The Yogi Bear Show

2010 • ABC
108 recensioner
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1 Touch and Go-Go-Go/Express Trained Lion/Count to Tenant
Yogi Bear's fairy godmother grants Yogi's wish--that everything he touches becomes a picnic basket!/Snagglepuss glows with noble sentiments after reading the fairy tale of the mouse who saves the lion. So he is quick to free a mouse named Bigelow from a trap. Bigelow is officiously and overwhelmingly grateful. When Snagglepuss is willingly captured and happily ticketed for the St. Louis Zoo -- his head filled with visions of thick, juicy St. Louis Zoo steaks -- Bigelow repeatedly frees him. Back in the jungle, Snag wearily rescues the mouse again, but has many misgivings about doing so./A flea named Clarence is ousted from his cozy home when his dog stops and scratches. Yakky Duck's tender heart is touched and he tells Clarence to make himself at home on Chopper, Yakky's bulldog pal. Another flea, Muggsy, also appears and Clarence and Muggsy become fierce rivals.
2 Acrobatty Yogi/Jangled Jungle/Shrunken Headache
Yogi meets his former girlfriend, who's in town performing with a circus./Tiring of circus life, Snagglepuss returns to the one place he feels he belongs -- the jungle. But the natives are ugly, the giraffe throws him in a lake, a crocodile attacks him and a gorilla takes him home for the young gorillas to play with. Tarzan is the worst of all, and Snagglepuss is delighted to get back to the circus./Yakky is in imminent danger from Fibber Fox. Only Yakky's stalwart friend Chopper saves him. Then, Fibber Fox comes up with a magic potion which shrinks Chopper so small that the surprised bulldog skulks into a mouse hole. But before Fibber can capture Yakky, the potion wears off and Chopper stages a comeback.
3 Ring-a-Ding Picnic Basket/Lion Tracks/The Most Ghost
A visitor to Jellystone Park shows Ranger Smith his new invention for trapping thieving bears./Railroad builders, preparing to tunnel through the mountain where Snagglepuss resides, encounter so much trouble from the firmly entrenched lion that they ask big game hunter Major Minor for assistance. All the Major's tricks fail. Attempting to play on Snagglepuss' vanity, the Major promises him a lion act that will tour the world, but the savvy Snagglepuss still denies the railroaders access to his mountain./Yakky and Chopper discover it is not a ghost haunting the deserted old house, but the Wolf in disguise. The wily Wolf is trying to frighten Chopper away from the house so he can make a meal of Yakky. At first, Chopper falls for the ghostly stuff, but practical little Yakky sets him straight.
4 Iron Hand Jones/Fight Fright/Stamp Scamp
Yogi believes that Ranger Smith is tough--until "Iron Hand Jones" arrives!/Low on cash, Snagglepuss takes a job boxing the Australian kangaroo at the county fair. But "K-O Kangy" is one tough marsupial. Even Snag's famous propeller punch proves ineffective. The cagey kangaroo is just as adept at side-stepping and feinting as he is at punching. After a terrific beating, Snagglepuss decides to go back to his old job at the fair -- dodging baseballs in the baseball-throwing booth./Yakky Duck's shopping stamp book needs only one stamp to fill it. Chopper is glad to supply the stamp, but it won't stick in the book. It blows away, sticks to a speeding truck's tire, lands in a manhole, gets stuck to a bird's foot, is deposited on a floating log, and is carried away by a butterfly.
5 Yogi's Pest Guest/Lions Share Sheriff/All's Well That Eats Well
A visiting Japanese bear causes problems for Yogi./The Raindance Kid has a policy of always shooting a sheriff on his birthday. And Raindance's birthday comes on the very day he arrives in Snagglepuss' town. The regular sheriff, who knows of Raindance's quaint custom, picks this day to leave the country. The badge of office then is given to Snagglepuss, who proves to be just as ineffective as the missing sheriff./Alfy, the alligator, tries everything he can to grab Yakky Duck for lunch. Numerous ploys, including a log trap, a string trap, and a helicopter all fail Alfy. When the helicopter runs out of gas leaving the alligator in mid-air, Yakky is touched by Alfy's inexperience with air travel, but Alfy will have nothing more to do with the duck.
6 Missile Bound Yogi/Cagey Lion/Foxy Friends
Yogi and Boo Boo come under fire when they enter a restricted area during army exercises./Snagglepuss escapes from his cage, dons a Southern gambler's costume and mingles with passengers aboard the SS St. Louis Lou. Lacy Cravat, the river pirate, holds up the passengers, but the robbery attempt is foiled by Snagglepuss when the lion takes off his costume and the terrified Cravat jumps overboard. Snagglepuss jumps over too, when the ship's captain decides to cage him./Fibber Fox is about to lunch on Yakky Duck when Yakky's friend Bigelow the mouse saves him. But Fibber is not discouraged and soon corners Yakky in a garbage can. Things look bleak but Bigelow again intervenes and lures Fibber into a cannon, which sends the fox soaring. The chase takes to the air for a time but it isn't until Bigelow summons his big brother, a giant mouse, that Yakky is safe.
