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2011 • Sky
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ဇာတ်လမ်းတွဲ 1 ဇာတ်လမ်းပိုင်း (21) ခု

1 Pilot
© 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 Heroes
To solve the brutal murders of an anesthesiologist and her husband, Carrie (Poppy Montgomery) calls on her own childhood trauma to help her connect with the only witness to the crime, the late couple's seven-year-old son. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 Up In Flames
While investigating the murder of stockbroker Peter Forrest, Al and Carrie are forced to flee when a gas leak explosion destroys his warehouse apartment. Owing to her extraordinary memory, Carrie recalls details of the crime scene, including a box of files from Forrest’s firm that were being shredded before he was killed. After the initials “H.H.” – which Carrie recalls seeing on the boxes – fail to provide a solid lead, his co-workers reveal that Forrest was being threatened by Isaac Brezner, a disgruntled client who lost a fortune in the housing market. But when Brezner’s alibi checks out, Carrie and Al turn to Forrest’s widow, Allison, who, after claiming that she and her estranged husband were trying to reconcile, admits that Peter may have been seeing another woman. After a search of phone records identifies the other woman as Forrest’s co-worker Claire Hewson, whom security tapes place outside his apartment the day before he was killed, she’s found murdered, too.Recalling a logo she saw on a coffee mug in the dead woman’s apartment, Carrie realizes that the name on the file boxes was really “H to H,” a charity that rehabilitates ex-gang members and had hired Forrest to manage their funds. Upon finding that the charity’s bank account was recently closed, Carrie and Al head to a state prison to interview its founder, Pablo Hortua, and his associate, Ramon Garza. But after it’s found that Forrest transferred the money to a new bank just as the imprisoned gang members claimed, Nina and Mike track down Patrick Woodson, Claire’s ex-boyfriend and a Marine sergeant with a history of violence. However, after Woodson’s alibi clears him of suspicion, Carrie revisits her memories and sees Garza at the crime scene, too.As both Al and the D.A. question how an inmate could have been in New York City when Forrest was killed, Carrie heads back upstate to see prison guard Dennis Halsey. When Carrie remembers seeing him at Forrest’s apartment, too, Halsey admits to helping Ramon and Pablo run a drug cartel money-laundering scheme from prison after they kidnapped his seven-year-old daughter. And after Carrie’s memories of the H to H website provide a clue as to her whereabouts, the police move in to save Halsey’s daughter while a raid on the prison ends with the arrests of Pablo and Ramon. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4 Check Out Time
While investigating the murder of an alleged rapist, Carrie (Poppy Montgomery) and Al (Dylan Walsh) uncover a series of interlocking blackmail schemes. Meanwhile, Carrie’s hunt for her sister’s killer leads her to seek out a police sketch artist. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 Friended
While investigating an heiress’ mysterious death, the truth about the victim’s past exposes a PR agent’s ruthless ambition and prompts Carrie (Poppy Montgomery) to recall her own attempt to create a new identity. Meanwhile, a visit to her mom produces a surprising lead about the identity of her sister’s killer. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 With Honor
When Al’s former partner and mentor Jim Kelly is gunned down outside a bowling alley that is hosting a police department league, Carrie’s memories of the moments before his death lead the cops to suspect low level drug dealer Theo “Zippy” Walker. After Malcolm Walker notes that his brother, Zippy, works for local drug lord LeShawn Doyle, Carrie and Al are stunned to learn that the late Detective Kelly is being investigated by Internal Affairs. So, as he looks to find his best friend’s killer, Al also resolves to clear Kelly of any suspicion that he was a dirty cop. And as Carrie watches Al struggle with his mentor’s good name being dragged through the mud, she’s reminded of how he dealt with his ne’er-do-well father’s fall from grace. Though Al suspects LeShawn of ordering the hit in retaliation for an investigation tying him to a double murder, Kelly’s partner, Stan Moyer, isn’t so sure. While Moyer agrees that his partner was a clean cop, IA’s Lieutenant Willard tells Al about the suspicions raised by the sudden good fortune that allowed Kelly to pay off his wife Sue’s huge hospital bill. And after warning Al against putting too much faith in her late husband’s reputation, Sue Kelly produces a duffel bag containing stolen police files and vials of crack cocaine that Jim was hiding in their garage. Meanwhile, seeing Al reeling under the weight of his friend’s apparent guilt sends his current girlfriend, Elaine Margulies, to ask Carrie for some advice. Though Zippy is killed while allegedly resisting arrest by detectives Richard Franco and Anthony Cantone, Carrie begins to suspect foul play after finding that Kelly was actually investigating the same two cops for protecting LeShawn. To draw them into the open, she makes it appear as though LeShawn is about to inform on his allies inside the department. Pressed for any information he’s been withholding about his dead brother, Malcolm confesses to hindering the investigation and tells Moyer and Carrie that Zippy worked with a partner named J-Dog. However, while Moyer claims to have never met Malcolm, Carrie’s memories suggest otherwise. But before Carrie can reveal her suspicions, Al joins Moyer at a condemned building where J-Dog is hiding from Cantone and Franco, unaware that he’s being drawn into a deadly trap. And as Al learns the truth, Carrie arrives with backup just in time to keep him from being gunned down by the trio of corrupt cops. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 Road Block
