Trailer Park Boys

2001 • Netflix
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第 1 季劇集 (6 集)

1 Take your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park
After 18 months in jail, Ricky and Julian head back to their home, Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Julian blames Ricky for their sentence and decides to sever ties with his lifelong friend, while Ricky struggles to pick up where he left off before going to jail.
2 F**k Community College Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers
Julian decides to depart the Sunnydale Trailer Park and go to community college. Ricky fears that he will be lost without Julian to guide him, while Lahey worries that Ricky will cause even more trouble without Julian to keep him in check.
3 Mr. Lahey's got my Porno Tape!
In desperate need of cash, Ricky and Bubbles agree to star in one of J-Roc's porno films. The shoot is interrupted by Lahey and Randy, who confiscate the tape and use it to blackmail Ricky and Bubbles.
4 Mrs Peterson's Dog gets F**cked up
Julian agrees to babysit the dog of Mrs. Peterson, an elderly widow who believes he is her grandson, but later leaves the dog with Ricky in order to run an errand. The situation deteriorates when the dog accidentally eats a tray of Ricky's weed-brownies.
5 I'm Not Gay, I Love Lucy, Wait a Minute Maybe I am Gay
Weary of Lucy's continued attempts to seduce him, Julian decides to play matchmaker and convinces Ricky to marry Lucy. Providing Ricky with the means to do so, however, proves to be more complicated.
6 Who the Hell Invited These Idiots to my Wedding?
In order to ensure his plan succeeds, Julian takes over the preparations for Ricky and Lucy's wedding. In order to provide food for the wedding feast, Julian teams up with Bubbles, Cory, and Trevor to rob a local grocer.


Trailer Park Boys is a series about love, friends and family - or perhaps it is about everything that can go wrong with love, friends and family. At the centre of Trailer Park Boys are Ricky (Robb Wells) and Julian (Jean Paul Tremblay), two guys whose lives were shaped by their experiences growing up in the Trailer Park. Their childhood was typical of most trailer park kids... stealing, fighting, smoking, drinking, scamming and listening to Van Halen. The Boys have had their share of trouble with the law. In fact, most of their adult lives have been spent behind bars of one kind or another.

