Zyra L. F.
Important and crucial thought provoking presentations by Morgan Freeman on the latest scientific, technological, and psychological discoveries and research. Later seasons explore, time, security, privacy, why all humans are liars, biased, prone to evil and terrorism...Ought to be required viewing for inept career politicians-their ignorance is criminal.
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Anthony Vais
High level science turned simple for business people and less educted science lovers. It explains the now, the next, and the future in an entertaining and educational way that can be utilized by VCs as well bar patrons looking for a great discussion tomorrow. Plus it gives space for common men to make opinions to amazing research. If I could give it ten stars I would, bravo Morgan, finally a reason to turn on a television.
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A Google user
Doesn't matter what I think about the show. Stop relying on the biased opinions and preconceived notions of others to determine whether or not this series is worthy of experiencing for yourself. Especially upon taking into consideration, there has never been two grown individuals made up of the exact same beliefs, life experience, morals, knowledge, interests, chemical makeup, and so on. In conclusion, many of us on a daily basis really should try to limit the amount of experiences we certainly can have however, choose not to, based solely on the opinions of many who we, and even themselves, know next to nothing about. Rather than basing your life's path on what you think you know about what others think they know including myself, the bottom line is everyday and TODAY especially, YOU have the opportunity to start experiencing YOUR life for YOURself.
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