Reeling after her mother recognizes the police artist sketch of her sister’s killer as a neighbor she calls Jonathan, Carrie joins Al to investigate the murder of Marshall Smith. When Carrie spots evidence pointing to the fact that he had a child, Al fears that Marshall may not be the only victim. After seeing a phone number for Children’s Services in the apartment, Carrie heads to see Rosario Sanchez, a social worker who handled Marshall and his daughter Bianca. As Carrie grows impatient with Rosario’s refusal to devote more time to the case, Marshall’s boss claims he was suspended from work at an air cargo company following a fight with another employee. After Nina and Roe learn that a stranger tried to pick up Bianca from daycare, Al finds that the man who was turned away at the school had a tattoo like one on Marshall’s arm. Mike finds Bianca’s mom in jail awaiting trial for drug possession, so Carrie returns to see Rosario. But when the social worker abruptly cuts off their interview, Carrie suspects she’s hiding something. After Mike realizes that many of Marshall’s ex-con coworkers share the same tattoo, Carrie remembers seeing one of them lurking nearby when she was interviewing Rosario. Carrie discovers that the social worker has been hiding Bianca all along, and becomes certain that she was only trying to protect the little girl. Meanwhile, Carrie joins Al at the house of Aaron Logan, the owner of the company where Marshall worked. Although, Logan claims to know little about the ex-cons he employs, Mike isn’t so sure, especially after learning that he’s under investigation for arms trafficking. Suspecting that Marshall was being pressured to participate in Logan’s illegal activities, Carrie comes to believe that Rosario has fled in order to keep Bianca safe. Her memories of Rosario’s apartment lead her and Al to a town in upstate New York where they discover that the same man who tried to kidnap Bianca and who almost certainly murdered her dad is after Rosario, too. As Carrie helps her reconstruct the night she witnessed Marshall being killed, Rosario recalls seeing Logan there, too. Finally, with Logan jailed for murder and Rosario filing to adopt Bianca, Carrie realizes that she knows where her sister’s killer worked. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 Lost Things
After being called to the scene of the murder of Legal Aid lawyer Mary Hansen, Carrie recalls seeing her roommate Kevin McMillan nearby in his car sleeping off a long night of drinking. While Kevin’s shaky memories of the previous night quickly make him a suspect, his friend Joe Williams provides him with an alibi and suggests that Mary could have been targeted by someone she met on an internet dating site. However, after the investigation fails to uncover any link to her online dating activities and also rules out a break-in by a stranger, Carrie’s memories of the crime scene suggest that Mary knew her assailant. Meanwhile, as she looks to track down her sister’s killer by carefully remembering details about the market where he worked, Carrie painfully recalls her mother’s attempts to erase any trace of her murdered sibling from their lives. Prompted by an urgent email Mary sent to Kevin from the library, as well as a coworker’s claim that Joe was doing research there at the same time, Al’s team shifts its focus to Fordham University. However, when no one can find any evidence to back up Joe’s claim that he’s enrolled at the college, Carrie’s recollections of his interrogation at the police department reveal that he concocted the online dating story in an effort to deflect attention away from his interest in a case currently being heard in federal court. After a search of his apartment suggests that Joe has been honing his marksmanship, another interview with Kevin makes it clear that Joe killed Mary after she learned of his plan to avenge the deaths of his father and brother in a paint factory explosion by killing the company’s owner as he is being sentenced for his role in the tragedy. With no time to lose, Al and Carrie hurry to the federal courthouse where they are able to stop him from carrying out his deadly plot once they realize that he is masquerading as a Court Security Officer. Finally, as Carrie admits that it was her mother’s efforts to rid their lives of any evidence of her late sister that inspired her to never forget anything ever again, she accepts Roe’s offer to help find the murderer. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9 Golden Bird
