarine suddenly loses contact with the U.S. in hostile North Korean waters, a concerned Bartlet receives advice from Assistant Secretary of State Albie Duncan (Emmy Award winner HAL HOLBROOK - "The Bold Ones"). Bartlet must decide whether he should notify the enemy or attempt a risky, secret rescue. Meanwhile, Abigail learns that her past malpractice suits might cause trouble during the criminal investigation of Bartlet; C.J. is ecstatic over a potential presidential candidate's indecisive public remarks; and Toby meets with an appropriations committee representative who wants to divert money from Congress' controversial funding of avant-garde artists. OLIVER PLATT ("Bulworth") gueststars as Oliver Babish.
52 Season 3, Episode 8 The Indians in the Lobby
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While Bartlet worries about where he will be on Thanksgiving--and how to best cook a gourmet turkey--C.J. meets with two Native Americans, Maggie (GEORGINA LIGHTNING) and Jack (GARY FARMER - "The Score"), who are camped in the White House lobby. Maggie and Jack threaten to bring negative media attention if they are not allowed to speak with someone in authority regarding better public health initiatives on their reservation. Meanwhile, Josh does some political maneuvering to gain the extradition of a teenage boy who murdered his teacher and fled to Italy; Toby informs Bartlet of an inexpensive way to improve his polling numbers; and Sam questions a new poverty income index that could cause trouble for Bartlet by immediately reclassifying millions of Americans as poor.
53 Season 3, Episode 9 The Women of Qumar
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At Abbey's urging, Josh meets with a powerful women's caucus over the proposed language of a United Nations treaty banning prostitution. Meanwhile, Bartlet grapples with the possibility of a mad cow disease epidemic and ponders how much the public should know. Staffers are stunned by C.J.'s emotional outburst concerning the administration's renewal of its air base lease in a Mideast country that condones abuse of its women. World War II veterans come to the White House to protest an upcoming Pearl Harbor exhibit at the Smithsonian. Bartlet is sued by an angry woman who intends to raise a public outcry over his remarks regarding the controversial issue of a national seatbelt law. MARY-LOUISE PARKER guest stars.
54 Season 3, Episode 10 Bartlet for America
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The White House is festooned with Christmas finery. Leo fears the worst when he testifies in the congressional investigation into Bartlet's lack of public disclosure about his illness. Flashbacks reveal the background of Bartlet's decision, when he was governor, to not come forward with the damaging information. In addition, Bartlet personally investigates a series of church burnings in the South after a 2-year probe proves fruitless. He threatens to use troops to protect parishioners on Christmas Eve.
55 Season 3, Episode 11 H. Con-172
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Leo defiantly rejects the Congressional Oversight Committee's offer of a public censure of Bartlet that would finally bring an end to the investigation and spare Leo any possible personal repercussions. Meanwhile, Bartlet's staff reacts to an exposé published by a terminated White House photographer. Josh awkwardly schemes to socialize with a women's rights leader, Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER - "Boys on the Side"), whom he finds attractive. Also, Bartlet wants to frame a controversial 1709 map of Palestine that Charlie gave him, but C.J. warns the President of the political implications, since the historical map excludes Israel.
56 Season 3, Episode 12 100,000 Airplanes
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While the White House staff works intensely on Bartlet's crucial State of the Union speech, Bartlet suddenly demands the inclusion of a passage that ambitiously promises a crusade to cure cancer within 10 years. Sam is interviewed for a Vanity Fair magazine profile by Lisa Sherborne (TRAYLOR HOWARD), who was once his fiancée. Attracted to a prominent women's rights leader, Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER - "Fried Green Tomatoes"), Josh tries to persuade her that her burgeoning romance with a Congressman is solely a result of political machinations. Mischievous C.J. tries to upset Charlie by stealing his top-secret, coded copy of the President's upcoming address. Pollster Joey Lucas (recurring guest star MARLEE MATLIN) studies the responses to Bartlet's speech from focus groups.
57 Season 3, Episode 13 The Two Bartlets
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Bartlet and his staff ponder whether or not to counter a fast-rising Republican presidential candidate's verbal assault on affirmative action. Josh must postpone his tropical vacation with women's rights advocate Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER) in order to defuse a risky situation in Vieques, Puerto Rico, an area that serves as a U.S. Navy firing range. As he prepares to remove protesters who have put themselves in harm's way on the island, Josh telephones his longtime friend--who is leading the group. Meanwhile, Sam meets with an eccentric politician, Robert Engler (SAM LLOYD), who believes that Ft. Knox is missing a fortune in gold bullion; C.J. defiantly debates Toby over the meritsof affirmative action; and Donna asks Josh to intercede and relieve her of pending jury duty.
58 Season 3, Episode 14 Night Five
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Bartlet consults a psychiatrist, Dr. Stanley Keyworth (recurring guest star ADAM ARKIN - "Chicago Hope"), for a troubling sleep disorder and receives a sobering personal assessment. C.J. lobbies vigorously to help secure the release of a White House reporter who has been taken hostage while on assignment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Toby risks the wrath of his ex-wife, Congresswoman Andrea "Andy" Wyatt (recurring guest star KATHLEEN YORK), by writing an inflammatory speech condemning Islamic fanaticism. Sam asks Republican lawyer Ainsley Hayes (recurring guest star EMILY PROCTER) to review a proposed act that calls for payback of U.S. debt to the United Nations in exchange for special requests. Donna is stunned when she is offered a prestigious and lucrative new job outside the White House.
59 Season 3, Episode 15 Hartsfield's Landing
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Bartlet engages both Sam and Toby in intricate chess matches that mirror the wily game of brinksmanship that Bartlet is playing with the Chinese, who are conducting war games in the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese threaten real war if Taiwan begins test firing its new U.S.-made Patriot defense missiles. Meanwhile, Josh is nervous about the 42 votes in a remote New Hampshire town's election, which are counted immediately and always predict the winner of that state's primary. Mischievous C.J. tries to upset Charlie by hiding his copy of the President's top-secret daily schedule--prompting a spate of playful tricks.
60 Season 3, Episode 16 Dead Irish Writers
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As Abbey contemplates the likelihood that her medical license will be taken away the following day, she grumpily attends a big White House party for her birthday. Bartlet receives another visit from decorous British Ambassador Lord John Marbury (recurring guest star ROGER REES), who argues against Bartlet's meeting with a murderous Irish terrorist. Meanwhile, Sam meets with Senator Enlow (ROBIN THOMAS), who is blocking the funding of a controversial scientific project that would cost billions. Bartlet ponders making an effort to save a failing computer company. Donna discovers that the national border near her Minnesota birthplace has been redrawn slightly--making her officially a Canadian. Abbey, C.J. and several of the staff women mischievously hide in a closet to drink and gossip. Recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER ("Boys on the Side") appears as Josh's girlfriend, Amy Gardner, and HECTOR ELIZONDO ("Chicago Hope") guest stars as Sam's former professor, Dr. Millgate.