7 Loco Locomotive/Charge That Lion/Mad Mix Up
Yogi's annoyed by the park's latest attraction--a children's train that runs right outside his cave!/Snagglepuss sees a picture of himself on a poster offering $50 reward for his capture, plus an insulting paragraph implying Snag in not very intelligent. The description seem to fit. Snag mistakes an army camp for a boy scout gathering; he puts on some clothes and discovers that he is only a lowly private; he gets in the way at target practice. All in all, he has a pretty bad day./Chopper and Yakky are the subjects of a brain switching experiment by Professor Mad Scientist. Fibber Fox believes he's having hallucinations when the baby duck starts to act like a bulldog and Chopper becomes timid and withdrawn.
8 Missile-Bound Bear/By My Ghost/Beach Brawl
Yogi's excited--a new rocket is about to be launched from the nature preserve!/Snagglepuss, a stowaway on a voyage to England, is tossed overboard by the irate skipper. He manages to get ashore on a bleak coast. But the castle in which he seeks wealth and shelter is haunted. The ghosts, Harem and Scarem, decide they haven't had this much fun in 900 years, as they make Snag's life miserable./Chopper and Yakky are having a great day at the beach when Fibber Fox appears. Fibber's fishhook punctures Yakky's inflated toy. Chopper pounces on Fibber after Yakky nearly drowns. But Fibber keeps on trying, using a big beach ball, a shark's fin and other tricks to capture his quarry.
9 A Wooin' Bruin/Spring Hits a Snag/Duck Seasoning
When Bruno Bear woos Cindy, Yogi becomes jealous./Snagglepuss rescues Lila, a lovely young miss in distress, who he then envisions as a suitable Mrs. Snagglepuss. This was actually Lila's plan all along and in no time at all, she is ensconced in Snag's domain. But all is not sweetness and light. The house is "all wrong," she demands fresh berries despite the presence of hunters near the berry patch and Snag is put to work housecleaning./Ali Gator, the stealthy, duck-hunting denizen of the Southern swamps, is equipped with a duck call, and little Yakky Duck falls for the plaintive sound. As Ali readies Yakky for the frying pan, Yakky eludes him and takes to the sky. Ali goes after him with a cannon with rockets, and nearly dislodges Yakky from a tree where he has taken refuge. But Ali Gator finally has to buy a hot dog in place of the free duck dinner he had planned.
10 Yogi in the City/Legal Eagle Lion/Hasty Tasty
Discovering that his cave leaks, Yogi goes to sleep in a tourist's trailer--and awakens in the city!/The circuit judge lion delegates the job of trying the notorious bank bandit, Fowler Means, to Snagglepuss. Snag holds court in Loophole Mesa, a frontier town. After the prosecutor comes down with a case of “lead poisoning” -- from the bandit’s bullet -- Snagglepuss has to take over his job. As more and more witnesses fail to appear in court, Snag takes their places on the stand. Eventually he ends up playing all the roles in the courtroom when Fowler Means himself is missing./Yakky Duck, despite his small size, is just what Fibber Fox would like for supper. Al Alligator has the same notion at the same time, and before long they have Yakky at bay. With the prize within their grasp, they begin to quarrel over the spoils and Yakky again eludes them.
11 Queen Bee for a Day/Don't Know It Poet/Nobody Home Duck
Forced out of the picnic area, hungry Yogi tries an unusual ploy to steal honey from bees./Bashful, fumbling Duke de Geese employs the romantic poet Cyrano de Snagglepuss to write poems and recite them under the balcony of Lady Lavendish. Snagglepuss succeeds far beyond his dreams --the lady on the balcony succumbs to his versification and leaps off into the arms of the Duke. However, the lady was not the slim, willowy Lady Lavendish, but the 200-pound Lady Clarissa who took the leap./Pitiful Yakky Duck can't move in with Chopper for the winter because Chopper's master is against it. So Yakky and Chopper try to pass Yakky off as a baby chick to secure him a place in the warm hen house, but the hen is not deceived. A mother skunk and mother rabbit both prove unsatisfactory.