While investigating the death of teenager Amy O’Malley, Al and his team find evidence suggesting that the high school student’s fatal fall from her apartment building’s roof is murder and not a suicide. As a search gets underway for a roofer who was spotted at the scene, a neighbor claims that Amy’s parents recently had a loud fight about their daughter. After her cell phone records turn up calls to Planned Parenthood, Nina sets out to learn if Amy was pregnant when she died. Meanwhile, after finding out that she is performing in town, Carrie is frustrated when her mother’s sister Edie avoids any discussion of Alice. After Erin O’Malley vehemently denies the possibility that Amy was pregnant, she reveals that her fight with her husband Sean was over some money that their late daughter had taken from them. However, after hearing that the police suspect Amy was going to have a baby, Sean angrily sets out after Jared Raines, the boy he thinks is the father. But once he’s stopped from beating Jared to death, Sean learns that Amy wasn’t pregnant after all. So, as Carrie’s memories lead her to believe that it was Amy’s friend Katie who was involved with Jared, a lead lands roofer Ruben Lovato in the hands of the police. Desperate to avoid being deported because of his immigration status, Lovato claims seeing someone resembling Katie on the roof with Amy just before she fell to her death. When pressed, Katie admits that she was pregnant and that Amy took the money from her family in order to help pay for an abortion. And though Katie refuses to name the father, putting together her recollections of some photographs she saw at the school with an entry in Amy’s diary leads Carrie to conclude that it is their high school’s Dean of Students, Adam Collier. So when Collier returns to the crime scene intent on recovering the diary that could link him to the crime, Al and his team of detectives are there to nab him. Finally, after admitting that she’s afraid of succumbing to the same devastating memory loss as her sister, Edie agrees to join Carrie for a visit to the nursing home where Alice lives. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10 Trajectories
After narrowly escaping from a police raid on a Chinatown gambling parlor, Carrie joins Al at the Morganson Recreation Center where seventeen-year-old Marisa Perez has been shot and killed. As the investigation is getting underway, more shots ring out, killing gang member Oskar Mendoza and wounding attorney Beverley Jackson and anti-gang activist Jim Clayburn. As the police piece together clues that point to a shootout between the rival DKK and QB-6 gangs, Carrie is disgusted to learn that Detective Ben Cortez enlisted Marisa to be an informant in his case against the DKK. While focusing her anger on Cortez for placing Marisa in danger, Carrie remembers eleven shots being fired during the melee though only ten shell casings were found. Although an off-duty Parks Department cop admits that he panicked and shot the unarmed Mendoza, ballistics tests reveal that Marisa and Clayburn were shot with the same still unidentified weapon. And after Jackson admits to seeing Marisa arguing with Tito Alvarez, and Carrie backs up her story, the DKK member becomes a prime suspect. Meanwhile, after her fingerprints are found in the gambling parlor raid, Al warns Carrie against doing anything to jeopardize her job. As Carrie continues blaming Cortez for Marisa’s death, she and Al interview the critically injured Clayburn and his teenage son, JJ. Though unable to speak, Clayburn indentifies Tito as the man who shot him and Marisa. Picked up at his girlfriend’s home, Tito denies pulling the trigger and argues what Carrie and Beverly witnessed was Marisa attacking him for breaking up with her. And while Carrie’s recollections of the crime scene corroborate his claim that he didn’t shoot Clayburn, a jailhouse informant reveals that Tito has ordered a hit on someone who can finger him for killing Marisa. When pressed, Clayburn says that family tensions have arisen over his son JJ’s flirting with gang membership and admits that his son accidentally shot him as they struggled over a gun he was hiding for Tito. Realizing that JJ is the only one who can positively identify Tito as Marisa’s killer, Carrie and Al and hurry to the Clayburn home to keep him from being killed by a pair of DKK hit men. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11 Spirited Away
With the discovery of a dead body, Al and his team are summoned to Queen’s Park Sanitarium, a mental hospital that was abandoned in the wake of a psychiatrist’s grisly crimes. As Carrie interviews the hospital’s only remaining homeless “resident,” Nina identifies the victim as Peter Suderman, a ghost hunter from a company called Spirit Trekkers. And though a thermal imaging camera found at the scene fails to provide a clear picture of his killer, a voice recorder reveals that Suderman was talking to someone before he died. So as Suderman’s con man business partner suggests that the other person at the sanitarium may have been college student and ex-employee Denny Moskin, the detectives begin interviewing Suderman’s ghost hunting clients. After questioning Dr. Sam Barlow, a retired surgeon who hired Spirit Trekkers after his ailing wife Janine complained of hearing ghosts