61 Season 3, Episode 17 The U.S. Poet Laureate
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Bartlet makes a disparaging comment about a potential Republican nominee after a television interview, not realizing that he is still being recorded. For days, C.J. must control the scandal, and Sam recalls Republican White House legal counsel Ainsley Hayes (recurring guest star EMILY PROCTER) from vacation to help formulate the administration's official response. Meanwhile, Toby tries to dissuade the newly named U.S. poet laureate, Tabatha Fortis (LAURA DERN - "Jurassic Park"), from publicly objecting to the government's lack of support for a treaty on land mines. Bartlet ponders saving a failing computer company. And Josh is both repulsed and intrigued by the fact that there is a fan-based Web site devoted to him.
62 Season 3, Episode 18 Stirred
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When a large truck carrying uranium fuel rods crashes in a remote Idaho tunnel, Bartlet's staff prepares for a potential environmental--or terrorist--crisis. Meanwhile, Bartlet's stealthily composed electoral strategy may exclude Vice President John Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON) from the next campaign. Unaware that his fate is in question, Hoynes ponders how to promote one of his favorite bills, one that would provide Internet access to low-income households. Also, Hoynes attends the same Alcoholics Anonymous meeting as Leo. Charlie regrets filing his tax return online, after heeding the meddling Bartlet's advice. At Donna's request, Josh seeks a presidential proclamation honoring the retirement of her favorite teacher, but the task proves more difficult than he first imagined.
63 Season 3, Episode 19 Enemies Foreign and Domestic
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As Sam finalizes the maddening details of Bartlet's upcoming summit with the Russian president, satellite photographs reveal an Iranian nuclear bomb facility built with Russian technology. The discovery could cause major problems with the leaders' meeting. Meanwhile, the outraged C.J. makes a harsh public statement about a group of schoolgirls in Saudi Arabia who were prevented by the religious police from escaping a burning building because they were not dressed properly. C.J. then receives a serious death threat, prompting Bartlet to assign Secret Service protection to her. Charlie seeks the source of a curious encoded letter addressed to Bartlet. And Toby ponders whether or not to allow a controversialRussian journalist, Ludmilla Koss (SVETLANA EFREMOVA), who has criticized the Russian president, to attend the summit.
64 Season 3, Episode 20 The Black Vera Wang
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Bartlet and his staff rush to deal with an anticipated terrorist attack over a broad area. Meanwhile, C.J. has trouble adjusting to being protected by a handsome and capable Secret Service agent, Simon Donovan (recurring guest star MARK HARMON - "St. Elsewhere," "Reasonable Doubts"). And Toby clashes with network television executives regarding future political convention coverage. Recurring guest star RON SILVER appears as campaign strategist Bruno Gianelli.
65 Season 3, Episode 21 We Killed Yamamoto
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Bartlet agonizes over whether or not to forfeit the principle of diplomatic immunity for an important Middle Eastern official who is known to be plotting terrorism. Josh debates with his lover, feminist activist Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER), over a key welfare reform bill. Meanwhile, Bartlet is advised not to attend a fund-raiser for a politically sensitive cause. Sam must reject ecologically friendly legislation for the Everglades. C.J. gains new respect for her Secret Service bodyguard, Simon Donovan (recurring guest star MARK HARMON). And Donna travels to North Dakota to represent the Bartlet administration at a meeting to change the state's name.
66 Season 3, Episode 22 Posse Comitatus
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In the season finale, Bartlet makes a life-or-death decision regarding a foreign diplomat who is a known terrorist. He ponders the situation during a charity benefit performance of a Shakespeare play about another conflicted leader, Henry VI. At the performance, Bartlet encounters Governor Robert Ritchie (recurring guest star JAMES BROLIN - "Pensacola: Wings of Gold"), his Republican rival in the upcoming presidential election. Meanwhile, Toby and Sam manipulate the press to discredit Ritchie.

When Josh supports a key welfare reform bill that his lover, feminist activist Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER), opposes, their personal relationship is threatened. The flirtation between C.J. and her Secret Service bodyguard, Simon Donovan, is limited by their professional relationship. And as the search continues for a replacement for the deceased Mrs. Landingham, Charlie recommends Deborah Fiderer, a former White House secretary who was fired for hiring Charlie.
67 Season 3, Episode 23 The West Wing Special Episode
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"The West Wing" blends drama with reality in this groundbreaking documentary episode that includes interviews with former Presidents and White House figures. Paying tribute to the real-life counterparts of the show's fictional Bartlet administration, the installment features U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, White House staffers David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers and Leon Panetta and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Highlights from the three seasons of "The West Wing" are interspersed throughout.
68 Season 4, Episode 1 20 Hours in America, Part 1
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The reelection campaign of President Josiah Bartlet (series star MARTIN SHEEN) is underway and moving quickly--so quickly that after Bartlet finishes a speech in Unionville, Indiana, Josh Lyman (series star BRADLEY WHITFORD), Toby Ziegler (series star RICHARD SCHIFF) and Donna Moss (series star JANEL MOLONEY) are accidentally left behind by the motorcade containing C.J. Cregg (series star ALLISON JANNEY) and the other staffers. The three must find their own way back to Washington, D.C. At the White House, Leo McGarry (series star JOHN SPENCER) and Admiral Fitzwallace (recurring guest star JOHN AMOS) become anxious when they learn that the country of Qumar has reopened its investigation into the death of one of its officials. Later, Bartlet is informed that Qumar intends to accuse Israel of the assassination, in which Bartlet was actually involved.
69 Season 4, Episode 2 20 Hours in America, Part 2
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The reelection campaign of President Josiah Bartlet (series star MARTIN SHEEN) is underway and moving quickly--so quickly that after Bartlet finishes a speech in Unionville, Indiana, Josh Lyman (series star BRADLEY WHITFORD), Toby Ziegler (series star RICHARD SCHIFF) and Donna Moss (series star JANEL MOLONEY) are accidentally left behind by the motorcade containing C.J. Cregg (series star ALLISON JANNEY) and the other staffers. The three must find their own way back to Washington, D.C. At the White House, Leo McGarry (series star JOHN SPENCER) and Admiral Fitzwallace (recurring guest star JOHN AMOS) become anxious when they learn that the country of Qumar has reopened its investigation into the death of one of its officials. Later, Bartlet is informed that Qumar intends to accuse Israel of the assassination, in which Bartlet was actually involved.
