Two Legends

3 則評論

《Two Legends - Season 1》分集 (4 集)

1 Double Standards
International terrorist Omar Khalib is preparing an explosion in one of the European cities. Financial swindler Matjaz Lantz turns multimillion-dollar deals into the shadow market. Our heroes are the super-agents of the Russian special services, who work under cover. Maxim hunts for Khalib, Anna - for Lanza. While they act one by one, but unexpectedly their paths intersect. It turns out that these two criminals are related. From this point on, the heroes have to act together.
2 The Complete Reboot
The daring hacker MIKA. hacks a closed network of the FSB and steals secret files that can damage the security of the country. Mika expects to earn money by selling information and looking for intermediaries for the transaction. Maxim and Anna have a difficult task - to reach the trail of the hacker as soon as possible and prevent the leakage of information.
3 On the Trail of a Ghost
A professional killer known as the "Ghost" prepares an assassination attempt during a meeting between the Russian Foreign Minister and the US Secretary of State. He is hired by forces interested in the deterioration of relations between the two countries. The Ghost has an elaborate plan. Everything is calculated. Success is guaranteed ... But here Max and Anna come in, the best specialists in frustrating the most ideal plans.
4 Shot From The Past
The Russian scientist makes a sensational discovery in the field of biotechnology. For his development begins a real hunt. Unknown people attack the laboratory. As a result of the fierce massacre, everyone, including the scientist, perishes. The development disappears without a trace. The main suspect is Anna. And Maxim is instructed to bring his own partner to the clean water. He did not have such a difficult task yet. After all, the "former" Anna is also involved in this story.


He teaches mathematics and she teaches biology. He's a nerd, an object of ridicule; she's a lady of impeccable manners surrounded by admirers. The only thing they have in common is their brilliance: they both speak several languages fluently, have a command of the latest technology, know how to use all kinds of weapons and are trained in the martial arts. These two teachers are, in fact, legendary spies. And now they've teamed up. So beware, terrorists and maniacs everywhere. Kids, relax – your teachers have bigger fish to fry…


3 則評論