in their house, Carrie links a charge on Suderman’s credit card to an envelope addressed to a New Jersey forensics lab she recalls seeing at the crime scene. Though a film Moskin made at the sanitarium confirms he isn’t the murderer, the detectives find a new lead when the envelope turns out to contain a severed finger. And when tests find traces of rat poison on it, Carrie’s memories of rattraps in the Barlows’ basement arouse her suspicions. So, in anticipation of getting a warrant, Carrie heads back to the Barlow home, where she is knocked unconscious and wakes to find herself disarmed and locked in the basement with Janine. Meanwhile, DNA tests on the finger reveal that it came from a missing runaway teenager named Lily Mueller. Claiming that Sam is going to kill them both, Janine reveals that her husband murdered Lily, who was living in their basement after running away from home. Smelling smoke, Carrie is convinced that Barlow intends for them to die in a house fire. However, after she finds Lily’s corpse stashed in an old coal shoot, Carrie helps Janine escape, only to go back to rescue Barlow when she sees him passed out inside the burning house. But once Barlow is in the hospital recovering and awaiting arraignment, the sanitarium crime scene report, combined with her memories of the basement, lead Carrie to conclude that he was set up by Janine to take the fall for Lily’s murder. And after Carrie arrives just in time to stop Janine from killing him, Barlow reveals that while he hid Lily’s body to protect his mentally unstable wife, he was going to turn her in for killing Suderman. © 2011 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12 Butterfly Effect
When twenty-year-old ironworker Chris Feeney is found murdered at a construction site, project manager Bud Spence insists that the death isn’t connected to a series of costly thefts of building materials from his employer, Barrett Construction. After the investigation reveals discrepancies in the claim that Chris was the recipient of a college scholarship before returning home to help out after his ironworker dad was injured in a fall, Carrie’s memories of the grieving family’s home uncover a connection to the Cioffi crime family. Following a tense confrontation, Steve Cioffi, the son of the organization’s aging boss, reveals that his family had been financing Chris’s education as a way to reward him for saving the life of a cousin. While Al leans on developer Jay Barrett to cooperate with the investigation, a tip provided by Cioffi leads Carrie and Roe to question Chris’s friend, Tori Guerrero. When pressed, Tori insists that a fight that Chris had with truck driver Manny Armondo had no connection to the murder. When Manny goes missing, a trace on his cell phone leads them back to the same construction site where Chris was killed. When the detectives find Manny’s dead body encased in concrete, they start looking for the link between the two murders. As Barrett’s alibi for the night of the killing begins to unravel, Cioffi alerts Carrie to a theft of construction materials from the murder site. After their stakeout nabs the truck driver who was sent to pick up the stolen goods, Carrie and Al are led to a warehouse that Barrett has been using in an insurance scam. Although Al pressures Barrett to admit that he has been stealing construction materials from his projects in order to use the insurance money to cover his shaky finances, he can’t connect Barrett to the murders. However, when Carrie remembers what she had seen at the construction site she suspects that the concrete Manny delivered to the site was substandard. Carrie draws Spence into a trap, forcing him to admit that he committed the murders to keep Barrett from finding out that the building was unsafe. Finally, with Spence behind bars and Barrett facing charges for defrauding his insurance company, Carrie accepts Cioffi’s invitation to dinner, unaware that they are being watched. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13 Brotherhood
When Hollister University student Miles Novak is found dead in his dorm room with wounds suggesting he was tortured, suspicion falls on Jack Healy, a school janitor and ex-con who used Miles’s student ID after he died. With a solid alibi, Healy claims that he was friends with Miles, who recently told him that he was planning to quit school but refused to explain why. A trace on Miles’s missing computer leads Carrie and Mike to Jonas Heller, Miles’s fellow fraternity pledge, who says that the fraternity ordered Jonas to erase the laptop’s hard drive. Despite the fact that Jonas has the same torture marks as Miles, Jonas insists that he did not kill Miles. Meanwhile, when she gets a flower delivery from mob family scion, Steve Cioffi, Carrie directs the delivery to be made to the team’s computer expert, Tanya Sitkowsky, and leads Tanya believe that they were sent to her by Roe. After Tanya finds a video on the laptop that shows Omega Theta Rho pledges being tortured, Carrie and Al head to the campus to question frat leader Colin Marsh. While Colin insists there’s nothing on the video that connects it to the fraternity, Tanya discovers a dummy email account that Miles had used to contact the DEA with an offer to lead them to a cocaine smuggling ring. Finding evidence