70 Season 4, Episode 3 College Kids
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Bartlet's staff prepares a legal team to deal with the inquiry into Bartlet's involvement in the Qumari assassination. The country of Qumar is manufacturing evidence to implicate Israel, which could lead to war. The staffers cautiously approach Leo's ex-wife, attorney Jordon Kendall (JOANNA GLEASON), to represent Bartlet. Meanwhile, a key judicial ruling on presidential third-party candidates causes trouble for Bartlet's campaign. Josh is upset with his girlfriend, Amy (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER), for accepting a certain job interview. Sam, Toby and Josh concoct a radical new idea to help people pay for college education. And the approval of prospective executive secretary Debbie Fiderer (recurring guest star LILY TOMLIN) is threatened when new evidence is discovered.
71 Season 4, Episode 4 The Red Mass
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Bartlet ponders the potential consequences of ordering a strike force to overtake a barricaded gang of domestic terrorists in Iowa, one of whom is a noncombatant requiring medical attention. Meanwhile, Bartlet's staff tries to negotiate with his Republican rival for more debates. Josh accuses his girlfriend, Amy (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER), of possibly drawing votes away from Bartlet by helping a third-party candidate, Senator Howard Stackhouse (recurring guest star GEORGE COE). And Leo discreetly meets with a high-ranking Israeli official, Ben Yosef (MALACHI THRONE) to discuss mutual strategy regarding the Qumari assassination investigation.
72 Season 4, Episode 5 Debate Camp
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While on a weekend retreat to prepare for the crucial upcoming debates, Bartlet must also deal with an Israeli air attack on Qumar that could cause havoc in the Mideast. Meanwhile, Bartlet's staff recalls the administration's first error-prone days in office.
73 Season 4, Episode 6 Game On
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One day before a debate between Bartlet and his Republican rival, Governor Robert Ritchie (recurring guest star JAMES BROLIN), even skeptical Toby must admit that Bartlet is ready. After a debate rehearsal, Toby meets with his ex-wife, Congresswoman Andrea "Andy" Wyatt (recurring guest star KATHLEEN YORK), who is advising on the campaign. Toby also tells C.J. that Albie Duncan (recurring guest star HAL HOLBROOK), a rather old, slightly crazy Republican, will help Bartlet deal with the aftermath of the debate. Later, the staff joyously watches Bartlet trounce Ritchie in the debate. Meanwhile, Leo and attorney Jordon Kendall (recurring guest star JOANNA GLEASON) negotiate a peaceful settlement to the escalating Qumar-Israel conflict. And Sam attempts to persuade an idealistic campaign manager, Will Bailey (recurring guest star JOSH MALINA), to remove a recently deceased Democratic candidate from the Presidential ballot.
74 Season 4, Episode 7 Election Night
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On Election Day, Bartlet and his staff begin counting exit poll votes across the country. In a conservative California congressional district, the results have important implications for Sam and a maverick Democratic campaign manager, Will Bailey (recurring guest star JOSH MOLINA). Meanwhile, Donna meets an intriguing Navy Commander, Jack Ross (recurring guest star CHRISTIAN SLATER - "Windtalkers," "The Contender"), who has been transferred to the White House as Deputy Military Aide.
75 Season 4, Episode 8 Process Stories
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As the White House staffers rejoice after Bartlet's win, the outcome of a bizarre congressional race in a conservative California district provides them with a surprising idea. Toby and his ex-wife, Congresswoman Andrea ""Andy"" Wyatt (recurring guest star KATHLEEN YORK), confront a difficult decision on their future. Donna flirts with Navy Lieutenant Commander Jack Ross (recurring guest star CHRISTIAN SLATER), who moves into his White House office. And Bartlet attempts to celebrate his victory by spending a romantic night with Abbey. Meanwhile, a coup takes place in Venezuela.
76 Season 4, Episode 9 Swiss Diplomacy
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Bartlet ponders the immense political ramifications of honoring a secret request from the uncompromising Iranian Ayatollah to allow his son to be flown to the United States for life-saving surgery.
77 Season 4, Episode 10 Arctic Radar
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Sam prepares his California congressional campaign and refers talented campaign manager Will Bailey (recurring guest star JOSH MOLINA) to Toby for a review of Will's speechwriting skills. Meanwhile, C.J. clashes with a reporter who is upset over his new pressroom seat assignment.
78 Season 4, Episode 11 Holy Night
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A winter storm blankets the northeast as a staffer gets a surprising visit from his father, and Bartlet and Leo start to hear the footsteps.
79 Season 4, Episode 12 Guns Not Butter
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The staff joins together to fight a losing battle on a foreign aid vote in the Senate.
80 Season 4, Episode 13 The Long Goodbye
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C.J. reluctantly returns home to Dayton, Ohio, to speak at her 20th high school class reunion. Her visit includes an encounter with a rich and handsome classmate, Marco Arlens (MATTHEW MODINE - "Any Given Sunday"), and the sobering realization that her father, Talmidge (DONALD MOFFAT - "Clear and Present Danger"), is rapidly deteriorating from Alzheimer's disease. While C.J. confronts her myriad emotions, she can't resist keeping in contact with Toby, who struggles to temporarily replace her during news briefings.
81 Season 4, Episode 14 Inauguration, Part 1
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A situation in an unimportant country on the other side of the world has Bartlet and his staff rewriting his address on the eve of his inauguration. Meanwhile, tensions mount between the White House and the Pentagon, and the staff is stunned by a betrayal of one of their own.
82 Season 4, Episode 15 Inauguration, Part 2: Over There
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Preparations for the Presidential inauguration, and the parties that follow, continue as the White House cancels Bartlet's speech and moves closer to a historic military action.
83 Season 4, Episode 16 The California 47th
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En route to California to support Sam's troubled campaign for Congress, Bartlet and his staff debate whether or not to announce a controversial tax plan that might damage Sam's chances in conservative Orange County. Meanwhile, Bartlet must keep abreast of a dangerous U.S. military incursion in a tumultuous African country.
84 Season 4, Episode 17 Red Haven's On Fire
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Bartlet waits tensely for the results of a military strike intended to rescue three captive American soldiers in Africa. Meanwhile, Toby tries to help Sam's California congressional campaign, and Josh clashes with Abby.
85 Season 4, Episode 18 Privateers
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Upset because an antiabortion provision has been attached to a foreign aid bill, Abbey asks Amy (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER) to secretly help defeat the bill, which was proposed by Bartlet. Meanwhile, Toby gets into legal trouble when a former classmate exposes a lawbreaking chemical company. Also, members of the Daughters of the American Revolution want to reject Abbey when they learn that her distant relative was more of a pirate than a patriot.