12 Batty Bear/Tail Wag Snag/Dog Pounded
Enthralled by the TV show "Bat Guy," Yogi Bear orders a "Bat Guy" costume--and learns to fly!/The Major boasts to the Adventurer's Club that he finally has a secret weapon to catch the elusive Snagglepuss. The weapon is Snuffles, a canine who will run any risk, brave any terrors, for a dog biscuit. But the Major's parsimony is his undoing. He gives Snuffles only half a dog biscuit. The wily Snagglepuss quickly allies himself with Snuffles, and the Major learns too late he should have given Snuffles more./Fibber Fox devises a new plan to get Chopper out of the way so he can make a meal out of poor little Yakky Duck. He steals Chopper's dog tags and then leads him into the arms of the dogcatcher. With Yakky Duck's faithful guardian gone, Fibber prepares for a duck dinner. When Chopper escapes from the dog pound, the news reaches Fibber via radio and Fibber becomes panicky.
13 Droop-a-Long Yogi/Rent and Rave/Witch Duck-ter
A Hollywood director uses Jellystone Park as a locale for a Western movie./Snagglepuss adds a room to his house, hoping the rent he receives will finance a vacation trip to the South Seas. Lovely Lila, a Southern belle, becomes his new tenant. In no time, Snagglepuss finds himself moved into the spare room and Lila has the run of the house. When she demands new drapes, new decorating, and not one but two swimming pools, Snagglepuss rebels. He ends up paddling his way to the South Seas./The old witch' s birthday stew has all necessary ingredients -- minced bat whiskers, aardvark eggs, leopard's footprints -- but lacks one small talking duck. Yakky Duck is whisked away to her house via broom by the evil old hag. Chopper the bulldog comes to the rescue, stealing the broom and saving the day.
14 Threadbare Bear/Footlight Fright/Full Course Meal
Yogi and Boo Boo protest when they are selected to be sent to the Cincinnati Zoo./Poor Major Minor is disgraced and kicked out of the Adventurer's Club because he has never captured Snagglepuss. The Major decides to use Snag's passion for acting against him, and he mounts a road show, which fools the mountain lion. Successful at last, the Major drives his captive directly to the Adventurer's Club stage, but Snagglepuss outwits him when he asks permission to do a farewell performance./Innocent little Yakky Duck insists on making friends with a man he encounters in the desert. Yakky is not deterred by the fact the man is a vile, mean, ornery, no-good, bank robber. He is sitting on the man's gun holster when the robber wants to shoot his gun. The little duck fouls up one robbery attempt after another. When the desperado is jailed, Yakky is outside his window, waiting until his 99 years sentence is up.
15 Ice Box Raider/One Two Many/Baddie Buddies
Yogi Bear raids Ranger Smith's refrigerator but discovers that Smith has booby-trapped the door./Lila Lion has cast myriad longing glances in the direction of Snagglepuss, a confirmed bachelor who never had any thought of marriage. When his twin brother Snaggletooth comes for a visit, he unwittingly takes Snagglepuss off the hook -- he decides Lila is just his type, and Lila mistakes him for Snagglepuss. The pair departs, she in coquettish flight, he in pursuit. Now Snagglepuss can got back to his daily routine./Alfy Gator invites Yakky Duck to a formal dinner and tells Yakky to bring along a friend. Alfy planned to eat Yakky as the main course of the dinner, and thought Yakky might bring a brother or sister, even for dessert. But Yakky's friend turns out to be Chopper and Alfy's plans are wrecked.
16 Bear Foot Soldiers/Royal Rodent/Judo Ex-Expert
Trouble occurs when soldiers on maneuvers in the park camouflage themselves in bear suits--but forget to notify Ranger Smith of the exercises!/Snagglepuss talks his way into a cushy job at the King's palace. His task is to rid the royal premises of Bigelow, the pesky mouse. But Bigelow is not about to give up a good thing, what with all that cheese in the royal larder. Snagglepuss tries to distract the king from his poor performance by telling him a joke. The king appoints Snagglepuss to be court jester and Bigelow, disgusted at the low state of court jesting, leaves voluntarily./Fortified by a correspondence course in the art of judo, little Yakky challenges his worst enemy Fibber Fox to a test of strength, much to Chopper's dismay. Chopper steps in and manages to save Yakky by pretending to be tossed around by the little duck. The fox is impressed, and so are all his relatives. They decide to leave Yakky Duck strictly alone from now on.
17 Yogi's Birthday Party (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
On the occasion of Yogi's birthday, his animated friends fete the amiable bear, foremost citizen of Jellystone Park. (Part 1, 2, and 3)On the occasion of Yogi's birthday, his animated friends fete the amiable bear, foremost citizen of Jellystone Park. (Part 1, 2, and 3)

Om den här serien

"Hanna-Barbera's first break-out superstar, Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo were animation pioneers in this beloved series. Smarter than the average bear, Yogi's Robin Hood-like antics and endlessly inventive schemes to swipe "pic-a-nic" baskets made him arguably the first outlaw cartoon hero."

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