that Miles took a trip to Toronto prior to his death, Carrie attends a frat party to investigate. As her partners uncover evidence of large amounts of cash flowing through the fraternity’s bank account, Carrie uses a drinking game to follow up on pictures she spotted of the brothers in Toronto. Carrie is drugged before she is able to get answers. She wakes up after a car accident with no memory of what happened and is charged with drunk driving. Working through her spotty memory, Carrie pieces together a picture of what happened at the frat house. While suspecting it was Colin who drugged her, she is sure he was working under the orders of a partner. Once a group of Omega Rhos reveal that they were in Toronto with Colin while he was closing a deal to import t-shirts, Carrie uses her memory of the frat house to conclude that the shirts were soaked in liquid cocaine and later extracted by a local dry cleaner. Finally, after she and Al close in on Dorner’s Dry Cleaners and arrest the owner for Miles’s murder, Carrie leaves Roe wondering why Tanya thought he was the source of the flowers. Carrie calls Steve to accept his invitation to dinner. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
14 Carrie's Caller
Carrie receives an anonymous call from someone claiming he’s about to commit a murder and suspects it’s an office prank. Carrie realizes it’s no joke when the caller provides undisclosed details of another murder in New Jersey. Though her recollections help trace the caller to a Queens subway platform, Carrie and her colleagues are too late to stop the next killing. Aided by Dr. Joanne Webster, the outspoken new Queens Medical Examiner, Carrie zeroes in on the sniper’s perch in a nearby building. Meanwhile, another anonymous call leads Carrie to the site of the New Jersey murder and a photograph the killer took of her on the subway platform in Queens; however, no one can find anything connecting the two victims. Al gets upset when Carrie hangs up the next time she gets a call from the killer whom she refers to as Fred. But Webster applauds Carrie taking charge of the situation as well as her tenacity in investigating her sister’s murder twenty-eight years ago. When a call comes in from a hospital with news that a woman named Allyson Tate has survived gunshot wounds, Carrie realizes that this is Fred’s way of letting her know that the real target was Allyson’s husband, Duane. Questioned about the other victims, Duane remembers them from a work camp for troubled teens they attended years ago. Recalling a local kid they used to tease, he then suggests calling the camp manager, Dick Simons, who also remembers the boy as a bright yet troubled loner named Lester Collins. Though Tanya devises a way to track the cell phone he’s using, Lester makes it clear that his killing spree isn’t over and hangs up on Carrie before they can get his precise location. Certain that his next target is a former camp counselor, Al and his team narrow down the list of possible victims to Barry Tanner. Realizing that the killer’s best shot will be on the ferry he takes home to New Jersey, Al moves to protect Tanner, while Carrie closes in and kills Lester just as his shot wounds her. Lester’s autopsy leads to a phone number tattooed on his back. A call from Carrie reveals that Lester was just a pawn in a deadly game being played by the real killer, who is still at large. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
16 Heartbreak
When a dead body mysteriously appears on a minor league baseball field, its injuries lead Medical Examiner Joanne Webster to conclude that it fell from a passing airplane. Indentifying the victim as bank manager Jason Kubiak, Carrie and Al find his worried girlfriend Sarah Green looking for him at his apartment. After a security camera near the bank shows Jason speaking with the driver of a black van before his death, a look inside the bank’s vault reveals that there has been a robbery. Roe learns that the van spotted on the security camera was reported stolen and weather camera footage helps Tanya track the plane that was used in the murder to its owner, Mark Payne. Suspecting that Jason’s furtive meeting is connected to the bank robbery, Carrie returns to question Sarah. Meanwhile, as Tanya and Roe’s relationship inches forward, Carrie finds herself getting more involved with mob family scion Steve Cioffi. At a house owned by Payne’s uncle, the cops are met by gunfire. After they find Payne dead as a result of the shootout, clues at the scene and Carrie’s memories reveal that Sarah had been there too. Realizing that Sarah has been covering up the fact that she used her relationship with Jason to carry out the bank robbery, the detectives question her mother, Evelyn Clarkson. But when Evelyn makes it clear that Sarah hasn’t been telling the truth, a series of recollections helps Carrie realize that a man spotted checking his safe deposit box at the bank, Victor Cushman, actually knew Sarah. Meanwhile, Steve backs away when he suspects that their relationship has caused problems for Carrie at work. After concluding that the bank robbery was only one part of a plan to rob a high-end storage warehouse, Carrie and Al nab Cushman as Sarah escapes. Though Cushman is hesitant to cooperate, he reveals that Sarah is an accomplished pilot after Carrie forces him to admit that he was also a victim of her crime spree. Stopped at a local airport, Sarah claims that she was the one who killed Jason and pushed him from the plane. But when confronted with the evidence, Sarah reluctantly admits that she merely flew the plane while her partner Payne committed the murder. Finally, as Roe continues to woo Tanya, Steve apologizes for bailing out and asks Carrie to resume their relationship. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