86 Season 4, Episode 19 Angel Maintenance
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At the end of an 18-hour return trip from Manila, as Air Force One is about to begin its descent into Andrews Air Force Base, a cockpit indicator light leads the crew to believe that the landing gear might not be locked down. The craft stays in the air while the problem can be examined. Tensions in Air Force One and on the ground grow as people become increasingly concerned that someone may have tampered with the airplane.
87 Season 4, Episode 20 Evidence of Things Not Seen
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After a gunman fires three shots at the White House, the staff remains on lockdown. Meanwhile, Bartlet negotiates the return of a downed spy plane. Josh interviews a candidate, Joe Quincy (recurring guest star MATTHEW PERRY - "Friends," "The Whole Nine Yards"), for associate counsel. And a spirited card game allows everyone to relieve their tension.
88 Season 4, Episode 21 Life on Mars
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A seemingly benign press leak begins a journey that lasts for a day and a night and ends with the discovery of a scandal affecting the uppermost levels of the administration. What the staff doesn't yet know is this is merely the beginning of a chain reaction--and things are about to get considerably worse. Recurring guest star MATTHEW PERRY appears as Joe Quincy, a newly hired White House attorney who has the bad luck of finding the problem.
89 Season 4, Episode 22 Commencement
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The U.S. is in a heightened state of alert because suspected terrorists have gone missing. Meanwhile, Bartlet struggles with the message that he wants to convey to his youngest daughter Zoey's (recurring guest star ELISABETH MOSS), graduating class at Georgetown University. C.J. must stop reporter Danny Concanon (Timothy Busfield) from filing a story. And Charlie decides whether or not to keep a romantic promise he made to Zoey when they were dating. Recurring guest star TAYE DIGGS ("Chicago," "How Stella Got Her Groove Back") appears as the new head of Zoey's Secret Service detail.
90 Season 4, Episode 23 25
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In the season finale, Bartlet confronts a national crisis on the night of his daughter Zoey's (recurring guest star ELISABETH MOSS) graduation from Georgetown University, forcing him to shut down Washington, D.C., and order a fleet to the Persian Gulf. Bartlet also considers executive action that would have been unthinkable just hours earlier. In the midst of the administration's greatest challenge, a conflicted Toby still finds time to savor a personal milestone.
91 Season 5, Episode 1 7A WF 83429
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As the White House reels from the kidnapping of Zoey (recurring guest star ELISABETH MOSS), the youngest daughter of Democratic U.S. President Josiah Edward Bartlet (series star MARTIN SHEEN), the government is temporarily passed from the distraught Bartlet to the Republican party--specifically Speaker of the House Glenallen Walken (recurring guest star JOHN GOODMAN - "Roseanne," "Barton Fink")--due to the prior resignation of Bartlet's Vice President. First Lady Dr. Abigail "Abbey" Bartlet (series star STOCKARD CHANNING) staunchly supports her husband, but the trauma of potentially losing their child forces her to confront Bartlet with the harrowing notion that the crisis was the direct result of the assassination of a dangerous foreign official he ordered months ago. As always, professorial Chief of Staff Leo McGarry (series star JOHN SPENCER) serves as Bartlet's political and emotional buttress.
92 Season 5, Episode 2 The Dogs of War
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The international crisis concerning the terrorist abduction of Bartlet's daughter Zoey reaches a critical point as Speaker of the House Glenallen Walken (recurring guest star JOHN GOODMAN), the acting President, orders the bombardment of Qumari terrorist camps. The kidnappers issue a 24-hour deadline for the removal of American troops from Qumar. Meanwhile, Josh fumes over his perceived notion that the Republicans will exploit and push forward their own legislative agenda. And Toby visits his newborn twins--even as he oversees the drafting of two presidential speeches that hinge on Zoey's fate.
93 Season 5, Episode 3 Jefferson Lives
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Following a harrowing chapter in the nation's history, the White House celebrates the Fourth of July. Bartlet endures the painful process of nominating a candidate for vice president. But his first choice, Secretary of State Lewis Berryhill (recurring guest star WILLIAM DEVANE - "Knots Landing"), will have a difficult time getting approved. Meanwhile, while the reclusive First Lady tends to personal matters, Amy (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER - "Fried Green Tomatoes") champions Abbey's violence prevention provisions for an upcoming bill. Josh and Amy share a romantic moment. And Donna is appalled by a new intern, Ryan (recurring guest star JESSE BRADFORD).
94 Season 5, Episode 4 Han
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A renowned North Korean pianist is greeted at the White House for a solo performance, but the formalities change when the musician slips a message to the President stating that he wants to defect. Despite C.J.'s passionate argument, others counsel Bartlet that granting the defection would endanger crucial ongoing negotiations with the nation. Also, members of the staff work hard to get the President's new choice for Vice President, Colorado Congressman Robert Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE - "The Brady Bunch" movies, "Family Affair"), unanimously approved by both houses of Congress--but there's one holdout whose "nay" vote could embarrass everyone.
95 Season 5, Episode 5 Constituency of One
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After Josh is hailed as the "101st Senator" in a newspaper profile, he clashes with conservative Senator Carrick (TOM SKERRITT - "Picket Fences"), a Democrat from Idaho. Carrick withholds his approval of a backlog of military promotions so he can secure an expensive but faulty missile launcher to be built in his home state. Will gets a flattering offer from the newly approved Vice President, Robert Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE), while C.J. runs afoul of Leo's temper when she deviates from the administration's scripted line regarding an Environmental Protection Agency report on coal-based energy. Likewise, Amy (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER) earns the President's wrath when she aggressively pushes for funding of the First Lady's agenda on violence prevention. Meanwhile, Toby creates a message calendar to maintain focus during Bartlet's second term. LAURA INNES ("ER") directed the episode.
96 Season 5, Episode 6 Disaster Relief
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Bartlet is preoccupied with a killer tornado in Oklahoma and flies there to lend his support. But his compassion overrules good judgment, and Bartlet stays longer than planned. Meanwhile, Leo worries about several crises in the capital that need the president's immediate attention. Josh fears the worst after a political miscalculation costs the Democrats dearly. And Donna becomes concerned about Josh's welfare after he becomes Washington's latest target of scorn.
97 Season 5, Episode 7 Separation of Powers
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The President's staff wrangles with new Speaker of the House Jeff Haffley (STEVEN CULP) over the pending federal budget. Meanwhile, Toby dispatches former Supreme Court clerk and personal friend Joe Quincy (recurring guest star MATTHEW PERRY - "Friends") to check on the condition of stricken Chief Justice Roy Ashland (MILO O'SHEA), an elderly Supreme Court icon who has Washington wondering if he will finally resign. With the budget deadline quickly approaching, aggressive advisor Angela Blake (recurring guest star MICHAEL HYATT) faces a mighty challenge as she tries to work out an agreement that could compromise Bartlet's campaign promises. But the President is also focused on a crucial national television interview that Zoey (recurring guest star ELISABETH MOSS) has agreed to tape with a well-known newswoman, Diane Mathers (KATHRIN LAUTNER), who has a knack for exposing raw emotions.