17 Blind Alleys
While he and Carrie are chasing him in a dark alley, Roe shoots and kills David Jacobs, the suspect in the murder of a local drug dealer. Though Roe claims that Jacobs drew his gun first, no weapon is found, forcing the department to open an investigation into the shooting. When a distraught Clay Jacobs arrives at the precinct demanding to speak with the cop who killed his son, he takes four people hostage – including Nina and Officer Bill Daniels. When Lewis Martin, a tough and inflexible cop, is assigned to negotiate with Clay, Al is worried that he could provoke a violent conclusion to the situation. As Clay barricades himself inside an office and Lewis sets up his team outside, Carrie and Mike try to find the gun Roe claims he saw Jacobs carrying. However, Roe’s defense is undermined when Joanne can’t find any gunpowder residue on the victim’s body. As Carrie looks to Clay’s teenage daughter Kim for help, the cops hope that the anonymous caller who reported the shooting of Jacobs can corroborate Roe’s story. When Carrie and Mike track him down, he says he didn’t see Jacobs carrying a gun but does remember spotting a homeless junkie retrieving something from a dumpster after the shooting. After Clay learns that the police haven’t found a weapon, he lashes out when Daniels tries to overpower him, beating the cop senseless and threatening to kill him if he can’t speak with Roe. As Lewis prepares to use force to free the hostages, Clay buys some time by releasing Daniels. Questioning his decision to shoot Jacobs, Roe forces his way inside the room with Clay. As the hostage team prepares to rush in, Clay releases everyone but Roe. After finding the junkie who was seen in the alley, Carrie’s memories of the crime scene lead her to conclude that he pawned a gun that Jacobs stashed in the dumpster before he was shot. When she tracks down the weapon, she discovers that it belongs to his dad. But once Clay reveals that his son developed PTSD after serving in Afghanistan and could no longer shoot a gun, Carrie realizes that Roe shot David as he was disposing of the murder weapon in order to protect the person who really murdered the drug dealer – his sister Kim. When Carrie confronts her, Kim’s confession brings the hostage situation to an end. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18 The Comeback
Although evidence points to robbery as the motive when nineteen-year-old Kayla Yancey is shot and killed as she’s leaving a tennis training center, surveillance video suggesting that she recognized her assailant leads both Carrie and Joanne Webster to suspect the robbery was staged after the fact to cover for the murder. The cops quickly zero in on Kayla’s drug dealing boyfriend, Troy Smolin. But before Carrie can question him, Troy is shot dead, too. After she meets lawyer Walter Morgan at a charity fundraiser, something he says strikes Carrie as eerily similar to statements made by the serial killer who’s been taunting her. After arranging to run into him at the zoo, their conversation convinces Carrie that Morgan is the killer she calls Fred. As the police try to link the two murders, Nina finds that Kayla was receiving money from a trust while trying to come back from an injury that was threatening to end her tennis career. When Nina uncovers Ella Zimmer’s name on the trust’s payroll as well, Carrie recalls seeing her initials on a bag of drugs found on Troy. Pressed by Carrie, Ella admits that Kayla was injured as they narrowly escaped being arrested at a drug-fueled party in Miami with millionaire congressional candidate Reed Benedict. Certain that someone helped Benedict avoid being convicted and jailed, a donor’s name on a park bench she saw while meeting with Morgan leads Carrie to suspect lawyer and influential political fixer Jonathan Hedstrom. Even after she suddenly becomes the target of a police department corruption investigation, Carrie warns Hedstrom that nothing will keep her from learning the truth about Kayla’s murder. Meanwhile, evidence from the Richard Simons murder investigation reinforces Carrie’s belief that Morgan is the elusive and manipulative Fred. When Carrie begins to suspect that it was Reed Benedict’s wife Molly who murdered Kayla, Roe finds video footage of her car at the crime scene. And after Joanne uncovers Molly’s long history of psychiatric care, and Mike learns that she recently obtained a license for a handgun like the one used to shoot Kayla, Carrie gets her to confess. Because Molly has no knowledge of who killed Troy, Carrie and Al suspect that his death was part of Hedstrom’s attempt to cover up Reed Benedict’s crimes. Armed with a search warrant issued by a judge who was once the target of the Benedict family’s political machine, Carrie nails Hedstrom for Troy’s murder. Finally, suspecting that Morgan cleverly helped her solve Kayla’s murder, Carrie discovers a note from Fred offering to help find her sister’s killer. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