98 Season 5, Episode 8 Shutdown
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A disastrous fiscal crisis looms when the federal government is shut down after the President and the powerful Republican Speaker of the House disagree over an extra two percent in budget reductions that would trim many of Bartlet's key social programs. Opinion polls reveal that the public blames the Democrats for the impasse. As Leo, Josh and Toby send the staff home, the trio remains uneasy as the President refuses to compromise--until he hatches a bold plan to personally and publicly challenge the Republicans in the halls of the Capitol. Meanwhile, Abbey suddenly reappears from her self-imposed exile for a State dinner that she might have to cook herself.
99 Season 5, Episode 9 Abu el Banat
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The festive Christmas spirit at the annual White House tree-lighting celebration is dimmed when the President learns that Christian relief workers have been jailed in Islamic Northern Sudan. Bartlet welcomes his three independent daughters, Zoey (recurring guest star ELISABETH MOSS), Liz (recurring guest star ANNABETH GISH) and Ellie (recurring guest star NINA SIEMASZKO), and is surprised to learn that Liz's husband, Doug Westin (recurring guest star STEVEN ECKHOLDT), wants to vie for Congress in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, when the licenses of some doctors in Oregon are suspended after they administer drugs in an assisted suicide, Toby tries to keep the President from being bogged down in a debate--and clashes with Will, whom he sends to convince the Vice President to address the political juggernaut instead.
100 Season 5, Episode 10 The Stormy Present
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When a former President of the United States dies, the two remaining ex-Presidents fly on Air Force One with Bartlet to attend the funeral. Onboard, Bartlet's two historic guests partake in a lively debate about their administrations. Their past mistakes haunt the current administration including a recent event--protestors have surrounded a Saudi Oil headquarters, taking 200 hostages, including 50 Americans. Meanwhile, C.J. investigates government experiments on mind control. Leo discovers his ex-wife is engaged to be married. And Josh referees a debate concerning an original copy of the Bill of Rights. Acclaimed novelist JOHN SACRET YOUNG wrote the teleplay.
101 Season 5, Episode 11 The Benign Prerogative
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Toby finishes the State of the Union Address a few weeks early, and a pregnant Joey Lucas (recurring guest star MARLEE MATLIN - "Children of a Lesser God") polls responses to the speech from everyday people. Charlie is intrigued by Meeshell Anders (GABRIELLE UNION - "Friends"), an aspiring female journalist with a secret. Abbey pressures her husband to pardon a Native American tribal leader convicted of killing two FBI agents in North Dakota. Bartlet opposes minimums and guidelines for prison sentences and pardons over 30 inmates. And Toby hires a new assistant, Rena (recurring guest star MELISSA MARSALA).
102 Season 5, Episode 12 Slow News Day
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Toby convinces Bartlet to secretly sanction his solo attempt to make history by reforming Social Security, but Toby's efforts to recruit a Republican senator and a Democratic cohort are publicly divulged--forcing the administration to back down while Josh and Leo are left clueless and furious. Meanwhile, an equally unaware C.J. parries with a reporter who is ready to print all the backstage details. Also, the female staffers complain to Josh about a new employee--a mysterious, seductively dressed woman assigned to Toby.
103 Season 5, Episode 13 The Warfare of Genghis Khan
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When the flash of a secret nuclear detonation is detected over the Indian Ocean, Bartlet calls upon his people to investigate which nation now has the atomic bomb--and since conventional thinking favors Iran, Bartlet orders bombers into the air to destroy that nation's most likely uranium-enriched targets. Meanwhile, Josh chides NASA personnel on the future of space exploration--until he is introduced to an attractive female administrator. C.J. fumes when a combative television talk-show host, Taylor Reid (JAY MOHR - "The Last Comic Standing"), denigrates her on the air, and Will discloses to Vice President Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE - "Midnight Caller") that Russell is considered a buffoon by the White House staff.
104 Season 5, Episode 14 An Khe
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When five crew members of an airborne Thunderchief are shot down by North Korean jets near the hostile country, President Bartlet dispatches a Navy SEAL team to retrieve them--prompting Leo to recall his own harrowing experience when he was downed as a pilot over North Vietnam. Leo's good friend and fellow flyer saved Leo's life and now is in trouble for allegedly paying bribes to defense contractors to obtain military contracts. Meanwhile, C.J. accepts the challenge of dueling on live television with an opinionated, conservative talk show host, Taylor Reid (recurring guest star JAY MOHR). Josh fumes when he briefs the President about a contested tax cut for stay-at-home mothers and is undercut by brash, young intern Ryan (recurring guest star JESSE BRADFORD). And the commander in chief balks at posing for his official portrait.
105 Season 5, Episode 15 Full Disclosure
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The Bartlet administration reels from press leaks that former Vice President Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON) is preparing a tell-all book that will embarrass the President and Leo as Hoynes plans to become a candidate for President of the United States. The newsflash first stuns C.J. live on the air as she jousts with acerbic pundit Taylor Reid (recurring guest star JAY MOHR). Josh welcomes the mayor of Washington, D.C., to the White House to discuss school vouchers and also encounters a political firestorm when intern Ryan (recurring guest star JESSE BRADFORD) proposes closing a military base in a district belonging to a powerful congressman. Toby parleys with trade union bosses who reach an impasse over import safeguards for brassieres.
106 Season 5, Episode 16 Eppur Si Muove
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Bartlet becomes furious when a rival conservative congresswoman tries to end funding for a controversial National Institute of Health medical study by exposing the fact that Bartlet's daughter Ellie (recurring guest star NINA SIEMASZKO) is working at the institute as a scientist. As Toby searches for the internal White House leak that led to Ellie's press scrutiny, Josh tries to convince an old college friend to remain in contention as a judge on the 6th Circuit Federal Court--even though his confirmation has been blocked for the past 12 months. Meanwhile, C.J. urges Abbey to increase her public profile as the First Lady and a working doctor. Part of C.J.'s plan includes educating children about medicine via a public service announcement with Abbey and characters from the children's show "Sesame Street," Big Bird, Elmo, Rosita and Zoe.
107 Season 5, Episode 17 The Supremes
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
When a Republican Supreme Court justice suddenly dies, the Bartlet administration scrambles to find a worthy replacement, and the halls are filled with candidates. But the President senses that the process is a political minefield until Josh devises a wild plan that could also create an opening for Evelyn Baker Lang (Emmy and Tony Award winner GLENN CLOSE - "Fatal Attraction," "Air Force One"), a liberal who would be an unthinkable choice. Potential judicial nominees visit the West Wing offices and are interviewed--some serving only as decoys to confuse the press. But everyone gets curious when the President meets with Christopher Mulready (WILLIAM FICHTNER - "The Perfect Storm"), a bright but conservative judge.