19 UNFORGETTABLE - Allegiances
After helping Steve Cioffi celebrate his restaurant’s fifth anniversary, Carrie is at the apartment of murder victim Francine Palmer when she spots a picture of Steve’s friend and linen supplier, Eddie Dal Bello. Having uncovered Eddie’s affair with Francine, Al is approached by Lt. Sharon Vega, whose organized crime group has connected the linen supplier with mobster Ray Marzulla. Finding a warehouse filled with hijacked restaurant supplies, the cops suspect that Eddie was stealing from Marzulla. And though they hope he can be persuaded to turn against the mob boss, Carrie discovers Eddie’s dead body stashed in a wine crate. However, while autopsies show that they had dinner together before they were murdered, Joanne finds nothing to indicate that Eddie killed Francine. With Vega and OCID taking over the case, Carrie accuses Al of interfering with her personal life by investigating Steve without proof that he’s done anything wrong. Warned that he’s being watched, Steve leads Carrie to a bar owned by Marzulla. And though a bartender named Harlow refuses to answer any questions, after spotting a sequence of five numbers on a pad of paper at the bar that she previously saw being written down by Tommy Rugolo, an ex-con who works at Steve’s restaurant, Carrie remembers that it is the security code for Francine’s apartment building. Meanwhile, after she finds more evidence that Eddie was stealing from Marzulla, Vega suspects that the mob boss hired Tommy to take him out. Worried about Steve getting caught up in the investigation, Carrie warns him to steer clear of Tommy. But when he refuses to abandon the longtime family friend whom he was helping get back on his feet after he was paroled, Carrie saves Steve from getting caught in the crossfire when Tommy is killed while resisting arrest. Though OCID has pegged Tommy as the murderer, Carrie sets out to prove his innocence. While Joanne can’t find anything linking Tommy to the crimes, she does find trace chemicals at the crime scene that Carrie suspects are from the model airplane glue she saw Harlow using. And when she confronts him about a string of violent jobs he carried out for Marzulla, Carrie goads Harlow into attacking her just as Al arrives to arrest him for the murders of Francine and Eddie. Finally, though he accepts that she was only trying to protect him, Steve realizes that their relationship poses too many problems and tells Carrie that it’s over. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
20 You Are Here
While investigating a laboratory explosion at Sinclair Research that killed Audrey Cruz, Carrie finds evidence pointing to the work of a bomber. Connecting her memories of the crime scene with an envelope she sees at the home of the late woman’s parents, Carries learns that Audrey also worked at a company called S.P.I. When Sinclair surveillance camera footage shows Audrey reading a note placed on her car prior to the explosion, Tanya finds that someone tried to warn her that she was in danger as a result of her work for S.P.I. And after an S.P.I. manager tells Al that the Earth First Crusade has targeted the company, environmental activist Adam Frist provides evidence that indicates that the bomber – who goes by the name of Faraday – has identified four more targets. Meanwhile, as Al casually dismisses the arrival at the precinct of a box filled with his belongings, a worried Mike enlists Tanya to help monitor his teenage son’s secretive online activity. After a map of the new targets helps the bomb squad head off another explosion, Tanya’s investigation pinpoints an artist warehouse where Faraday lives. With help from building manager Max Irvington, Carrie and Al find the bomb-making chemicals and a complex collage filled with clues about both the bombings and the bomber. But when Max turns on the lights to make it easier to see, the collage bursts into flames, leaving Carrie struggling to remember as much as she can before it is destroyed. Meanwhile, as Tanya discovers that Mike’s son is actually preparing a surprise party for his parents’ wedding anniversary, Al tells Carrie that he and his wife are separating. When security camera footage from the latest target produces a grainy image of Max, Carrie and Al conclude that he is working with Faraday. After they track Max to his sister’s house, she admits she is concerned about his mental health. And when Carrie finds the obituary of his high school chemistry teacher Nicholas Faraday in his room, she realizes that the paranoid schizophrenic Max is the bomber. Combining Carrie’s memories and clues he’s left behind, the cops hurry to the post office where Max is set to strike. And following a tense standoff during which she and his imaginary alter ego Faraday battle for his attention, Carrie stops Max from detonating his bomb. Finally, when pressed, Al admits that his wife suspected him of being in love with Carrie. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
21 Endgame