108 Season 5, Episode 18 Access
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Producing a program on past and present White House press secretaries, a television documentary crew follows C.J. around to film a "typical" day. But the presence of outsiders adds stress when a crisis involving a terrorist shootout with the FBI has a smiling C.J. trying to keep the story a secret. Meanwhile, C.J. supervises her team in preparation for a formal papal visit with Bartlet and dodges difficult questions about the imminent future of the current FBI director.
109 Season 5, Episode 19 Talking Points
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
On the eve of the President's controversial trade summit meeting in Brussels, Josh is troubled when he learns that Bartlet will reverse his position concerning the loss of American jobs to foreign nations. C.J. is frustrated with a new Federal Communications Commission ruling allowing multimedia companies increased ownership of TV stations. Meanwhile, the administration tries to downplay job-loss statistics, and Donna tells Josh about her dissatisfaction with her limited role on his staff. During all of this, Bartlet meets Kate Harper (recurring guest star MARY McCORMACK - "K Street," "Private Parts"), the brash, new deputy national security advisor.
110 Season 5, Episode 20 No Exit
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
After attending a formal dinner at another location, Bartlet and his staff return to the White House and experience an emergency quarantine inside the West Wing when the environmental hazard monitor detects a dangerous foreign substance. The unexpected lockdown creates odd couplings of people forced to occupy small rooms together. Isolated with Will, Toby accuses his former assistant of backstabbing Bartlet. As Secret Service agents and hazardous materials inspectors search for the source of the anomaly, the President, Fiderer (recurring guest star LILY TOMLIN) and Charlie submit to physical examinations, while in another room C.J. gives Donna strong career advice. And stuck with security adviser Kate (recurring guest star MARY McCORMACK), Josh queries her on why one of his jokes was deleted from Bartlet's speech--and gets an unexpected response.
111 Season 5, Episode 21 Gaza
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Donna and Admiral Fitzwallace (recurring guest star JOHN AMOS) travel with a few Congressmen to the hotly disputed Gaza Strip on a fact-finding mission, trying to sort through the rival issues between the Palestinians and Israelis. But the killing fields soon claim some members of the delegation when a deadly bomb shatters their vehicle, prompting Bartlet to consider targets for military action. In flashbacks, Donna is attracted to a dashing British photojournalist, Goran Marik (JASON ISAACS - "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"), who reveals to her his graphic world of recording mankind's most heinous acts of violence.
112 Season 5, Episode 22 Memorial Day
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
In the season finale, after the murders of high-ranking U.S. officials in the explosive Gaza Strip, Bartlet weighs appropriate military action. A wary Josh meets with a mysterious foreign operative while tending to Donna, who is fighting for her life.
113 Season 6, Episode 1 NSF Thurmont
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
From his office in the White House, President Josiah Bartlet (series star MARTIN SHEEN) leads the most powerful nation on earth. Directly descended from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, New Hampshire Democrat Bartlet exudes a country-lawyer charisma that complements his brilliance, his deep conviction and his devotion to what he believes is right for the country. A brilliant academician in her own right, first lady Dr. Abigail "Abbey" Bartlet (series star STOCKARD CHANNING) staunchly supports her husband but does not hesitate to keep him in line when necessary. As always, professorial Chief of Staff Leo McGarry (series star JOHN SPENCER) resolutely serves as Bartlet's political and emotional right hand, while Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman (series star BRADLEY WHITFORD) keeps his highly regarded political mind in overdrive. Donna Moss (series star JANEL MOLONEY), Josh's capable assistant, more than holds her own in their friendly verbal sparring.
114 Season 6, Episode 2 The Birnam Wood
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Bartlet arranges for representatives from Israel and Palestine to visit Camp David in Maryland for peace negotiations. Leo remains at the White House in order to give the official order to attack the Ein Hawa terrorist training camp in Syria.
115 Season 6, Episode 3 Third-Day Story
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Before signing the Middle East peace accord, Bartlet orders his staff to enlist the support of the United States House of Representatives and the United Nations. Josh and Toby are assigned the task of getting congressional backing. Meanwhile, C.J. works to confirm international alliance with the United Nations Security Council. Donna returns to work, and Charlie refuses to take a college swimming exam that would allow him to graduate.
116 Season 6, Episode 4 Liftoff
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
An emissary from the Republic of Georgia visits the White House and offers weapons-grade uranium stored in a research reactor the Russians left behind when they pulled out of Georgia. Meanwhile, Josh looks for tax cut support from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and along the way meets with Matthew Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS - "NYPD Blue," "L.A. Law"), a bright and enigmatic congressman from Texas.
117 Season 6, Episode 5 The Hubbert Peak
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Josh test-drives an oversized SUV (sport-utility vehicle) and crashes into a hybrid car resulting in bad publicity for the White House. Annabeth Schott (recurring guest star KRISTIN CHENOWETH - "The Music Man"), the new press secretary, has been on the job for only a week and is preparing to encounter the press corps for the first time. Toby worries that she looks too young and may not be ready for the corps' probing questions.
118 Season 6, Episode 6 The Dover Test
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The United States peacekeeping compound is attacked, and American soldiers are killed. As the White House struggles to control the story, the father of a slain soldier speaks out against the mission. Meanwhile, Democratic Congressman Matthew Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) attaches the Patients' Bill of Rights he wrote to a Republican piece of legislation that effectively keeps the Democratic elements while maintaining a Republican agenda. Also, Leo gets a lesson in life and business from his nurse.
119 Season 6, Episode 7 A Change is Gonna Come
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Final preparations are being made for Bartlet's visit to China when he accepts a flag from the delegation representing the Taiwanese Independence Movement--prompting China to prepare for military action. Recurring guest star ED O'NEILL ("Married...with Children") appears as Governor Eric Baker.
120 Season 6, Episode 8 In the Room
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
At a Bartlet family birthday, magicians PENN & TELLER (themselves) burn the American flag in the White House, prompting a publicity nightmare. Aboard Air Force One, Bartlet is stricken by a paralyzing episode of his multiple sclerosis. And Josh is approached to handle the Vice President's presidential campaign.
121 Season 6, Episode 9 Impact Winter
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
As Bartlet and his staff arrive in China for a critical meeting, the President is still suffering the paralyzing effects of multiple sclerosis. Meanwhile, an asteroid is headed for the U.S., leaving Josh and Leo to deal with the potential consequences.
122 Season 6, Episode 10 Faith Based Initiative
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The press circulates an untrue rumor about C.J. A controversial amendment banning gay marriage is added to the budget. Josh convinces Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) to vie for the office of President. Bartlet tries to handle his latest recurrence of multiple sclerosis. And Donna works for Vice President Robert Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE) in his New Hampshire presidential campaign headquarters. Series star BRADLEY WHITFORD wrote the episode.
123 Season 6, Episode 11 Opposition Research
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Josh travels to New Hampshire with Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) to establish their campaign headquarters. But problems arise from the beginning when they set up the office in an abandoned shack, and personal differences about the campaign's goals become evident. Meanwhile, as Donna and Will work together on the Vice President's campaign, Will tells Donna that in order for their partnership to work, she needs to acknowledge that she is no longer on the same team as Josh.
124 Season 6, Episode 12 365 Days
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The day after the President's annual State of the Union address, the harried staff deals with one emergency situation after another. Kate works on a sensitive situation in Bolivia while C.J. handles one in North Korea, and Toby concentrates on unemployment. To find inspiration, Leo starts the first day in a new capacity by watching State of the Union speeches from previous years.
125 Season 6, Episode 13 King Corn
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The Midwestern state of Iowa is the location for the first presidential debate among the candidates. At the Iowa Corn Growers' Expo, Vice President Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE) gives the first speech. Matthew Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) and Arnold Vinick (recurring guest star ALAN ALDA) follow, and the differences between the candidates become very clear. Josh struggles to understand how he can guide Santos in the race.
126 Season 6, Episode 14 The Wake Up Call
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
On Valentine's Day, an Iranian fighter jet accidentally shoots down a British passenger plane--killing 100 people--but C.J. is reluctant to awaken the President even as the hawkish British prime minister considers bombing Iran's nuclear reactors in retaliation. After learning that the passenger jet was mistaken for a U.S. spy plane, Bartlet consults with British ambassador Lord John Marbury (recurring guest star ROGER REES - "Cheers"), and they debate whether a strike is the perfect excuse to destroy the atomic sites or if it would set back reform movements in Iran. Meanwhile, Abbey and C.J. feud over the President's schedule for total rest; Toby and a legal professor try to write a new democratic constitution with representatives of Belarus; and everyone keeps dodging the traditional White House appointment with Miss Universe. CHRISTOPHER LLOYD ("Taxi," "Back to the Future" films) guest stars as law professor Lawrence Lessig.
127 Season 6, Episode 15 Freedonia
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Five days before the New Hampshire primary, a desperate Josh must get his trailing candidate, Congressman Matthew Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS), into the local debate between the two front-runners, Vice President Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE) and John Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON - "Animal House"). Josh doesn't succeed, and his candidate's campaign is doomed--until they gamble on staging their own debate. When Santos brings in savvy Amy Gardner (recurring guest star MARY-LOUISE PARKER - "Fried Green Tomatoes") to help prepare, Josh clashes with both his ex-girlfriend and his candidate over the listless campaign.
128 Season 6, Episode 16 Drought Conditions
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Vice President Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE--not appearing in this episode) appears to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for President. But a new contender, Senator Rafferty (MEL HARRIS - "thirtysomething"), gives an amazing speech and has members of the press filling their columns with her words. Josh continues to firmly support Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) and discovers an interesting link between Senator Rafferty's health care plan and one President Bartlet created--that only a White House insider would know. Meanwhile, C.J. tries to get Congress to support a bill.
129 Season 6, Episode 17 A Good Day
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Congressman Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) masterminds a plot to pass the President's stem cell bill while the Republicans aren't paying attention. Members of a group of middle school children who are part of the Future Leaders for Democracy visit the White House and seek out Toby to discuss the voting age. And Kate deals with an impending invasion of Canada. Series star RICHARD SCHIFF directed the episode.
130 Season 6, Episode 18 La Palabra
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS) travels to Sacramento, California, for the last few days before Super Tuesday (a day when a large number of states simultaneously hold their primary elections; the single day when the most nominating delegates can be won). While he's trying to gather support for his healthcare agenda, Santos is pressured by the media to reveal his stand on California legislation that would provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE) decides not to go to California, and Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON) capably dodges the issue. Meanwhile, Donna takes a more proactive role in the Russell campaign by becoming the new spokesperson.
131 Season 6, Episode 19 Ninety Miles Away
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Speculations surround the nexus between communist Cuba and the democratic United States. Bartlet is propelled into a dubious conundrum--continue secret talks with Cuba's ailing dictator and lift an antiquated embargo or yield to bipartisan political fallout and reaffirm 40-year-old sanctions. Meanwhile, Leo and Kate discover they have more in common than politics. BRIAN DENNEHY guest stars as Senator Rafe Framingham.
132 Season 6, Episode 20 In God We Trust
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
After winning the Republican nomination for presidency, Arnold Vinick (recurring guest star ALAN ALDA) begins working on his campaign. Bruno Gianelli (recurring guest star RON SILVER - "Ali"), a political strategist, gives the Republican candidate advice about choosing a vice president and handling Vinick's latest controversy--his failure to attend church. Meanwhile, the Democrats are stuck in a three-way race for enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination; Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE) barely leads Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS); and Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON--not appearing in this episode) is now a distant third. Bartlet tries to show unity in the party by wrangling the candidates.
133 Season 6, Episode 21 Things Fall Apart
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The success of the impeccably organized Republican Convention contrasts with the Democrats who look in disarray as the candidates continue to battle to become the Democratic Party presidential nominee. Bartlet asks Leo to take control and organize the upcoming convention. Meanwhile, the International Space Station develops a leak and is losing oxygen, jeopardizing the lives of the three astronauts aboard.
134 Season 6, Episode 22 2162 Votes
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
At the Democratic Party National Convention, the race to become the presidential nominee has narrowed to three candidates: Russell (recurring guest star GARY COLE), Hoynes (recurring guest star TIM MATHESON) and Santos (recurring guest star JIMMY SMITS). Also, Bartlet wrestles with the decision to risk national security and launch the secret defense shuttle to rescue the astronauts trapped at the Space Station--or let them die.
135 Season 7, Episode 1 The Ticket
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Josh is caught off guard when political commentators are critical of Leo as a running mate for Santos. White House Counsel Oliver Babish (recurring guest star OLIVER PLATT - "A Time to Kill") discusses a leak investigation with C.J. And Donna approaches Josh for a job.
136 Season 7, Episode 2 The Mommy Problem
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
As a grand jury convenes to investigate the White House military shuttle leak, the campaign's focus changes to national security. Vinick deftly handles the issue while Santos is bound by his party loyalty to align himself with the Bartlet administration.
137 Season 7, Episode 3 Message of the Week
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Vinick undermines the Santos campaign by targeting immigration issues--a topic Santos had previously successfully avoided. Meanwhile, an eager National Security Agency agent briefs Vinick about a serious situation in Kazakhstan.