When suspected serial killer Walter Morgan is found dead in a Queens warehouse, Carrie knows that it’s only a matter of time before Al learns that she was with him earlier that night seeking information about the murder of her sister Rachel. As improbable as it seems, Carrie suspects that Morgan is framing her for his own murder, so she alerts Joanne to the fact that both her fingerprints and DNA will be found at the crime scene, and that the murder weapon will most likely be her department issue shotgun. Prior to the murder, Carrie received a call from Robert Jensen offering information about Rachel’s death; Carrie tracks the call to a payphone and spots a van parked nearby that triggers a memory of her last conversation with Morgan before he was killed. And when Al arrives as she’s about to look inside, they find Jensen dead from a shotgun blast just like Morgan. After discovering that Morgan was arrested for sexual assault in Salt Lake City five years ago, Roe learns that the charges were dropped when it was found he was in New York when the crime was committed. After Al takes Carrie to task for having maintained contact with Morgan against his orders, Tanya uncovers another suspect in the Utah crime: John Fox, who was a client of Morgan’s 25 years ago. And after putting an old photo of Fox through face-aging software, Tanya discovers that today he and Morgan would look very much alike. Meanwhile, after noting similarities in the body positions at both crime scenes, Carrie finds a coded message that contains a phone number that she believes belongs to Morgan. Suspecting that Fox and Morgan swapped identities years ago, Carrie tells Al to announce that she’s a suspect before she calls the number and finds herself once again talking to the serial killer she has been calling Morgan. With Al and his team waiting close by, Carrie meets Morgan on the Williamsburg Bridge. Suspecting a setup, Morgan admits he’s actually Fox and says the real Morgan was the warehouse murder victim. But as he tries to escape, a scuffle with Al sends him plunging into the river before Carrie can learn what he knows about her sister’s killer. Finally, after piecing together how Fox convinced Morgan to switch identities, Carrie calls a number from a cell phone recovered from Jensen’s body. And after speaking with a Syracuse, New York, detective who is investigating her sister’s murder, she receives a picture of a suspect who’s been arrested and realizes that it is the same man she remembers seeing when she discovered Rachel’s body. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
22 Man In The Woods
Having learned of the arrest of a man who could be her sister’s killer, Carrie and Al travel to their hometown of Syracuse, New York. Overwhelmed by her childhood memories of Rachel’s murder, Carrie realizes that Sam Rhodes, a former Syracuse PD cop being held in connection with the recent murder of 14-year-old Becky Hartley, is the same man she saw at the scene of her sister’s death. While denying any knowledge of how Becky died, Rhodes struggles to explain why he was at the scene when her body was found. And though he claims he was out of town at the time of Becky’s death, Mike and Roe find evidence linking him to a series of unsolved murders of teenagers. After Rhodes is released because of a lack of evidence, Al and Carrie use a warrant for his apartment to uncover files documenting the murders of teenagers going back more than 20 years. But before they can pick him up, Rhodes disappears. Hoping for a lead, Al and Carrie question Becky’s best friend, Katrina Sadler. But after the teenager fails to provide any help, Carrie is kidnapped from a restaurant by Rhodes. Taking her to the same park where her sister died, Rhodes reveals that he actually was the person who found Rachel’s body and that he rescued Carrie from an equally grisly fate. When he reminds her that he told her to forget she ever saw him, Carrie realizes that Rhodes is telling the truth. And after Al and the Syracuse PD arrive at the scene, Rhodes admits that he has spent years looking for Rachel’s killer. When Joanne discovers traces of quarry dust on Becky’s body, Carrie begins to suspect that Katrina’s stepfather, David, may be connected to the murder. When their investigation reveals that David may be linked to the unsolved deaths of other teenagers, too, Al and Carrie head for the Sadler home. And though Lois Sadler claims that David and Katrina are on an overnight camping trip, Carrie quickly sees through the lie and forces her to admit that her husband has kidnapped their daughter. Concluding that Sadler is hoping to use his boat to escape with Katrina to Canada, Carrie and Al hurry to stop him. Heading off Sadler, Carrie ends up in the killer’s sights after she gets between him and Katrina. But after Al arrives in time to stop him from killing again, Sadler is arrested and identified as career criminal Frank Rice. Finally, Carrie realizes that her sister’s murderer is still at large when she learns that Rice was in prison when Rachel was killed. © 2012 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Carrie Wells is an enigmatic former police detective with a rare condition that makes her memory flawless--every place, every conversation, every moment of joy and every heartbreak is forever embedded in her mind.

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