138 Season 7, Episode 4 Mr. Frost
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Since several members of the staff have been subpoenaed to testify in the military shuttle leak investigation, C.J. is left to run the office practically by herself. Major trouble breaks out in the Middle East jeopardizing Bartlet's peace plan.
139 Season 7, Episode 5 Here Today
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
After answering questions from White House Counsel Oliver Babish (recurring guest star OLIVER PLATT), Toby concludes that he needs to retain counsel. Meanwhile, Josh realizes that everyone involved in the Santos campaign is young and inexperienced, forcing him to make some tough decisions.
140 Season 7, Episode 6 The Al Smith Dinner
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
A third-party attack on Santos brings unwanted attention to both his and Vinick's stance on abortion. Meanwhile, Will gets a promotion.
141 Season 7, Episode 7 The Debate (West Coast)
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
In a first for "The West Wing," the Emmy Award-winning series broadcasts a live episode featuring a tension-packed debate between the two Presidential candidates, Congressman Matt Santos and Senator Arnold Vinick.
142 Season 7, Episode 8 Undecideds
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Santos visits a Los Angeles African-American family whose child was shot by a Latino police officer. C.J. manages a crisis between China and Kazakhstan.
143 Season 7, Episode 9 The Wedding
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
On the eve of Ellie's (recurring guest star NINA SIEMASZKO) White House wedding, a military situation in Central Asia takes Bartlet away from the rehearsal festivities. Meanwhile, the election is 6 weeks away, and Santos is trailing by 7 points. Josh, Leo and Santos strategize over where to spend their rapidly dwindling monetary resources. Some Democratic Party loyalists want Santos to replace Josh, but Leo advises against it. And Bartlet takes a break from being President to walk his daughter down the aisle.
144 Season 7, Episode 10 Running Mates
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Leo struggles through debate practice and makes Josh and Lou (recurring guest star JANEANE GAROFALO) extremely nervous. Meanwhile, Santos gets a brief respite from the campaign trail to see his family.
145 Season 7, Episode 11 Internal Displacement
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
C.J. is in the process of negotiating a deal so Russia and China don't go to war over Kazakstan when some potentially embarrassing information about Bartlet surfaces. Meanwhile, Josh pressures the White House to let Santos announce a scientific research lab in Texas, much to the administration's chagrin.
146 Season 7, Episode 12 Duck and Cover
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Bartlet must face the possibility of a nuclear reactor meltdown in California. In the midst of this emergency, the presidential campaign goes on, and the candidates find themselves struggling to find a good strategy to deal with the situation. Meanwhile, Kate keeps an eye on the impending battle between Russia and China over Kazakstan.
147 Season 7, Episode 13 The Cold
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The effects of a nuclear scare in California continue to shake things up on both sides of the campaign trail. While the Vinick camp falters over its pro-nuclear position, the Santos team is gaining momentum, and overnight, it has become a neck-and-neck race. Caught up in the excitement of it all, Josh and Donna share a moment that has been a long time coming. Meanwhile, the White House is involved in its own drama, as military forces from China and Russia face off over an increasingly tense situation in Kazakhstan.
148 Season 7, Episode 14 Two Weeks Out
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
As the end of the campaign trail nears, the candidates feel the burden more than ever. Meanwhile, an interesting and unexpected twist gives Vinick an opportunity to damage the Santos campaign.
149 Season 7, Episode 15 Welcome to Wherever You Are
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
The Attorney General pressures Toby to reveal his source on the shuttle leak. Meanwhile, Santos continues his dizzying tour of the country. Santos' campaign bus is abuzz when rock star JON BON JOVI (himself) comes aboard to lend his support and perform part of his song "Welcome to Wherever You Are."
150 Season 7, Episode 16 Election Day, Part 1
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
In the series' 150th episode, the night before Election Day becomes even more meaningful for two staffers. Josh stresses over returns, while C.J. is faced with future job offers. And Annabeth makes a startling discovery.
151 Season 7, Episode 17 Election Day, Part 2
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
As the polls close, and results are tallied, emotions run high. Santos and Josh face the loss of their Vice Presidential candidate. Meanwhile, Vinick disagrees with his campaign team.
152 Season 7, Episode 18 Requiem
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
Bartlet and his current staff--as well as some friends from the past--come together for Leo's funeral. Meanwhile, Santos must choose a new Vice President. Recurring guest stars include LILY TOMLIN as Deborah Fiderer, TERI POLO as Helen Santos, MARLEE MATLIN as Joey Lucas, MARY-LOUISE PARKER as Amy Gardner, GARY COLE as Vice President Robert Russell, TIM MATHESON as John Hoynes, TIMOTHY BUSFIELD as Danny Concanon, EMILY PROCTOR as Ainsley Hayes, ELISABETH MOSS as Zoey Bartlet, NINA SIEMASZKO as Ellie Bartlet Faison, ANNABETH GISH as Elizabeth Bartlet Westin, KATHLEEN YORK as Andrea Wyatt and ANNA DEAVERE SMITH as Nancy McNally.
153 Season 7, Episode 19 Transition
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
A controversy occurs when the President-Elect places a telephone call to the president of China and espouses a different viewpoint from that of Bartlet. Meanwhile, Josh chooses his deputy chief of staff. Recurring guest stars include ROB LOWE as Sam Seaborn, LILY TOMLIN as Deborah Fiderer, TERI POLO as Helen Santos, JANEANE GAROFALO as Louise Thornton and ANNA DEAVERE SMITH as Nancy McNally.
154 Season 7, Episode 20 The Last Hurrah
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
While Santos is wrapped up in choosing his new Vice President, Helen (recurring guest star TERI POLO) is overwhelmed by the issues facing the new First Family. Meanwhile, Vinick also deals with a new life now that the election is over.
155 Season 7, Episode 21 Institutional Memory
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
As the Bartlet administration prepares to transition into the Santos administration, C.J. must confront the choices affecting her future. Meanwhile, Will also finds himself in a position of uncertainty about what is to come.
156 Season 7, Episode 22 Tomorrow
फक्त सीझनमध्ये
In the series finale, the Bartlet administration prepares to leave the West Wing. While Santos and his winning camp nervously gear up for the inauguration, outgoing President Bartlet, C.J. and the others fondly look back on their time in the White House. Former series star ROB LOWE guest stars as Sam Seaborn.

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Go behind the scenes and experience the inner workings of the White House in this innovative drama series with humorous overtones from Emmy winner John Wells, Emmy nominee Aaron Sorkin and Emmy winner Thomas Schlamme. Winner of 24 Emmy Awards and 3 Golden Globe Awards!

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